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OPERATION-2024 OPERATION-2023 OPERATION-2022 OPERATION-2021 OPERATION-2020 OPERATION-2019 SASE1-2018 SASE1-2017 Experiment data
  OPERATION-2023 logbook, Contact: F.Wolff-Fabris, A.Galler, L.Samoylova, H.Sinn, all entries  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Datedown Author Group Subject
  470   30 Jul 2024, 10:38 Antje Trapp Solid attenuator arm 5 limit switch

On 27th of July, it was reported that arm 5 of the solid attenuator did not stay in 'out' position when retracted, but moved in immediately again.

Reason was, that the limit switch for the 'out'-position did not trigger, and thus the actuator was in error state. Default for error state is 'in'. In order to keep the arm removed, the default was changed on PLC level for the time being.

Today, 30th of July, we did ZZ to investigate the issue. It was found that the bar that accommodates the upper and lower limit switches had become loose and the limit switches were pressed out of the way by the motion, rather than being triggered.

The reason for the bar becoming loose, probably is a not ideal alignment of pneumatic actuator, guiding rod and limit switch bar, which resulted in a small relative motion between the three. This was fixed and limit switches were again aligned and trigger in both 'in' and 'out' position.

We believe, this will remain stable until WMP, but should be investigated more thoroughly, as we could not reach very well all connections in situ.

Attachment 1: Fastening_the_holding_bar_Solid_Attenuator_SA1_30.07.2024.MOV
Attachment 2: Lateral_Torsion_at_the_very_end_Solid_Attenuator_SA1_30.07.2024.MOV
Attachment 3: Limited_workspace_01_Solid_Attenuator_SA1_30.07.2024.jpg
Attachment 4: Limited_workspace_02_Solid_Attenuator_SA1_30.07.2024.jpg
Attachment 5: Loose_limit_switches_Solid_Attenuator_SA1_30.07.2024.MOV
Attachment 6: Tightened_holding_bar_Solid_Attenuator_SA1_30.07.2024.MOV
  469   18 Apr 2024, 23:19 Jan GruenertPRCIssue

HED informs that they have issues with the HED pulse picker in XTD6. It affects the ongoing experiment, but not to an extent that they cannot continue the beamtime.
It will be more an issue for the next beamtime starting this weekend, therefore they are looking into solutions, working together with DOC and EEE.
They might need a ZZ access to XTD6 to check the pulse picker mechanics outside vacuum.

  467   26 Jan 2024, 15:24 Antje TrappXROend of shift summary

Vertical motors of M3 now calibrated in first iteration and gemetrical neutral calibrated to 0 in motor settings!!!

New HED positions saved in XRO setpoints 'C'

euler calibration not completed for M3

  466   25 Jan 2024, 14:57 Antje TrappXROend of shift summary

It was possible to align to HED in parasitic mode to seeding tests

mirror horizontal position (coating stripes) was optimized as far as possible under parasitic conditions

vertical motors calibration and EulerMDL calibration still to be done - collimated beam needed for that.

  465   24 Jan 2024, 14:00 Antje TrappXROscanning for HED beam

We found reflection of M3 on M2 popin, but could not locate the beam on HED PBLM nor HED_XTD6_SDLBM-1

scanning both horizontally and vertically around previously saved positions on M3 popin.

managed to get beam through to sdlbm-1. No beam found downstream of that.

Saved motor positions in last picture



Attachment 1: scanning-vertical-horizontal_2024-01-24_13-59-55.png
Attachment 2: sdlbm_2024-01-24_14-12-12.png
Attachment 3: Screenshot_from_2024-01-24_15-28-26.png
Attachment 4: mirror-motors__2024-01-24_15-32-14.png
  464   28 Nov 2023, 19:36 Jan GruenertXPDStatus

Ramp down activities completed by XPD. References:

  • SASE1
  • SASE2
    • ...until...
  • SASE3

The XFEL photon beam was switched off as planned at 19h00 sharp.

Machine is preparing for opening the photon tunnels tomorrow morning and to start the winter maintenance period.

  463   26 Nov 2023, 23:26 Adam RoundSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 16.9 keV, up to 30 pulses and 1.1 MHz for alignment, 1 pulse for data collection
  • 800 uJ
  • Beam pointing and corrected with M2 Ry piezo stepping optimizing scatering intensity seen on JF4M

Optical laser delivery

  • None


  • Crystal diffraction data from user samples


  • pointing stability was again an issue but adjusting with M2 Ry piezo stepping optimizing scattering intensity seen on JF4M enabled online correction
  462   25 Nov 2023, 23:45 Chan KimSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 16.9 keV, up to 30 pulses and 1.1 MHz for alignment, 1 pulse for data collection
  • 800 uJ
  • Beam pointing and stability issues towards end of shift (again)

Optical laser delivery

  • None


  • Crystal diffraction data from several samples collected with detector close up two sample to detector position


  • The counts in the pupil has been dropping over the day and less than yesterday (one issue was a YAG screen in SPB_XTD9_IMGPI)
  • pointing stability of beam in the end of the day (similar to yesterday)
  461   25 Nov 2023, 19:56 Chan KimSPBother

Beam drift in the horizontal direction (XTD9_XGM).

From ~16:00, X-ray beam started to drift in the horizontal direction. In total, ~0.3 mm drift observed within 2-3 hours.


Attachment 1: Beam X position in XTD2_XGM and XTD9_XGM

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-11-25_19-54-18.png
  460   24 Nov 2023, 23:11 Chan KimSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 16.9 keV, up to 30 pulses and 1.1 MHz for alignment, 1 pulse for data collection
  • 900 uJ
  • Beam pointing and stability issues towards end of shift

Optical laser delivery

  • None


  • Crystal diffraction data from 4 different samples collected with detector close up two sample to detector position


  • Jungrfau gain visualisation caused some concern - was confirmed with the hlp of DOC to be a known issue that the Medium and low gains are masked in that region leding to dark areas in corrected map
  • sample collision with cone and OSA required realignment of the setup
  • pointing stability of beam in the end of the day (BKR confirmed that the electron orbit is okay. So, we may need to contact PRC)
  459   24 Nov 2023, 20:48 Chan KimSPBother

Beam drift in the horizontal direction (XTD9_XGM x position) started at around 10am and continuously drifted until 16:00.

After then, beam has been drifted back to original position within 4 hours.

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-11-24_20-42-17.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2023-11-24_20-42-08.png
  458   24 Nov 2023, 05:07 Bjoern Senfftleben Sample Camera got stuck (likely at 11pm) and was only noticed at 5am

After going in and reconnecting the camera, we observe att. 1.


According to logs the camera device server was restarted around 11pm, however the camera instance was never reinstantiated after the restart. The Karabo GUI did not indicate that properly, instead showed a frozen image that looked as if the camera works properly.

(see history of camera state in att. 2)

Device Server log shows that after camera connection was lost, the device server restarted?! Was this restart done on purpose?

2023-11-23T23:02:22.499 ERROR  karabo.AravisBasler2Camera  : SQS_AQS_UPP/CAM/A2A1920_2: Could not synchronize timestamp: GigEVision write_memory timeout
2023-11-23T23:02:27.504 ERROR  karabo.AravisCamera  : SQS_AQS_UPP/CAM/A2A1920_2: arv_device_get_float_feature_value failed: GigEVision read_memory timeout
2023-11-23T23:02:30.007 WARN  karabo.AravisCamera  : SQS_AQS_UPP/CAM/A2A1920_2: Control of the camera exflqr50765 is lost
INFO  Successfully loaded plugin: ""
INFO  Successfully loaded plugin: ""
2023-11-23T23:02:33.773 INFO  openMq  : Opened TCP connection to broker %s:%d.
2023-11-23T23:02:33.775 INFO  openMq  : Connection ping enabled (ping interval = %d second).
2023-11-23T23:02:33.778 INFO  openMq  : Connection connected to broker
2023-11-23T23:02:33.778 INFO  : Opened TCP connection to broker tcp://sa3-br-sys-broker-2:7777
2023-11-23T23:02:33.779 INFO  karabo.core.DeviceServer  : Logfiles are written to: "/scratch/xctrl/karabo/var/log/cppServer/sqs_nqs_vmi_cam/device-server.log"
2023-11-23T23:02:34.785 INFO  karabo.xms.SignalSlotable  : Instance starts up in topic 'SQS' as 'cppServer/sqs_nqs_vmi_cam' - Karabo 2.16.6
2023-11-23T23:02:34.786 INFO  cppServer/sqs_nqs_vmi_cam  : DeviceServer starts up with id: cppServer/sqs_nqs_vmi_cam
2023-11-23T23:02:34.786 INFO  cppServer/sqs_nqs_vmi_cam  : Updated list of devices available: AlarmService,AravisBasler2Camera,AravisBaslerCamera,AravisCamera,AravisPhotonicScienceCamera,CameraImageSource,DataLoggerManager,FileDataLogger,FileLogReader,Gotthard2Control,Gotthard2Receiver,GotthardControl,GotthardReceiver,GuiServerDevice,ImageSource,InfluxDataLogger,InfluxLogReader,JungfrauControl,JungfrauReceiver,PropertyTest
2023-11-23T23:02:34.934 INFO  karabo.core.DeviceServer  : Sending instance update as new device plugins are available: AravisBasler2Camera,AravisBaslerCamera
2023-11-23T23:02:34.934 INFO  cppServer/sqs_nqs_vmi_cam  : Keep watching directory: "/scratch/xctrl/karabo/plugins" for Device plugins
2023-11-23T23:02:34.934 INFO  cppServer/sqs_nqs_vmi_cam  : Starting Karabo DeviceServer (pid: 235604) on host: sqs-rr-sys-con-cams-1, serverId: cppServer/sqs_nqs_vmi_cam, Broker: tcp://sa3-br-sys-broker-2:7777
2023-11-23T23:02:35.073 INFO  karabo.core.DeviceServer  : Successfully connected to time server 'SQS_RR_UTC/TSYS/TIMESERVER'


==> Status of Taylor Cone unknown for runs 334 - 401


We had to physically unplug and replug the ethernet cable to the camera to get it to work again.

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-11-24_05-01-47.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2023-11-24_05-09-07.png
Attachment 3: Screenshot_from_2023-11-24_05-18-07.png
  457   23 Nov 2023, 23:12 Adam RoundSPBShift end

Staff: AR, MS, DM, KK, RL, RdW

X-ray delivery

  • 16.9 keV, up to 30 pulses and 1.1 MHz for alignment, 1 pulse for data collection
  • 900 uJ
  • Beam down around 1h

Optical laser delivery

  • None


  • XTD2 lenses were realigned
  • Crystal diffraction data from lysozyme and MOF collected with detector close up


  • Beam down around 1h
  • Once again we lost connection to JF4M module 01 requiering reset of receivers.
  456   23 Nov 2023, 22:15 Jörg HallmannMIDShift summary

progress with the Damnit - XPCS analysis test with various samples (SiO2, Ludox etc.)

tested some external samples P3HT, SOD1 but it looks like conventional XPCS is not working (signal too low - increasing transmission leads to radiation damage in both cases)

checked the diamond attenuators in the tunnel & optics hutch - all thicknesses indicated in the scenes seem to be correct


issue: AGIPD HV switched off by itself - ramping up again was possible

  455   22 Nov 2023, 23:18 Raphael de WijnSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 16.9 keV, up to 30 pulses and 1.1 MHz for alignment, 1 pulse for data collection
  • 700-800 uJ
  • stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • None


  • More data collection with Jungfrau at the back of the CSS
  • Crystal diffraction data from salicylic acid, ibuprofen and MOF collected with detector close up


  • Clear aberations from our CRLs, so we operate with as few as possible
  • Twice during data collection we lost connection to JF4M module 01 requiering reset of receivers.
  454   22 Nov 2023, 22:48 Johannes MoellerMIDShift summary

*Tests for online XPCS pipeline ongoing
*beam optimization with power slits, current beam size 8x13um (v x h), we assign the larger value in the horizontal direction to jitter
*Movement of the AGIPD quadrants to increase q range to lower values
*analysis and update of Sample to detector distance and geometry
*ScannerX of the FSSS is crashing very! frequently.

  453   22 Nov 2023, 10:19 Johannes MoellerMIDIssue

The Si 0.5mm absorber of XTD1 attenuator seems to be damaged. First screenshot is with that one inserted. In the second screenshot, it is replaced with a Si 0.5mm from MID_XTD6_ATT.


Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-11-22_10-15-34.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2023-11-22_10-14-47.png
  452   21 Nov 2023, 23:29 Adam RoundSPBShift end

Staff: AR, MS, DM, RL, RdW

X-ray delivery

  • 16.9 keV, up to 30 pulses and 1.1 MHz for alignment, 1 pulse for data collection
  • stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • None


  • Beam aligned down to zyla cam 3
  • CRLs were inserted but created too much speckles on Jungfrau and we couldn't reach the expected 80 um beam size for the users lenses (arms 6 and 7 unusable, arm 4 hole feature in beam)
  • user lenses aligned
  • User beamstop installed to block 1st order line in horizontal direction
  • Collected several speckle tracking data scans without our CRLs - to give initial estimates for focus
  • Jungfrau timing confirmed - signal observed


  • Could not see signal with the thin sample and the CRLs inserted
  • clear aberations from our CRLs
  • CRL arm 4 motors were not moving. To recover it, we connected the motor and encoder cables from the pinhole arm.
  451   20 Nov 2023, 07:12 Jayanath KoliyaduSPBShift end

X-ray delivery

  • 1.3-1.7 mJ, 10.7 keV, 1-100 pulses, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • None


  • Installation of imaging optics and alignment


  • No major issue today
  450   19 Nov 2023, 06:54 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 1.3-1.7 mJ, 10.7 keV, 1-100 pulses, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • None


  • Aligned beam trajectory for 10.7 keV direct beam
  • Installation of imaging optics


  • No major issue today
  449   18 Nov 2023, 06:42 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 1.3-1.7 mJ, 10.7 keV, 1-100 pulses, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • None


  • Aligned beam trajectory for 10.7 keV direct beam
  • Installation of imaging optics


  • No major issue today.
  448   17 Nov 2023, 06:55 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 1.3-1.7 mJ, 10.7 keV, 1-100 pulses, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • None


  • Aligned beam trajectory for 10.7 keV direct beam
  • Installation of imaging optics


  • Intensity flucutations when SA3 changing number of pulses, it is related to automatic kicker adaptation.
  • AGIPD chiller was not working
  447   16 Nov 2023, 06:56 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 1.3-1.7 mJ, 10.7 keV, 1-100 pulses, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • None


  • Aligned beam trajectory for 10.7 keV direct beam
  • Optimized the microscopy table position and references
  • Alingment of spectrometer and first and second crystal


  • Intensity flucutations when SA3 changing number of pulses, it is related to automatic kicker adaptation.
  • AGIPD preview update speed was slow
  446   15 Nov 2023, 07:10 Jayanath KoliyaduSPBShift end

X-ray delivery

  • 1.3-1.7 mJ, 1-30 pulses, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • None


  • Aligned beam trajectory for 10.7 keV direct beam
  • Optimized the microscopy table position and references
  • Initial alignment and test of test of spectrometer crystal
  445   13 Nov 2023, 07:16 Loic Le GuyaderSCSshift summary

# Shift Summary

 - Measured elastic line with 3000 l/mm and 1000 l/mm grating on NiO sample

- only 50% of trains with jungfrau data in burst mode are saved in the DAQ. Likely an issue with DAQ configuration.
- we couldn't achieve a good focus on the sample and in the spectrometer. Reason unclear.

  444   12 Nov 2023, 07:24 Benjamin van KuikenSCSNight shift summary

# Shift Summary

 - Found RIXS signal from CuO as well as off-resonant elastic line signals from NiO and CoO
 - Found a potentially optimal exit arm setting and checked theta angle of sample
 - Determined energy calibration

 - Overall signal levels were quite low of CoO and NiO samples. This meant we had to work with open exit slits. Long scans would be required for optimization at HR conditions
- Interpolation procedure was giving lower signal as compared to direct integration. Algorithm needs to be checked. Analysis with no interpolation and curve correction is available in Software folder LLG/elastic_line_analysis.ipynb

Plan for next shift
- continue with optimization of hRIXS resolution

Attachment 1: p6696-r59.png
  443   10 Nov 2023, 17:39 Jan GruenertXPDSA2 status

End of 30 keV study

The machine finished their attemps for 30 keV tuning while using NEPAL injector laser, unfortunately unsuccessful.
They could not obtain lasing, and all the pulse energy shown during the day on the level of about 20 uJ was only background, no lasing (as confirmed with FEL imager).

The machine has now switched to 24 keV, HIREX was extracted, XGMs adapted accordingly. Preabsorber was inserted, and CRL1 lenses all retracted.
SA2 beamline is in a safe state for machine tuning.

Attachment 1: JG_2023-11-10_um_17.55.00.png
  442   10 Nov 2023, 14:10 Antje TrappXROEuler MDL bugfix - motor velocities restored after stop

The Euler MDL was updated, so that velocities are restored to standard values also after the stop button was hit before motion was finished.

Please be aware that due to the synchronized motion, which is neccessary to keep the beam on the screen, some motors may move for a longer time with very slow speed (main reason - backlash compensation). We are working on a solution with a minimum speed.

!!! Euler calibration values are NOT connected to motor velocities and it is crucial for the functionality of the MDL that these stay as they are !!!

  441   07 Nov 2023, 15:57 Janni Eidam KW44 - Leak in Solid Attenuator

There was a leak in the Solid Attenuator that increased on Saturday morning when SPB moved the arm number 4 (see last entry ID 236).

We were lucky that a balance developed between the leak and the pumping of the ion pumps, so by setting the setpoints of the three most affected ionpumps to 5x10-5 mbar we could survive the weekend and save the beamtime. 

On Monday Maik and I then entered the tunnel to fix the leak. The need of breaking the interlock to bring a dewar and a pumpcart was already discussed on Saturday/Sunday with the PRC (Jan Grünert) and BKR. So Maik and I could enter on Monday afternoon at around 13:20. We found out that the bellow of the arm number 4 is the leaky one which we removed then and put a blind flange. So the XTD 2 solid attenuator has two removed arms now (see photo).

After about half an hour of pumping both ion pumps on the Solid Attenuator were already in the good 10-6 mbar range. We also set back the setpoint of the three pumps P10160I, P10170I and P10180I to the default value 5x10-6 mbar and put the bridge for the end switch on the connector (see picture). The whole work including cleanup in the tunnel could be finished around 19:15 and the tunnel search crew could then set the interlock back.

So the acute problem with the leak could be solved for first now, but there was no time for the activation of the NEC pump. This should be kept in mind for the next shutdown, when we hopefully have spare parts and can anyway replace the arms number 4 and 5. 

We packed the removed actuator and diamond plate in foil and they are next to the radiation protection release box now and waiting for release (see photo). Email was sent to radiation protection officer.

Thanks to Maik for help and a nice working time yesterday and to Michaela for helping us to bring all the things to the XHE3 shaft building! Thanks also to Raul for talking to BKR as PRC and arranging the final tunnel access appointment!

Attachment 1: 20231106_180901.jpg
Attachment 2: 20231106_175457.jpg
Attachment 3: 20231106_175612.jpg
Attachment 4: 20231106_185102_(1).jpg
  440   05 Nov 2023, 16:14 Jan GruenertPRCStatus

Finally, we're completely back in operation,
and the performance is recovered in all beamlines.

See also ttfinfo, e.g.

  439   05 Nov 2023, 12:47 Jan GruenertPRCIssue

North branch down : another e-beam magnets problem

RC informs 12h45 that the linac and the south branch are back in operation and performance is as before the issues with the A21 quadrupole.
However, during the access to XTL, additional manget problems occurred in the T4 and SA3 section.
Several magnet power supplies failed several times, MPS is working on this issue.
Additionally the SA3 burn-through radiation safety monitor was triggered which requires an onsite intervention by D3.
The downtime for SA1/SA3 is expected to last at least one hour.

  438   05 Nov 2023, 12:18 Jan GruenertPRCIssue

Accelerator down 9h23 - 12h

RC / BKR informs (10am), that due to a quadrupole power supply failure in A21 a tunnel access to XTL is required.
After the XTL intervention finished, BKR started beam in SA2 at 12h09.

However, when sending beam to SA1/3 a new problem occurred with magnets in that branch, which at the moment makes it impossible to deliver beam to SA1/SA3.
The experts are on their way, we will update when there is new information.

  437   05 Nov 2023, 04:08 Angel Rodriguez FernandezMIDShift summary
  • stable SASE beam delivery with 1mJ pulse energy
  • we took data for different optical laser excitation fluences and delays
  • we changed from the optical lock to the electronic lock to measure also longer delays.
  436   04 Nov 2023, 13:49 Jan GruenertPRCIssue

(Temporary) solution for the vacuum incident in SA1

This morning at 7h18 the vacuum interlock of SA1 closed the beamline valves and thus stopped the XFEL beam delivery for SA1 and SA3.
The reason was a real vacuum problem, with vacuum pressure critically rising in the SA1_XTD2_ATT solid attenuator.
Thanks to VAC-OCD and a workaround it was possible to re-establish beam operation SA1/SA3 already by 8h50, but the problem is not fixed !

History data shows that movements of ATT progressively deteriorated the vacuum since FRI 3.11.2023 morning.
At the moment it is stabilized at a high level, but any further significant deterioration of the vacuum level in ATT would make a tunnel intervention unavoidable.

A vacuum work intervention in the tunnel will cause a beam delivery downtime for SA1/SA3 of at least 5 hours
as we know from a similar previous cases(*). This including an extensive XTD2 undulator tunnel search,
which is required because this cannot happen as ZZ but interlock must be broken.

In order to protect the user beamtimes in SA1 (SPB/SFX) and SA3 (SQS),
the following is necessary and agreed by the coordinators (PRC+RC) and VAC:

1) It is not allowed to move ATT until VAC has repaired the leak (PRC has locked the device)
2) VAC group will enter XTD2 after the user beamtimes end on monday, and will work on removing the vacuum leak. This will affect the FD studies scheduled for monday.
3) SPB confirms that they can work in the current (OUT) state of the XTD2 attenuator
4) If FXE (in-house beamtime) cannot work with these same conditions as SPB/SFX (ATT out), then the FXE beamtime is cancelled
5) FXE is requested to contact PRC by phone

  435   04 Nov 2023, 08:15 Jan GruenertPRCIssue

Beam down for SASE1/3: SASE1 XTD2 vacuum issue

Vacuum interlock of the SA1 / XTD2 solid attenuator area triggered closing beamline gatevalves.
VAC-OCD is investigating. No beam possible for SA1/SA3 since 7h18.

The vacuum interlock trip is a real vacuum problem. It could be temporarily circumvented to re-establish beam operation in SA1/SA3, BUT IT IS NOT FIXED.
Beam re-established at 8h50.

Currently all attenuators arms are OUT. The vacuum pressure is still high, returned below critical, but any attenuator movement can increase the vacuum pressure from the leak.
Further assessment by VAC in the next hour(s) will decide if a tunnel intervention must happen today or can be delayed until after the weekend.

Attachment 1: JG_2023-11-04_um_09.34.41.png
  434   04 Nov 2023, 02:29 Johannes MoellerMIDShift summary
  • Stable delivery of SASE at 18 keV. The intensity dropped slightly from 1mJ to 0.88mJ during the evening, but everything good.
  • fixed the laser pulse-on-demand + FSSS scanning macro
  • We take some images series of the laser drilling process for different laser fluences
  • We started to take first time resolved data
  433   03 Nov 2023, 02:08 Johannes MoellerHEDShift summary
  • stable 18 keV SASE delivery
  • measurement of siemens star in the morning
  • alignment of phase plate for the nano focussing lenses
  • testing and debugging of the pulse on demand macro
  • holography test measurements and optimization of online analysis
  • alignment of user samples


  • FSSS ScannerX had to be shutdown and initiated quite often
  • We lost the output of the pp laser at 22:30. Laser OCD could solve the problem and the laser was back at 23:45.
  432   02 Nov 2023, 23:25 Chan KimSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 19 keV, ~0.9 mJ/pulse, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  •  no


  • Tried many possibilities to fix the jitter issue. We covered everything we could think of, but in the end it was not possible as we could not avoid restricting ourselves from the 0.4s delay required for the ultrasound, making us then suffer from the inter-train jitter.
  • Returned to operational experiment setup, eventhough suffering from the jitter issue.


  • High jitter from output of transducer (Ch 2in oscilloscope) could not be solved.
  • Turbopumps went off, then we realized multiple power sockets were powerless (F7,8,9,10,11). We connected the turbos to another socket to resume operation, after which the previous sockets were also fixed. We must reconnect the turbos to the typical sockets sometime soon, best expectation to be comming Monday.
  431   02 Nov 2023, 19:37 Jan GruenertPRCStatus

Typical delivery status during daytime during the week:

  • SA1 at 19 keV : 841 uJ +/- 41 uJ
  • SA2 at 18 keV : 990 uJ +/- 80 uJ
  • SA3 at 3.0 keV : 2900 uJ +/- 138 uJ

SD for a stable 2 hours long interval, fast XGM train average (INTENSITY.RAW.TRAIN)

Attachment 1: JG_2023-11-02_um_16.35.54.png
  430   02 Nov 2023, 02:28 Johannes MoellerMIDShift summary
  • stable delivery of 1mJ SASE at 18keV
  • NAFO lens characterization with caustic scan
  • successful detector calibration of AGIPD with LaB6 and alignment of Jungfrau to diffraction signal with LaB6
  • test of ptychography with 18keV (not successful)
  • successful setup of online holography analysis with test measurements
  429   01 Nov 2023, 22:57 Chan KimSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 19 keV, ~0.9 mJ/pulse, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  •  no


  • Finalized allignment
  • Got successful runs with impact from sound eventhough often timing misaligned due to jitter


  • High jitter from output of transducer (Ch 2in oscilloscope) is problematic
  428   01 Nov 2023, 02:22 Johannes MoellerMIDShift summary
  • stable delivery of 1mJ at 18keV SASE
  • succesful beamline alignment for MID (CRLs + M1 and M2) with mono.
  • alignment of NAFO stack to DES and zyla camera with SASE and monochromatic beam
  • setup of DES spectrometer for 18keV on 440 reflection with SASE
  • timing of PP laser with perpendicular excitation condition with diode and YAG

Mirror M2 needs 30min to move from SASE to Mono position

  427   31 Oct 2023, 23:08 Chan KimSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 19keV, 700-800uj

Optical laser delivery

  •  ns laser


  • Vacuum pipe and He pipe for diamond outcoupling installed
  • Aligned beam to downstream
  • Saw the beam at tower position (Zyla camera)
  426   30 Oct 2023, 23:18 Jan GruenertPRCStatus

At the end of the MON late shift, the tuning status and obtained lasing pulse energies (ATT#1) are as follows:

  • SA1 at 19 keV : 660 uJ +/- 23 uJ
  • SA2 at 18 keV : 1073 uJ +/- 55 uJ
  • SA3 at 1.2 keV : 4330 uJ +/- 122 uJ

SD for a stable 2 min interval, fast XGM train average (INTENSITY.RAW.TRAIN)

More tuning will happen overnight, and for SA3 the photon energies 2.5keV and 3.0 keV will also be prepared.

Attachment 1: JG_2023-10-30_um_23.15.36.png
  425   30 Oct 2023, 14:36 Jan GruenertPRCIssue

The EPD reading system at the turnstiles of XTD10 entrance were not working this morning.
A necessary ZZ access to XTD10 could not be performed in the morning and had to be postponed.
Resetting the system by Michael Prollius was not sufficient.
At 14h20 XO informed that the EPD system was fixed by D3 (an issue with Windows passwords) and again operational.
The ZZ access by XRO concerning VSLIT is therefore proceeding now.

  424   30 Oct 2023, 07:10 Raphael de WijnSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 7.8keV, ~2.5mj, no beam before 1:15am
  • One undulator was not moving, expert was called

Optical laser delivery

  • ns laser for particle imaging


  • RGA used for quantitative gas BG analysis
  • Collected more data from 55 nm Ag cube
  • Collected some sucrose data
  • Collected gold bipyramids data


  • Could not get sucrose droplets delivered to the interation point while injecting He at the bottom of the skimmer. As soon as it was enough He to decrease N, droplets desappeared.
  • Still some questionmarks regarding the gas flows through the skimmer section into the chamber. More tests in the lab necessary.
  423   28 Oct 2023, 14:52 Konopkova ZuzanaHEDShift summary

Beam parameters: 18 keV, 1 pulse, 600 uJ

- user beamtime started Friday, the 27th and going smoothly until now and we are in data collection mode

- shock compression setup with XRD and DiPOLE

- machine performance very stable in pulse energies with little downtimes

  422   27 Oct 2023, 06:35 Chan KimSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 7.8keV, 2.5mj, stable delivery, homogeneos intra train energy most of the time.

Optical laser delivery

  • ns laser for particle imaging


  • RGA installed and used for quantitative gas BG analysis
  • Data (55 nm Ag cube) and gas BG (no sample) measured with two different gases (N2 and He)
  • BG roughly 3.5x better with 3 l/min He flow, but only about 2x better with 3 L/min He + N2/CO2 for stable Tayler cone


  • Pulses often changed from 352 to 28 for no apparent reason, discovered later that it was happening when closing silicon 500 XTD2 arm (elog:421)
  421   27 Oct 2023, 03:19 Chan KimSPBIssue

We observed auto changes of the number of X-ray pulses last night and tonight.

It is related to 500 um thick Si attenuator in XTD2_ATT.

Even with 2.4 mm thick CVD (XTD2_ATT) IN, the number of pulses @SA1 changes to 28 whenever we insert 500 um thick Si attenuator.

Watchdog triggered this process. It has to be updated.


First row in the atttachment: The number of X-ray pulses @ SA1

Second row in the attachment: Status of 2.4 mm thick CVD in XTD2_ATT

Third row in the attachment: Status of 0.5 mm thick Si in XTD2_ATT

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-10-27_03-09-25.png
  420   26 Oct 2023, 23:25 Robert CarleySCSLate shift summary, 26.10.2023


  1. Continued with tr-RIXS

No problems

  418   26 Oct 2023, 15:03 Sergii, TeguhSCSMorning shift summary, 26.10.2023

Morning shift summary, 26.10.2023


  1. Continued measuring tr-RIXS at different laser fluences


  1. The max-jhub notebook server was very slow this morning around 9-10 h. DOC was informed, but the slowness has improved without any action from either them or our side. The reason for this slowness is still unknown, but the max-jhub server has come back to normal for now.
  417   26 Oct 2023, 07:13 Andreas Scherz / Eugenio ParisSCSnight shift summary

Night shift summary

- Recovered time0 on SiN (time0 moved >20ps after FEL beam loss in the evening)
- Collected static RIXS (actually with laser but negative delay) at the CDW at 113 kHz for different temperatures to investigate the effect of heating from the x-rays and from the laser

- during late shift and after a beam dump in the evening, trRIXS signal could not be recovered. By checking the rough timing, they found a change in the x-ray arrival time of the order of >20 ps. 
- We checked the beamline alignment and found that the pointing from the machine was off, requiring BKR to tune We also found that the photon energy offset between mono and undulators changed. Beam looked horizontally diffracted and the beam pointing moved in horizontal and was hitting the horizontal slits. We translated the open horizontal slits and pitch the beam properly into SCS branch with M5.

  416   26 Oct 2023, 07:10 Chan KimSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 7.8keV, 2.4mj, stable delivery, homogeneos intra train energy most of the time.

Optical laser delivery

  • ns laser for particle imaging


  • AGIPD BG optimized by opening Q2 & Q4 quadrants a few pixels and adding Pb shield on IRU_SLIT4
  • NKB focused optimized
  • Data (75 nm Ag cube) and gas BG (no sample) measured with two different gases (N2 and He)


  • AGIPD BG near the center (1-2 pixels) were quite strong even with tight sliting, but issue solved by opening two quadrants (Q2 & Q4) and moving CSS about 1-2 pixels (elog:12731)
  • Found additional AGIPD BG in Q2M1 module (mid-Q range), but issue solved by adding Pd shield on IRU_SLIT4 (elog:12734)
  419   26 Oct 2023, 06:48 Diogo Filipe Monrroy Vilan e Melo Shift summary 25.10.2023

Staff: DM, CK, KK, JB, SR (SEC), LW (Uppsala university), MM (GU)

X-ray delivery

  • 7.8keV, 2.4mj, stable delivery, homogeneos intra train energy most of the time.

Optical laser delivery

  • ns laser for particle imaging


  • AGIPD BG optimized by opening Q2 & Q4 quadrants a few pixels and adding Pb shield on IRU_SLIT4
  • NKB focused optimized
  • Data (75 nm Ag cube) and gas BG (no sample) measured with two different gases (N2 and He)


  • AGIPD BG near the center (1-2 pixels) were quite strong even with tight sliting, but issue solved by opening two quadrants (Q2 & Q4) and moving CSS about 1-2 pixels (elog:12731)
  • Found additional AGIPD BG in Q2M1 module (mid-Q range), but issue solved by adding Pd shield on IRU_SLIT4 (elog:12734)

Instrument status

  • AGIPD HV off.
  • AGIPD gate valve closed and pinned.
  • Attenuators set to thickest diamond.
  • Vacuum valves closed.

To do for next shift

  • Check focus and slit position and continue the program (data measurement).
  415   25 Oct 2023, 15:18 Sergii, TeguhSCSMorning Shift Summary, 25.10.2023

Morning Shift Summary, 25.10.2023


  1. Re-aligned FEL beam pointing and beamline mirrors after XGM intensity drop due to slow beam pointing drift over night.
  2. Continued taking momentum-dependent tr-REXS data.


  1. There was slow drift of FEL beam pointing over night, causing XGM intensity to slowly drop over time.
  2. The slow drop of XGM intensity continues even after beamline alignment. Compared to morning, the XGM intensity has dropped by ~10%.
  3. It is advisable to re-check the beam pointing again some time before the night shift due to correct for this beam drift problem.
  414   25 Oct 2023, 15:10 Sergii, TeguhSCSMorning Shift Summary, 24.10.2023

Morning Shift Summary, 24.10.2023


  1. Re-aligned the beamline after maintenance
  2. Found time zero using SiN at 300 K
  3. Change the He dewar and cooled down back to 20 K
  4. Adjusted the AFS laser parameters to recover the proper experiment settings
  5. Started taking tr-RIXS with several time delay points


  1. The AFS laser power is smaller than last week

Next shift plan:

  1. Continue taking tr-RIXS data
  411   25 Oct 2023, 06:02 Chan KimSPBother

Issue solved (elog:410) after changing NKB mirror coating to B4C.


Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-10-25_05-27-43.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2023-10-25_05-27-13.png
  412   25 Oct 2023, 06:02 Diogo Filipe Monrroy Vilan e Melo Shift Summary

Staff: DM, CK, KK

X-ray delivery

  • 7.8keV, 2.4mj, stable delivery, homogeneos intra train energy most of the time.
  • SASE 3 background

Optical laser delivery

  • no laser used


  • Aligned until IRU, until before full beam test


  • Valve after AGIPD was disconnected elog:12718
  • SASE 3 background affecting beam focus at IRU elog 12722
  • AGIPD scattering, could not solve fully with slits, to be improved tomorrow

Instrument status

  • AGIPD HV off.
  • AGIPD gate valve closed and pinned.
  • Attenuators set to thickest diamond.
  • Vacuum valves closed.

To do for next shift

  • Continue with alignment, then experiment.
  • Check slits or other solution for AGIPD scattering
  • Confirm the beam focus impact from SASE 3 background, after we moved NKB coating (verify if it remains)
  410   25 Oct 2023, 04:48 Chan KimSPBIssue

SA3 background is very strong and it affects our NKB (nano KB, Ru coating) focus.


Attachment 1: optimized NKB focus with 1 pulse @SA3

Attachment 2: optimized NKB focus + SA3 BG with 375 pulses @SA3

Attachment 3: optimized NKB focus with 375 pulses @SA3

Attachment 4: optimized NKB focus with 375 pulses @SA3, but after changing number of pulses to 1 @SA3

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-10-25_02-37-38.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2023-10-25_02-42-21.png
Attachment 3: Screenshot_from_2023-10-25_02-35-35.png
Attachment 4: Screenshot_from_2023-10-25_02-36-16.png
  413   25 Oct 2023, 02:43 Diogo Filipe Monrroy Vilan e Melo SASE 3 background heavily impacts our focus

Attch 1: We were having trouble focusing at IRU chamber. After multiple attempts the best we could achieve was 2.9-3.1 um beam.

Attch 2: We then wanted to test if this was caused by the SASE 3 background, after them changing from >350 pulses to 1, we saw an instant improvement of ~0.5um down to 2.3 um beamsize.

Attch 3: After optimizing without SASE 3 background, we got down to 1.9 um (1 um less then with SASE 3).

Attch 4: Finally, after SASE 3 changing back to their <350 pulses the beam now changed from 1.9 to 3.9 um! (instead of the previous 3.1um)


This because the SASE1+SASE3 focus =/= SASE1 focus....


We did not have much time to tune the beam without SASE 3 background, we should think about managing this tomorrow during alignment, and also for data collection...

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-10-25_02-21-29.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2023-10-25_02-36-16.png
Attachment 3: Screenshot_from_2023-10-25_02-37-38.png
Attachment 4: Screenshot_from_2023-10-25_02-42-21.png
  409   24 Oct 2023, 19:26 Thomas PrestonHEDIssue

Vacuum issue at HED

At 18:26 the vacuum failed in the HED CRL3 chamber in the OPTs hutch. The vacuum failed in the section and tripped the valves in the OPT hutch; it went from 1e-8 to 5 mbar in seconds. The leak is confined to the CRL chamber -- the sections upstream and downstream are not compromised and still have good vacuum. Therefore we believe the leak to be in one of the bellows of the CRL arms. This needs to be investigated tomorrow by the technicians.

The late shift is cancelled since we cannot continue with lens alignment. The night shift may continue with work on the DiPOLE laser - up to them.

BKR is informed that they may use the time for tuning.

Attachment 1: Vac_issue_2023-10-24-18-50-16.png
  408   23 Oct 2023, 06:46 Laurent MercadierSCSNight shift summary, 23.10.2023




Night shift summary, 23.10.2023

Phuong, Laurent


  • Aligned over doped sample


  • Could not find time zero
  407   23 Oct 2023, 05:15 Raphael de WijnSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 13.6 keV, ~1.6 mJ and up to 352 pulses at 1.1 MHz.
  • Beam down from 10:30 to 19:00.

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, 50 fs, 1 to 176 pulses at 564 kHz pumping TOPAS at 475 nm.
  • Stable delivery.


  • PP laser and X-ray spatial and timing overlap.
  • Collected data for ~7.5h.
  • Very stable sample delivery.
  406   23 Oct 2023, 01:38 Sergii , GiacomoSCSLate shift summary 22.10.2023

-Check XAS and static RIXS after the beam was back
-Do the warm up cycle to remove ice from the sample surface
-Check coarse timing after the beam drop
-Could not see the fine timing signal so far

  405   23 Oct 2023, 01:10 Alexey ZozulyaMIDShift summary

*Finish measurement program on the STO sample at room temperature
*Check mono fpitch and energy rocking curve
*Darks for AGIPD and JF
*take out mono, CRLs etc from the tunnel

Beam delivery:

*Beam was not available from 11:30 to 19:30. Returned to good conditions back at  ~2mJ, 10.5keV, 15bunches


  404   22 Oct 2023, 13:21 Benjamin van KuikenSCSShift summary

Morning shift Summary 22.10.2023


  • Checked beam alignment and overlap
  • confirmed sample integrity with static rixs on other sample locations

  • beam down after 11 am. No chance to resume till at least 18:00h

  403   22 Oct 2023, 07:34 Laurent, PhuongSCSnight shift summary, 22.10.2023

Night shift summary 22.10.2023

Laurent, Phuong
-Collecting static RIXS data at different FEL repitition rates
-Continue collecting TR-RIXS data for different fluences
-No major problems

  402   22 Oct 2023, 00:27 Raphael de WijnSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 13.6 keV, ~1.6 mJ and up to 352 pulses at 1.1 MHz.
  • Beam down until around 1PM.
  • After agreement with FXE, we could collect data until midnight.

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, 50 fs, 1 to 176 pulses at 564 kHz pumping TOPAS at 475 nm.
  • PP laser down for ~4h. Facility cooling water for the AMPHOS chiller was down, solved by LAS and TS OCD (controller had to be replaced).


  • PP laser and X-ray spatial and timing overlap.
  • Collected pump-probe data ~1.5h until PP laser down, then dark data on a different sample and then again ~1.5h pump-probe at the end of the shift


  • Beam down in the morning.
  • PP laser down in the evening.
  401   21 Oct 2023, 23:34 Sergii, GiacomoSCSLate shift summary 21.10.2023

-Collecting TR-RIXS data for different fluencies and delay range
-No major problems

  400   21 Oct 2023, 15:34 Benjamin van KuikenSCS Shift Summary

# Morning Shift Summary 21.10.23

Ben, Eugenio

* Found maximum of CDW with theta scan
* set up for time-resolved measurements

* FEL was down most of the shift due. Beam delivered around 12:30

  399   21 Oct 2023, 06:30 Laurent, PhuongSCSNight shift summary 21.10.2023

Night shift summary 21.10.2023


  • Found T0 on SiN, but the response is very slow (~10 ps).
  • Azimuth (phi) scan
  • Start of theta scan with optimized phi


  • Even after finding T0 on SiN, still could not find T0 on sample with XAS
  • Beam down at 5:25
  398   20 Oct 2023, 23:22 Sergii, GiacomoSCSLate Shift Summary on 20.10.2023

Late shift summary 20.10.2023

-Switched AFS to burst mode
-Characterized PPL beam size
-Found coarse timing
-Working on fine timing with TR_XAS
-SCS_XGM data recorded with some mismatch that the run could not be loaded for an offline analysis with XGM. Other channels are fine.

  397   20 Oct 2023, 23:10 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 13.6 keV, ~1.6 mJ and up to 352 pulses at 1.1 MHz.
  • Beam down at 22:47, not recovered before the end of the shift. Otherwise stable delivery.

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, 50 fs, 1 to 176 pulses at 564 kHz pumping TOPAS at 475 nm.
  • Intensity modulations through the burst during the second half of the day. Solved by LAS OCD. Otherwise stable delivery.


  • Remounting of diagnostics stack under the injector.
  • PP laser and X-ray spatial and timing overlap.
  • Collected data from noon until beam down towards the end of the shift.


  • Discrepancies between delay calculated by OpticalDelay device and motor encoder position appearing from time to time.
  • Karabo GUI crashed twice when after pressing enter while editing a table.
  396   20 Oct 2023, 15:22 Benjamin van KuikenSCSMorning Shift Summary


  • Tested MCPs and APD for XAS
    • Both MCPs give a good XAS spectrum with no amplification, but small MCP requires higher bias voltage
    • No fluorescence signal observed on the APD
  • Measured XAS of both samples
  • Measured static RIXS of under-doped sample


  • None

Plan for next shift

  • Sample alignment (half clip+diffraction)
  • Switch AFS laser to burst mode and find timing
  395   19 Oct 2023, 23:30 Jayanath KoliyaduSPBShift end

X-ray delivery

  • 13.6 keV, ~1.7 mJ and up to 352 pulses at 1.1 MHz

Optical laser delivery

  • PP laser, 1 to 202 pulses, stable delivery except for the down time of ~1h


  • user sample data collected for ~1.5h
  • PP laser timing scans done
  • new adapter for the screens holder designed, machined and installed


  • sample was growing on the adapter, preventing data collection
  • new adapter is too far downstream, partially shadowing sample diffraction on the lower corners of the detector
  • PP laser down for ~1h
  394   18 Oct 2023, 23:19 Raphael de WijnSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 13.6 keV, ~1.8 mJ and up to 352 pulses at 1.1 MHz

Optical laser delivery

  • PP laser, amphos laser computer in error for ~2h


  • x-ray beam aligned and focused
  • PP laser optimization done
  • AGIPD background reduced to 1-2 photons diffuse scattering


  • Beam down ~2h
  • PP laser down for ~2h
  • AGIPD tripped due to pressure spike, currently all off
  393   18 Oct 2023, 02:09 Alexey ZozulyaMIDShift summary

Shift summary (p4239)
- HXSS beam at 10.5 keV at 400 uJ pulse energy
- MID beam alignment to DES
- aligned DES spectrometer for C220 reflection on Gotthard and flight path;
-    Seeding crystal was stuck in parked position and could not be inserted back (late evening); to be investigated via ZZ access tomorrow

  392   17 Oct 2023, 23:23 Raphael de WijnSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 13.6 keV, ~1.6 mJ and up to 202 pulses at 0.5 MHz

Optical laser delivery

  • PP laser, stable delivery


  • User sample delivery tested
  • M1 and M2 aligned
  • x-ray beam aligned and focused
  • PP laser spatial and temporal alignment done
  • AGIPD background reduction to be optimized: still one photon diffuse scattering and ten photons scattering on the top right quadrant
  391   16 Oct 2023, 05:05 Konopkova ZuzanaHEDExperiment summary

Beam parameters: 18.8 keV, 350-600 uJ, 1 pulse

Experiment: Shock compression experiments using DiPOLE 70 J + XRD

- run through most of the users targets, largely succesful

- photon delivery very stable on Sunday until Monday morning

- the beam went down on Monday 6am for an hour but got an extra hour until 8am, which is appreciated



- HED XGM stopped showig controlData.slowTrain from about 4:30 AM. There seems to be some problem with the fast data

  390   15 Oct 2023, 04:43 Konopkova ZuzanaHEDShift summary
  • the initial 600-700 uJ of pulse energy at the beginning of the user beamtime dropped down to 300-350 uJ over night from 14th to 15th. The operators did not seem to be able to bring the pulse energy above 500 uJ, which is where it was after the RC's intervention in the morning. Is it possible to bring up the energy in the morning?
  389   14 Oct 2023, 09:48 Frederik Wolff-FabrisPRCStatus

Machine went down overnight (4AM and 6AM) and could not be properly restarted by BKR.

Ongoing tuning is proceeding with RC onsite since 6AM; Instruments are informed and in direct contact to BKR.

Status 09:45AM: SA1 ~3mJ; SA2: ~500uJ; SA3 being restarted

Status 11:10AM: Beam restored in all SASEs; SA1 delivery from 10AM; SA2 delivery from 11:10; SA3 delivery from 10:45

  388   14 Oct 2023, 04:04 Chan KimSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 7.8 keV, up to 260 pulses at 1.1MHz, ~3 mJ

Optical laser delivery

  • PP laser, stable delivery


  • NKB focus optimized with reduced PSLIT (both MKB and EHU) opening
  • Found the orgin of the BG (mostly from AGIPD gun shield)
  • Stable AGIPD operation


  • Beam slitting with PSLITs & IRU_SLITs does not help in reducing the BG from the AGIPD Gun-shield
  • Placing additional Pb shield on the injector tip does not help (BG source is in between injector and AGIPD)
  387   13 Oct 2023, 10:19 Theophilos MaltezopoulosXPDIssue

An XGM has two single-shot detectors, XGMD and HAMP.

The XTD2 XGMD amplifiers are damaged, thus I operate the XTD2 XGM with HAMP, which I usually use at > 18 keV.

In summary, the XTD2 XGM is fully operational, but I do not have a spare detector any more! Thus, a ZZ is organized for Monday 16.10. around 12:00 and Joakim and I will exchange the damaged amplifiers.

  386   13 Oct 2023, 07:06 Chan KimSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 7.8 keV, up to 260 pulses at 1.1MHz, >4 mJ

Optical laser delivery

  • PP laser was down since 00:48.


  • NKB focus optimized and beam cleaning partially done
  • Damaged IRU slit-4 has been rearranged and replaced
  • Stable AGIPD operation


  • Beam on AGPID seems still too big and beam cleaning did not really work (we may need to close PSLITs during the next shift)
  • IRU_SLITs are too close to the X-ray beam and one blade in IRU_SLIT-4 was damaged by X-ray
  • ~10 pixels in Q2M1 overexposed
  • SA1 PPL Amphos down since 00:48
  385   12 Oct 2023, 02:00 Tokushi Sato Shift summary 11.10.2023

Staff: JK, CK, KL, AS

X-ray delivery

  • 8.4 keV, up to 260 pulses at 1.1MHz, 3.5 mJ

Optical laser delivery

  • No laser


  • Direct beam path confirmed (MKB_MVP supporting structure issue)
  • NKB focus optimized
  • Two power slits (MKB_PSLIT and EHU_PSLIT) optimized


  • 7.8 keV is not reachable due to limited motion of undulator gap; 8.4 keV, the used X-ray energy, corresponds to 11mm SA1 undulator gap
  • AGIPD chiller issue not solved.

Instrument status

  • AGIPD HV off.
  • AGIPD's Chiller is off.
  • AGIPD gate valve closed and pinned.
  • Attenuators set to thickest diamond.

To do for next shift

  • If possible, fix AGIPD ciller issue
  • If AGIPD will be available, install mirrors for PP laser and continue IHR program
  384   11 Oct 2023, 06:22 Abhisakh SarmaSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 7.8 keV, up to 30 pulses at 94 kHz, 3 mJ

Optical laser delivery

  • No laser


  • Trying to solve issues


  • AGIPD's asics interlocked several times. Marcin was informed and he tried to solve the issue remotely but did not work.
  • Marcin observed that the AGIPD's chiller temperature was increasing since afternoon and not going down below -16 degree. Probablly the chiller is no longer at proper state. Macrin was onsite and tried to solve the issue without success. Informed to detector group
  • Difficulties with alignment of direct beam path until NKB
  383   03 Oct 2023, 22:58 Harald SinnXROShift end

End of Euler shift: all 3 SASE2 mirrors are now working with the Euler MDL.

We left the beamline aligned to HED, with M1,M2 on Pt for upcoming HED experiment at 18 keV.

Pre-absorber closed, CRL1 out, Solid attenuater with some diamonds.

  382   03 Oct 2023, 22:51 Antje TrappXROEuler calibration and Mirror setpoints

euler MDL was calibrated for all three mirrors.

Optics setpoints saved in XRO setpoints for MID and HED


Attachment 1: HED_Pt_M3_B4C_2023-10-03_22-53-10.png
Attachment 2: MID_Pt_stripe_2023-10-03_22-48-46.png
  381   02 Oct 2023, 21:48 Antje TrappXROM3 vertical motors calibration - EulerMDL

Second iteration and sanitty test for vertical mirror motion (Y) and vertical beam alignment (ROLL)

Vertical motors were calibrated and offsets saved in Euler MDL (no calibration of motors done so far - this should be performed during ramp up after WMP)

Calibration values are






Residual horizontal parasitic motion is within 2urad for M3 - for vertical beam alignment, the residual horizontal parasitic motion is even less.

With Euler MDL, mirror can now be moved and the beam will mostly stay on the experiment screen.

Setpoints for HED set in XRO setpoints 'B' (8.8keV B4C)


Attachment 1: HED_beam_2023-10-03_16-54-31.png
Attachment 2: M3_setpoints_2023-10-03_16-52-53.png
  380   01 Oct 2023, 23:06 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 6.3 keV, 3-4 mJ/pulse, 1-352 pulses at 1.13 MHz

Optical laser delivery

  • PP laser, 1030 nm, 352 pulses at 1.1 MHz, stable delivery
  • ns laser for rayleigh scattering, stabe delivery


  • Lots of datasets were collected using two different laser polarization (0 degree and 45 degree)
  • During the data collections PP laser phase shifter delay step scans were used.
  • PP laser time aligned to zero and spatial overlapped was checked.


  • No major issue today
  379   01 Oct 2023, 14:48 Giuseppe MercurioSCSMorning shift summary

# Morning shift summary

Giuseppe, Martin

* achievements
- continued tr-RIXS measurements
- good beam conditions
- added new alarms to give warning if parameters are wrong for certain measurement type
- created new karabo device to calculate the fluence and train-averaged pulse energy in nJ from pulse-resolved HAMP values (see new scene in Main)

* problems
- none

  378   01 Oct 2023, 02:00 Johannes MoellerMIDShift summary

HXRSS at 8.8 keV, 1, 60 or 350 pulses. Quite stable seeding performance

  • loaded new sample (HGW) in the morning
  • measured full temperature series on HGW during the day
  • problem with vacuum in the cryostat-chamber, which triggered the interlocked during the data taking and blocked AGIPD for some temperatures
  • focussing optimized in the evening and relaxing the bender, with 2-3 times better contrast determined. Please don’t touch CRL2 from now.
  • loaded new sample in the evening, but insufficient vacuum in the user chamber prevents opening the valve to the AGIPD first
  377   30 Sep 2023, 23:08 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 6.3 keV, 3-4 mJ/pulse, 1-352 pulses at 1.13 MHz

Optical laser delivery

  • PP laser, 1030 nm, 352 pulses at 1.1 MHz, stable delivery
  • ns laser for rayleigh scattering, stabe delivery


  • Several tens of datasets were collected using two different laser polarization (0 degree and 45 degree)
  • During the data collections PP laser phase shifter delay scans were used.
  • PP laser time aligned to zero and spatial overlapped was checked.


  • The cross talks between SASE-1 and SASE-2 was more than it expected.
  • Beam position, pulse energy as well as intra-train pulse energy were varrying. (BKR managed to solved it before the evening)
  376   30 Sep 2023, 10:11 Romain LetrunSPBIssue

On multiple occasions this morning, the number of bunches was reduced to 1 without actions from our side.

Looking at the history of SA1_XTD2_BUNCHPATTERN/MDL/CONFIGURATOR, we noticed changes were applied by this device, presumably originating from one of the watchdogs in SA1. This kind of silent changes is particularly inconvenient and could be easy to miss if one is not constantly monitoring that the number of bunches remains the same. Given that there are dozens of watchdogs in SA1, it is at best cumbersome and time consuming to track the origin. Finding the origin of the restriction needs to be made easier.

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-09-30_10-00-26.png
  375   29 Sep 2023, 23:13 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 6.3 keV, 3-4 mJ/pulse, 1-352 pulses at 1.13 MHz

Optical laser delivery

  • PP laser, 1030 nm, 226 pulses at 1.1 MHz, stable delivery
  • ns laser for rayleigh scattering, stabe delivery


  • Solved the issues with sampel injection
  • Collected data with laser 30 min
  • PP laser time zero aligned


  • IRU_Slit4 was in position to the beam
  • It took time to aling all slits to reduce the scattering in low q
  374   29 Sep 2023, 22:59 Laurent MercadierSCSShift summary

# Late shift summary 29.09.2023

Laurent, Phuong
## Achievements
- Continue tr-RIXS
- Laser fluence scan
- Check PPL 266 nm power
- Setup DAMNIT

## Problems:
- online analysis not displayed on gui1 server fixed by DOC

## Plan for the night:
- continue tr-RIXS
- monitor energy and position drifts

  373   29 Sep 2023, 08:30 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

Shift sumary for 29.9.2023


X-ray delivery

  • 6.3 keV, 3-4 mJ/pulse, 1-352 pulses at 1.13 MHz

Optical laser delivery

  • PP laser, 1030 nm, 226 pulses at 1.1 MHz, stable delivery
  • ns laser for rayleigh scattering, stabe delivery


  • Solved the issues with sampel injection
  • Collected data without laser for 1 to 2 hours
  • PP laser coarse timing


  • Issues with injection, solved later in the shift
  • Difficulties to find fine timing
  • Issue with migrating data to offline cluster, solved by DOC
  372   29 Sep 2023, 00:35 Johannes MoellerMIDShift summary

1, 60 and 350 pulses at 8.7keV, HXRSS

*focus characterization CRL2 lens 3,5,6
*Si 20nm XPCS with 20 and 50 pulses to evaluate the contrast
*damage and dynamic studies on HGW with 1 and 350pulses and different attenuation and different temperatures

HXRSS tuning is ongoing during the night, we leave the beam on the MID spectrometer and the zoom session open for tuning.

  371   28 Sep 2023, 07:20 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

Shift summary for 27.9.2023

X-ray delivery

  • 6.3 keV, 3-4 mJ/pulse, 1-352 pulses at 1.13 MHz

Optical laser delivery

  • PP laser, 1030 nm, 226 pulses at 1.1 MHz, delivered from 9:45 on and was stabilizing over the day
  • ns laser for rayleigh scattering, stabe delivery


  • Aligned MKB trajectory and optimzed background
  • Scattering laser aligned with X-rays references and overlaped with particle beam
  • Few runs with sucrose while trying to optimize injection


  • PP laser was still drifting in energy and pointing, better stabilized towards the end of the shift
  • Difficulties with injection, tried sevral times and did not improve much
  • Slope in pulse energy along the pulse train, up to 40% change from first to last pulse
  • Significant background AGIPD after correcting beam trajectory
  370   27 Sep 2023, 07:51 Benjamin van KuikenSCSSCS Night Shift Summary


  • Characterized optical laser spot at sample


  • FEL beam had very unstable intensity and spectrum. As a result no useful data could be collected during the night
    • FEL pointing seemed to be stable on all tunnel imagers. The issue was communicated to BKR, and they said that things looked fine from there perspective.
    • Large fluctuations in spectral distrubtion at SCS spectrometer were observed. See video at
    • Oth-order beam on SCS pop-in showed large intensity fluctuations with ~50% of the time showing no beam at all
Attachment 1: SCSPopinOthOrder_270923.png
  369   27 Sep 2023, 07:24 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

Shift summary for 26.9.2023

X-ray delivery

  • 6.3 keV, ~4 mJ, 1-352 pulses at 1.13 MHz
  • Great performance and stable delivery with few minor interruptions

Optical laser delivery

  • See issues


  • Aligned MKB trajectory to 1.5m detector distance configuration
    • Some work can still be done on the background
  • Scattering laser setup
  • A few runs with silver cubes taken at the end, with some time borrowed from FXE
  • Good focus with MKB B4C strip


  • Optical laser not available
  • Historical data from some devices unavailable in Karabo. Solved by DOC
  368   24 Sep 2023, 09:24 Peter ZaldenFXEShift summary

7:00 Power glitch during SPB operation - they were supposed to hand the beam back at 7:30h

  • Power glitch brought down FXE interlock system with beam stop monitor alarm that could not be reset
  • SA1 PPL running fine, seems unaffected

9:10 Beam back in SA1, but still at 7 keV and cannot be changed by BKR to the req'd 5.8 keV, 94 kHz.

10:00 Beam back with FXE at req'd photon energy

Collected pump-probe diffraction and XAS data for the user expt. No further issues.

  367   24 Sep 2023, 09:16 Peter ZaldenFXEShift summary

Summary for sept., 23rd

6:55 SPB just handed the beam over to FXE when the power glitch killed the interlocks and brought down ACC

11:30 After a lot of communication with PRC, Wolfgang Clement and DOC, the beam is back in SA1. We request change to 5.5 keV

  • It took most time to get the AIBS recovered
  • Interlock was reset by Wolfgang Clement on-site
  • Pandora X-05 in SXP hutch had no power, but recovered after TS restored power in SA3

12:30 We finished alignment and collected some user data (XRD)

16:00 Failure of the optical laser shutter in ILH. Seems not operational.

  • Adhoc procedure is being established to circumvent the faulty laser shutter (coordinated with SLSO, LSO, GL and Management)

18:00 FXE is able to take user data again (XAS)

23:30 Beam handed over to SPB (thanks for the extra time to finish a promising measurement)


  365   24 Sep 2023, 08:05 Jan GruenertPRCStatus

8h05 Beam is switched back on in SASE2. HED ready for taking beam.

8h45 BKR is having problems to turn on SA2 beam. Not due to any 

Beam actually went down in all beamlines today at 7:02 (for the records).

9h00: Electricity comes back to SASE3.
We can see SCS-XGM crate coming back on (that's how we can tell that power is back).

9h15 BKR struggles with SA2

9h20: Info from TS-OCD: Problem with USV at SASE3, all needs to be switched 

9h30 BKR is working on making beam in SA1/3. SA1 beam on IMGFEL, switching to FXE conditions (5.6 keV).

9h08 FXE info:
D3 has reset the alarms for SA1 beamstop monitor 9.1 (burnthrough monitor) and SA3. FXE is ready to receive beam.

9h04 EEE-OCD informs:
Power has been restored to the LA3 PPL PLC

9h08 DOC info:
restoring settings for LA3 PPL as of before today's power cut.


  366   24 Sep 2023, 07:49 Natalia, Justina, Giacomo, Sergey, Ben, Eugenio, TeguhSCSsummary of 23.09

Around 6:55 there was a power glitch. Power in the experimental hutch and rack room went down in SASE3, error message in Xray interlock system and no power for PP laser.

During morning TS turned the power on and interlock issues were solved by DESY. SCS could restart large part of SCS systems, however got help of DOC only after 2:30p.m. Similarily, PP laser was needed help of DOC and got this help only around 2p.m. The afternoon shift was mainly bringing the instrument in operation with helps of DOC. Around 9p.m. we realized that PP laser is not in operational state because of large fluctuations, this was not communicated to SCS at all. After calling the Laser group, SCS was told that the laser group will work on recover of the laser on Sunday morning. Without laser we could not continue user program, therefore  at least 24h of user operation were lost.


  364   24 Sep 2023, 07:28 Raphael de WijnSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 7 keV 202 pulses 1.6mJ stabel across train and throughout the shift
  • Beam down at 7am again, power glitch same as yesterday


  • faster changover and alignment
  • YAG on nozzle worked
  • collected data the droplets in oil sample delivery method - many good hits observed
  • still working on the synchronisation with the x-ray pulses
  363   24 Sep 2023, 07:19 Jan GruenertPRCAttention

Again: power outage !

As yesterday, at around 7am, power was lost in Schendfeld at SASE3. No beam permission, accelerator in TLD mode.
SASE3 has no power, TS-OCD informed and on the way. BKR informs MKK to check cooling water pumps.

PRC is requesting all involved people of yesterday to take action acoording to what happened yesterday.

  362   23 Sep 2023, 23:31 Motoaki NakatsutsumiHEDShift summary

During the morning shift (7am - 3pm), we couldn't take any meaningful data due to the issue of power glitch which caused the beam permission error (AIBS) and down of SASE2 Karabo / Online-GPFS due to the lack of cooling in the rack room.

During the late shift (3 pm - 11 pm), after these issues were solved thanks to PRC/DOC/ITDM/EEE at 5 pm..., we could get back in operation relatively quickly. Although there were a bunch of issues here and there (most of the devices needed to be instantiated and recover the correct parameters, loss of XGM, DAQ issue etc), Theo (XGM) and DOC helped us promptly.

Fortunately, the x-ray axis was not changed much. The beam was still exactly on the FEL imager cross. After the recovery of M2/M3 feedback (needed to recover the correct parameters which was a bit of time consuming though), the beam correctly went to the HED popin cross. The beam height at the sample location was about 30 um off in height. The temporal synchronization between the x-ray and laser was changed to about 4 ps compared to that of the morning. 

We started taking data at ~ 9 pm. Since then, until the shift handover at 11pm, users could acquire data very smoothly. They will continue acquiring data with the night shift (11pm - 7 am) members. 


  361   23 Sep 2023, 15:35 Jan GruenertPRCIssue

The unavailability of karabo and possibly missing cooling water is a problem for the tunnel components as well.
XGM in XTD6 : server error since about 11am. We don't know about the status of this device anymore, neither from DOOCS or karabo.
VAC-OCD is informed and will work with EEE-PLC-OCD to check and secure SA2 tunnel systems possibly via PLC.
Main concerns: XGM and cryo-cooler systems. Overheating of racks which contain XGM and monochromator electronics.

16h00 SA2 karabo is back online (partially) !

Another good news: 
together with VAC-OCD we see that the vacuum system of SA2 tunnel is fine, unaffected by the power cut and the karabo outage. Pressures seem fine.

Janusz Malka found for the SA3 GPFS servers that the balcony room redundancy cooling water didn't start, and no failure was reported.

16h25 DOC info
Cooling in rack rooms ok. GPFS servers are up, ITDM still checking. DAQ servers up.

16h30 XTD6-XGM is down.
Vacuum ok but MTCA crate cannot be reached / all RS232 connections not responding. XPD and Fini checking
but looks like an access is required. Raimund Kammering also checking crate.

16h30 FXE:
Optical laser shutter in error state. LAS-OCD informed. Therefore FXE is not taking beam now.
Actually the optical laser safety shutter between FXE optical laser hutch and experimental hutch has a problem and LAS_OCD cannot help. SRP to be contacted.

16h40 info ITDM:
recovery of SA2 GPFS hardware after cooling failure is completed. Everything seems to be working. Only few power supplies are damaged but there is redundancy.

16h40 info RC
SA2 beam ins now blocked by Big Brother since it receives an EPS remote power limit of 0 W. This info is now masked until all SA2 karabo devices will be back up. (e.g. bunchpattern-MDL is still down)

17h30 info by VAC-OCD
Vacuum systems SA1+SA2+SA3 are checked OK. Only some MDLs needed to be retstarted.
Some more problems with the cryo compressor on monochromators. 2 on HED and 1 on MID. Vacuum pressure is ok but if
users need the mono it will not be possible. VAC-OCD checks back with HED when they are back in the hutch.

  360   23 Sep 2023, 14:49 Jan GruenertPRCStatus

Update of power outage aftermath

Achieved by now / status

  • SASE1
    • ​beam delivery and FXE operating fine (beam back since about 11h30)
  • SASE3
    • SA3 getting beam since about 11h30, again difficulties / no beam between 12h30 - 13h34, currently ok.
    • SASE3 Optical PP laser issues since the morning. DOC support was required by LAS-OCD (task completed by DOC at 14h30)
    • LAS-OCD working on SA3 PP laser and estimate to have it operational around 16h.
  • SASE2
    • the inoperational MTCA crate for MPS was successfully restarted and AIBS alarms cancelled in PLC
    • beam permission was recovered and XFEL is lasing in XTD1 until shutter
    • karabo of SA2 is DOWN, DOC working on it (see below)

Main remaining issues:

  1. Complete restart of karabo for SASE2 is required. This is a long operation, duration several hours. DOC working on it.
  2. SASE2 Online-GPFS is down, probably due to lack of cooling. Possible hardware damage, ITDM assessing and working on it.
  3. SASE3 optical PP laser to be brought back
  359   23 Sep 2023, 08:50 Jan GruenertPRCIssue

Updates on power glitch

8h50 No feedback from TS-OCD (still not arrived at SASE3 / SCS ?). Phone is busy. Apparently they are busy working on it in the hall (confirmed at 9h00).

There is a PANDORA radiation monitor which has no power, but it is needed to resolve the interlock issue in FXE + SCS

regular SCS phone cannot be reached anymore (no power). Please use this number instead to call SCS hutch: 86448

Update 9h15
- SXP/SQS informed by email, SQS informed / confirmed by phone (Michael Meyer), they will check their hutch and equipment. No phone contact to SXP.
- FXE info: power back at PANDORA but interlock error persists

Beam is back to SA2 / XTD6 since 7h35.

9h20 Info by TS-OCD / Christian Holz: power at SASE3 area in hall is now back.

9h25 FXE:
The affected Pandora without power was PANDORA X05 in the SASE3 SXP hutch.
That PANDORA now has power back, but the FXE hutch interlock error is still persisting.
D3 Wolfgang Clement is informed and said he might have to come in to take care of the alarm.

9h40 info RC: 
"new" problem, now SA2 : Balcony MPS crate SA1 balcony room , communication lost to "DIXHEXPS1.3 server  - MPS condenser"

09:55 info FXE:
Wolfgang Clement was at FXE and has reset "all the burnthrough monitors", in total 5 units, "including also SXP and SPB optics". At least at FXE the X-ray interlock is now fully functional, confirmed.

10:05 Info SCS:
their interlock panel this shows an error, but which probably just has to be acknowledged. FXE / SCS will communicate and solve it.

10h35 BKR info:
AIBS in all hutches of SA1/3 are blocking beam. Also DIXHEXPS1.3 is blocking beam to SA2. see att#1 and att#2.

EEE-OCD is working on AIBS / MPS from PLC/karabo side.

11h25 EEE-OCD:
PLC errors cleared for all AIBS.

beam to SA1/3 should be possible now. SA2 still blocked. The MTCA crate apparently needs to be power cycled.
EEE-Fast Electronics OCD is infomed through DOC.

EEE-PLC-OCD has succeeded to clear errors on the karabo/PLC side of AIBS. Now beam to SA1/3 is re-established.
However, the MTCA crates XFELcpuDIXHEXPS2 (and XFELcpuSYNCPPL7) might have power but are not operational (MCH unreachable) and must be locally power-cycled.
These are "DESY-operated" crates, not "EuXFEL-MTCA-crates".
Nevertheless, DOC staff with online instruction by EEE-FE will go to the balcony room and reboot crates locally as required/requested by RC. Hopefully this will bring us back beam permission to SA2.

Another new issue: SA2 karabo is down. DOC is working on this. No control possible of anything in SASE2 tunnel via karabo. 
PRC instructs BKR to close the shutter between XTD2 and XTD6 (as agreed also with HED) for safety reasons, so that the beam won't be uncontrolled once SA2 gets beam permission back.

12h45 info from SCS:
a) the SCS pump-probe laser is down since the morning (and they absolutely need this for the experiment), they are in contact with LAS-OCD, but LAS-OCD waits DOC support to recover motor positions etc.
b) SCS received XFEL beam at 11h30 but since 12h33 the beam is intermittently interrupted (see att#3) or completely off. BKR informed but interruptions not yet understood.

The crate XFELcpuDIXHEXPS2 appeared to be revived. It reads OK on the DOOCS panel Controls--> MTCA crates --> XHEXP, but after some moments again in error (device offline).
Info RC: Tim Wilksen / DESY and team are working on this from remote and might come in if broken hardware needs to be exchanged.

SCS had reported 12h45 that beam is always set to zero. SCS and PRC investigated but couldn't find any EPS / karabo item that would do this.
We suspect that some karabo macro is asking to set the beam to 0 bunches but cannot find anything.
We then disabled the user control of the number of bunches from BKR. Now SCS receives beam but has to call BKR if they want to change the number of bunches. To be followed up by DOC once they have time.

I see now that the crate suddenly is OK, which probably means that it was finally cured by somebody. Beam permission to SA2 is back.

Beam is back in XTD1 (SA2) until the shutter XTD1/XTD6 and checked. Currently 300uJ.
Beam monitoring without karabo is possible in DOOCS with XGM (unless vaccuum problems would come up) and the Transmissive Imager.
Now the HED shift team is leaving until DOC has recovered karabo. Info will be circulated to when this is achieved.


Attachment 1: JG_2023-09-23_um_10.28.37.png
Attachment 2: JG_2023-09-23_um_10.43.59.png
Attachment 3: JG_2023-09-23_um_12.46.35.png
  358   23 Sep 2023, 08:14 Peter ZaldenFXEIssue

FXE interlock in fault state. See photo attached with original error message from 6:53h. It cannot be reset by acknowledging. BKR is informed and they are contacting MPS OCD.

Attachment 1: 20230923_074956.jpg
  357   23 Sep 2023, 07:59 Oliver HumphriesHEDShift summary

Shift summary from Monday 18th 7am until Saturday 7am


  • Aligned beamline until the beamstop. Macro for recovering mirror positions worked well. Minimal fine tuning required.
  • Changed energy to 8.4 keV to align spectrometes on Ni kalpha emission.
  • Characterized focal spot of the x-rays at interaction point via edge scans. Focus of ~4 um as requested by users.
  • Aligned all laser imaging systems to the interaction point


  • Verified the xfel photon energy with the HED spectrometers. The energy was off by 30 eV. Tuned the energy for real 7.9 keV, in the BKR screen appears as 7.87 keV
  • Beamline transmission scans. Focusing CRLs in the optics hutch give 55% transmission. This means from the 700 uJ from XGM1 we get around 250uJ at the interaction point (accounting also for ~75% transmission through the mirrors)
  • First ReLaX + X-ray test shots. Fine tuned some timings, filtering on the Streaked Optical Pyrometry, etc...
  • Cancelled night shift, due to no X-rays on Wednesday. Usually at this point we would align targets over night and shoot them during the day.


  • Beam was not exactly at the same position at the XFEL imager as Monday. We needed to recheck the beamline alignment and overlap of all our beams at the interaction point. (We need to overlap in a 5x5 um2 beamspot.
  • Rechecked the X-ray energy. This time it was 110 eV off. The BKR number is 7.79 keV for real 7.9 keV.
  • Further checkes on spatial and timing overlap.
  • Essentially, we could recover the conditions from Tuesday evening at Thursday late afternoon.
  • Late evening: uTCA1 stopped working We switched the Mastertimer to uTCA2 waiting for an opportunity on Friday to solve it. We also observed an issue with an outdated trainId from the PPU being stored in the DAQ. We contacted DOC for both issues.
  • Late evening, series of laser shots to estimate the optimal laser conditions for the experiment.
  • First full data sequence collection.


  • We are in data collection mode. Aligning targets and shooting them.


  • Power glitch at 6:50 am on Saturday morning. HED is minimally affected, beam goes down
  • Beam comes back after ~1hr, but down again 30 mins later due to MPS issue (only for SASE2) which requires a server "DIXHEXPS1.3" to be reset, which could not be located.
  • Simultaneously SASE2 karabo broker has pile up issues resulting in extreme latency. DOC begins to work on the problem and the whole SASE 2 topic goes down, services do not reappear. We are informed that this may require a restart of the whole broker.
  356   23 Sep 2023, 07:31 Jan GruenertPRCIssue

7:23: RC info:
an electrical power glitch interrupted beam operation, machine down. DESY has power back
and accelerator is recovering beam towards TLD, but no beam possible into TLDs, apparently power issues in Schenefeld.

7:32 SCS info:
SA1+SA2 have electricity, SA3 not. TS is informed and on the way. Power went away around 6h50.
Lights in hall remained on, but everything in SA3 is off, even regular power sockets. In karabo all red.
Hutch search system indicates FAULT state.

7:45 FXE info:
FXE was not affected by any power going away, all systems are operational, but of course no beam due to SA3.
The only thing unusual was an (fire ?) alarm audible at 6h53. FXE is ready and waiting for beam.

7:50 HED info:
all normal, just XFEL beam went away. RELAX laser not affected, all ok, waiting for beam.

7:55 FXE info:
Interlock fault lamp on FXE interlock panel is RED. Interlock cannot be set. FXE will contact SRP radiation protection.

8:00 RC :
MPS on-call is present at BKR. Machine will try to restart south branch, but there seems to be also an interlock by an XTD8 (sic!) shutter (?!).

08:03 FXE / SRP:
SRP informs, that they cannot help in this case but DESY MPS-OCD must solve this. 

08:13 BKR:
BKR shift leader Dennis Haupt will try to contact MPS team.

Further updates in next entry

  355   23 Sep 2023, 07:04 Adam RoundSPBShift end

Staff:JK, RDW, AR

X-ray delivery

  • 7 keV 202 pulses 1.7mJ stabel across train and throughout the shift

Optical laser delivery

  • N/A


  • faster changover and alignment
  • almost 6 hours of data aquisition - many good hits observed
  • strong diffraction in Hits required transmission to be reduced to 34%


  • maintaining synchronnisation for droplet overlap proved difficult effective hit rate of 0.3% observed
  • hits observed in beats as timing passed though overlap quite often - some periods where we could see hits in nearly every train but this could not be maintained.
  354   22 Sep 2023, 17:46 Jan GruenertPRCStatus

SASE3 gas supply alarm

SCS called the PRC at 17h04 due to a loud audible alarm in XHEXP1 and contacted also TS-OCD.
It turned out to be the gas supply system for SASE3, an electrical cabinet on the balcony level in the SE-corner of XHEXP1.

Actions taken by PRC:
a) contacted TS-OCD (Christian Holz, Alexander Kondraschew)
b) terminated the audible alarm
c) source for the alarm was: "Stroemungssensor -BF15.3+GSS3"
d) from this point on, TS is taking over

1) The instruments need to receive a number to call to reach the hall crew.
2) The alarm was likely triggered by the SCS team since there was a problem with the Krypton gas supply to their XGM around the same time.

  353   22 Sep 2023, 07:27 Raphael de WijnSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 7 keV, 202 pulses, 564 kHz, ~1.3 mJ, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • None


  • Collected a few NQO1 runs (no mixing) in Adaptive and FixedMG with the Ros setup, good diffraction
  • Difficult to reach droplet synchronisation
  352   22 Sep 2023, 06:51 Benjamin van KuikenSCSShift summary


  • Characterized the X-ray and laser danage on the STO2LNO2


  • Cound not find fine timeing from XAS measurements performed on the sample
    • MCP sees 266 nm PP laser
    • SiN mesaurement not successful so far. It is possible that there is an issue with the SN membranes on the sample holder

Plan for next shift

  • Find fine timing
  • conclude damad sutdy of sample.
  351   22 Sep 2023, 00:56 Jan GruenertPRCSA1 status

As agreed beforehand, PRC and SPB/SFX re-assessed the SA1 EPS power limit based on actual performance, required number of pulses and rep rate, at the agreed SPB photon energy of 7 keV.
The actual lasing performance is on average 1.3 mJ / pulse at the current 7 keV.
Before the change, the assumed minimum pulse energy per requested bunch was set to 3.0 mJ in the Big Brother EPS power limit SA1, where we had set the remote power limit to 5 W.
To allow for the required 202 bunches at 0.5 MHz for SPB, I changed to an assumed minimum pulse energy per requested bunch of 2.2 mJ while maintaining the 5 W limit (rather than the inverse).
Maintaining in this way the 5 W limitation ensures that even if by human error during the shift change a high number of pulses would be requested at 5.5 keV, this could by no means damage the CRLs.

Additionally the SPB/SFX and the BKR operators were reminded about the safe procedure for the shift handover:
a) first the number of bunches has to be set to single bunch per train
b) then the wavelength could be changed
c) then the respective instrument would make sure that the beamline is in a safe state (e.g. CRL1 retracted) before a higher number of bunches would be requested (in particular at 5.5 keV).

  350   21 Sep 2023, 09:24 Jan GruenertPRCSA1 status

Info by R.Kammering (mail 20.9.23 18h25), related to the SA1 intensity drops during large wavelength scans:

"We found some problematic part in the code of our wavelength control server.
After lengthy debugging session we (Lars F, Olaf H. and me) did find a workaround which seems to have fixed the problem.
But we are still not 100 % sure if this will work under all circumstances, but this was the best we could achieve for today.
So finally we have to see how it behaves with a real scan from your side and if needed follow up on this at a later point of time."

Together with the finding of the test by FXE this seems to have resolved the issue.

  349   20 Sep 2023, 19:42 Peter ZaldenFXEIssue

Connerning the phase shifter adjustment after undulator gap scan via karabo:

At 19:30 FXE tested the scan change via Karabo with BKR. When the energy was changed with step size of 100 eV, the intensity of X-ray stays unchanged. This means the phase shifter adjusment is corrrected and it is working now.

Many thanks for your help.

  348   20 Sep 2023, 02:09 Jayanath KoliyaduSPBShift end

X-ray delivery

  • 7 keV, 2.1 mJ, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • None


  • M1, M2 pre alignment for this weeks beamtime
  • Checked the beam trajectory through MKB mirrors after stripe change


  • It seems that with wider funnel for the catcher, the YAG is not reaching the X-ray beam


Note: At 7 keV with 100 pulses, and full beam we were at 2.2 W average power.

  347   19 Sep 2023, 18:58 Jan GruenertPRCSA1 status

Concerning SASE1:

Please note that for this week the "remote power limit" was set to 5 Watt in order to protect CRL1.
The photon energies this week are 5.5 keV (FXE, day) and up to 7keV (SPB/SFX, night).
Daytime SASE1 operation by FXE will not come close to any damage limits (16 pulses at low rep rate).
However, SPB/SFX will operate at 1.1 MHz and up to 356 pulses/train. If there would be a sequence
procedural error during the shift handover switching of parameters, delivery of 5.5 keV at this rate could damage the CRLs.

If this limit would at any point limit the experiment, please get in contact with the PRC.

  346   18 Sep 2023, 19:14 Yifeng JiangFXEIssue
  • We found that the x-ray pulse energy dropped a lot when we changed the undulator from 5.5 keV to 5.45 keV. We called BKR to optimise it (attachment 1)
    => There is a problem with the phase shifter of the undulator. It stacks sometime. If the x-ray intensity drops, we need to ask BKR to optimise it.
    => We were suggested not to change the undulator value by 100 eV. 5 - 10 eV step should be fine.

On the other hand, we had a user experiment 3435 Feb 2023, and we could perform photon energy scan from 5.7 keV to 6.1 keV without problem. (attachment 2)

Attachment 1: 11111.PNG
Attachment 2: 3435.PNG
  345   15 Sep 2023, 14:54 Chan KimSPBIssue

Vacuum issue at XTD2 tunnel which might be triggered by SA1_XTD2_ATT Arm5 (1.2mm thick CVD diamond)

It happened once again at around 3pm.

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-09-15_14-51-56.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2023-09-15_15-06-49.png
  344   14 Sep 2023, 23:03 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 1.1 mj, 564 kHz, 93 pulses, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • 50 fs, 860 nm as fundamental wavelength, 188 kHz
  • ns for illumination,


  • Lots of data collection for TR-SFX


  • Sample was accumulated on catcher and strong diffraction was observed, need to vent chamber and clean it, but it happned end of beamtime, we decided to finish experiment 
  343   14 Sep 2023, 16:49 Thomas Baumann Summary: Night 13th and Day 14th

The late shift on the 13th fixed remaining problems with the DLD and the calibration pipeline.

The night shift was then able to collect data on O2 using the two-color mode. Systematic studies were done at different photon energies for both colors. This was done for full FEL intensity and 10%.

The day shift started to investigate if we see an effect changing the delay between the two colors. This turned out to be difficult because we lost the second color when changing the delay. BKR retuned for us with a delay.

Afterward, we asked BKR (Mathias and Mark) to re-tune the two color setup for short pulses.

Upcoming late and night shift should collect more data using the short pulses. Keep in mind to check and record the single pulse FEL spectrum upon each change on the undulator settings.

  342   14 Sep 2023, 00:05 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 1.1 mj, 564 kHz, 93 pulses, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • 50 fs, 860 nm as fundamental wavelength, 188 kHz
  • ns for illumination,


  • Lots of data collection for TR-SFX
  • Tried many samples and optimazation


  • Beam fluctuation aorund 23 : 00
  • Low hit rate. tried to improve, better than before.
  341   13 Sep 2023, 02:18 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 0.5 mj, improved to 1.1 mj xray energy in the evening

Optical laser delivery

  • 50 fs, 860 nm as fundamental wavelength, 188 kHz
  • ns for illumination,


  • Aligned the instrument to 9.3 keV
  • Aligned the PPL laser
  • Time zero PPL
  • Measured sample, dark runs, including testing different sample conditions (filtered vs not filtered or lower cutoff)
  • Measured TR-SFX


  • Low xray energy, BKR improved it afternoon, from 0.5 to 1.1 mj, hopefully we could still get better the following days
  • PP-laser AMPHOS issues
  • The focus at IRU in the evening had issues, we had to redo the alignment partially. We also had to ask BKR to improve the beam alignment at FEL imager.
  340   09 Sep 2023, 15:03 Naresh KujalaPRCStatus

Info from Machine RC (Lars):


Author: Froehlich

One of the cold compressors has stopped working around 2:00 on Saturday morning due to a problem with the new motor (with magnet bearing). Since no beam operation is possible anyhow, the cryo team and machine coordination have decided to start necessary work on cryo plant stages 3&4 already on the weekend, in parallel to troubleshooting the motor problem.

All XFEL shifts up to Monday 7:00 are canceled. The morning shift on Monday will supervise the already scheduled access for the repair of A16 and, if possible, the restart of the linac.

This elogbook entry was sent to following experts:
Photon RC mailing list RC mailing list


Direct link to e-logbook entry:


  339   09 Sep 2023, 11:36 Naresh KujalaPRCStatus

- Due to the failure of the cryo cold compressor. The machine is down.

- Next update 9 pm today

Please do watch public display for status info.


  338   09 Sep 2023, 07:54 Naresh KujalaPRCStatus

Info from MRC (Lars)


The cryo crew reports that the cold compressor that failed is, alas!,
the new one with the magnetic bearing. They have to wait for a colleague
who is not on call to help them with the problem. We expect an update on
their further plans around noon and our status panels have been updated
to reflect that.




  337   09 Sep 2023, 07:00 Erik BrambrinkHEDShift summary
  • Data taken from 11 to cryo failure
  • Beam conditions stable
  • Timing scan for different energy
  • Operation stopped after cryo failure
  • Cryo jet was heated up then
  • Improvements of optical diagnostics (far field monitor)
  336   08 Sep 2023, 06:22 Erik BrambrinkHEDShift summary
  • Improved the alignment procedure:
    • Using the pin to make sure of the spatial overlap
    • SAXS signal is used to make sure the pin is well centered on the X-ray beam path
    • YAG is only used in combination with ILM to fix with ~5 um precision the height of the beam (moving CRLs on laser focus) and the temporal overlap.
  • Recording of the different laser foc planned to be used during the experiment: no aperture, 40 mm, 25 mm, 15 mm diameter


  • Jet failed a couple of time
  • We lost the Sync system for 2 hours, got it back again for 30 min, then lost it again
  335   07 Sep 2023, 23:46 Andreas ScherzSCSShift summary

Shift summary 07.09.2023

1. found t0   on LSCO x=0.15 at pre-peak O K edge
2. fluence dependence at dt = 130fs, laser-on-off XAS => laser power at 50%
3. static XAS on the three samples x=0,.15, .4 aorund the pre-peak
4. setting for pump-probe: 1.1 MHz 520 pulses at 100% Transmission, PPL at 50%

10:10pm loss of optical sync on PP laser. realized before starting time-resolved experiments. coarse timing requried !

Program for the night shift:
reestablished timing
resume experimetns, i.e. time-resolved signal on sample (XAS) then start time-resolved RIXS.

  334   07 Sep 2023, 07:24 Justine Schlappa, Guiseppe MercurioSCSShift summary, September 7 after nightshift

- Optimized hRIXS settings for OK edge at 145 deg scattering angle, resolution of about 50 meV
- Transferred the user sample
- Prepared for delay scans on fluorescence signal from YBCO

- There was no internet connection at XFEL and DESY for some time
- hRIXS camera goes frequently into error
- XRD motors (STY) go frequently into error

Next steps:
- Find time zero on fluoresce signal from YBCO, test the same for the samples
- Test PP laser damage threshold

  333   06 Sep 2023, 23:33 Ben, AndreasSCSShift Summary


  • Determined temporal overlap between the X-ray and laser
  • measured Ti L-edge XAS and RIXS on samples for Asamara beamtime


  • No problems

Plan for Next Shift

  • Confirm spectrometer resolution at the O K-edge following spectrometer rotation
  • Transfer user samples into XRD Chamber
  • Check X-ray damage on user samples and begin user program
  332   06 Sep 2023, 06:35 Giuseppe MercurioSCSGiuseppe, Justine


- we found optimum hRIXS settings for 1020 eV but moving the detector arm

- we found optimum hRIXS settings for 920 eV but moving the detector arm, and then grating pitch and detect arm

- energy calbibration for 920 eV


- lost internect connection around 6 am

- PI-MTE3 camera claims an exposure of 30 sec but in reakity it"d more lik r13 sec.

- if FEL intensity goes to 0 i spikes, the jupyter notebook give errors, referring to objecests ofdifferent sie.



  331   05 Sep 2023, 22:33 Oliver HumphriesHEDShift summary
  • Received the beam from day shift, aligned to beam stop (low signal due to 4m air scatter, only 700uJ upstream)
    • ZYLA5 camera was having issues, restarted without rotating to limit dropped trains.
    • 1.2mm CVD solid attenuator in SA2 seems to be damaged
  • We have trouble with our SEPS interlock after changes last week
    • We are supposed to be able to close the shutter (upstream of CRL3) without removing CRL3 to break hutch interlock, but it still sets bunches to zero. This was raised with DOC, and directly with Mikako who implemented this last week
  • We aligned our beam through HED's CRL3
  • Establish overlap with Relax laser, and timing on YAG (RF-lock only)
    • Issues with new camera ROI's being too large limiting readout to 3.3Hz
  • Start cryojet at 22:00, see if we can squeeze in some laser shots to get signal levels tonight
  • Alignment/transmission scans with XFEL planned overnight.
  330   29 Aug 2023, 03:14 Wonhyuk JoMIDShift summary

Shift summary for 29th of Aug.

- Conducted Time-resolved Bragg CDI experiment using 3rd harmonic pump laser. 
- Collected coherent diffraction patterns from Perovskite-oxide nanocrystals for various time delay and laser fluence. 
- Checked the correlations between the XGM, diamond detector in SDL, and two Jungfrau detectors running on interleave mode. 

  329   28 Aug 2023, 23:03 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, up to 185 pulses at 564 kHz, 2.3  mJ, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • PP Laser, 800nm, 50 fs, up to 62 pulses @ 188 kHz


  • Alinment for TR-SFX and data collection


  • Karabo did not work sometime, lost more than 1 hours
  328   28 Aug 2023, 02:14 Wonhyuk JoMIDShift summary

Shift summary for 28th of Aug.
- Realigned the center of rotation. 
- MID took the seeded beam at about 120 uJ around 4 p.m. after the long intervention.
- Cross-checked the time zero with Bi 222 diffraction peak.
- Searching and collecting diffraction patterns from a single nanocrystal. 
The user will continue to find the optimized condition for the flux of X-ray and Laser. 


  327   27 Aug 2023, 23:09 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, up to 185 pulses at 564 kHz, 2.4  mJ, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • PP Laser, 800nm, 50 fs, up to 62 pulses @ 188 kHz


  • Alinment for TR-SFX and data collection


  • Nozzles were clogged a lot, crystals were formed on catcher cone.
  326   26 Aug 2023, 18:02 Naresh KujalaPRCStatus

Dear All,

Two important machine updates.

1) Still, the forecasted time for the start-up of the machine will be tomorrow morning.

2) After discussion with machine RC, it is confirmed that beam delivery is extended by 24 hr, so the beam is available till 7 am Tuesday morning for instruments.

Just want to point out, that this is a very exceptional case that it is extended by 24 hours as there will be a blue week(in wk 35).

The below programs have been canceled keeping in view of the user program and beam delivery is important for instruments. Sorry for this.

153339 - Euler MDL calibration for SASE2 mirrors M1, M2, M3: Antje 

158376 - Beamtime for Safety tests (HED Preabsorber): Eric

156699 - SASE3_XTD10 Virtual Spectrometer: Joakim

157789 - Chirp-dispersion short pulses study (further decoupling from SASE1): Svitozar


Stay tuned to the public display tomorrow morning for the machine's status.



PRC wk 34


  325   26 Aug 2023, 08:23 Naresh KujalaPRCStatus

- Machine updates;

Saturday 1:30 hr Cold compressor failed. The initial estimation of downtime was 20 hr, later in today morning crew gave a new estimation of time of 30 hr. So the machine will be switched on and beam delivery to instruments will be tomorrow morning. Today at 3 pm, I will get more information and a clear picture of the best estimation time for beam delivery.




  324   26 Aug 2023, 02:07 Felix BrausseMIDShift summary

Shift summary the 25th of Aug

  • Found laser and X-ray spatiotemporal overlap with Bi diffraction peak
  • Found a diffraction peak from STO nano particles
  • X-ray dose test is ongoing

  • EXP_UPP_T10 was stuck at the hardware limit but the encoder value shows different values.

  • Cryo Failure at 1:30 am; BKR called and predicted ~20 hrs of downtime

  323   25 Aug 2023, 23:03 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, up to 185 pulses at 564 kHz, 2.7  mJ, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • PP Laser, 800nm, 50 fs, up to 62 pulses @ 188 kHz


  • Alinment for TR-SFX and data collection


  • AGIPD vacuum gauge was in error, unplug and plug in fixed this error
  322   25 Aug 2023, 07:29 Tommaso MazzaSQSShift summary

problems with machine operation

very low yield at 1.8keV, took ~2hrs tuning time to get 600uJ (linear taper)

SA3 cells opened without us knowing when hv was changed

observed strong pointing change (and beam profile shape) when changing

- SASE3 pulse timing

- photon energy

pointing change with changing photon energy was such that the beam would make it through the GATT only partially (att. 1). this is unprecedented.

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-08-25_02-31-19.png
  321   25 Aug 2023, 06:20 Johannes MoellerMIDShift summary

Shift summary the 24th of Aug

  • MID takes the seeded beam about 200 uJ including SASE background.
  • Monochrometer is aligned.
  • Mono + CRL2 was tested.
  • Found rough timing with a fast diode at the sample position
  • Finding the temporal overlap with Forsted YAG hasn't been done yet. The motor (PPODL) doesn't change the laser delay, but LA2_LAS_PPL/CTRL/TRGDLY does. The values is not able to implemented into the Scantool since it doesn't have target position.
  • Photon energy spectrum was measured w and w/o mono with Gotthard at DES.
  • Nano focusing lens is aligned. The beam size is about 20 um X 20 um. Very stable pointing at the sample position.
  320   24 Aug 2023, 22:51 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, up to 185 pulses at 564 kHz, 3.7  mJ, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • PP Laser, 800nm, 50 fs, up to 90 pulses @ 282 kHz


  • Alinment for TR-SFX
  • Data collection in dark state and excited state at 203.5 ns


  • MDL devices and macros on macrosever2 were dead around 19:30, took more than 2 hours for recovery. 
  • Dark calibration issue
  319   23 Aug 2023, 22:56 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, up to 185 pulses at 564 kHz, 3.7  mJ, beam intensity drop, missing last 10-20 pulses in train sometime

Optical laser delivery

  • PP Laser, 800nm, 50 fs, up to 90 pulses @ 282 kHz


  • Alinment for TR-SFX and PAM
  • Data collection for IHR


  • Beam intensity was not that stable
  • Strange scattering from amorphous sample and powder diffraction were appeared during data collection
  318   22 Aug 2023, 23:32 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, up to 178 pulses at 564 kHz, 3.7  mJ, stable delivery
  • Beam delivery was started from 19:00

Optical laser delivery

  • PP Laser, 800nm, 50 fs, up to 90 pulses @ 282 kHz


  • Alignment was completed within 3 hours including T0
  • Some data collection with fixed target


  • XTD9 safety shutter was closed
  317   22 Aug 2023, 18:15 Naresh KujalaPRCStatus

Photon beam delivery status:

- Machine informed that beam will be handover to instruments SA1 (SPB/SFX) and SA3 (SXP) at 18.30hr

- Machine needs more time for SA2 and the next update will be at 20hr.

This message has been communicated to instruments.


  316   22 Aug 2023, 15:56 Naresh KujalaPRCSA1 status

SA1 photon beam line status

- CRL1 lenses are in the beam. 

- The shutter between XTD2 and XTD9 is closed (The reason is not known)


I will retract the CRL1 lenses. Asked the machine to open the XTD2 and XTD9 shutter.



  Draft   22 Aug 2023, 15:52 Naresh KujalaPRCSA1 status

SA1 photon beam line status

- CRL1 lenses are in the beam. 

- The shutter between XTD2 and XTD9 is closed (The reason is not known)


I will retract the CRL1 lenses. Asked the machine to open the XTD2 and XTD9 shutter.



  314   21 Aug 2023, 04:31 Konopkova ZuzanaHEDExperiment summary

beam: 7.7 keV seeded, ~300 uJ/pulse, 2.2 MHz, 20 pulses

  • user experiment finilized, IXS scans on Si, Al and Cu at different momentum transfer angles
  • measurements of plasmons in cold material only
  • pulse energy increased slightly, however it is mostly in the SASE pedestal which is insufficient to caramelize the electrons into a souffle
  313   19 Aug 2023, 07:16 Sergii, ManuelSCSNoght shift sammary 18.08.2023

Night shift summary on 18.03.2023

  1. Finished XAS series at 1.5 mJ/mm² for different delays
  2. Performed XAS at 6 mJ/mm²
  3. Tested tr-RIXS signal at 1mj/mm² with 29 different delays, signal too weak to continue
  4. Took 5 hours of tr-RIXS signal at 1.2 mj/mm² with 29 different delays


  1. Something in the cryo line froze, cleaned the line by going into the hutch and moving the needle valve a bit. This only helped short-term, as it kept freezing after short time.
  2. Temperature sensor at the sample stopped working, started to work again during the heating
  312   19 Aug 2023, 06:20 Konopkova ZuzanaHEDShift summary

beam parameters: 7.7 keV seeded, 2.2 MHz, up to 20 pulses, 150 uJ/pulse

  • user program, measuring IXS spectra of plasmons with high resolution using seeded beam and monochromators
  • mono (re-)alignment to minimize the SASE pedestal of the seed. Need to search for good position of the beam on the crystals as with just a slight change in pointing, the transmission goes down and deteriorates the beam spot
  • haveing troubles getting good transmission through the mono
  • taking spectra with the monochromatized seeded beam on PMMA, SiO2 and Al to be compared with the non-monochromatized cold spectra with 20 bunches.
  • second half of the train is often not lasing though transmission of the pulses through the warm mono seems ok
  311   17 Aug 2023, 23:54 Justine SchlappaSCSAfternoon Shift Summary on 17.08.2023

1. Finalized tr-RIXS series at 1.74 mJ/cm2
2. Checked FEL alignment
3. Started fluence series for tr-RIXS on peak C, completed: 1, 1.5 and 2 mJ/cm2

1. We noticed that calculator for PP laser fluence was not giving a correct value. The formula was corrected and the older logbook entries need to be checked. We start to use the "new values" from now on.
2. XAS processor get stuck and was restarted
3. left PC (pcx30525) got stuck and had to be restarted
4. hRIXS camera scene got stuck, so that it would not operate the PP laser delay stage. Help from DOC.
--> Solution: shutdown and reinstatiate device: SCS_HRIXS_DET/MDL/CAMERA_SHUTTER

Shift Plan:
Continue fluence series for: 0.5, 2.5, 3 mJ/cm2. Decide about further data points.

  310   17 Aug 2023, 11:09 Sergii Parchenko, Manuel HarderSCSNight shift summary on 16.08.23


  1. Acquired tr-RIXS data with 4.0 mJ/cm² laser power for 21 delays between -2 and +10 ps at 853 eV. including static XAS and dark hRIXS runs. Totally collected 210 minutes of data i.e. 10 minutes per delay
  2. Acquired tr-RIXS data with 4.0 mJ/cm² laser power for 21 delays between -2 and +10 ps at 853.44 eV. including static XAS and dark hRIXS runs. Totally collected 210 minutes of data i.e. 10 minutes per delay


  1. hRIXS camera number of readout ports was set to 1, increasing the readout time. Set it to 2.
  2. Elastic line drifted about 40 meV over 3 hours (first and last trRIXS run at 853)
  309   17 Aug 2023, 11:08 Teguh Citra AsmaraSCSAfternoon shift summary on 16.08.2023


  1. tr-RIXS at 4 mJ/cm2 for energies A, B, C, and D (pre-edge)
  2. Checked and optimized FEL alignment, t0 and overlap with PP laser after reset of machine synchronization
  3. Long delay scans for Peak A and C, up to 100 ps

  4. Need to reset machine synchronization by BKR

  5. Camera scene got stuck, was resolved by DOC

  308   17 Aug 2023, 11:07 Teguh Citra Asmara, Eugenio ParisSCSMorning Shift Summary on 16.08.2023


  1. Performed tr-RIXS on peak A, B, and C at 2.4 mJ/cm^2
  2. Performed tr-XAS on peak A at 3 fluences
  3. Performed tr-RIXS on peak A at 4 mJ/cm^2


  1. BAM delay line compensator was not working due to incorrect macro. DOC and LM fixed the issue.
  2. Delay line scan of hRIXS camera was not working as it was still configured for Viking. MT fixed the issue.
  3. The new centroiding algorithm (provided natively by the 4137 kernel) is not consistent with integration mode. For the time being, we use an older, manually configured centroiding algorithm developed for a previous user beamtime.
  4. tR-XAS results show large changes, but these large changes were not reflected in tr-RIXS.
  307   17 Aug 2023, 11:06 Sergii Parchenko, Manuel HarderSCSNight Shift Summary on 15.08.2023


  1. Replaced focusing lens of PP laser and measured focus with knife edge, focus is about 720 micron vert. & 600 horizontal. Horizontal x-ray spot size is 220 micron
  2. Adapted fluence calibration for the new spot sizes
  3. Optimized spatial and temporal overlap with new lens
  4. Performed optical and x-ray intensity & sample damage tests. We found that up to 15% GATT and up to 50% laser power are okay to use, without altering the sample.
  5. We started to collect hRIXS data at positive (1ps) and negative (-2ps) delays.


  1. Few beam dumps.
  2. BAM scene not working
  3. The new (?) centroiding function produces spectra with different intensity for acquisitions with the same settings. The old algorithm seems to work well.
  306   17 Aug 2023, 11:04 Justine Schlappa, Le PhuongSCSLate Shift Summary on 15.08.2023


  1. Set up PP laser, find spatial and temporal overlap between FEL and PP laser
  2. Optimize MCP and HAMP settings for good XAS signal
  3. Find time zero from XAS on sample and optimize for XAS delay scans at 40 deg incidence angle
  4. Take a fluence series on XAS delay scan from about 0.1 mJ/cm2 up to 2.5 mJ/cm2

Nothing of note

  305   17 Aug 2023, 11:00 Teguh Citra Asmara, Eugenio ParisSCSMorning Shift Summary on 15.08.2023


  1. Start cooling down the sample
  2. Align the beamline and deliver the beam into the sample
  3. Performed knife edge scans and enlarge the beam horizontal size to 350 um
  4. Tuned the VHM bending by checking the hRIXS resolution
  5. Performed energy calibration on the 1000 l/mm grating
  6. Check XAS and RIXS of the NdNiO3 sample at 20 K, normal incidence, and peak A


  1. Nothing of note

Shift Plan:

  1. Check static RIXS at a few different configuration
  2. Check damage threshold with x-ray and laser
  3. Find spatial and temporal overlap between laser and x-ray
  4. Performed pump-probe XAS and RIXS
  304   13 Aug 2023, 21:33 Jayanath KoliyaduSPBShift end

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, up to 181 pulses at 564 kHz, 8 - 1.3 mJ
  • Issue with pulse energy stability along the pulse train in the morning but optimzed later on in the day

Optical laser delivery

  • PP Laser, 800nm, 50 fs, up to 181 pulses @ from 10 Hz to564 kHz


  • Optimized Bismuth diffraciton condition on AGIPD
  • Collected pump-probe data with Bismuth fixed target
  • Aligned PAM and measured arrival time with electron bunch arrival time slope enabled
    • Positive slope and V shape slope measured


  • Issues with beam stability and intenisty.
    • Optimized later on in the day
    • But did not recover what we had yesterday in terms of pulse energy
  303   12 Aug 2023, 22:50 Jayanath KoliyaduSPBShift end

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, up to 181 pulses at 564 kHz, 1.8 - 1.9 mJ

Optical laser delivery

  • PP Laser, 800nm, 50 fs, up to 181 pulses @ 564 kHz and 91 pulses at 282 kHz, stable delivery


  • Installed and aligned fixed target for pump-probe measurement
  • Measured t0 with fixed target at IRU, scan tool to measure t0 was also tested
  • Optimized Bimuth fixed target sample for diffraction condition
  • Recorded pump-probe data (30 min 1 hour)
  • Spatial and temporal overlap of X-ray and PP laser at PAM


  • Issue with homing smaract stages used in fixed target. Solved by exchanging the stages for now but need to be checked later.
  • Difficulties in observing pump-probe signal in online data analysis although diffraction signal could be seen and optmized on the fluorescent paper on DN500 and AGIPD detector
    • Data collected for further offline analysis
  302   12 Aug 2023, 07:19 Romain LetrunSPBIssue

Potentially damaged 1.2 mm CVD in XTD2 attenuator. This feature was not present earlier in the week.

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-08-12_07-10-24.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2023-08-12_07-10-32.png
  301   12 Aug 2023, 07:12 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

Shift summary for 11.8.2023


X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, up to 181 pulses at 564 kHz, 1.8 - 1.9 mJ

Optical laser delivery

  • PP Laser, 800nm, 50 fs, up to 181 pulses @ 564 kHz and 91 pulses at 282 kHz, stable delivery


  • Continued pump-probe data collection for different delays and fluences
  • Continued jet automatic alignment testing
  • First test of arrival time tuning with BKR


  • Injector Y stage issue still persists. The reason behind the issue might be a faulty econder, the stage is now in open loop. EEE will check the issue on Monday in detail.
  300   12 Aug 2023, 01:32 Jörg HallmannMIDShift summary

measured various sample using the levitation device

during the change of the sample detector distance, the AGIPD chiller "Julabo" switch itself off and went into error - on & off procedure solved the problem and need further investigation

  299   11 Aug 2023, 07:16 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

Shift summary for 10.8.2023

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, up to 181 pulses at 564 kHz, 1.8 - 1.9 mJ

Optical laser delivery

  • PP Laser, 800nm, 50 fs, up to 181 pulses @ 564 kHz and 91 pulses at 282 kHz, stable delivery


  • Increased MBK_PSLIT aperture to fully fill the mirror's aperture
  • Issue with coordinated MKBs motion solved with the help of EEE and CTRL.
  • PP laser was aligned to IRU
  • Established temporal overlap between PP laser and X-rays
  • Continuation of automatic jet alignment testing
  • Measured pump-probe data at different delays and fluences


  • Injector Y stage is moving down without giving sany move command, DOC was informed. PLC experts will contact morning shift crew to investigate further
  • Astigmatism of PP laser beam prevents optimal focusing of the beam at the interaction point. LAS has been informed
  298   11 Aug 2023, 01:44 Jörg HallmannMIDShift summary

alignment checks of the CRL2 device as well as the Mono - continuation of both devices together planned for tomorrow
flatfelds for EPIX & AGIPD (needed to be redone because of too low intensity during the previous measurements)
installation of the levitation device and first test measurements


  297   10 Aug 2023, 22:43 Raśl Villanueva-GuerreroPRCIssue

Here is a capture of the observed issue with the SPB shutter the past night.


Observe the two opening/closing incidents: the first kept the shutter "OPEN" signal during 4 minutes aprox., and the second did the same for about 30 seconds.


Not clear the origin of these actions/changes on the status of the signals.

Attachment 1: image_2023-08-10_225040511.png
  296   10 Aug 2023, 07:22 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, up to 181 pulses at 564 kHz, ~1.8 mJ. Overall stable delivery.

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, 50 fs, 564 kHz, up to 185 pulses. Overall stable delivery.


  • Tested first implementation of new automatic jet alignment device.
  • Setup of photon arrival time monitor.


  • No analog output from SPB_MKB_MVE/ACTRL/AX_FINE. Solved by EEE via DOC.
  • Issue with MKBs coordinated motions under investigation by CTRL via DOC. Nothing obviously wrong, investigation still ongoing.
  • SPB_OHD_SCR/MOTOR/ZOOM and SPB_OHD_SCR/MOTOR/FOCUS not working. Some parameters lost during summer maintenance period. Fixed by DOC/EEE.
  • SPB_IRU_INJMOV/MOTOR/Y regulargly going into error state.
  • No access to key XFEL/DESY services (elog, Redmine, etc.) for a while.
  • SPB optics hutch shutter opened during the night, around 2:10, when we were not present causing a beam delivery interruption of about 5 minutes in SASE1/3.
  295   10 Aug 2023, 01:31 Jörg HallmannMIDShift summary

- finalized the flatfields of the AGIPD at 0.5 MHz
- optimized the performance of the beam (now 850 - 950 uJ)
- measured flatfield and darks for the Jungfrau detector
- optimized the instrument alignment of FEL beam and ALAS to the center of rotation

  294   09 Aug 2023, 01:42 Jörg HallmannMIDShift summary
  • after alignment of the beam, the main topic of the day were flatfields for the AGIPD with various settings
  • corresponding darks have been taken in addition
  • it was challenging to generate proper flatfield intensities on the detector (1photon peak equally high as the 0photon peak) due to the low intensity (750uJ)
  • shift crew received a warning of the machine that using the required 352 pulses for longer time could lead to an overheating of components in the machine -> flatfields were generated by using 172 pulses and sticking them together by shifting the delay
  293   08 Aug 2023, 22:57 Jayanath KoliyaduSPBShift end

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, ~ 2 mJ, stable delivery except for the intensity slope along the train (fixed later on)

Optical laser delivery

  • ns laser for imaging


  • Aligned the instrument for MKB focus configuration
  • Optimzed MKB focus and detector background
  • PCS - Collected data for about 3-4 hours with different sample concentration and crystal sizes.


  • Issue with intensity slope along the pulse train (fixed later in the day)
  • Issue with MKB combined motion (DOC informed)
  292   06 Aug 2023, 23:20 Sergii, AndreasSCSLate shift summary 06.08.2023


-Re-alighned beam transport from the FEL soource as we seen low phon counts on the spectrometer

-Optimized spectrometer at 1000l/mm grating

-Made energy and curvature calibration


-No major problems

  291   06 Aug 2023, 15:55 Ben, JustinaSCSMorning Shift Summary


  • Moved spectrometer to 1000 ln/mm and began alignment

Plan for next shift

  • Continue optimization of spectrometer with 1000 ln/mm grating


  • At some point we lost signal from the spectrometer and it took some time to find it
  • There were several beam lossed between 12 and 13h
  290   05 Aug 2023, 23:06 Sergii, AndreasSCSLate shift summary 05.08.2023


- Find course timing with antenna

-Find find timing signla with TR_XAS on the sample

-Measure XAS with laser ON and OFF to find optimal conditions for TR study

-Measure TR_XAS at low T


-temperature went up and the cooling was not responing to the change of needle valve. When we tweak a bit transfer line needle valve cooling starts again.

  289   05 Aug 2023, 15:33 Ben, JustineSCSShift summary


  • Measured XAS and RIXS from NdNiO3 test sample at 230 K

Plan for next shift

  • Measure test sample at 20K
  • Find timing between X-ray and laser and look for transient signal
  288   05 Aug 2023, 08:20 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, 1-202 pulses at 1.13 MHz, 1.9-2.1 mJ.
  • Overall stable delivery.
  • L-IBFB could not be activated due to missing missing transfer matrix elements. Missing parameters entered by the expert who happened to be on shift this morning.

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, 50 fs, 564 kHz. Overlall stable delivery.


  • Installation and alignment of fixed target sample.
  • Coarse timing of PP laser.
  • Found diffraction of sample.


  • Retracted CRL positions in MDL SA1_XTD2_CRL/MDL/CRL are not up-to-date and do not drive the CRLs to the "out" switch.
  • PP laser OXC synchronisation signal dropped out a couple of times. LbSync and LAS informed.
  287   04 Aug 2023, 23:20 Andreas, SergiiSCSlate shift summary


  • hooked up sample cooling and reached 20K at sample at typical low consumption rate
  • we archieved targeted resolving power of ~10,000 or 86meV @ 857eV at low temp 20K after indications that heating broadens the elastic line of CoO
  • we observe sample damage at 30% and higher transmissions using 350pulses at 1.13MHz, while 20% or less seems fine and elastic line width and intensity remains stable
  • we optimise focus condition == 10microns with focus downstream of sample position. KB VFM = 2.04  (beam size vs KB VFM was measured via knife edge scans) dE ~80-85meV
  • transfer new sample holder with test sample

plan for tonight and tomorrow morning

  • the exit arm may still improve the resolving power, less may be expected from the grating pitch. this can be explored but has lower priority as we reached slightly above E/dE = 10,000 already.
  • take RIXS and XAS data on test sample, find optimum settings (damage threshold, camera readout etc) 
  • late shift will start with 800nm timing.


  • nothing to report
  286   04 Aug 2023, 07:10 Giuseppe Mercurio, Teguh AsmaraSCSnight shift summary


  • changed the LEPM to optimize resolution
  • found 140 meV


  • were not able to recover settings found because it is difficult to reproduce LEPM positions


  • try to improve resolution
  285   02 Aug 2023, 06:44 Giuseppe Mercurio, Teguh AsmaraSCSshift summary


  • beam transport with the second half of undulators closed
  • measured pulse energy in SCS hutch and verified that the transmission of the beamline with hr grating is as previously reported
  • knife edge scans along vertical direction to find focus (<=11 um) and horizontal direction to have 175 um
  • half clip scans to find center of rotation
  • aligned Cu and Ni ML (theta offset) to find signal of Cu and Ni at hrixs
  • delivered the beam at the hrixs ccd camera


  • all the undulator cells were closed instead of only the second half of the undulators


  • optimize energy resolution at hrixs at Ni L edge (priority)


  284   31 Jul 2023, 01:42 Sergii, MartinSCSNight shift summary 30.07.2023


-We measured vertical spot size for several VFM settings


-We cannot focus the x-ray beam with KB. The best value what we can get is ~300 um. We checked the slits of KB. The ALAS is slightly clipped on parabolic mirror of tim ing chamber. TI is not clear if this is the reason. We cannot proceed with the program for hRIXS.

-Still no signal on APD.

  283   30 Jul 2023, 23:06 Ulrike BoesenbergMIDShift summary

9 and 10keV beam, up to 30 bunches, significant drop in intensity in the morning and in the evening.


Commissioning of EH MIRR device

Preparation of user experiment at 10keV with lenses and monochromator

  282   30 Jul 2023, 18:35 Giuseppe, AndreasSCSMorning Shift summary


  • calibration of exit slits
  • measurement of Cu L3 edge
  • moved hRIXS to nominal settings for Cu L3 edge


  • hRIXS motors could not be moved remotely, the problem was finally understood: GTZ had been moved manually into an interlock condition, going then to remote operation bring the motors to error state, it is then impossible to go out of error state from remote operation if there is also an interlocked state. In this case, the solution is to move the motor away from interlock state manually and then move to remote operation.
  • vavle with filters in front of grating chamber cannot be moved: problem unsolved, please Martin have a look at it.
  • DA online analysis tool for XAS was not working, DAC contacted Oleksey from DA and problem was fixed


  • optimize beam dimension for hRIXS
  • find rixs signal and optimize resolution
  281   30 Jul 2023, 02:02 Ulrike BoesenbergMIDShift summary

9.3 keV, 1-35pulses, stable delivery ~600uJ
*General alignment of MID branch to the DES
*Commissioning of CRL2 (MID_XTD6_CRL) together with EEE after change to close loop in the maintenance period and alignment of lenses, characterization of beamsize using the X-ray eye at the sample position.
*Alignment of spectrometer in DES

  280   29 Jul 2023, 23:46 Adam RoundSPBShift end

X-ray delivery

  • 12.4 keV, up tp 352 pulses but the intensity drop across the train was too dramatic to use. reasonably stable delivery with 202 pulses.

Optical laser delivery

  • none


  • reestablished direct beam trajectory and verified instrument alignment
  • collected flat field calibration for AGIPD-1M for all high priority scenarios and some additional settings (see table copied in SPB commissioning or original AGIPD log)
  279   29 Jul 2023, 17:57 Harald SinnPRCIssue

The hutch search of SASE3, SXP became defective around 5am. 

DESY MPS group replaced a defective warning light unit and now it seems ok.

  278   28 Jul 2023, 15:37 Harald SinnPRCStatus

Good news: The 'jitter'-tests was sucessful and BKR could identify the jitter source related to a wrong software setting around the AH1 module of injector.

This was now fixed and the jitter has disappeared smiley . It is likely that the tuning was compromised by this setting from the beginning of this run (July11).

On Monday morning, a fresh tuning round will be started with hopefully improved SASE performance. Until then photon delivery with what we have.  

  277   28 Jul 2023, 14:56 Giuseppe Mercurio, Laurent MercadierSCSend of shift summary


  1. found new M2 bender position for focusing using blank
  2. tried to use unfocused beam for ESLITS calibration, but could not see it at SCSPopin, only at M5 Popin
  3. we moved the XRD chamber laterally, closer to hRIXS, to be able to cut the beam using the sample at grazing incidence
  4. seen FEL on antenna, measured FEL spectrum at navitar


  • general slowness of SA3 motors whenever the whatchdogs were active, switching them off seems at least to mitigate (solve) the problem
  • navitar camera in unknown state
  • scs daq control in unknown state (problem caused by FADC not instantiated)
  • SCS_XTD10_TPI/CAM/SHUTTER was in the UNKNOWN state: the camera cannot be pinged, probably it is disconnected. WE NEED TO FOLLOW UP WITH THIS
  • HSLITS blades were in error and could not be moved, Leandro fixed this problem, the issue was at the PLC level and related to the encoder
  • ESLITS imager and SCS POPin could not be moved, DOC (Dave) fixed this problem
  • we could not propagate the unfocused beam to the SCS Popin, only up to M5 popin


  • look for signal at the hRXIS
  • optimize resolution by changing LEPM angle
  • measure XAS using MCP
  • look for signal at APD after moving the APD on the side of the sample that is not blocked by the L shaped knife edge
  276   28 Jul 2023, 14:46 Harald SinnPRCStatus

As discussed, there will be a beam interuption form 14:45 until probably 15:45 related to jitter studies at A1 that the BKR would like to try out. 


  275   28 Jul 2023, 06:38 Sergii, ManuelSCSShift Summary 27_07_23 night


1. Beam in sample chamber, almost overlapping with ALAS

2. We saw signal on MCP and diode2

3. Sample Motors aligned close to the desired height in chamber



1. Slow response of Screens and mirror motors, solved by restarting the Beckhoff of the mirror motors

2. Could not find signal of unfocused beam on SCS Pop-In

3. Acquiring data with the spectrometer for energy calibration does not work

4, Motor STZ of XRD does not allow halfclip of the beam.

5. No Fluorescence signal on the APD

6. In the DAQ we can not execute "assign" or "cofigure" action

  274   25 Jul 2023, 19:18 Harald SinnPRCStatus

After the 12 hour cryo failure last night, it was decided to exchange a faulty window with some reduced transmission at the injector laser today (see email by Andreas to xo-info yesterday). 

This was sucessful and the injector tunnel was closed today 16:40 and restart of the gun is ongoing. Tomorrow ramp up and SASE tuning.

The hope is that the large jitter and the poor SASE performance of last week can be now improved.  Beam delivery to instrument is expected on Thursday. 

  273   23 Jul 2023, 17:28 Frederik Wolff-FabrisPRCStatus

Photon Activities by XPD colleagues in SA3 are concluded on Sunday 23.07 at 17:00. The photon commissioning activities are concluded for this week.

The PRC agrees with RCs to handle beam back to BKR for further tuning activities while touching common nobs.

  272   21 Jul 2023, 20:31 Silja SchmidtchenXROShift Summary SA2

Alignment to HED:

SA2 - divergence with various M2 bender positions  HED -

SA2 - divergence with various M2 bender positions MID -

Issues with HED PBLM blade in SA2:

Vobration measurements could not be done

End of shift:

SA2 left with preAbs in

machine wanted to increase intensity

  271   21 Jul 2023, 17:22 Kelin TascaXROSummary of SA1 shift for XO and instruments

PBLM checked:

Solid attenuators checked:

  270   21 Jul 2023, 16:54 Antje TrappXROBeam aligned to HED

Position stored in XRO setpoints - F and HED setpoints - A

Attachment 1: 2023-07-21_16-52-28_HED-final-position.png
  267   20 Jul 2023, 20:21 Kelin TascaXROShift summary of SASE1 alignment

Beam aligned to SPB Pop-In

Beam aligned to FXE Pop-In

Vibration tests:

Camera of M2 may not be working. Please check.


  268   20 Jul 2023, 18:23 Kelin TascaXROFXE beam alignment 9 keV 2 mrad
Attachment 1: 2023-07-20_17-34-11_SA1_FXE_alignment.png
Attachment 2: 2023-07-20_17-10-45_SRA.png
  266   20 Jul 2023, 18:20 Antje TrappXROShift summary of SASE2 alignment

Mirror pitch motors Ry were tested after scaling was changed to um.

Tx and Ry motor positions were calibrated to their measured physical positions.


New mirror positions for 9.3keV ; 2.2mrad ; B4C stripe are stored in MID-setpoints and HED setpoints

Please check the respective ELOG entries from July 20th

  269   20 Jul 2023, 18:17 Kelin TascaXROSPB beam alignment 1 keV 2 mrad
Attachment 1: 2023-07-20_16-46-47_beam_on_SPB_after_pointing.png
Attachment 2: FEL__2023-07-20_16-42-57.png
  265   19 Jul 2023, 20:09 Mikako MakitaXROShift summary: 19. July

Summary of today's activity:

  • Beam handover ~ 3pm.
  • SA2 mirror set tp B4C.
  • SA2 Rough alignment to MID & HED @ ~ 2-2.5 mrad ==> img 1, 4, 5 & 6
  • SA2 HED-Preabsorber position check with x-ray (working) ==> img 2 &3
  • SA3 M6 mirror Switch check (seems to be working)
  • SA1 rough alignment to SPB (M1,M2) at 2 mrad ==>img 7&8
Attachment 1: MID-2-2mrad-2023-07-19_16-13-49.png
Attachment 2: HEDBeammonitor_YAG_2023-07-19_18-31-33.png
Attachment 3: HEDBeammonitor_diamond_2023-07-19_18-28-11.png
Attachment 4: 2023-07-19_16-43-19_beam_at_MID_2_2mrad.png
Attachment 5: beam-on-mid-2023-07-19_16-09-45.png
Attachment 6: end-of-shift-beam-on-HED_2023-07-19_21-03-17.png
Attachment 7: SPB_aligned_2023-07-19_21-04-14.png
Attachment 8: SPB_mirrorAligned_2mrad_2023-07-19_21-15-54.png
  264   19 Jul 2023, 12:34 Antje TrappXROALL RY MOTORS ARE IN MICROMETER SCALING

This has several implications:


- Ry values seem to have changed by a factor of 1000

- Accelleration and decelleration have been reduced significantly.


-Motor velocity has been reduced

  263   21 Jun 2023, 15:12 Andreas KochXPDNew screens installed in FEL imager SA3

YAG screen
The damaged screen "YAG2" with Al coating had marks and had been exchanged.
The Imager Watchdog now protects the screen - operational for some months i.e. the number of bunches is shut down to zero if the intensity at the screen is too high. In this case, best then is to use the GATT.
Follow the instructions and informations given in the Imager scene.

BN screen
Also the "BN" screen had slight marks and had been exchanged. This screen suffered from accumulated dose over the years but no special protection is foreseen. The imager Watchdog will warn. BN has a high damage threshold for single pulse damage similar to diamond. In contrast to diamond it will not show spurious reflections, like optical light in the beamline or background from SA1 pulses but it has a lower spatial resolution.
Follow the instructions and informations given in the Imager scene.

  262   19 Jun 2023, 09:37 Jan GruenertXPDShift start

Rampdown day activities

The main focus is as usual on checking all tunnel components and to identify any potential
issues that could be fixed during the maintenance period which will be starting this wednesday.
Outline time schedule as sent around last week by Maurizio:

  • 7:30-11:00: SASE3
  • 11:00- end: SASE2
  • 13:00-end: SASE1

During the today x-ray rampdown activities, XPD will work mainly from BKR (Jan, Naresh) and SCS hutch (Theo, Joakim).
Communication via zoom-room REMOTE1 or mobile phones.
Naresh is initially supporting Weilun / Gianluca for their study (SA1 and SA2) and will check both HIREXs.
Joakim will work in SA3 on PES + grating spectrometer with support by SCS or SQS colleagues, probably when XRO is finished with SA3 (after 11:00)
Jan will focus on the MCP detectors and imager in all SASE beamlines, in coordination with the XRO activities.

  261   19 Jun 2023, 05:34 Konopkova ZuzanaHEDShift summary
  • concluded user experiment on dynamically compressed water
  • long train operation worked relatively stable with no major interuptions in beam delivery
  260   18 Jun 2023, 07:31 Adam RoundSPBShift end

posting for 17th June

Staff: AR, AS, FK, HH, JB, KK, DZ, MK

X-ray delivery

  • 12.4 keV, 1.4 mJ

Optical laser delivery

  • 532 nm, ns-laser for sample pumping


  • Continued to collect data many hours of data collection


  • coupling with SASE2 limited feedbacks to control slope across train, this led to dificulties in alignment and lost time to correct for poor visualisation of the beam.
  • After discussion SASE2 kindly gave permission to BKR to corect the slope to facilitate our alignment
    • we also with the help of PRC arranged for the same arrangment for alignment for sunday
  259   17 Jun 2023, 07:41 Faisal Hammad Mekky Koua Strange pulse behavior upstream XGM

- Pulse intensity decreases drastically at XTD2 across the train

- the visualisation of our beam therfore needs to be compensated adjusting transmission

- beam shape and uniformity is different than previous days and it is unclear how much of this is related to real changes in the beam or an effect of the slope in the train. We are therefore spending more time than usual to investigate and align becuse we cannot correct the slope.


>50 pulses was requested for alignment explicitly as this is needed to setup the instrument for measurment.



Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-06-17_07-40-49.png
  258   17 Jun 2023, 07:27 Konopkova ZuzanaHEDShift summary

Beam 18 keV, 0.5 MHz, long trains up to ~280 pulses

  • change setup to dynamic DAC
  • prep for user beamtime: alignment of X-rays, focusing (~40 um), train-on-demand for long trains, transmission runs
  • darks, XRD calibrations for AGIPD


  • AGIPD may need a timing scan
  • trains decreasing in intensity rapidly
  257   16 Jun 2023, 11:42 Abhisakh SarmaSPBStatus

Beam is back at around 11:30 pm

We lost 1 hr 30 min of beam time.(it was promised to get back at around 10:00 am)

If we want to change the pulse number then we need to call BKR.

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-06-16_11-41-39.png
  256   16 Jun 2023, 06:28 Michaela PetrichPRCIssue

staus of JUN16, 11:30

SA1 and SA3 have been adjusted to acceptable conditions to be compatible with simultaneus operation at SA2

tuning on SA2 is ongoing


status of JUN16, 8:40

Update: problem is solved. Rack fuse in electrontunnel was blown. Operators are bringing the machine back up at the moment.

Afterwards (around 9pm) photons are all needed at SASE2 for tuning to full train mode.

Photons will be given back to SA1 and SA3 as soon as possible. Please encounter good beam conditions for measurements not before 10 am.


Dear all,

please note that we have a downtime since 4am which is expected to last until 8am or longer. There are issues with the following components: magnets, BLMs, the XS1 dump-PLC etc.

The source is yet unknown and will be investigated in an access to XS1.

I will keep you informed in this channel.



  255   15 Jun 2023, 23:08 Johan BieleckiSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 12.42 keV, stable delivery in single pulse mode with 1.9 mJ/pulse

Optical laser delivery

  • 532 nm ns-laser for sample pumping


  • Collected protein crystal diffraction for three different samples with varying laser delay and fluence. LCP viscous jet sample delivery.
  • Stable CRL focus using tunnel collimation with 3 XTD2 lenses followed by 17 focusing lenses in SPB hutch. 2 um FWHM focus with <1um standard deviation in 'X' position.
    • 3 XTD2 lenses gives a round X-ray beam approx 1 mm in size, such that we are almost overfilling the CRL apertues in SPB.


  • Some initial jetting issues, which have now been solved.
  254   15 Jun 2023, 06:41 Konopkova ZuzanaHEDShift summary

18 keV, 150 uJ per pulse, 2.2 MHz

  • continuing user program proposal 3285
  • X-ray heating and laser heating samples in DACs
  • using only the first 200 pulses of the train as the intensity after decreases fast, conversion of the samples is difficult due to low pulse energies
  253   13 Jun 2023, 23:08 Konopkova ZuzanaHEDShift summary

beam: 18 keV, 352 pulses, ~200 uJ per pulse


  • AGIPD timing scans, AGIPD darks.
  • beam alignment, CRL3 focusing, prep for the user beamtime

beam conditions:

  • beam is jittering in position and pulse energies are on the lower end. The pulse train in decreasing in intensity
  252   13 Jun 2023, 11:23 Raśl Villanueva-Guerrero Vacuum Leak in SA2-XTD1 Solid Attenuator - [SOLVED] - Closing report

Dear all,

the closing report on this issue can be found in the following Alfresco link: 



  251   13 Jun 2023, 06:49 Abhisakh Sarma Taking the beam

BKR changed the beam energy from 15 keV to 12.4 keV

Energy 12.4 keV

Repeatation rate 1.1 MHz

Average pulse energy 1.8 mJ


Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-06-13_06-57-01.png
  250   12 Jun 2023, 07:16 Chan KimSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 12.42 keV, stable delivery with slightly less than 1.0 mJ/pulse (~0.95 mJ/pulse)

Optical laser delivery

  • none


  • BKR semi-optimized photon flux by ~20% more then yesterday)
  • Long data collection (5 hours) although we still had rather low hit rate with ligand (hit rate was higher without ligand)


  • Beam pointing issue (only relavent to SPB_EHC_CRL) after BKR semi-optimize photon flux
  • Rather low hit rate due to flux, crystal size, ligand, etc.
  249   12 Jun 2023, 02:01 Ulrike BoesenbergMIDShift summary

*Some more tuning of HXRSS and focus optimization in the morning.

*XPCS data taken in WAXS geometry on different glass samples.

*Migration of data is clogging up after about 10pm. DRC was contacted.

*Beam loss at 1am due to lost connection to TD5, MPS shut off beam in SA2.

  248   12 Jun 2023, 01:06 Laurent MercadierSCSlate shift summary


  • Optimized THz EOS, managed to observe single shot EOS trace with good SNR
  • Characterized chirp with different glass lengths
  • Ran SiN spectral encoding in parallel


  • No major issue
  247   11 Jun 2023, 17:34 Robert CarleySCSEarly shift summary


  • Observed first EOS of THz emitted from FEL-pumped STE on SiC and Si membranes
  • Explored fluence dependence and damage limits
  • Explored sample heating with pulse repetition rate
  • Measure timing jitter of FEL with and without longitudinal feedbacks engaged


  • DAQ was losing trains. Problem solved by DOC.
  245   11 Jun 2023, 07:40 Robert CarleySCSNight shift summary


  • optimized EOS signal from FEL-induced THz emission from STE on Sa of PAM
  • reduced chirp to increase timing sensitivity to 9fs / pixel of PAM
  • STE-based PAM measurements at fixed delay and delay scans. 
  • after FEL down at 6am, continue with PAM measurements without BAM fast feedback mode (stopped after FEL back)


  • none
  246   11 Jun 2023, 07:28 Chan KimSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 12.42 keV, 0.65 mJ/pulse, low pulse energy but mostly stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • none


  • Unit photon flux increased by bending M2 bender more although incident pulse energy was about 0.65 mJ/pulse (10-20% lower then yesterday)
  • Long data collection (4.5 hours) although we had rather low hit rate
  • SideMic position and focus optimized in the end of the shift


  • Even lower pulse energy (M2 bender helped a bit), any improvement will be helpful for Sun. night shift
  244   11 Jun 2023, 02:08 Ulrike BoesenbergMIDShift summary

* First half of the day was used to optimize seeding performance
* Cryo issues started at 6 pm; were resolved by 9:30pm
* After some tuning, we observed very nice seeding performance around midnight (ratio better than 1:1)
* Beam size seems too big; we measured 25x25 um w/ knife edge scans and CRL2 lenses 3,5,6
* Mounted the x-ray again, and left the chamber pumping overnight
* Morning crew, please double-check the beam size tomorrow

  243   10 Jun 2023, 23:24 Loic Le GuyaderSCSlate shift summary


  • checked coarse timing between FEL and PPL at XOX. It had shifted significantly
  • determined that light coming out of sapphire from FEL was not heating but fluorescence
  • observed for the first time THz emission from STE from FEL pump on sapphire substrate and mesured with single shot EOS


  • FEL down for 3h


  242   10 Jun 2023, 21:52 Jan GruenertPRCStatus

The Cryo team solved the problems, beam is back.
Downtime from 17h59 until 21h03.

Attachment 1: JG_2023-06-10_um_21.55.46.png
  241   10 Jun 2023, 18:46 Jan GruenertPRCIssue

18h05 : RC informs:

Machine is down, because Cryo-OK was lost.
Apparently it is a turbine but not the cold compressors.

It is thus not yet known how long the downtime will last.
More info will come within the next hour.

MID and FXE were informed by PRC, SCS could not be reached yet.

  240   10 Jun 2023, 06:55 Chan KimSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 12.42 keV, 0.8 mJ/pulse, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • none


  • BG optimized (1-2 photons)
  • Realignment of offset mirrors (M1 & M2), cube, straw, sidemic
  • Jungfrau4M timing checked and optimized for single memory cell operation
  • About 2 hours data collection


  • Low pulse energy (Tomorrow, BKR and we should optimize the pulse energy)
  • Extremely slow data calibration (it took more than 1 hour for 10 minutes run)
  239   10 Jun 2023, 00:39 Ulrike BoesenbergMIDShift summary

* Data collection of vycor and glass samples in SAXS geometry until 9am

* Successful intervention on SA2_XTD1_ATT arm 6 by the vacuum group, see elog entry 237 by Raoul and Bianca . Thanks!

* Simultaneous CoC in the MID hutch to WAXS geometry.

* Beam back for tuning around 4:30pm, HXRSS tuning still ongoing

  238   09 Jun 2023, 22:52 Loic Le GuyaderSCSlate shift summary


  • try pumping STE membrane with FEL and detect THz emission with single shot EOS. No success.
  • tried cross-polarization for a short time, no success either.
  • reduced the PPL chirp to record single shot transient reflectivity data versus BAM for the night.


  • FEL on STE on sapphire show strong glowing so it's probably not the right regime to get THz
  • we don't have a self referencing scheme to observe THz emission from PPL pump


  237   09 Jun 2023, 15:41 Raśl Villanueva-GuerreroVACVacuum Leak in SA2-XTD1 Solid Attenuator - [SOLVED] - Preliminary report

Dear all,

After the incidences reported yesterday and the diagnostic remotely done (where we could narrow down the root cause to the edge-welded below at the Linear stage of the arm Nr. 6 - 2.4 mm CVD diamond], we confirmed this as a fact during the schedule access today. Here is a succint summary of what happened.

  1. Although planned for 9:00, we could only enter the tunnel past 10:15 due to some issues for the accurate release of the XTD1 tunnel interlock, in such way that the use of the XHE2 elevator could be used.
  2. The first action was confirming the first hypothesis. The result of a direct He-leak test shown a leak rate up to 5*10-6 mbar*l/s, which was consistent with the observation from yesterday. No other leak was found.
  3. After securing the vacuum integrity of the lateral sections, venting the long sector took some time.
  4. We also had some issues with the vacuum connections of the affected actuator, but eventually it could be eventually removed.
  5. A first evaluation of the 2.4 mm CVD diamond, no major damage is evident and the chances of reusing are high (at least at first sight).
  6. Also, the repair of the leaky part (or better said, its eventual replacement) seems feasible, and would only depend on finding a similar bellow equipment. XRO is working already on this.
  7. The vacuum system could be recover relatively fast to an extent where a general leak test could be performed again. No further leaks were found.
  8. After the removal of the arm 6, and the reconfiguration of the pneumatic system, we tested several time (in air and in vacuum conditions) that not having the arm 6 wouldn´t block the use of the solid attenuator. Also XRO check/is checking all the possible implications for the "normal" operation of the beamline.
  9. At 13:30 we communicated with BKR and later with the PRC to provide feedback on the progress.
  10. At 14:15 we confirmed that we were leaving already the tunnel, so the tunnel search could be triggered.
  11. Around 14:30, the SA2 vacuum OK signal was released and confirmed by BKR operators.
  12. In conclusion, the time envelope  of effective work (4h) was achieved.

At this moment, the sector vacuum level is recovering positively and the average pressure is in the 5*10-8 mbar after 2,5 hours of pumping the the ion pumps, which is a good indication of the overall success.

With best regards,

R. Villanueva & B. Dickert.




  236   09 Jun 2023, 12:37 Jan GruenertPRCIssue

Repair of SA2_XTD1_ATT

Status 12h30:
The current MID users took beam until 9am, only then the machine could start preparing for the tunnel access e.g. by decoupling the South branch, powering down magnets and taking XTD1 out of the interlock. The VAC team was ready to go into the tunnel for the repair in XTD1 already since 8am.
Unfortunately, the tunnel access of the VAC team got delayed beyond 9am by one more hour to 10am because the DACHS terminal at ground level of XS2 was found defective, and releasing the tunnel interlock took substantial time.
DESY experts went onsite and informed that a proper repair of the DACHS terminal can only happen next monday.
Only with a workaround, finally the VAC team was able to use the elevator to bring the required large venting and pumping equipment down to the tunnel level.
The vacuum works are ongoing with highest priority.

Status 14h20 :
VAC has finished the intervention, informed BKR and PRC, and is leaving the tunnel. Tunnel search team can start.

Status 15h00:
Tunnel search almost finished (also found some technical obstacles), Seeding experts are informed and ready to start their work.

  235   09 Jun 2023, 07:05 Adam RoundSPBShift summary

Staff: DZ, AR, MK

X-ray delivery

  • 12.42 keV 169 pulses for alignment 16 pulses for data collection. stable delivery excluding the extended interuption

Optical laser delivery

  • none


  • Continuation of lysozyme experiment with parameters from yesterday
  • data collection time limited by machine downtime, alignment optimisaiton and cleaning of the sample buildup around the interaciton region.
  234   09 Jun 2023, 02:22 Ulrike BoesenbergMIDShift summary

*Vacuum issues: There seems to be a leak in the arm nr. 6 (2.4mm CVD Diamond). This has escalated to trip several times the vacuum sector interlock. VAC will do an intervention to XTD1 with broken interlock tomorrow morning starting 9am to remove arm 6 permanently and putting a blind flange instead. 
*We can measure for today with the 2.4mm CVD Diamond inserted into the beam.
*Measurements on Vycor and glass samples with different attenuation at and repetition rate (2.2 and 4.5 MHz)
*A25 trip at 1:14, after some intervention we get the beam back at 2:12

  233   08 Jun 2023, 17:05 Jan GruenertPRCIssue

SA2_XTD1_ATT solid attenuator vacuum issue

Info from VAC (Raul Villanueva) 12h30:

It seems to be a leak in the arm nr. 6 (2.4mm CVD Diamond). This has escalated to trip several times the vacuum sector interlock.
On top of that, we also discover an issue with the configuration of a ion pump controller that have required the intervention of DOC / EEE. 

If the arm 6 is kept closed (2.4 mm CVD  is inserted), the leak rate seems to be small enough to allow operation (average sector pressure in the low 10-7 mbar). Otherwise it will blow consistently the interlock. (I repeat here: DO NOT MOVE THE 2.4 MM CVD!!!) See attachment #1. Most probably the leak would be in the custom-made bellow of that particular actuator. XRO just confirmed that there is no spares available.

Info by MID (12h30):
For today, MID can operate with the 2.4mm diamond inserted without impact to their experiment. However, tomorrow morning there will be a new user and experimental setup, which will require full transmission throughout the weekend, therefore the 2.4mm diamond attenuator must be removed friday. The change in experimental setup means that MID will work in the hutch at 10am for several hours and won't take beam anyhow.

Discussion of PRC+RC+XO+VAC+MID (15h30), with agreement to the following actions:

a) VAC prepares an intervention to XTD1 with broken interlock tomorrow morning startin 9am to remove arm 6 permanently and putting a blind flange instead. This intervention is estimated to start 9am and last for 4 to 5 hours. VAC will inform BKR if the work can be completed quicker.

b) Next week (last operation week in this run) therefore the Solid attenuator arm 6 won't be available. HED confirmed to PRC that it will be acceptable for their experiment since they plan to use full transmission in XTD2 and use their own attenuators in the HED hutch to attenuate the beam. XPD confirms that the XTD2 attenuators are not required for HIREX operation since HIREX contains its own attenuators between the bent crystal and the detector.

c) BKR/RC will organize the required tunnel search for the friday afternoon, and subsequently the HXRSS team will start optimization.

d) X-Ray Optics has already initiated the contact with the ATT device supplier to get replacement parts that will allow to recover full functionality during the upcoming (short) summer maintenance week.

Attachment 1: image.png
  232   08 Jun 2023, 11:02 Johannes MoellerMIDIssue

Addition to previous issue:

Last incident (of overall 4), we had 0 bunches, moved in XTD1 ATT 0.6 and 1.2 mm CVD diamond in and 2.4mm CVD out. However, vacuum started to become bad already two days ago.

Update from vacuum OCD: Seems to be related to one leaky below of 2.4 mm CVD arm. Operational consequences are discussed right now.

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-06-08_11-03-50.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2023-06-08_11-08-06.png
  231   08 Jun 2023, 10:37 Jan GruenertPRCIssue

SASE2 vacuum incident

7h10 : MID informs PRC about a vacuum incident in the SASE2 tunnel which tripped the beam. Instructed to contact directly VAC-OCD

8h26 : VAC-OCD informs that investigation is ongoing, but beam can be delivered. This kind of trip usually occured rarely
           and usually can be reset by VAC. Apparently the source of the issue is at the XTD1 solid attenuators.

8h36 : MID confirms to PRC that already 3 trips occcured but the experiment so far can continue. Beam delivery continues.

10h11 : VAC-OCD informs that now there is a bigger more wide-spread issue with the XTD1 vacuum system
           and beam operation is stopped for at least 1 hour. VAC group and DOC are working on the issue.

11h : It turns out that the vacuum bellows of the 2.4mm diamond attenuator in SA2_XTD1_ATT has a leak, which is worse and
         not acceptable in terms of vaccuum in the extracted state (bellows elongated) but less severe in the inserted state (bellows compressed).

12h33 : info by VAC: issue is temporarily solved by blocking the 2.4mm diamond arm in the IN position. Must clarify today how to proceed further.
          The vacuum issue thus is temporarily solved, beam permission is back,

12h38 : Beam coming back to MID. MID can work today with this ATT always inserted, but not for the weekend.

Attachment 1: 2023-06-08_SA2-beam-delivery.JPG
  230   07 Jun 2023, 23:54 Loic Le GuyaderSCSLate shift summary


  • setup spectral encoding of the transient reflectivity in FFT
  • determine coarse timing in the XOX
  • fixed BOZ_Z motion and DSSC silicon oil pressure reading


  • nothing major


  229   07 Jun 2023, 15:04 Giuseppe Mercurio, Teguh AsmaraSCSMorning shift summary


  • FEL beam realignment because pointing was off since we had 0 pulses during the night
  • coarse timing was found
  • knife edge scans of FEL to achieve twice the PPL beam size


  • several machine interruptions, partially due to corss-talk with sa2 and 4.5 MHz oparation
  • gate valve before KB XOX/GV3 goes into interlock and then stays closed, probably due to pressure spikes
  228   06 Jun 2023, 23:11 Loic Le GuyaderSCSlate shift summary


  • aligned the beam through up to the XOX imager
  • prepared FFT for reflectivity measurement
  • tested new DSSC gain files for Tb M5 edge


  • in-vacuum piezo motor for the THz parabola stopped working, venting XOX required for troubleshooting, not using the X-ray beam this night


  227   06 Jun 2023, 08:28 Naresh KujalaXPDStatus

SA2 photon beamline

- SRA position were 7 mm x 7 mm, MID reported they see the hallow of beam shadow at MID Popin

- I have closed the SRA to 3.5 mm x 3.5 mm


Attachment 1: SRA-Before_changing_1.PNG
Attachment 2: SRA-after_changing.PNG
  226   05 Jun 2023, 08:28 Naresh KujalaPRCStatus

- SA2 photon beamline

Today morning found the CRL1: 5 and 6 arm and Pop-in 45-I are still IN. I have retracted them.

Attachment 1: SA2_Main-Status_05-06-23.PNG
  225   05 Jun 2023, 06:45 Tommaso MazzaSQSIssue

around 6:15, the lights as the one shown in the attachment turned on by themselves in the control hutch. after some minutes, they switched off.

from the exp hutch camera, we realized that this happened in there as well, which impacted negatively on the running measurement. The pnCCD is sensitive to ambient light and we have to keep the hutch dark while measuring.

Why did these lights turn on?

Attachment 1: 1685940280680.jpg
  224   04 Jun 2023, 21:17 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 12.2-12.45 keV, up to 339 pulses at 1.13 MHz, 0.8-1.2 mJ.
  • Couple of minutes beam interruption.

Optical laser delivery

  • NA


  • Calibration of XPD's CAL/LPM at 12.4 keV.
  • Measurement of CRLs transmission with LPM.
  • Realignment of CRL chamber and all arms.
  • Realignment of IRDa components and focus optimisation. Optimal focus with 17 lenses at 12.38 keV.
  • Installation of remaining IRDa components: side microscope and flight tube.
  • References taken in both IRDa's microscopes for laser setup next week.


  • None.
  223   04 Jun 2023, 14:53 Konopkova ZuzanaHEDShift summary

beam parameters: 20 keV, 300 uJ, 352 pulses

  • continuation of user programe.
  • Machine performance very good for trying the 20 keV the first time. Experiment also going well.
  222   03 Jun 2023, 23:40 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 10.65 keV, up to 339 pulses at 1.13 MHz, 1.6-1.8 mJ.
  • 12.4 keV, up to 30 pulses at 1.13 MHz, 1.0-1.2 mJ.
  • Beam not aligned to the crosshair at 12.4 keV, but we could work with it as it is to avoid further tuning.
  • Overall stable delivery.

Optical laser delivery

  • NA


  • Thermal measurements with Be and Al CRLs under various conditions.
  • Performed test with SQS to determine the effect changing number of SASE1 bunches. Upon changing from 339 to 30 bunches at 1.13 MHz, the pump-probe signal in SQS decreased by ~30% and partially recovered within a few minutes, but was at not point lost. Clearly, the decision made yesterday that prevented us to use the beam over the last two hours of the shift and to complete our programme was not based on solid evidence.
  • Setup and alignment of IRDa in preparation for next week.


  • Photon energy was changed from 12.4 to 12.0 keV shortly after 23:00 while we were still using the beam.
  221   03 Jun 2023, 13:42 Thomas PrestonHEDPulse energy has dropped to ~50% from this morning

03 Jun 2023, 13:46

We called the BKR to ask what they can do about our pulse energy being 50% (~160uJ and slowly dropping) of what it was since we made our hutch intervention (with 0 bunches). BKR were asked to organise a time slot with PRC and the other instruments to make an intervention to try to increase our pulse energy.

We have one cell (CH4) which is low-Z and would require higher pulse energies for x-ray heating. We are flexible as to when this intervention happens this afternoon as in the meantime we can continue to work with other cells.

  220   03 Jun 2023, 09:42 Thomas PrestonHEDShift summary

X-ray parameters: 20 keV,  352 pulses, ca 300 uJ

  • running user samples.

experiment going overall well.

X-ray performance:

  • Good - still crosstalk issues with SA3 so we have to call BKR everytime we change bunches to 30 (alignment mode), or 0 (hutch intervention).

AGIPD took damage to one module yesterday (top left) leading to a short in the high-voltage line but is still performing well with only 7/8 modules. We will investigate what the extent of the damage is after the experiment.

  219   02 Jun 2023, 23:34 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 10.65 keV, 128 pulses at 1.13 MHz, 1.6-1.7 mJ.
  • Overall stable delivery.

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, 50 fs, 226 pulses at 1.13 MHz.


  • Continued characterisation of crystals (thermal measurement, interferometry, imaging) under different beam conditions ranging from direct to focused beam.
  • Spectral measurement in parallel to crystals characterisation.
  • Imaging of static samples with Zyla and Shimadzu.


  • We were not able to complete the last part of our programme since we were not allowed to change the number of bunches and repetition rate. Measurement ended at 21:00 and last two hours fo the shift were spent in discussion with SQS/BKR/RC/PRC with no positive outcome.
  218   02 Jun 2023, 06:17 Tommaso Mazza pointing stability

we lost spatial overlap on several instances.

It seems that this happens when SASE2 changes number of pulses.

when we have SASE2 changing number of pulses, spatial overlap is lost and this goes with a change in the position read by the xgm in the order of ~20um (e.g. attachment 1).

Yet, the XGM position reading is not really representative of the effective pointing changes: a drift of that order, occurring when there is no change in SASE2, does *NOT* correspond to a loss in the overlap (seen in the N2 signal in our experiment).

in summary: some evidence suggests that SASE2 number of pulses changing affects our FEL beam pointing. Yet, we don't have a diagnostics allowing us to quantify this.


Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-06-02_03-14-16.png
  217   01 Jun 2023, 23:27 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 10.65 keV, 128 pulses at 1.13 MHz and 16 pusles at 141 kHz.
  • Overall stable delivery.

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, 50 fs, 1-226 pulses at 1.13 MHz.
  • A few issues with minor impact on operation this week. Detail communicated to LAS.


  • Continued characterisation of crystals (thermal measurement, interferometry, imaging) under different beam conditions ranging from direct to focused beam.
  • Spectral measurement in parallel to crystals characterisation.
  • Imaging of static samples with Bragg magnifier.


  • DAQ configuration failing multiple times. Repeating the same sequence of actions yield variable results.
    • Several times with unhelpful message "Failed to execute "assign" action".
    • On one occasion with the message "Assignment for data-source/group 'SPB_CFEL_JF1M/DET/JNGFR09:daqOutput'/'SPB_CFEL_JF1M_9' not specified." even though we used this group before without any issues.
  • JUNGFRAU 1M acquisition could not be stopped. Restarting control and receiver servers and associated devices resulted in the control device being stuck in INIT state. Detector had to be power cycled to solved the issue.
  216   01 Jun 2023, 12:10 Konopkova ZuzanaHEDShift summary

X-ray parameters: 20 keV (20080 eV from HIREX), 352 pulses, cca 250 uJ

  • changed setup to diamond anvil cell experiments with laser heating
  • installation of AGIPD detector
  • running user samples, mostly carbon materials to constrain the phase diagram of carbon at high pressures and temperatures.

experiment going overall well.

X-ray performance:

  • train with increasing tendency  of X-ray pulse energies but we found a workaround. X-ray heating still working to some extend even on carbon
  • mirror feedbacks on and working
  • CRL3 focus to below 10 um

AGIPD detector OK

  215   31 May 2023, 23:15 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 10.65 keV, 128 pulses at 1.13 MHz and 16 pusles at 141 kHz.
  • Slope reduced at the start of the shift. Approximately 20% slope after that with the patterns used for data collection today.

Optical laser delivery

  • NA


  • Spectrometer setup and aligned. Collected first data with GOTTHARD II.
  • Measured multiple static samples with Bragg magnifier.


  • No issues.
  214   31 May 2023, 17:35 Naresh KujalaPRCIssue


HED reported that they are unable to go 352 pulses and while changing/dailing the no. of pulses in the bunch Pattern it is showing the EPS is limited to 300 pulses. It seems on the SA2_MAIN scene the link for bunch Pattern apparently using the macros scene, which is preventing it from going to 352 pulses. Now I have updated the link with a new scene of MDL for the bunch pattern. In the attachment, you will find both scenes. One toward the left is MDL bunchPattern configurator and one towards the right is Macros bunchPattern. 

Now the issue is solved. 



PRC wk 22

Attachment 1: bunchpatternServer-scene_MDL-macros.PNG
  213   30 May 2023, 23:02 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 10.7 keV, up to 339 pulses at 1.1 MHz.
  • Large slope through the train, up to 70% with 339 bunches. BKR was not able to find the cause so far, we agreed to pursue this further tomorrow.


  • Timing optimisation of FLIR camera.
  • Heating measurement of Al and Be CRLs with FLIR camera and thermocouples.
  212   28 May 2023, 23:15 Fernando ArdanaFXEShift summary

User proposal 3273:

  • X-ray delivary
    • We use several deliveraly modes:
      • Continous single pulse
      • Continous 30 pulses
      • POD: 1 pulses / 30 pulses
    • All works fine, FXE is sastificed with X-ray delivery
  • DA:
    • Few minor issues with offline calibration, DOC helped to solve it
    • Error with LPD. Solve remotlyh thanls to Hazem

In general very good perfomances

  211   28 May 2023, 22:57 Martin TeichmannSCSShift summary all week

we were trying to make THz and cross correlate this to the pump laser.

We managed to see THz and an auto-correlation with the pump laser therein. Unfortunately we did not see any THz generation using the FEL.


Many. Only one problem was related to the FEL: weirdly, the zeroth order of the monochromator beam was much weaker than the first order, which is worrysome.

  210   25 May 2023, 06:35 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 10.7 keV, 1.2 mJ, 1-200 pulses, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • None


  • Crystal alignment for X-ray microscopy except one crystal
  • Sample camera and Cu mesh were aligned to X-ray position


  • We found strange strip on the beam in XTD0 screen
  209   25 May 2023, 01:59 Jörg HallmannMIDShift summary

optimization of seeding ongoing

tasks achieved during alignment:

- polarizer aligned

- analyzer aligned

- detectors + ADQ412 in operation

- check on the energy (up to know, the energy is fine)


  208   21 May 2023, 18:38 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, 800 uJ, 1-200 pulses, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • None


  • HWFS direct beam measured
  • CRL focus measured with YAG screen and camera
  • Setup for CRL heating measurement installed


  • Difficulties with operation and syncrhonization of FLIR IR camera
  207   19 May 2023, 18:39 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, 800 uJ, 1-200 pulses, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • None


  • CRL chamber alignment
  • CRL lens stack alignment
  • XPD WFS alignment with CRL focused beam


  • Some of the CRL lens stacks needs realignment
  206   18 May 2023, 18:41 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, ~1 mJ, 1-30 pulses, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • None


  • Direct beam trajectory alignment
  • Alignemnt of IRD and microscopy screens
  • rough alignment of XPD WFS


  • beam down for sometime
  • AGIPD slow data configuration issue, solved by DRC+Cal OCD
  204   14 May 2023, 05:33 Tommaso MazzaSQSIssue

SA3 GATT has trouble in setting the pressure at ~0.5mbar. setting any value between 0.5 and 0.6 will have it settle around 0.48.

It turns out the GATT cannot tune the pressure between 0.48 and 0.62mbar. tuning pressure continuously to keep transmission constant gets us in the need of that range eventually. the problem is that at 0.48mbar the valve V30740S is at 100%. the minimum opening of the next valve V307030S gets already 0.62mbar.

[edit simon, after talking Michaela]

we had the idea that one could use two of the MFCs (M.R.+L.R.) at the same time to extend the range of the low end. Indeed this does work but one has to make sure that Set Control Mode is 1! (att 1)

This, at least gives us a upper limit of the low range of 0.52 mBar (mind you, this is only for manual settings, parallel operation of MFCs is not forseen so far by the software)

Set Control Mode to 1 on U.R. MFC gives us a low end of 0.56 mBar on the upper range




Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-05-14_08-19-46.png
  205   13 May 2023, 22:18 Maurizio VannoniXRO14.8 keV SPB 2mrad Alignment

Mirror positions and beam position on the imagers for 14.8 keV SPB, 2mrad

ATTENTION: the alignment was difficult due to the strong background from SA3 with 500 pulses. For the future, maybe SA3 could reduce to single pulse during alignment of SA1. This would make the process easier.

fig1: M2 popin

fig2: M3 popin

fig3: SPB popin

fig4: beam transport overview

fig5: mirrors positions

fig6: for comparison, this is the M2 popin image when a strong background from SASE3 is coming (500 pulses, 3milliJoule, 2.1 keV)



Attachment 1: Screenshot_2023-05-13_at_22.11.52.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_2023-05-13_at_22.10.57.png
Attachment 3: Screenshot_2023-05-13_at_22.09.43.png
Attachment 4: Screenshot_2023-05-13_at_22.09.31.png
Attachment 5: Screenshot_2023-05-13_at_22.13.30.png
Attachment 6: Screenshot_2023-05-13_at_22.14.54.png
  203   12 May 2023, 23:21 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, 1.8 mJ, 202 pulses most of the day.
  • Attempted tuning to 14.8 keV during the first hour fo the shift did not work out. More time will be spent tomorrow morning tuning to that photon energy.
  • Overall stable delivery. Only a magnet failure at 20:25 resulted in a drop of energy and was quickly recovered. Interestingly, during that time the slope through the train was reduced.

Optical laser delivery

  • NA


  • Collected diffraction data from multiple samples, including mixing at different delays. Smooth sailing with the same nozzle for the entire day.


  • Run controller and data manager crashed around 23:00 just as we were about to collect data from the last sample. Both devices were reinstantiated.
  202   12 May 2023, 16:12 Frederik Wolff-FabrisXOSA3 status

The SA3 EPS power limit at the Big brother was disabled to allow photon energy scans in SQS (due to Kr resonance at XGM, invalid power values are generated and then beam is blocked);

Action was performed by Lars F. (RC), Michaela Petrich (PRC) and F. Wolff-Fabris (XO) with Accelerator RPO.

It will be activated again on Monday 15.05.

**Update 15.05: the above mentioned rule is activated again at 08:10AM.


  201   11 May 2023, 23:48 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, 1.4-1.8 mJ and 12 keV, 1.1 mJ. 202 pulses most of the day.
  • Reduced slope after afternoon tuning, down to 20%.
  • Change to 12 keV with file prepared earlier this week did not work (no lasing). Tuning to 12 keV took 40 minutes.
  • 30 minutes downtime in the morning.

Optical laser delivery

  • NA


  • Optimised slits to protect the nozzle from X-ray damage.
  • Collected data with a dozen of user samples. High hit rate and resolution achieved with some of them.


  • No major issues.
  200   11 May 2023, 09:21 Michaela PetrichPRCAttention

Dear all,

I just got the information for BKR that due to a failed klystron we had a downtime around 8:40am this morning for about 30 mins.

Operation could be restarted successfully afterwards but with a different energy distribution than before. SASE2 has now reduced pulse energy and SASE3 got an increase.

The energy distribution from this morning will be reestablished tomorrow morning in a planned touch-up procedure tomorrow morning.

I hope that you can keep running your measurements under the new conditions. If not please do not hesitate to contact me!

Best regards


  199   11 May 2023, 05:07 Konopkova ZuzanaHEDShift summary

beam parameters: 18 keV, 1 pulse on demand, 400 uJ


  • VISAR calibrations
  • timing between X-rays, VISAR laser and DIPOLE laser
  • main shots with DIPOLE energies up to 35 J, 10 ns flat top -> shock wave compression experiments on user targets

night shift changed the phase plate to 250 um, re-aligned everything and continued with user programme succesfully


  • cryostat for the 100J is icing and needs to be defrosted which takes about 1 hour. The frequency of this happening is increasing - Over the last 24 hours it happened 3 times
  • slowness of controls - especially Karabo playground MDLs
  • slowness of DAMNIT and extraction of data tiff files
  • ADQ412 (HED_EXP_IC2/ADC/1) stops randomly acquisition on its own

X-ray beam delivery relatively stable, could make use of bit higher pulse energy. Mirror feedbacks work fine

  198   10 May 2023, 23:23 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, 1.6 mJ, 202 pulses msot of the day.
  • Slope across the train reduced comapred to yesterday, now about 25%.
  • Changes in number of pulses in SASE3 not always automatically picked-up by kickers adaptation and requiring a nudge from BKR to restore performances.
  • Beam down for ~35 minutes early morning, but otherwise stable delivery.

Optical laser delivery

  • NA


  • Collected SFX data from 10 user samples, including at different detector distances for a few of them. Up to 10% hit rate observed.


  • Still issues with nozzles: gas leak, EtOH leak.
  • Multiple ASICs of AGIPD exhibit a jumping offset. Power cycle initiated at the end of the shift.
  197   10 May 2023, 09:51 karen appelHEDShift summary

for 9th of May - 10th of May: user experiment 2740 , first users with DIPOLE100-X long pulse laser

Took beam at 18 keV with roughly 450 muJ

M1 and M2 Mirrors on Pt stripe, M3 on B4C and with Tx = 4

Aligned X-ray beam to end of the experimental hutch and optimised 3 different focus settings at shock TCC in IC2 i.e. 10, 25 and 50 mum which correspond to the three different phase plate settings of DIPOLE

Intermediate focussing scheme with CRL1 was chosen, focussing to TCC in IC2 with CRL3

VISAR laser and DIPOLE laser were aligned to TCC and VISAR laser was timed to the X-rays

Alignment of new white light interferometer for sample alignment was done

Calibration runs were taken for XRD, VISAR and X-ray only on samples was done


VAREX XRD detector shows a stripe: as it is far out in 2theta, this seems tolerable. The problem has been understood to originate from the frame grabber. We have a replacement card and it can be exchanged if users want to change this. At the moment the idea is to get the set-up ready first.

Questar1 camera in IC1 was broken last week during Relax shocks, the X-ray reference point in IC1 currently cannot be seen with this monitor as it is hidden by a damage: new camera is ready for replacement

Diverter for DIPOLE was not functioning during a major part of the night and this prevented DIPOLE shots to be taken after all the set-up was accomplished: was fixed by DIPOLE experts wwho came in for the day shift

XFEL pointing at the instrument is rather large - in the afternoon the beam size during horizontal beam size measurements were a factor of 2 larger than the vertical ones: problem under investigation currently (10 am of 10th of May)



  196   09 May 2023, 23:09 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, 1.8 mJ, 202 pulses most fo the day. Pronounced (~30-40%) slope across the train.
  • Pointing initially far off the reference crosshair. One hour required at the start of the shift to go to 9.3 keV and align the beam to the crosshair.

Optical laser delivery

  • NA


  • Collected diffraction from user calibration sample for detector geometry.
  • Screened a variety of user samples and collected datasets with those showing clear diffraction.


  • Pressure spike in MKB_PSLIT area.
  • Various issue with several user nozzles.
  195   08 May 2023, 09:04 Jan GruenertPRCAttention

Info from XRO (Maurizio Vannoni) to PRC concerning tunnel access request #152936 (Inspection and repair of SQS ESLIT)

- The ZZ-access will be done by Marc Planas, Massimiliano Di Felice, and Idoia Freijo.

- They will start their access between 9h00 and 9h30 and end their access by 12h30.

UPDATE 11h45: ZZ-access is completed, beam is back in operation.

  194   08 May 2023, 02:38 Jan-Etienne PudellMIDShift summary

Stable beam delivery with 23keV and 140µJ at 2.2, 1.1 and 0.55MHz


User data acquisition during the day interrupted by storage and detector DAQ problems:

- problem with detector DAQ, which is correlated to the full SSD cache.

- we run out of storage, this problem was solved by the DAQ problems. We lost 6h of measurement time today, due to storage limitations. 

- 2 detector modules stopped sending data

  193   07 May 2023, 23:11 Sergii, PhuongSCSLate shift summary 07.05.2023


-Move DSSC closer to the sample.

-Measure delay scans for opposite magnetic field.


-No major problems

  192   07 May 2023, 14:47 Giuseppe MercurioSCSmorning shift summary


  • exchanged He dewar and managed to cool down the sample again after vacuum issue last night
  • started collecting additional scattering data with alternating magnetic field on large nanoparticles sample


  • no issues
  191   07 May 2023, 06:52 Giuseppe MercurioSCSshift summary


  • measured delay scans on 16 nm samples at different magnetic fields (4 runs) before the problem below appeared


  • scroll pump of the FFT degraded, rough vacuum got worse, this led to pump in error state and interlock valves. The scroll pump was replaced, vacuum re-established, but we could not see any signal from the samples, only diffuse scattering. We thought this was due to ice frozen on the samples when the pressure increased. We warmed up the cryostat, verified that the conditions of the samples are fine again, and finally started cooling down again.
  190   07 May 2023, 02:23 Jan-Etienne PudellMIDShift summary

We had stable x-ray delivery with 120µJ and up to 300 pulses.

Successful user data acquisition of water and water+THF samples at various supercooled states

  189   06 May 2023, 23:15 Sergii, PhuongSCSLate shift summary 06.05.2023


-Measure delay scans at two PPL fluencies on smaller grain size.

-Moved DSSC back to 1.45 m sample - detector distance


-No major problems

  187   06 May 2023, 14:42 Giuseppe MercurioSCSmorning shift summary


  • finished recording dataset at 20degree
  • changed for sample with smaller grains at normal incidence and moved DSSC to 1.2m
  • OL induced some change of the sample but the scattering ring remains and then stabilize
  • started collecting data


  • issue with jupyter notebook slow processing. Asked DOC for 10 additional reserved nodes. Also found issue that 100's of Mb or error messages are saved in the jupyter notebook and found a solution to supress them
  185   06 May 2023, 06:55 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 12.4 keV 200 pulses / train, relatively stable intensity ~1.2 mJ / pulse

Optical laser delivery

  • 420 nm PP laser
  • ns laser for jet imaging


  • NKB focus checked and defocused to have about 3um(H) x 6um(V) beam
  • Collected a few hours data with PP laser on both jet and nozzle excitations (AGIPD in adaptive gain mode)


  • IRU Chamber LED was ON until 2:51am 
  • Nozzle damage found after ~1 hour measurement 
  • Hit rate seems too low still (less than 1%)
  • Nozzle exploded close to the end of the shift 
  188   06 May 2023, 06:53 Giuseppe MercurioSCSnight shift summary


- measured delay scans at sample tilted by 20 degree


- we saw a drop in pulse energy around 00:30 in XGM at SCS, we verified that it was not because of the FEL not going through the HSLITS, in the end after calling BKR it was realized that there was indeed a problem with BC2, after fixing this, beam pointing was recovered and pulse energy as well

- beam pointing instabilities during tuning for SA1 around 6:30

  186   06 May 2023, 06:53 Giuseppe MercurioSCSnight shift summary


- measured delay scans at sample tilted by 20 degree


- we saw a drop in pulse energy around 00:30 in XGM at SCS, we verified that it was not because of the FEL not going through the HSLITS, in the end after calling BKR it was realized that there was indeed a problem with BC2, after fixing this, beam pointing was recovered and pulse energy as well

- beam pointing instabilities during tuning for SA1 around 6:30

  184   06 May 2023, 02:19 Jan-Etienne PudellMIDShift summary

- We get stable x-ray delivery with 130µJ.


- We could move the detector succesfully in and out of the LFoV configuration!

- We added a hole in in the black Kapton foil and increased the holes in the Kapton shielding of the jet. These were not positioned well, due to a misalignment of the ALAS. After this intervention we did not observe any scattering rings on the detector.

- We aligned the liquid jet and get a nice diffraction rings from water. 

  183   05 May 2023, 23:00 Sergii, PhuongSCSLate shift summary 05.05.2023


-Measure time scans with magnetic field in opposite directions


-At some point data analysis was imposible. No reseurses could be dedicated for the analysis. We switch both AMORE and offline analysis to nodes, dedicated for the proposal.

-We found very slow drift of xray intensity at XGM. It was becasue x-ray pointing was slightly changed. We restore the pointing with M2 pitch motor

  182   05 May 2023, 16:51 Jan GruenertPRCSA2 status

MID reports an observation that is particular to the operation at the currently high photon energy of 23 keV

MID inserted the XTD6-MID-preabsorber and assumed that it completely stops the beam.
They acquired AGIPD detector images as dark frames but were surprised to still find some weak background signal (not dark).
The explanation by PRC and XRO is that the purpose of the pre-absorber is to protect the shutters against potential
damage and not to entirely stop the beam like a radiation protection shutter itself.
The pre-absorbers contain diamond and B4C but no tungsten. The calculated transmission of the pre-absorber at 25 keV is 4%.
3rd harmonic of the FEL (here at 69 keV) is on the order of 1%, and MID uses the mirror coating
stripes for high photon energies, thus transmitting well these high photon energies.

As another result, the apparent beam size observed on the downstream imagers can be more complex to understand:
MID actually also reports that the beam size appeared larger in the afternoon than in the morning,
depending on the insertion status of the pre-absorber and the lenses.
The scintillation efficiency of the YAG screens is known to be high also for hard x-rays beyond 30 keV.
Additionally, the CRLs focus the various harmonics differently. When CRL1 is set to focus the beam,
it will likely defocus higher harmonics yielding a larger spot size on a downstream imager.

PRC informed XRO to follow up together.

  181   05 May 2023, 14:56 Giuseppe MercurioSCSmorning shift summary


  • with help from LAS OCD, we got the PPL synchronized again with optical lock and close to the initial t0 on the sample
  • we found t0 on the sample again
  • collected data with magnetic field
  • initial setup of damnit/amore for semi-automatized data processing


  • no issue besides the initial loss of PPL synchronization
  180   05 May 2023, 07:23 Giuseppe MercurioSCSRe: Shift summary

Actually, it looks like the sync was lost shortly before 23h last night as the jitter went to 0fs and recovered at 1am when a new sync search probably started.

Giuseppe Mercurio, Diego, Martin, Amina wrote:


  • inserted the magnet and measured delay scan at the maximum magnetic field with opposite directions
  • data analysis showed that runs measured during the afternoon/evening led to sample degradation (the sample shows a dark spot, change in the scattering signal is also cearly visible)
  • corrected spatial overlap
  • moved to gresh spot and did delay scan at lower OL fluence (Tr = 35% instead of 70%)


  • PP laser phase shifter when optically lock moved from 1018 to 229.8 on its own, and it was realized few hours later. We moved it back to the original value.


Attachment 1: optical_sync_2023-05-05_07-21-35.png
  178   05 May 2023, 06:44 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 12.4 keV 200 pulses / train, relatively stable intensity ~0.8 mJ / pulse

Optical laser delivery

  • 420 nm PP laser
  • ns laser for jet imaging


  • M1 & M2 offset mirror optimized again (not really optimum but acceptable)
  • NKB focus checked and defocused to have about 2um beam
  • Collected a few dark runs and about 30 runs with PP laser in adaptive gain mode


  • AGIPD Fixed MG mode issue
  • PP-laser sync issue, but it was solved quickly, thanks to Lbsync team
  • Beam pointing in the FEL Imager was quite off in the beginning of the shift 
  • Hit rate too low (~0.3%)
  179   05 May 2023, 06:33 Giuseppe Mercurio, Diego, Martin, AminaSCSShift summary


  • inserted the magnet and measured delay scan at the maximum magnetic field with opposite directions
  • data analysis showed that runs measured during the afternoon/evening led to sample degradation (the sample shows a dark spot, change in the scattering signal is also cearly visible)
  • corrected spatial overlap
  • moved to gresh spot and did delay scan at lower OL fluence (Tr = 35% instead of 70%)


  • shortly before 23:00 the optical laser synchronization was lost for a bit more than 2 hours, then it came back shortly after 1 am at that time the PP laser phase shifter when optically lock moved from 1018 to 229.8 apparently on its own, and it was realized few hours later. We moved it back to the original value, but this was not sufficient, we had to move by several ns and we were not able to move where we wanted, Laser OCD was called a7 7:35.
  177   05 May 2023, 02:16 Jan-Etienne PudellMIDShift summary

X-ray delivery:

- stable at 120µJ, mostly 63 pulses

- 1:30h downtime


- checked some alternativ lens configuration to test for smallest focus

- changed nozzle of liquid jet. The old one was strongly tilted at low flow rates

- overlap between x-ray / liquid jet achieved 

- first scans from pure water at different jet distances



- still problems with AGIPD detector movements (Motor is a state that does not exist in Karabo, only a reset on PLC level seems to solve the problem for a short time)

- x-ray beam has hit part of the shielding resulting in some damaged pixels on the AGIPD.

  176   05 May 2023, 00:50 Tokushi SatoSPBIssue

Laser synchronization is gone, unlocked from 04.05.2023, 22.47. E-mail was sent to and c.c. to

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-05-05_00-31-48_1.png
  175   04 May 2023, 22:58 Sergii, PhuongSCSLate shift summary 04.05.2023


-Cooling down the sample. Sample is at 14K

-Taking time resolved data at 70%  800 nm, -5 ps  - 65 ps


-Freezing of the transfer line while cooling. It seems the scroll pump was brocken. When we replace the pump cooling was OK.

  174   04 May 2023, 14:34 Loic Le GuyaderSCSmorning shift summary


  • we change the DSSC timing to record the first pulse
  • sample was getting damaged with 26mJ/cm2 and scattering of the sample was changed so we used lower fluence to observe t0 on the sample
  • changed to 2nd mono order, 20% GATT transmission and exit slit to 0.3 mm. The scattering signal was better
  • time zero was found on the sample, 4ps from coarse timing
  • dataset collected at room temperature, reproducing previous results from previous beamtime
  • cooling of sample set up and started


  • with current setting, some pixels saturate around the DSSC central hole. This limits the X-ray fluence we can use.
  • sample cooling freezed
  173   04 May 2023, 06:41 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 12.4 keV 200 pulses / train, relatively stable intensity ~0.8 mJ / pulse
  • took some time in changing X-ray energy (from 19.16 keV to 12.4 keV)

Optical laser delivery

  • 420 nm PP laser
  • ns laser for jet imaging


  • M1 & M2 offset mirror optimized
  • NKB focus roughly optimized (we used defocused X-ray beam, about 2um)
  • Collected several runs for inside nozzle pump excitation project (both adaptive gain and fixed MG modes)
  • Nozzle damage with PP laser tested (before and after the night shift)


  • AGIPD FPGA (2nd hemisphere) issue (requied a power cycle)
  172   04 May 2023, 01:22 Jan-Etienne PudellMIDShift summary

Shift summary:

- get the beam with 23keV and 120µJ 

- falignment of mirrors m1 and m2 on the pt stripe at 23keV

- irst time lens alignment with CRL1 and CRL2, get beam size of 5µm at sample position for users

- took data for the calibration of the AGIPD detector quadrants with LaB6 and Al targets

- set-up trigger of in-vacuum camera and ns-laser to match x-ray arrival time


- could not move the AGPID detector


Beamline status:

- Lenses insert, DN500 closed, AGIPD HV off, Feedback running with 5 pulses and increased attenuation (2mm Si in XTD6 ATT and 0.8 Si OPT ATT additional).




  171   04 May 2023, 00:52 Sergii ParchenkoSCSLate shift sumamry 03.05.2023


- X-ray and Laset spot size calibration

- Course timing check

- Adjusting the DSSC distance


- Problems with DSSC data recording. It seems like DSSC dont see the first x-ray pulse. It makes offlin analysis tools to give an error.


  170   04 May 2023, 00:07 Jan GruenertPRCSA1 status

SASE1 status:

First shift switchover this week at 23h from FXE (19.5 keV) to SPB/SFX (12.4 keV) with issues. 
No immediate lasing at 12.4 keV with standard procedures / files, then tuneup using FEL imager (CBor) in multibunch. Wrong pointing (far off up in vertical).
Recovered lasing by 23h55 with 1 mJ at 12.4 keV at 10 bunches. Handover to SPB by midnight.

XTD2-XGM stayed with HAMPv during the photon energy change, which turned out fine, but the signal would be non-linear in multibunch
operation with many bunches, thus switch to XGMDh (HAMPv power remains turned on).
Procedure practiced with BKR-crew. BKR will switch back to HAMPv when switching back to FXE / 20 keV.

  169   03 May 2023, 13:01 Jan GruenertPRCStatus

The machine tuning over the night had not yet accomplished fully satisfactory beam conditions mainly at the high photon energies for SA1 and SA2,
therefore tuning continued during WED morning.
Beam was handed over to SCS (SASE3) at 9h with about 2.4mJ at 2.5 keV.
Beam was handed over to FXE (SASE1) at 13h with about 530uJ at 19.5 keV.
Tuning for MID (SASE2) at 23 keV is agreed to continue until 14h, currently at a level of 120 uJ. 

Attachment 1: JG_2023-05-03_um_13.10.33.png
  168   30 Apr 2023, 21:59 Raphael de WijnSPBShift summary

SPB/SFX In-house research 4978 shift 3 - end

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV 352 pulses / train, relatively stable intensity ~1.9 mJ / pulse
  • beam down ~30 min

Optical laser delivery

  • None


  • Collected several runs for the in-line crystallisation project but some difficulties to inject, probably a coating issue
  • Saw a lot of crystals


  • Realised that there seems to be a vacuum leak from the load lock valve. Optimal pressure is only achieved when the load lock pump is running.
  167   30 Apr 2023, 09:01 Tommaso MazzaSQSStability Issue

changing SA3 mono from grating to blank while having the und to mono synchronization running apparently caused the und photon energy to change to 680eV. the synchronization MDL went into pink-disable when changing mirror settings, so this change in photon energy should not have occurred.

After going back to 940eV, the SASE level did not come back. BKR tried to tackle this for some while until they asked for intervention of the MRC.

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-04-30_09-11-58.png
  166   29 Apr 2023, 22:00 Richard BeanSPBShift summary

SPB/SFX In-house research 4978 shift 2

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV 202 pulses / train, relatively stable intensity 2.0 mJ / pulse at start of train, ~30% decrease in intensity across train
  • BKR made an attempt to inprove slope around 18:00, small improvement but degraded again over time
  • One short interruption

Optical laser delivery

  • PP laser 1030nm 3rd harmonic (343nm) @ 282 kHz, 101 pulses / train


  • PP laser timing for 10nm time point
  • PP laser / x-ray overlap with buffer + caged compound
  • de-oxy Myoglobin + caged compound data with and without PP laser activation of caged compound


  • several nozzle changes requried throughout the day
  • significant sample debris on windows from nozzle 'events' requried mid-run shroud and window clean

Instrument status

  • AGIPD HV off
  • Shutters closed
  • in-line vacuum valves closed.

To do for next shift

  • shroud / catcher clean needed
  • alignment etc.
  • in-line crystallisation project
  165   28 Apr 2023, 21:55 Richard BeanSPBShift summary

SPB/SFX In-house research 4978 

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV 202 pulses / train, relatively stable intensity 1.9 mJ / pulse, some decrease in intensity across train

Optical laser delivery

  • PP laser 1030nm 3rd harmonic (343nm) @ 282 kHz, 101 pulses / train


  • PP laser timing for 100nm time point
  • PP laser / x-ray overlap with buffer + caged compound
  • de-oxy Myoglobin + caged compound data with and without PP laser activation of caged compund


  • suspicion of leaking plunger in the last reservoir of the evening

Instrument status

  • Shutters closed
  • XTD9 atteunators @ thick CVD diamonds
  164   28 Apr 2023, 16:08 Naresh KujalaPRCAttention

FXE (Fred) confirmed that they don't use beam for night shifts from Friday to Sunday.


  163   28 Apr 2023, 13:00 Naresh KujalaPRCIssue

- Received a call from machine RC (Sergey Tomin)

- There is an issue with DOOCS to Karabo bridge, Tim and DESY experts are looking into this and came to the conclusion that it can't be resolved now and need more time something like 1 week. (probably next week). Due to this PySpectrometer for SA3 is not available, as SQS would like to set up a spectrometer to measure pulse duration. However, it can work in Karabo and take data.


  162   28 Apr 2023, 11:21 Naresh KujalaPRCIssue

Issue with SA1_XTD9_PBLM and it is stuck.

Hi All,

After discussion with SPB, they will slightly move the PBLM screen where they don't see any distortion in the beam and are willing to continue to work till Monday. 

The conclusion from EEE (Leandro) and DOC is that from PLC everything looks fine and it might be with mechanics for this we need to physically look at the device. 

As SPB can work like this till Monday. I proposed on Tuesday with someone who has knowledge of PBLM device can organize the ZZ

Next week Jan is PRC

Dear FXE colleagues,

There is an issue with SA1_XTD9_PBLM and it is stuck. Please when you use the beam in the night, coordinate with SPB first. or call PRC no. 9-4800


  161   27 Apr 2023, 23:33 Richard BeanSPBShift summary

SPB/SFX PCS user proposals (day 1)

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, 1600 uJ/ pulse


  • PCS user time (day 1) completed. Several runs from different user groups with visible diffraction patterns, likely not sufficient for full datasets
  • Additonal data for nozzle alignment sub-project (Lysozyme)


  • ONDA setup a little fiddly (default data stream name not correct?)

Instrument status

  • AGIPD HV off.
  • AGIPD gate valve closed and pinned.
  • Attenuators set to thickest diamond.
  • Vacuum valves closed.
  • Sample chamber turbos off
  • Laser lamp off

To do for next shift

  • clean catcher (watch out for guidance on user sample handling)
  • align laser for in-house work
  • remaining PCS project if viable
  160   27 Apr 2023, 07:51 Alejandro Laso GarciaHEDHED Full Day Summary 26.04.

Morning shift:

- Tried to align the fiducial fiber in IC1 for the streak cameras, however it was unsuccessful.

- The karabo device for the SOP had to be restarted. Crosschecked that all the timings were still correct.

- Took some CeO2 diffraction images on the VAREX detectors and found several problems:

  1. the VAREX detectors are storing the data under different trainIds. Taking as reference the pulse-picker unit, VAREX1 stores data in trainId+2 and VAREX2 in trainId+15.
  2. the frames appear to be "hard cut". The diffraction signal gets cut as if the readout was interrupted and the rest of the frame is filled with background.

- DiPOLE works ongoing, focus optimization.


Late shift:

- DiPOLE timing achieved

- Spatial and temporal calibration of SOP and Visar.

- First DiPOLE shots, however no signal seen in Varex, some fringe shift observed in visar.


Night shift:

- Further few shots to debug the issues.

- Users wanted to optimize imaging of the VISAR, achieved optimization in Arm 3

- Debugging of Varex trainId and frame cropping issues. Should be followed up with controls.

- Achieved signal in the fiducial fiber from IC1.


  159   27 Apr 2023, 00:07 Chan KimSPBShift summary

SPB/SFX User Proposal 3333 Shift 2 Summary

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, 1.7 mJ, 202 pulses @ 564 kHz

  • 2 pulse trial @ 2.8 kHz (2.2MHz / 800). Doubled data rate for high viscocity jet. Seemed to work quite well although not expected to be a regular use mode!

Optical laser delivery

  • Only 819 nm ns laser for the jet visualization


  • Data calibration issues solved (thanks to DRC / ITDM experts)

  • Silicon wafer post sample attenuator was dismounted. elog: 45

  • High viscosity jet delivery @ 10 Hz and 2.8 kHz (2 pulses / train @ max spacing)

  • Photosystem-II (@ 41 mm AGIPD Z motor value, adaptive gain) elog: 85,86, various sample preparations


  • ONDA restarts required

Instrument status

  • Sample chamber and AGIPD turbos OFF, rough pumping ON

  • shutters etc. closed

To do for next shift

  • Catcher and shroud (inc windows) could do with a clean before any alignment (PEG delivery)

  • Proceed with PCS users

  158   26 Apr 2023, 07:55 Alejandro Laso GarciaHEDHED Full day shift summary 25.04.

Morning shift:

- First thing in the morning ~7 am, the MDL in the SASE 2 topic were down. Even the watchdog which prevented us from moving SA2 attenuators. DOC quickly resolved the issue (10 min).

- Beam alignment down to the IBS. X-ray mirrors at 2 mrad. Approximately 85% transmission through the beamline.

- Transmission DAQ runs for cross calibration of devices.

- Focus at TCC in IC2 with CRL1 arms 6 and 8 and CRL3 arms 5 and 9. Focus of around 10 um.

- At around 14:00 the problem with the MDL in SASE2 topic happened again. Was again resolved by DOC.


Late shift:

- Timing setup for SOP and Visar systems, found timing on both systems.


Night shift:

- Improving the imaging quality of SOP and Visar. Did not manage entirely.

- DiPOLE timing setup.

  157   26 Apr 2023, 01:03 Richard BeanSPBShift summary

SPB/SFX User shift 1 3333

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, 1.7 mJ, 202 pulses @ 564 kHz


  • Silicon wafer post sample attenuator (240um, ~10% transmssion @ 9.3 keV) was mounted in-front of the AGIPD detector. elog: 3

  • Beamline is aligned for the NKB trajectory and the x-ray focus size of 300 nm being achieved. elog: 4

  • Copper flat field including 240 um silicon wafer attenuator. elog : 7

  • Lysozyme and Photosystem-II data (@ 41 mm AGIPD Z motor value) elog: 5

  • Fixed medium gain used initially, later switched to adaptive gain to allow high gain for peaks behind Si attenuator mask. Switch of both calibration pipelines..

  • data at full transmission. Move to medium gain for water ring outside Si attenuator

  • Several blocked nozzles, at least potentially caused by never filtered sample.


  • Problems with post calibration analysis, observing 'disk quota error' - SPB/SFX RC to investigate with instrument data team and DRC

  • problems with data calibration - SPB/SFX RC to investigate with instrument data team and DRC

Instrument status

  • AGIPD off and warm

  • AGIPD gate valve OPEN and pinned.

  • Attenuators set to thickest diamond.

  • Vacuum valves closed.

  • He valve closed.

  • Sample valves cleaned.

  • ns laser off.

  • Sample chamber and AGIPD turbos OFF, rough pumping ON

To do for next shift

  • remove Si post-sample attenuator

  • continue with user program (small crystals DFFN etc. see elog)

  156   24 Apr 2023, 15:16 Andreas, MartinSCSnight shift summary and end of beamtime


- finished SAXS data recording till 8am on time-resolved skyrmion nucleation and field dependence

- the setup is sensitive to beam transport drifts due to the closed hor-SLIT and the pinhole in FFT. were able to recover beam intensity by simple adjusting the horizontal pitch of M2 ~1.5urad change during th enight 

- first initial test runs on holography performance under giving beam settings. source stability seems to work nicely. afterburner will be important for cicurlar polarizations 


no issues

  155   24 Apr 2023, 15:16 Andreas, MartinSCSnight shift summary and end of beamtime


- finished SAXS data recording till 8am on time-resolved skyrmion nucleation and field dependence

- the setup is sensitive to beam transport drifts due to the closed hor-SLIT and the pinhole in FFT. were able to recover beam intensity by simple adjusting the horizontal pitch of M2 ~1.5urad change during th enight 

- first initial test runs on holography performance under giving beam settings. source stability seems to work nicely. afterburner will be important for cicurlar polarizations 


no issues

  154   24 Apr 2023, 02:45 Ulrike Boesenberg shift summary

  • Beam came back quickly after cryo-incident with ok seeding performance (not very stable).
  • Finish 3381-Pudell beamtime with SRO/STO samples at time delays and laser fluences.
  • Decided not to scan the HXRSS energy but stay at current position
  • Mount samples for 3331-Robinson experiment and search for Bragg reflections, we could find the specular reflection for the two largest samples but not the magnetostrictive one.
  • The specular reflection for the 8x8um sample is currently aligned.



  • AGIPD darks could not be pushed into the calibration pipeline, the problem was fixed quickly by DOC and OCD

  153   23 Apr 2023, 23:38 Giuseppe Mercurio, Laurent MercadierSCSlast late shift UP3463


  • Beam transport
  • Coarse and fine timing
  • XAS on Co
  • Aligned HSLIT, pinhole, camera beamstop
  • Characterize FEL beam size and position on curved grating
  • PPL Power measurement
  • Fluence scan on sample of optical laser and FEL to determine good conditions
  • Prepared for night shift time-resolved measurements


  • No major issue
  152   22 Apr 2023, 23:32 Laurent Mercadier, Giuseppe MercurioSCSlate shift summary


  • Work on laser to improve the beam profile and reduce pointing. Apertured the beam upstream of focusing lens and changed to f=750 mm. Significant improvement.
  • Characterized beam size, found positions of photodiode, antenna
  • Check coarse timing with reference
  • Aligned FEL beam to sample


  • Problems with smaract stages
    • Fixed with the help of DOC (Loic) by power cycling controller after long debugging.
  • Beam down just before attempting coarse timing.
  151   22 Apr 2023, 21:57 Ulrike BoesenbergMIDShift summary

Quick aligment of the instrument with quiet good HXRSS performance after cryofailure

Checking of t0 to the optical PP laser

Test of energy scanning macro (Undulator + HXRSS)

Cool down of sample and measurement of first delay points until cryo failure 2

Beam loss due to cryo plant failure

  150   21 Apr 2023, 04:33 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 12.0 keV, 1.3 mJ, 1-168 pulses @ 564 kHz
  • Cryo issue at 3:33

Optical laser delivery

  • 1030 nm compressed, THG.
  • Stable delivery.


  • Collected TR-SFX data. Smooth sample jetting.


  • Beam down, shift ended earlier.
  149   21 Apr 2023, 04:13 Robert CarleySCSNight shift summary 20-21.04.2023


  • Investigated SAXS scattering instability and found it to come from the pointing variation of the PPL
  • Recorded microscope images of the PPL spot of the pBN to quantify the pointing for different spot sizes
  • Enlarged the beam and measured pumped SAXS. Results seem better than before.


  • PPL pointing is not stable enough for consistent pumping effect in the probed area.
  • Sample scanner x motor went into error due to interaction with the magnet and had to be coaxed back into operation.
  • FEL down with cryo problem.
  148   21 Apr 2023, 04:05 Robert CarleySCSLate shift summary20.04.2023


  • correctly positioned magnet
  • moved detector upstream and found small beamstop
  • Recorded SAXS
  • Started tr-SAXS


  • The SAXS images from laser-excited samples showed unexpected variation between different size rings, central point (ie not a ring) and no scattering. 
  147   21 Apr 2023, 02:10 Wonhyuk Jo Shift summary

Shift Summary

  1. Collected optical laser-induced dynamics in HfN and STO/SRO samples.
  2. Jungfrau detector transferred data without data dropping issue. 
  146   20 Apr 2023, 06:58 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 12.0 keV, 1.3 mJ, 1-168 pulses @ 564 kHz.
  • Stable delivery.

Optical laser delivery

  • 1030 nm compressed, THG.
  • Stable delivery.


  • Collected static and TR-SFX data.
  145   20 Apr 2023, 02:26 Wonhyuk Jo Shift summary


  1. Brought the 800 nm of optical pump laser to the hutch after the intervention. 
  2. Found the rough spatial and temporal overlap between the X-ray and pump laser with MID X-ray eye. 
  3. Found the sufficient photo-induced effect on the user sample (HfN) with one unpumped X-ray pulse and 12 pumped X-ray pulses. 
  4. Installed the lambda/2 wave plate and controlled the optical laser polarisation at the sample surface.
  5. Bragg peak analysis via Extrafoam provides an intuitive and prompt result during the measurement, which is very useful for deciding the following procedure of measurement. 
  6. A measurement scan for 3D reciprocal mapping has been collected using the Karabacon macro for varying the time delays and omega angles.


  1. The Jungfrau detector dropped approximately 60% of trains in the saved data.


  1. The optical pump laser was not able to be brought to the first X-ray pulse. The first unpumped X-ray pulse data is used as a reference, which is useful to this experiment. 
  144   19 Apr 2023, 23:20 Laurent Mercadier, Martin TeichmannSCSshift summary day 2 UP3463


  • found larger beamstop
  • found center of pinhole and bender settings for beam size
  • checked jitter of beam on grating, looks like jittering is large, to be further investigated offline
  • checked that patterns are working for the night, to be continued by night crew


  • Major problems with scanner Y, as during the previous runs. Reset axis, Reset and adjust the target position to actual position + move to get out of error.
  • Problem with bunch pattern (see separate entry in Operations elog)


  143   19 Apr 2023, 17:51 Laurent MercadierSCSIssue

We report on an issue regarding the bunch pattern: The bunch pattern read by SCS_RR_UTC/MDL/BUNCH_DECODER shows 48 pulses, but we instead use 50 pulses.

Currently, we have a separate RF window and our 1st pulse Id is 2604. We operate at 2.2 MHz, and as required, 50 pulses. See attachment 1.

This means that the last two pulse Ids are 2700 and 2702. However, these values exceed the number of pulses allowed, and the way the bunch pattern is read (SCS_RR_UTC/TSYS/TIMESERVER:outputBunchPattern,
and the middle layer SCS_RR_UTC/MDL/BUNCH_DECODER) cast the array to 2700 values, so that the number of pulses read is 48 instead of actual 50.

We confirm that we indeed have 50 pulses, as seen by the XGM and by photodiode traces showing 50 peaks.

Since our data analysis strongly relies on the bunchpattern table, this is a critical issue.

For now, the users agreed to use 48 pulses instead of 50 pulses to facilitate the data analysis, but this issue should be investigated.


DOC was called, ITDM is aware and helped finding the reason.


edit 20 Apr 2023, 16:26 : redmine ticket


Attachment 1: bunch_pattern)issue_2023-04-19_17-37-10.png
  142   19 Apr 2023, 07:04 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 12.0 keV, 1.3 mJ, 1-168 pulses @ 564 kHz
  • Decaying intensity between 1:20 and 2:40, otherwise stable delivery.

Optical laser delivery

  • 1030 nm compressed, THG
  • Stable delivery


  • Optimised PP laser THG conversion efficiency.
  • PP laser spatial and temporal overlap with water jet.
  • Collected lysozyme diffraction for detector geometry.
  140   19 Apr 2023, 02:14 Wonhyuk Jo Shift summary


  1. Brought the X-ray to the end of the beamline. 
  2. Aligned the goneometer with a pin. 
  3. Found the timing of AGIPD at the detector distance of about 3.4 m from the sample.
  4. Found the timing of Jungfrau detector in burst mode.
  5. Measured the X-ray beam size at the sample position with the X-ray eye for two combinations of CRL 2 (e.g., CRL2 3,4,7 : 14 um x 19 um, CRL2 3,7: 28 um x 34 um ).
  6. Collected some x-ray scattering data from the thin film HfN on the Sapphire substrate.
  7. Bragg peak analysis via Extraform is running with 16 X-ray pulses per train.
  8. The HIREX gave the energy bandwidth of the self-seeding spectrum about 0.71 pixels. 


  1. The rotation motor of MID spectrometer is frequently stuck. The ticket number is #151832
  2. The data calibration pipeline of AGIPD sometimes goes into an error state. It could be related to the XGM data. The ticket number is #151837
  3. XTD1 attenuator controller and the watchdog device didn’t behave correctly and died in a few minutes. After that, it removed the attenuator itself without any notice. It could have damaged anything very seriously. 
  4. The optical pump laser has had some issues with hardware failure (piezo mirror) since 11:25 today.  The laser group fixed the issues, but the system requires some time to be stabilized until tomorrow morning. It might need more time based on the measurement result tomorrow morning. 
  141   18 Apr 2023, 23:01 Laurent Mercadier, Martin TeichmannSCSsummary late shift day 1


  • knife edge scans of FEL beam, 30 um x 30 um beam size
  • aligned beam stop in front of camera
  • triggering pattern tested and works, still need to test with laser and XGM


  • Y motor of beam stop doesn't reach the desired up position
    • had to move the entire camera instead
  • Once or twice scanner Y got into error during knife edge scan, resetting the target position to the actual position and pressing move helps.
  139   16 Apr 2023, 23:06 Antje TrappMIDshift summary EulerMDL calibration

First four pictures: beam line status at beginning of shift - Beam aligned to MID

Idea is to check M2 parasitic motions again on M3 popin. therefore bringing M2 close to 0 with all vertical motors and Tx as much as possible without using beam on the popin.

Adjusting M1 pitch with it

Approch - drive roll and correct rz offest to stay in at the same horizontal position - adjust also ROLL Offset to show 0 in middle position

When ROLL IS DONE continuE with rx and then ty

offset calibration needs iteration. We started the second iteration but could not finish.

Other pictures: documentation of calibration process

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-04-16_15-36-27.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2023-04-16_15-38-54.png
Attachment 3: Screenshot_from_2023-04-16_15-40-26.png
Attachment 4: Screenshot_from_2023-04-16_15-41-46.png
Attachment 5: Screenshot_from_2023-04-16_15-46-22.png
Attachment 6: Screenshot_from_2023-04-16_16-12-36.png
Attachment 7: Screenshot_from_2023-04-16_19-31-11.png
Attachment 8: Screenshot_from_2023-04-16_19-31-11.png
Attachment 9: Screenshot_from_2023-04-16_20-28-38.png
Attachment 10: Screenshot_from_2023-04-16_22-56-38.png
Attachment 11: Screenshot_from_2023-04-16_22-56-59.png
  138   16 Apr 2023, 15:35 Silja SchmidtchenXROShift summary

shift summary from Saturday 15.04.2023:


- Calibration of Euler MDL

- Vibrometer measurements at M3 using the RY piezo

Beam was aligned to MID popin

we used values stored in MID setpoints 'B' but went there manually, using the EulerMDL

M1 - X value was corrected, as we found the center of the beam/mirror to be at 6.4mm - calculated beam angle after M1 is 2.14mrad

M2 - values slightly differ from saved setpoints but were quite well met using EulerMDL to reach the same beam position

M3 - we had to remove it a bit further from the beam, as it seemed to intercept it, when we first tried to get the beam through. This might in the end not have been necessary

End of shift:

beam aligned to MID

preabsorber in

SRA fully open

  137   16 Apr 2023, 07:00 Maurizio VannoniXROShift summary

Update of the damage tests at SQS.

Yesterday (15.04) SQS staff created a focused beam on our sample using a small YAG fragment we have placed on the holder.

Due to the unusual position, the beam is full of aberrations but it looked small enough for our purpose. Estimattion of the size is difficult atm but it is our intention to measure it with imprints.

We managed to align the sample 1 (silicon, uncoated) in grazing incidence at 19 mrad and found the damage threshold at current focusing conditions at around 100 uJoule (looking on the SQS XGM).

We managed to align also on sample 2 (silicon, B$C coated) at the same grazing angle and we found a threshold at around 200 uJoule.

We started to do systematic spots at various energies, using the GATT

One difficulty is that the manipulator is not enough precise to scan several mms in grazing incidence, the sample has to be realigned along the scan and we cannot find a clear centering on the sample due to the lack of reproducibility.

In the late shift we started to do imprints to characterise the beam spot.

Overall the experiment is on a very good status. Until now, we explored only single pulse damage. Today (16.04) we will try multipulse damage and single pulse damage at 9 mrad.


Today we comtinued the program, changing to 9mrad amd 15mrad and doing also multipulse. We had a short interruption at around 15 to extract some samples and to realign Sample 3.


  136   13 Apr 2023, 15:57 Jan GruenertXPDShift end

End of Diamond Sensor Study

We leave the SASE2 beamline in the following safe state:

  • Pre-Abs inserted
  • Solid ATT with T=0.001
  • All CRLs OUT
  • All imagers OUT
  135   13 Apr 2023, 15:29 Andreas KochXPDIssue

Trigger issue with SXP_XTD10_IMGES - Exit Slit imager

The external trigger of the Navitar camera was not set, fixed now.
The single pulse trigger of the imager: MCP + camera is tested and correctly working.
The pre-settings are stored in Karabo and should come up again, also after Karabo updates.

  132   10 Apr 2023, 02:25 Jan GruenertXPDIssue


Problem: The imager SPB_XTD9_IMGPII45 insertion motor lost steps and kept the machine to maximum 2 bunches per train.
Mitigation by DOC/EEE/PRC on 8 April 2023: made sure that screen seems actually out of beam and took imager out of interlock condition.
Repair by XPD on 10 April 2023 02h15: 
a) recalibrated OUT position.
b) verified that EPS-OUT switch shows green when moving to OUT position in MDL.
c) put back the imager into the interlock conditions.
d) communication with BKR before and after the intervention (SPB and FXE didn't use the beam).
Repair instruction see:

  133   10 Apr 2023, 02:16 Jan GruenertXPDSPB_XTD9_IMGPII45 lost steps - REPAIRED


Problem: The imager SPB_XTD9_IMGPII45 insertion motor lost steps and kept the machine to maximum 2 bunches per train.
Mitigation by DOC/EEE/PRC on 8 April 2023: made sure that screen seems actually out of beam and took imager out of interlock condition.
"Repair" by XPD on 10 April 2023 02h15:
a) recalibrated OUT position.
b) verified that EPS-OUT switch shows green when moving to OUT position in MDL.
c) put back the imager into the interlock conditions.
d) communication with BKR before and after the intervention (SPB and FXE didn't use the beam).
Repair instruction see:

  131   09 Apr 2023, 00:03 Motoaki NakatsutsumiHEDShift summary HED 2022-0

9.752 keV, self-seeding, 700-800 uJ.  Intensity is very stable, ponting is also much stable than usual. very good beam.

Beamtime #3326 - Axion search.

Successfully aligned two Ge crystals to Laue conditions (Rocking curve width ~0.002 deg) . Found Laue reflections after 2 crystals on Jungfrau detector.

We realized that the Xeryon rotation stages used for rotation of stage was wrongly calibrated (1 deg was not 1 deg), which caused some confusion. But we found a workaround solution. Still, we doubt about the repeatability and stability of the stage.

The biggest issue was that we lost the Laue reflection very quickly when we put a full intensity onto the crystal. The beam size is about 500 um FWHM. The Bragg angle at the heated sample fluctuate (does not go toward a single value).

We tested several different x-ray intensities to find the optimum flux where the Bragg condition stays. It seems, if we go to 0.1% transmission, the decay time is about 20 - 30min, which may be good enough for data.

We also discussed on swiching back to SASE. As the fluctuation of the Bragg angle seems to be  < 0.02 deg, which would be covered by  the SASE bandwidth. But, that means the photon energy goes to the second crystal fluctuate, then we lose the Laue reflection from the second crystal - probably going to SASE doesn't solve the  issue. This is the current situation.

We called DOC - Optics hutch attenuation stopped working - solved. Jungfrau2 data cannot be taken by DAQ - we decided not to solve this issue as JF2 is not necessary for this beamtime any more.


  130   08 Apr 2023, 23:44 Yifeng JiangFXEIssue

We notice that 0.5 mm Silicon ATT in SASE1 causes holo beam profile in FEL imager. Maybe this silicon att has been damaged.

Attachment 1: 2023-04-08-234240_066894160_exflqr51474.png
Attachment 2: 2023-04-08-234217_329678202_exflqr51474.png
  129   08 Apr 2023, 22:52 Johan BieleckiSPBShift summary

Beam delivery for proposal 3378


  • Collected large amounts of data for the user program on water crystallisation and angular correlations

To do for next shift:

Continue taking data

  128   08 Apr 2023, 10:29 Andreas GallerPRCIssue

Changed EPS Interlock condition for SPB_XTD9_IMGPI/SWITCH/SCREEN_OUT

SPB/SFX called DOC this morning for being limitied to two pulses by the EPS (Instrument should have called PRC instead)
After tracing the issue to the SPB_XTD9_IMGPI/SWITCH/SCREEN_OUT switch SPB/SFX decided to take this imager out of the interlock, confirming on camera that no screen was inserted.
EEE and DOC investigated the issue without conclusion

SPB_XTD9_IMGPI/SWITCH/SCREEN_OUT disabled in EPS Mode30 and Mode400
for todays SPB/SFX shift we'll keep it like this, PRC will check with FXE when they take over at 23:00

  127   07 Apr 2023, 23:57 Yifeng JiangFXEIssue

After receiving beam from SPB, we noticed that there is a werid shape of beam in the FEL imager which was not observed yesterday.

Maybe someone left X-ray component in the beam.

Attachment 1: 2023-04-07-235513_774809068_exflqr51474.png
  126   07 Apr 2023, 23:03 Johan BieleckiSPBShift summary

Beam delivery for proposal 3378


  • Collected data on liquid H20 and D20
  • Found conditions where only ice were seen. approx. 4h of ice data taken. Starting to look at correlation maps
  • Background at 0.88mm nozzle distance measured

To do for next shift:

Continue taking data



  125   07 Apr 2023, 23:00 Alejandro Laso GarciaHEDHED Shift Summary 07.04.

Morning - Users from proposal 3455 continued with their measurement program. Beam stable during the measurements.

Afternoon - Changed the setup from 3455 to 3326.

Evening - Beginning of the alignment for users. Beam stable.

  124   04 Apr 2023, 11:18 Johan Bielecki XTD2 Si500 attenuator broken

Attachment 1: Beam in SPB hutch with Si500

Attachment 2: Beam without Si500

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-04-04_11-17-46.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2023-04-04_11-18-04.png
  123   04 Apr 2023, 08:37 Frederik Wolff-FabrisPRCIssue

TUE 08:30AM:

The SA3 Cell 17 & 18 Phase shifters do not move and encoders are damaged. A ZZ is needed to exchange the encoders. Instruments are informed and access will take place Tuesday morning. Machine has separated the north branch.

*** Update 10:20AM:

ZZ is finished; beam in North Branch to restart soon.


  122   04 Apr 2023, 07:11 Lisa Randolph, Carsten Baehtz, Alexander PelkaHEDSummary day shift 2023-04-04

04 Apr 2023, 07:44 we realize that the SetpointsHED Macro lost all values, probably during the Karabo Crash. Since it is a macro, the values arent stored anywhere. DOC tries to recover. Meanwhile, we found the values for 3mrad, 2.5mrad and 2mrad in old screenshots and update the macro values from that. Saving those now locally in nextcloud/user/Alex.

04 Apr 2023, 08:17 Solution by DOC: Apparently the macro CAN save the values, and that was also done during the bringupdays, but they are only saved on the GUI Server which the macro was started on, in this case GUI2. However, when Karabo was restarted, the macro was started on GUI1, so the local save files could not be retrieved. DOC copied the old save files to GUI1 now as well so we could reload the old positions for all setpoints.



Attachment 1: FEL_imager_2023-04-04_08-09-58.png
  121   03 Apr 2023, 06:38 Loic, Yi-PingSCSNight shift summary 02.04.2023


Collected more scans on cyanocobalamin, both delays scans and dynamic XAS

Issues with bad signal in beginning but good signal in the last hours

Overall successful beamtime, demonstrating new transmission/absorption setup with liquid jet and DSSC



  120   02 Apr 2023, 04:46 Benjamin van KuikenSCSLate Shift Summary


  • Measured tXAS at the Fe L-edge of Fe(bpy)3 using both delay and energy scans. 


  • The cold traps ran empty on the chamber resulting in a pressure spike that interlocked the DSSC
  • The rough vacuum of the chem DPS degraded causing TP5 to go into error. This resulted in valve closing and stopping the measurements
  • Jet froze twice
  119   01 Apr 2023, 06:51 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 1-202 pulses, 564 kHz, stable delivery
  • Beam was down from 06:08

Optical laser delivery

  • 800nm, 50 fs, 282 kHz, stable delivery 


  • Resasnable amout of data was collected


  • No major issue today
  118   31 Mar 2023, 06:59 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 1-202 pulses, 564, 282, 141 , 70.5 kHz, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • 800nm, 50 fs, 282 kHz, stable delivery 


  • Resasnable amout of data was collected
  • Sample was tested


  • No major issue today
  117   31 Mar 2023, 05:10 Benjamin, Yi-Ping, Ru-Pan, AndreasSCSLate Shift Summary


  • Optimized BOZ for Co and Fe
  • Estabilished Stable liquid jet flow with 30 mM Fe(bpy)3


  • Jet froze several times
  • Chamber warmed up earlier in the day. This led to a "dusting" of CNCbl on many surfaces and in the large turbo. We cleaned the turbo with ethanol.

Plan for Night Shift

  • Continue measuring stitic XAS with BOZ scheme.
  116   31 Mar 2023, 01:51 Jörg HallmannMIDshift summary March 30th

- seeding at ~800 uJ

- repaired the laser interlock of A.08

- EPIX back in operation

- timing difference of both branches of the SDL measured with the optical laser (~4ps)

- measurement of samples with single & both branches (damage threshold, crystallization studies & studies on reversible changes)


  115   30 Mar 2023, 06:53 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 1-202 pulses, 564, 282, 141 kHz, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • 800nm, 50 fs, 282 kHz, stable delivery


  • Alignment for Pump-probe experiment was finished
  • Sample was tested


  • No major issue today
  114   30 Mar 2023, 04:16 Benjamin, Robert, Yi-Ping, Ru-PanSCSShift Summary


  • Found coarse timing between XFEL and optical laser


  • Did not see a observe fine timing signal from silicon nitride measurement

Plan for night shift

  • Continue with liquid jet optimization and static measurements
  113   30 Mar 2023, 02:37 Jörg HallmannMIDshift summary March 29th

achievments: alignment of the SDL (both branches)

measuring of samples & calibrants



- broken laser interlock - cannot be set - PRC is informed and contacted SRP - repair expected in the morning

- ScannerX broken - morning shift might contact DOC or expert

- EPIXs do not send data after rearrangement of the modules - expert consulation might be necessary

  112   29 Mar 2023, 01:31 Jörg HallmannMIDShift summary March 28th

Seeding at 9 keV with 800 - 1000uJ intensity

1. alignment of the lower branch of the SDL

2. focussing with CRL2 and check of the beam size using wire scans (slightly more than 10 um)

3. calibration of the EPIX2 position using calibrant LaB6 and optimizing its position

4. measuring scattering of the sample (not a conclusive behaviour yet)

  111   28 Mar 2023, 15:26 Angel Rodriguez FernandezMIDIssue

The door from MID side entrance was smashed and we lost the radiation permit.

The acciedent happened between 11 (when the door was lest use by MID members) and 14:19 (when the picture was taken).

It is possible that we will have the permit in the next hours to countinue.

The Door was repared by TS (thank you for the fast answer) and at 15:40 Eric gave us the right to proceed after the crosscheck of all the systems.

Attachment 1: IMG_8399.JPG
  110   26 Mar 2023, 23:27 Jayanath KoliyaduSPBShift end

X-ray delivery

  • 1-165 pulses, 1.1 MHz - 56.4 kHz, upto 350  uJ @ 50 pC

Optical laser delivery

  • ns laser for imaging


  • Collected data for about 6 hours with different samples
  • Data collection at lower repetiton rates with less number of pulses
  • Data to characterize the divergence of ASE collected
  • Photodiode calibrated at 8 keV again
  109   26 Mar 2023, 13:26 Naresh KujalaPRCStatus

Machine RC Raimond informed PRC that there is an issue with the A4 module that needs to fix to have a continuous operation. To fix this they need 20 min.

Agreed with all instruments (SPB, SQS, and HED) that at 13:30hr machine will take over the beam for 20 min.

Update: 13:55hr

Machine finished fixing the issue for the A4 module and beam handover to all beamlines.



  107   25 Mar 2023, 23:18 Jayanath KoliyaduSPBShift end

X-ray delivery

  • 1-165 pulses, 1.1 MHz - 56.4 kHz, upto 350  uJ @ 50 pC

Optical laser delivery

  • ns laser for imaging


  • Collected data for 3 to 4 hours with different samples
  • Data collection at lower repetiton rate (113 kHz) with less number of pulses
  • Data to characterize the divergence of ASE collected
  108   25 Mar 2023, 21:01 Lisa RandolphHEDHED summary 25.3.

This day we had lots of issues.

  • Nightshift noticed that the mirror 2 feedback was not running anymore since about 22hrs; PBLM2 cam was unknown; powercycling recovered the camera, feedback operational again.
  • Continued shooting until ~9:00
  • At ~9:30 the whole Karabo, online cluster were dead. No control possible anymore. Whole SASE2 was affected.
  • In the meantime, BKR called us, EPS is triggered and bunch number went to zero. However, we didn't (couldn't) change anything due to the Karabo issue. It may be the side-effect of Karabo-issue.
  • Karabo slowly came back at ~15:15
  • DOC asked us to take test DAQ. JF4 control is stuck at INIT state and cannot take DAQ. DA08 went to error. HED Playground server cannot be restarted.... Need to solve those issues one by one.
  • The remaining shift we mostly spent in restarting servers, motors, reloading configurations
  • We could not start Jungfrau 4 - at some point the controller was started and has hung in INIT state for the last few hours. It doesn't respond to shutdown commands to initialise it correctly in order. We called DOC, they could restart it.
  105   24 Mar 2023, 23:14 Jayanath KoliyaduSPBShift end

X-ray delivery

  • 1-165 pulses, 1.1 MHz - 28.2 kHz, upto 350  uJ @ 50 pC

Optical laser delivery

  • ns laser for imaging


  • Collected data for 3 to 4 hours with different samples
  • Data collection at lower repetiton rate (113 kHz) with less number of pulses
  106   24 Mar 2023, 21:46 Lisa RandolphHEDHED shift summary 23.-24.3.

8.2 keV, 1-2 bunches, 600uJ


  • did timing runs and optimized the beamline alignment
  • Karabo was working very slow
  • continued with sample alignment
  • performed several xfel+laser shots
  • opened the chamber and replaced samples


  • aligned xfel and Relax to TCC
  • sample alignment
  • taking shots
  104   24 Mar 2023, 19:42 Naresh KujalaPRCStatus

Reply to elog103:

Spoke with Machine RC Thomas Wamsat and SQS.

Machine RC has some ideas to try. SQS have agreed that they can give 30 min for the machine to optimize the intensity.

SA1 has no impact while the machine trying to improve the power for SA3.


Update at 21.17hr

Machine RC has optimized for higher pulse intensity for SQS from 900uJ to 1600uJ. But still, the problem reported in elog103 exists, However, SQS can work now and overnight.

Thanks to Thomas Wamsat for his effort to support.



  103   24 Mar 2023, 18:27 Tommaso MazzaSQSStability Issue

the pulse energy in XTD10 is lowered by ~30% when SASE1 changes photon energy, compare att. 1 and 2.

In addition, the intra-train pulse energy stability gets much lower. Potentially, there is an impact on the pointing as well, which is critical for the pump-probe experiment.

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-03-24_18-25-31.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2023-03-24_18-26-18.png
  102   23 Mar 2023, 23:24 Jayanath KoliyaduSPBShift end

X-ray delivery

  • 1-165 pulses, 1.1 MHz - 28.2 kHz, upto 400  uJ @ 50 pC

Optical laser delivery

  • ns laser for imaging


  • Optimized sample setup for data collection
  • Calibrated photodiode @ 8keV.
    • ADC signal was saturated with amplified photodiode signal.
    • Removed the amplifier and calibrated photodiode again.
    • ASE signal is visible without the amplifier
  • Optimized ASE signal by optimizing the focus and target position in focus
  • Checking and optiming the focus everytime chaning the sample disk seems to improve the signal
  • Collected data at 8 keV and 9 keV for about 1-2 hours
  101   23 Mar 2023, 14:31 Romain LetrunSPBStatus

After SASE1 HIREX GOTTHARD reconfiguration, we now get a single pulse per frame. This was verified by comparing data from HIREX recorded with 564 kHz and 1.13 MHz X-ray repetition rates. Both intensity and number of peaks is comparable for the two repetition rates.

Attachment 1: 20230323_HIREX_integral2.png
Attachment 2: 20230323_HIREX_mean_spectrum2.png
Attachment 3: 20230323_HIREX_peaks2.png
  100   23 Mar 2023, 13:07 Naresh KujalaXPDStatus

Update for elog 99:

Now Gotthard timing is changed to new setting for 0.5 MHz.

attached screenshot with gothard timing setting

Machine changed from 0.5 MHz to 1.1MHz new screenshot attached2


Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-03-23_13-04-58.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2023-03-23_13-17-05.png
  99   23 Mar 2023, 11:38 Romain LetrunSPBIssue

When using 1.13 MHz X-ray repetition rate, SASE1 HIREX is capturing two pulses in a single frame giving the impression that there are more peaks within the spectrum than there are in reality.

This was verified by recording data with one and  two pulses per train, which are shown in attachment.

The spectral integral/intensity in GOTTHARD frame 6, the first with data, is twice larger with two pulses compared to one pulse per train (attachments 1 and 2).

The number of peaks is consistently higher with two pulses compared to one pulse (attachment 3).

Attachment 1: 20230323_HIREX_integral.png
Attachment 2: 20230323_HIREX_mean_spectrum.png
Attachment 3: 20230323_HIREX_peaks.png
  97   23 Mar 2023, 00:27 JP, Hauke, SamueleHEDShift summary - night shift

22 Mar 2023, 23:30 Handover from late shift

Tasks for the night:

  • source point measurement
  • Sample alignment
  • timing

23 Mar 2023, 00:39 Source point measurement with CRL1#2,6  Att1,2,3 Meansurements taken on YAG and attenuated beam

  • source point: -13.9m
  • divergence  : 3.38urad


23 Mar 2023, 02:39 birect BS out, specular in (cf. confluence); CRL4b out, 4a in (at rough focus ? (pos~70mm)); OPT ATT = 1.68e-7;
moved the sample upstream along the target surface (along 359.5deg) to see the downstream edge, brougth ILM and flatfield to fine tune downstream edge to TCC, see sharp edge on ILM and half FEL cut on JF (see attachment5), with IC1 light on two edges (front and backside) are destingushable; target saved to slot slot 26

23 Mar 2023, 03:06 moving the sample edge in hight; on the ILM we see it stays in the focal plane but moves sideways consistently with the JF were the beam gets less and less cut; tried to adjust the angle HEX V (should be around the axis along the FSSS frame) but this seems to be too tricky and time consuming because of the missing pivot point close to TCC. for this reason we can only go in small steps to not bump anything and losing the FOV off the ILM; since every sample will slightly different mounted a better approach might be to compensate the lateral shift in the imaging plane of the ILM by moving along this plane (135deg); for 23mm hight travel ~155um shift along 135deg is needed (after that we had to refocus the target edge by ~20um)

23 Mar 2023, 04:05 we decided now to switch to spatial overlap and timing. The FSI seems to be out of focus. Thats why we go back to a pin and center it to the current FEL beam position and ILM and will adjust the FSI if neccessary

  • unfortunately nobody corrected the relay imaging path and/or the filter/beam block stage for the ILM !!
  • fine tuned the wire alignment - image quality is very bad on FSI. Not really great on the ILM ( I guess we are clipping in the objective and relay lenses  (Att6 and 7). Seeing now the relative sharp image in the pin, it raises the question why the samples on the image (Att5) on the FSI are blurry.
  • could not find t0 within a few ps; thus removed CRL4a, changed from JF (detb_x=820) to OP (detb_x=1151.1), 100% FEL transmission and from OCX to RF lock found back t0 in IC1 (~25ps off from yesterday)
  • rechecked PAM spatial for all YAGs, with YAG emission on the camera we went to YAG 100um cross and refocus the objective
  • went back to optical lock



Attachment 1: 2023-03-23_00-26-24_HED_popin.png
Attachment 2: 2023-03-23_00-18-52_FEL_imager_with_fit.png
Attachment 3: 2023-03-23_00-16-51_FEL_imager_with_CRL1_2_and_6.png
Attachment 4: 2023-03-23_00-37-46_CRL_source_point.png
Attachment 5: 2023-03-23_02-30-06Target_edge_at_TCC_ILM_JF_FSI_MECHview2.png
Attachment 6: 2023-03-23_04-23-39_TCC_PIN_JF4_and_ILM.png
Attachment 7: 2023-03-23_04-32-27_tcc_wire_on_FSI.png
  98   22 Mar 2023, 23:57 Lisa RandolphHEDHED shift summary 22.03.

During the night we worked on the temporal overlap between Relax laser and XFEL.

In the morning we noticed that the beam jitter is quite large (in and out of the aperture of the CRL4 lenses). There seems to be a correlation with the HED popin. We adjusted the TCC with x-ray and laser. Performed transmission scans.

We managed to see the direct beam on JF. Continued with sample alignment (grazing-incidence) and also aligned the beamblocks to block the direkt and the reflected beam.

  95   22 Mar 2023, 23:57 Lisa RandolphHEDHED shift summary 22.03.

During the night we worked on the temporal overlap between Relax laser and XFEL.

In the morning we noticed that the beam jitter is quite large (in and out of the aperture of the CRL4 lenses). There seems to be a correlation with the HED popin. We adjusted the TCC with x-ray and laser. Performed transmission scans.

We managed to see the direct beam on JF. Continued with sample alignment (grazing-incidence) and also aligned the beamblocks to block the direkt and the reflected beam.

  94   22 Mar 2023, 21:49 Adam RoundSPBShift end

X-ray delivery

  • 9 keV 1 to 165 pulses ~ 300 mj per pulse - stable delivery during the day

Optical laser delivery

  • ns lasers for illumination only


  • Focus alignment
  • found illumination / shield (100 micron) conditions to optimise background on detector
  • observed that the flourecence signal on the diode was very low and this appears corelated with drift in the focus - after focus optimisation signal was again visible
  • several runs collected with varying attenuation with the aim to try to corelate flourecence signal on diode with beam intensity


  • Too high background from sample at full transmission required exchange of copper shield form 50 to 100 microns
  • disc detaching from motor spindle (twice) - first time disc blocked gate valve, second bolt and washer are in the gate valve mechanisme space
  • in both cases detector had to be warmed to allow venting.
  96   22 Mar 2023, 17:07 Konstantin / Lisa / Carsten / Rahul / Toma / MasruriHEDLate shift summary

22 Mar 2023, 17:08 started the log, the aim for the shift is the alignment of the sample and source point measurement. In addition to that, we also plan to check the Greateyes camera.

22 Mar 2023, 17:53 continuing the sample alignment

22 Mar 2023, 17:54 SAMP_AY is the clockwise direction looking from the top. Positive is towards the smaller incident angles.

22 Mar 2023, 17:57 By moving negative in the coordinated move we brought the sample towards the sliding door when the direction is 90°.

0deg_-alignment-FS.png shows blocking the x-ray beam with the sample.

22 Mar 2023, 18:13 We moved the target paralell to the XFEL beam so that we can either see the direct beam or we block the beam with the target. The next step is to block half of the beam with the target.

direct-beam-0deg.png shows the beam passing by the sample.

22 Mar 2023, 18:39 New zero position is found as on the screenshot New_zero_position_2023-03-22_18-39-16.png 

22 Mar 2023, 19:31 A clear Specular reflection is seen (c.f. Specular_and_reflected_beam_2023-03-22_19-22-19). We now do the angle per px calibration.

22 Mar 2023, 19:35 Specular reflection moves by 41 px for 0.02 deg rotation of the Samp_AY stage. Hence, 20px/0.01deg = 0.00049deg/px

22 Mar 2023, 19:37 We move by 113p = 0.055 deg on Samp_Ay to see the direct beam w.r.t the original sample position. We now move Coordinated motion.

22 Mar 2023, 19:43 Sample aligned parallel to the FEL beam - screenhot attached

22 Mar 2023, 19:48 Sample aligned to an AOI of 0.5 degrees. Screenshot attached. Remember the 2theta shift in the beam angle when the sample stage is rotated by theta. (c,f, AoI_0p25deg_2023-03-22_19-48-29.png - note the angle in file name corresponds to SampAy). Aligned position of the sample is FS_nearbottom_aligned_0.5deg_22032023. This position should be close to the edge at the bottom part of the sample.

22 Mar 2023, 20:54 Direct and Specular beamstops were aligned roughly with ALAS with the IC1 open by CB. We noticed that the breadboard of the specular beamstop motor is not fixed. We now check if this position is fine with the FEL beam without IC1 being pumped. CRL4a shall be driven inside to align this better from the control room.\

22 Mar 2023, 21:52 Direct beam stop was aligned with FEL beam. Specular beamstop was aligned horizontally. Specular vertical axis is only roughly centered.

22 Mar 2023, 22:25 Adjusted c-slits since they were clipping the beam before. p-slits are aligned as well.

22 Mar 2023, 22:48 Now we try to see something on the Greateyes. We bring in Relax alignment laser. Removed filters in IC1, free position in spectrometer. Switched off sensor power. Please insert the filters again before any laser shots!

22 Mar 2023, 23:10 We see something, but not clear what it is. Att. #7








Attachment 1: 0deg_-alignment-FS.png
Attachment 2: direct-beam-0deg.png
Attachment 3: New_zero_position_2023-03-22_18-39-16.png
Attachment 4: Specular_and_reflected_beam_2023-03-22_19-22-19.png
Attachment 5: Half_cut_parallel_sample_2023-03-22_19-43-38.png
Attachment 6: AoI_0p25deg_2023-03-22_19-48-29.png
Attachment 7: Greateyes_signal_2023-03-22_23-09-52.png
  92   21 Mar 2023, 23:39 Lisa RandolphHEDHED Summary 21.3.

Got the beam, aligned it up to the TCC, mirrors in 3 mrad configuration, checked positions for the CRLs. Energy up to 500 uJ at 8.2 keV, 2 bunches. 
Feedback M2 PBLM-2 camera was UNKNOWN. Power cycle (just switch off >> on) solved the issue. Also, the screen was extracted. Insert the screen. However, the count is too low (30 counts) to make the feedback running. We found that the trigger timing for the PBLM-2 camera was off by 20 msec with unknow reason. Then we had >~200 counts. 
The beam jitter on Zyla was quite large (~1-2x beam width).

Installed and aligned CRL4a and b. Then we pumped IC1. We realized that the M2 feedback went off two times, this needs to be checked from time to time. Otherwise no big issues, beam is mostly fine, energy is also fine.

  91   21 Mar 2023, 23:36 Jayanath KoliyaduSPBShift end

Staff: JB, PV, TS, RL, RdW, JK, AR

X-ray delivery

  • 1-165 pulses, 1.1 MHz, upto 400  uJ @ 50 pC

Optical laser delivery

  • ns laser for imaging


  • NKB focus optimization
  • Beam alignment until IBS
  • Photodiode alignment
  • Alignment of fixed target in the beam
  • Tests with fixed target motion in vacuum
  • Collected few runs with low transmission at 8 keV and 9 keV
  93   21 Mar 2023, 19:35 Terry Mullins Finding t0 with the PAM

After setting timing witht he diode, we look at the PAM spectrometer and scan the laser timing a bit.  We found a clear change in the spectrum - at >t0, the spectrum was very attenuated and at t<t0, the spectrum was larger.  This persisted for many 10s of ps (very unexpected behaviour).

In attachment are the LA3 timing scene, the SQS delay stage, the BAM, and the spectrometer signal from Metro at t0. att. 1 - 4.  The averaged ratio shows the cut the best.  Unfortunately we do not have references on that, so we will ask Sergey or Bjoern to do it tomorrow.


We found that the intra-train timing feedbacks of the accelerator are off. We ask BKR to fix it, which took a while. Aparently, we have to communicate the need of the timing feedbacks (and BAM) more clearly.

Standard deviation along train is now 18 fs with feedbacks on, see att 5. Was around 100 fs without the feedback!

We take a run and manually move the PAM delay stage so we have a timing calibration for PAM.

run 32: Rubbish because DA03 got stuck.
run 33: scanning PAM delay stage manually. device: SQS_AQS_LAS/MOTOR/WAVEPL_LMD2_1030. Typically taking 5um steps.

Went to the PAM delay stage position shown in att. 6, and had the PAM signal shown in att. 7

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-03-21_19-33-39.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2023-03-21_19-37-20.png
Attachment 3: Screenshot_from_2023-03-21_19-34-57.png
Attachment 4: Screenshot_from_2023-03-21_19-34-10.png
Attachment 5: Screenshot_from_2023-03-21_20-34-28.png
Attachment 6: Screenshot_from_2023-03-21_21-16-31.png
Attachment 7: Screenshot_from_2023-03-21_21-16-49.png
  90   20 Mar 2023, 01:24 Robert CarleySCSLate shift summary 19.03.23


  • Measured tr-RIXS spectra on user sample in silane solvent


  • Sometimes the PPL shutter cannot be opened from the control room after searching the hutch.
  89   19 Mar 2023, 15:03 Nahid, BenSCSmoning shift summary


  • measured the new sample, Silane, with different time delays


  • Tuning of SASE2 led to a 50% decrease in the SCS XGM intensity without affecting the SASE3 intensity. It also caused a jump in the BAM value
  88   19 Mar 2023, 02:01 Johannes Moeller shift summary
  • upper and lower branch of SDL aligned
    • beamsizes and angular mismatch characterized
  • vacuum leak of flight path fixed
  • side view microscope re-aligned
  • problems with replaced MPC diamond detector. issue with in-vacuum cabeling suspected
  • misconfigured timing of AGIPD fixed
  • splitting ratio of SDL detuned while HXRSS intensity decreased significantly. Possibly correlated.

With the current HXRSS intensity and focussing, we have insufficient conditions to take data for the experiment. We decide to vent the sample chamber and try to fix the malfunctioning diamond detector instead of taking data over night. HXRSS should be improved tomorrow morning and the SDL possibly realigned afterwards.

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-03-19_02-11-16.png
  87   18 Mar 2023, 01:45 Johannes Moeller shift summary
  • stable HXRSS delivery at 8.99 keV, 1 bunch. XGM intensity during the day decreased from 750 uJ to 600 uJ.
  • Vacuum in sample chamber stabilized with cold trap and full beam path opened to AGIPD and endstation
  • Again problems with smaract stages in DES, but imager in a good position to continue.
  • First scattering data recored from water jet. Unknown, bimodal intensity distribution
  • Focus characterization of SDL lower branch with knife edge, X-ray eye and SAXS speckle data. Larger (>10 um) as compared to direct beam with same focussing setup.
  • Clear influence of splitter insertion on beamsize observed. Beam is smaller without splitter crystal.
  • Current status: Alignment of upper branch unfinished, X-ray eye inserted, sample chamber vented

For the next shift:

  • Finsish alignment of upper branch
  • Characterize both beams in size with Xray eye. Try if slightly different lense combinations or M2 bender settings improve the situation.
  • Overlap both beam on the sample
  • Possibly insert upstream pinhole just in front of jet to clean up and ensure overlap
  • Take data, enjoy
  86   17 Mar 2023, 23:43 Robert, Zhong, ManuelSCSLate shift summary 17.03.2023


  • continued tr-RIXS scans
  • tried to find ways to mitigate the energy drifts of the mono (see below)
  • confirmed in user data that the FEL-PPL timing was not changing (see below)
  • setting up for tr-RIXS at beginning of night shift


  • the mono energy has been drifting, presumably due to warming of the grating.
  • automatic correction of the elastic line in the RIXS data was not working reliably
  • we suspected a timing drift, but it seems that the monitor (photodiode + oscilloscope) itself is drifting. That's a new one.
  85   17 Mar 2023, 01:48 Johannes MoellerMIDShift summary

The intensity of the Seeding decreesed from 850 uJ to 550 uJ during the time between 20:00 and 02:00.

The Spectral purity also got worst, the beam in HIREX looks to have more SASE shoulders.

Between 18 and 20 we show a prossible transiant signal, PPL, of the lower branch. But a problem with the monochromator in the MID opt Hutch trigger the valve to close. After we where not able to see the signal possible effect of laser or X-ray inestabilities.

Problems with the liquidjet, the nozzel got clogged.

Started the aligment of the upper branch of SDL

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-03-17_01-44-53.png
  84   16 Mar 2023, 01:35 Johannes Moeller End of shift

Stable HXRSS delivery with >800 uJ, 1 bunch, 8.99 keV.

Re- Alignment of X-ray beam performed.

-Beam position defined for sample interaction in SAM CAM1. Do not touch SAM CAM1

-X-ray beam (unfocused and focused) is now going through LIC & 45 deg mirror. Updated M2 feedback setpoint.

-CRL2 has been aligned to the new position.

-Lower branch SDL aligned. Not on Sample interaction point.

-LIC mirty moved out -63 mm (in at 6 mm)


Status now:

We moved lower branch out. CRL2 left in.

We have left the direct beam (no branch) on the X-ray eye and inline microscope.

We have left some diamond in the OPt Hutch Att for running  feedback and HIREX


To do:

- Bring both branches to the sample interaction point in SAM CAM1.

- Aligment upper branch

- Spatial overlap laser and X-ray

- temporal overlap with diode (from laser and lower branch?)

- Beamsize analysis of both branches


Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-03-16_02-09-46.png
  83   16 Mar 2023, 00:26 Robert, ManuelSCSShift summary, late 2023.03.15


  • Found coarse and fine timing between FEL and PPL at 266nm
  • Set up for tr-RIXS during the night


  • 2 fastADC channels appear to be dead.
  • Optical locking of the PPL syncronisation system took a very long time (> 30 minutes)
  82   15 Mar 2023, 17:01 Benjamin, Nahid, Raphael, Philippe, Victoria, TimoSCSmorning shift summary


  • Found RIXS signal from liquid jet
  • Measured static RIXS and PFY-XAS spectrum of Co(cp)(CO)2


  • hRIXS detector has a data latency issue and images were not being recorded in the DAQ. This required ~2-3 hours to solve plus time lost during night shift.

Plan for Next Shift

  • find temporal overlap between X-ray and laser
  81   15 Mar 2023, 01:50 Johannes Moeller shift summary
  • HXRSS delivery, 600 - 700 uJ, 1 bunch, 8.991 keV. Pedestal visibly in HIREX, not checked with MID spectrometer yet.
  • beamline aligned and beam brought to popin imager
  • struggle with jet pumping, to be continued
  • beam brought into experimental hutch, first rough alignment of reference samples and cameras
  • Epix flight path leaked and window re-glued
  80   14 Mar 2023, 20:26 Harald SinnPRCIssue

SCS could only use two pulses, because the SXP imager was still in the beam and SXP shutter open. 

I removed the SXP imager, so SCS can now get the full beam. The SXP shutter is still open and SXP instrument contacted via email to find out, if the shutter is intentionally open. 

21:13: SXP confirmed that they will close the shutter tomorrow. The imager was just forgotten in the beam. 

  79   14 Mar 2023, 14:40 Harald SinnPRCIssue

In order to optimise the performance of SASE2 self seeding, a stronger compression setting is required. 

The RC proposed to increase the time window between SASE2 and SASE1/3 to avoid performance degradation and cross talk effects on SASE1/3. 

I discussed with SCS and FXE instruments and there seems to be nothing against moving the time trigger by 30 micro seconds later, as proposed by BKR. 

The agreed bunch train lengths can be still achieved with the new setting. The change will be implemented now (Tue 14:45)

  78   14 Mar 2023, 10:56 Harald SinnPRCIssue

The longitudinal feedback on SA1/3 was swicthed off by mistake over night. When it will be switched on, the beam may wiggle a bit an SA1+SA3 for short. 

We agreed with SCS and FXE that this will be done today at 11:30 


  77   11 Mar 2023, 12:46 Frederik Wolff-FabrisPRCSA2 status

The SA2 XTD1 XGM is current offline since Saturday morning.

Yesterday, Friday, it already started to present communication problems ( )  and today it became clear a Hard drive is broken and need to be exchanged.

Theo M. and Fini J. are preparing to enter tunnel around 13:00. PRC has informed BKR, RC and HXRSS team. We do not expect to have the problem fixed until the end of the Saturday.

In parallel, beam permission to South Branch was removed due to the lack of communication to the XGM. PRC suggested RCs to disable the corresponding Big Brother rule in order to keep beam permission to proceed with few activities until the ZZ takes place, what was done by machine RPO.

*** Update 14:50:

The ZZ was successful and the colleagues managed to exchange the hard drive and reinstall the software. The XGM shall be working again but it will be monitored in the coming hours.

Special thanks to Theo M., Fini J., Soeren G. and Dey-IT colleagues for the precious volunteer work on Saturday.


  75   06 Mar 2023, 06:48 Ulf ZastrauHEDShift summary

X-ray delivery stable in intensity, 1300-1400 mJ at 8150 eV SASE.

user experiment 3430 (Zastrau / Mishchenko)

Horizontal jitter compensated with intermediate focus (by overfocusing with CRL in XTD1, and focus on target with CRLs in HED OPT.
Beam drifts compensated by M2, M3 mirror feedback

RELAX laser shots on 10 um Cu foils, last 12 h pumping a Cu 22+ resonance K line. probing laser plasma at 0, 5, 10, 20 and 50 um spatial offset

Completed our data set. We now have 100fs resolved 2d transmission images and K-resonance from +1 ps to -100 ps delay time.

Successful user experiment.


  76   06 Mar 2023, 06:20 Teguh, LuigiSCSNight shift summary 05.01.2023


1. Continued measuring time-resolved and static RIXS on water (run table in elog entry #103)

2. Periodically checked spatial overlap and BAM compensator in-between measurements.

3. Refilled and changed cold traps when necessary.



1. Some icing issue, solved by changing the nozzle.

  74   05 Mar 2023, 23:13 Juncheng ESPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, 202 pulses, 564 kHz, intensity slope was fine

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, 68 pulses, 188 kHz. stable delivery
  • ns laser for illumination


  • Continue nanofocusing setup with pump-probe experiment
  • Continue Collecting TR-SFX data
  73   05 Mar 2023, 23:04 Sergii, AndreasSCSLate shift summary 05.03.2023


-RIXS scans at different delay times and x-ray energies

-Cross check fine timing


-Nozzle was frozen. Pump was in error state.

  72   04 Mar 2023, 23:04 Sergii, AndreasSCSlate shift summary


- we replaced broken SMA cable, and added an angle-connector at sample holder to aid the sample rotation when moving diagnostics to the flat jet

- we double-checked coarse timing and x-ray beam size

- we found t0 on SiN

- setting up RIXS with time delay steps for the night shift program





  71   04 Mar 2023, 22:55 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, 202 pulses, 564 kHz, intensity slope was fine

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, 68 pulses, 188 kHz. stable delivery
  • ns laser for illumination


  • Continue nanofocusing setup with pump-probe experiment
  • Continue Collecting TR-SFX data


  • uTCA timing was shifted about 3 ns against X-ray and PP-laser
  70   04 Mar 2023, 07:00 Teguh, LuigiSCSNight Shift Summary on 04.03.2023


- Improved the vacuum of the chamber slightly

- Found the spatial overlap between FEL and jet

- Found the spatial overlap between FEL and PP laser on pBN (but may not be the same on liquid jet)



- Beam loss for 6+ hours, from 23.00h to 5.15h due to fuse tripping in the laser system of the electron gun

- While fixing the beam loss, the machine seemed to have trouble with timing. So if fine timing can't be found, perhaps it's worth it to check rough timing again.

- The rough pumps in the room are full of water. We solved this by taking 2 rough pumps and connecting them directly to the chamber.

- The antenna cable is too bulky. So the sample plate should only be rotated to -90 deg (-358.65 actual), as rotating the other way will severely tilt the sample plate.

  69   03 Mar 2023, 23:27 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, 202 pulses, 564 kHz, intensity slope was flat

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, 68 pulses, 188 kHz. stable delivery
  • ns laser for illumination


  • Continue nanofocusing setup with pump-probe experiment
  • Continue Collecting TR-SFX data


  • Run_Controller problem still persists, it stopped without any action from us
  68   03 Mar 2023, 23:25 Giuseppe, SergiiSCSLate shift summary


  • change the optical laser to 2 um
  • found focus of 2 um beam
  • found saptial overlap
  • course timing was checked
  • looking for fine timing using SiN


  • fine timing signal not seen yet
  67   03 Mar 2023, 23:06 Ulf ZastrauHEDShift summary

Beam delivery SASE 8,25 keV, 1300 µJ. Intensity stable,
but beam jittery in horizontal. 

PRC (Dommach) did a ZZ around 13:00 and switched off coolling of M1 in XD1, but no effect on beam jitter.

We decided (around 18:00) that we will use intermediate focus (CRL1 arms 4,6). This is not providing optimal
properties in terms of divergence and chromaticity for our imaging experiment, but the jitter
prevented us from taking any meaningful data. The result is that the jitter is significantly reduced.

We are taking data since 20:00. Quality is moderate but we can live with it.

  65   02 Mar 2023, 23:13 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, 202 pulses, X-ray intensity had slope over train, 30 % difference between first and last pulse in the train
  • Sometime strange intensity slope was observed (screen shot was attached)

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, 68 pulses, 188 kHz, Treacy compressor issue, lost 3 hours in morning
  • ns laser for illumination


  • Nanofocusing setup with pump-probe experiment has started
  • Collected TR-SFX data


  • Treacy compressor issue, lost 3 hours in morning
  •  X-ray intensity had slope over train, 30 % difference between first and last pulse in the train
  • Sometime strange intensity slope was observed  (screen shot was attached)
  • Run_Controller stopped without any action from us
Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-03-02_21-53-17.png
  66   02 Mar 2023, 22:58 Giuseppe Mercurio and SergiiSCSlate shift summary


  • knife edge scans of OL to find lens position corresponding to the smallest beam size
  • knife edge scans of FEL to determine the position to proceed for spatial overlap
  • liquid jet was set up and it's running since afternoon
  • measured x-ray absortion via the diode in the CHEM-DIAG


  • difficult to perform knife edge using 3 um after finding rough spatial overlap useing the green laser. The issue is the following: becasue the diode does not see the direct OL beam but rather we see scattered light at the diode, even when the direct beam is blocked by the sample holder
  • since spatial ovelap cannot be found we siwtch program
  • APD voltage device goes into error above 310 V and at 310 V after some minutes it goes also into error ->
  • the APD signal shows strong fluctations in the background
  64   02 Mar 2023, 22:54 Ulf ZastrauHEDStability Issue

HED would like to report that since 2 days the SASE2 beam is instable.
The attached movie shows, on the left (90° rotated, so up-down is left-right)
the beam at the end of the HED hutch, and on the right its the same beam
at the end of the XTD6 tunnel (HED-POPIN diamond window).

It jitters horizantally by more than 1.5 diameters.

We are taking data for users, but due to the jitter, only every 4th image is usable,
which mean also 3 out of 4 targets are lost.

We are haveing near collimated beam with CRL1 (XTD1) 1,6 and CRL2 (XTD6) 2,3)
to generate a large field of view on the target.


Attachment 1: beamjitter_2_3_2023.mp4
  63   02 Mar 2023, 05:41 Teguh, LuigiSCSNight shift summary 02.03.2023


1. Performed knife-edge scan. The beam size is currently at 5 um x 120 um.

2. Aligned the spectrometer at O K edge (2.8 pixel FWHM, 110 meV resolution, 4800 resolving power)

3. Performed energy calibration at O K edge (39.3 meV / pixel)

4. Setup the liquid jet environment for water.



1. The elastic signal at CoO sample is very weak, so the alignment was done on the multilayer sample.

2. The motor of the ice crusher has some movement problem.

  62   01 Mar 2023, 23:31 Sergii, MartinSCSLate shift summary 01.03.2023


- Align DPS to remove clipping of X-rays

- Get better focusing of PPL in the chamber

-Coarse timing with SIGNAl of OPA

-Switch back to 3 um PPL settings


-It was hard to work with DPS without motorized stages


  61   01 Mar 2023, 23:25 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, 1-352 pulses, 0.8 mJ, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, 101 pulses, 282 kHz, stable delivery
  • ns laser for illumination


  • Nanofocusing setup alignment was finished
  • Ice detection was tested


  • No major issue
  60   01 Mar 2023, 16:07 Alexander PelkaHEDShift summary

Day shift 28.02

Got the beam, aligned it up to the TCC, mirrors in 3 mrad configuration, checked positions for the CRLs. Optimised beam at the HAPG. Beam stability was fine, energy up to 1,5 mJ at 8.2 keV, and up to 1 mJ at 9.1 keV (used for the spectrometer calibration). 

Late shift 28.02

Tune back from 9.1 to 8.15 keV, beam was a bit shifted.

Spectrometer calibration and elastic scattering showed very precise beam photon energy.

Night shift 28.02-1.03

Night was dedicated to installation and alignment of CRL4. Start pumping IC1. There were a lot of issues with carabo (HED vacuum scene) DOC is informed.

Day shift 1.03 

Continued CRL4 a and b alignment. No big issues, beam is mostly fine, energy is also fine, but sometimes beam stabilization (feedbacks) stops working and observing.

  59   28 Feb 2023, 23:24 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, 1-352 pulses, 0.8 mJ, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, 1-01 pulses, 282 kHz, stable delivery
  • ns laser for illumination


  • Alignment for NKB focusing setup were finished
  • Al scattering signal was observed on AGIPD, need to move CSS with IRU-SLIT-1 opening
  • Dammit currently running on the "AGIPD" PC, automated data processing is on but will only process the first 100k frames.


  • No major issue to report
  58   28 Feb 2023, 07:17 Romain LetrunSPBIssue

In the public status display, it looks like FXE is taking the beam even though their shutter is closed.

Attachment 1: Screenshot_at_2023-02-28_06-38-30.png
  57   27 Feb 2023, 02:10 Felix BrausseMIDShift Summary Feb 26th

Moved out MONO, aligned SDL without MONO

Looked at both beams on DES

Struggled to get the same beam size with SDL inserted compared to direct beam (~8 um); fixed by adjusting slits

Major beam-pointing issues w/ the upper branch on the x-ray eye, even when all `fine` motors were off

Experimented w/ turning off  certain `coarse` motors at a time


  56   26 Feb 2023, 01:37 Felix BrausseMIDShift Summary Feb 25th
  • Aligned both branches of the split-and-delay line.
  • Brought the beam into the experimental hutch to image it on the x-ray eye; the sample hexapod is not moving (again?); the values keep changing, but the device clearly does not move


  • Looked at the beam on the Zyla (Zyla is still in)


TODO for tomorrow:

  • Make x-ray eye work
  • Use the x-ray eye, measure pointing stability (both beams) until Bertram arrives
  • With Bertram, do timing scans on x-ray eye and hope to see interference fringes



Attachment 1: 2023-02-26_01-57-17_SDLbranchesOnZyla.png
  55   24 Feb 2023, 22:57 Alexey Zozulya Shift summary

- Measured the speckle patterns using EPIX detector to estimate the beamsize focused down by 1D lens (Row 13).

- Heat load test to NFL #18 with 50 bunches.

- Measured the speckle patterns with 2D focusing lens to estimate the beamsize. wire edge scan?

- Local optics hexapod had some issue in moving while alignment. DOC helped us to solve it.

-Sample hexapod is not working, need to be checked in the morning.


  54   24 Feb 2023, 05:39 Adam RoundSPBShift summary

Staff: AR, KK

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3keV

Optical laser delivery

  • None


  • Both KB mirrors are moved to Ru coating
  • Nano KB and inlineMic are aligned focus optimzed
  • Several ptycho. datasets are measured with single-pulse and 320 pulses per train
  53   24 Feb 2023, 00:55 Jan-Etienne Pudell shift summary

We tested pulse on demand scans with scantool and confirmed that there is only one shot per scan point. This was used to print the footprint in a LIf crystal.

We took caustic scans for 1D diamond lenses using a wire and using specles to extract the beamsize.

  52   23 Feb 2023, 01:51 Jan-Etienne Pudell shift summary

After realignement of M1 and M2 we could solve the problem of the elogated beamprofile. Different lens setting were prealignd for the use in combination with the NFL.

We took data for several 1D diamond lenses together with a Vycor sample to extract the beamsize from the specles.



  51   22 Feb 2023, 14:53 Peter ZaldenFXEStability Issue

Instability observed today at 14:05, reported to PRC and BKR, including RC: We saw RMS jitter amplitude of up to 4 mm at FXE imager. The jitter was also seen by the upstream XGM with 100 um RMS amplitude. So it is something from the source.

This instability is suddenly appearind/disappearing and was absent over night and started this morning at 7h to occasionally turn on. It appear approx. everz ~30 mins for a few minutes.

Attachment 1: 2023-02-22-145134_250580044_exflqr37199.png
  50   21 Feb 2023, 23:31 Thomas Baumann SASE1 changing photon energy changes the 2-color setup in SASE3

We were set-up for 5.7 keV photon energy in SASE1. We made a test with BKR to change this energy to 9.3 keV. This had an effect on our two-color setup:

The first color pulse energy increased. See att 1. Green is the reference at 5.7 keV, blue is at 9.3 keV.

Att 2 shows the XGM history: pulse energy went up to 200 uJ in SQS XGMD during the change.


the users are unhappy about the increase of pulse energy in the pump pulse, because the ratio of pump versus probe is optimized with the setting where SASE1 operates at 5.7 keV.

we plan to record continuous delay scans (about 1 day for each scan) for the rest of the week, and pump-probe settings should be constant over time.

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-02-21_23-28-02_1.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2023-02-21_23-35-20.png
  49   21 Feb 2023, 23:07 Jan-Etienne Pudell shift summary

- Tunnel + experimental hutch alignment (Mirrors, CRL1 and CRL2)

- Aligned main devices: Optics Peter, x-ray eye, EPIX and Zyla and pin holes.

- Tried some alignment of the NFL (1D) lenses with pin hole and not pre focussed beam. We found a lot of scattering from pinholes which dominates the signal on our x-ray eye. This task has to be redone with CRL2.

- We aligned magnetic beamstop

- We moved sample stage inside the beam (do not move optics peter!)

- We insert CRL 2 and took some data with EPIX and Vycor. We checked the beamprofile with x-ray eye it looks elongated.



- Timescan is not working

- lot of scattering from pinholes when using large beam on NFL



  48   20 Feb 2023, 06:46 Ben, ManuelSCSNight Shift Summary


  • Measured self-refreenced XAS spectra with single color baem at the Mg K-edge


  • Liquid jet required some mantanence during the shift
  • Some newton detector images filled with NANs


  46   19 Feb 2023, 23:28 Richard BeanSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, 120 pulses
  • Good Beam Stability -~1mJ


  • Double Slit and V-Pattern Interference Measurements
  • Nearfield Ptycho-Scans
  • Nano-KB (@Richard)


  • Office network webcams extremely slow in control room
  • X-ray delivery jddd display computer frozen again (related to ubuntu update?)

Instrument status

  • AGIPD HV off.
  • AGIPD gate valve closed and pinned.
  • Attenuators set to thickest diamond.
  • Vacuum valves closed.
  • YAG in-beam in interaction region.

To do for next shift

  • End of beamtime - Nearfield ptychography experiment not completed, may require time during the week
  • NanoKB partially aligned  - see dedicated post
  47   19 Feb 2023, 23:25 Motoaki Nakatsutsumi, Oliver Humphries, Carsten BaehtzHEDShift summary 2023-02-19

8.2 keV, 750 uJ. 

Short summary

- Optimize the downstream nanofocus CRL to image the sample to our detector (optique Peter) - successful)

- Then we put a upstream nanofocus to focus on our sample location to directly image the x-ray spot. We scan Z to get the beam profile at different Z. - successful

- It appears that we couldn't get the best focus. The upstream CRL should move further toward the sample by a couple of cm. 

- We tried doing the edge scan. Scan tool clash the DAQ and we couldn't run the data. 

- Then, we used Extra-metro to do the edge scan. It was ok, but the observed values are scattered and normalization seems not working properly. Should analyze in more detail. Runs are taken 

- The spatial resolution of our imaging system seems to be about 2 um, most likely limited by the point spread function of the scintillator (mfp of excited electrons).  

- Then we put the Optique Peter further downstream by 2 m to gain magnification and better resolution. It appears that in order to image the sample to the Optique Peter at the end of the hutch, we need to move the downstream CRL toward upstream by about 4 cm. 



19 Feb 2023, 23:33 Handover done. Although PAM work was suggested, Toma switch off the laser. So this task is impossible. Also, we do not have a flat-field to align samples. 

19 Feb 2023, 23:34 Put a Siemens Star in (pos. #25). No image is seen on the Optique Peter. We moved FSSS Y and X to find. We moved about 100-200 um. 

19 Feb 2023, 23:41 CRL4-B 'in' position was AXIS21 = 27.4 (different from yesterday). We moved out by moving 

19 Feb 2023, 23:42 Move out the CRL4-B. The beam center of mass is upper part of the slit. Touch M3 pitch via piezo. Siemens star image at the beginnig: Att.1.

19 Feb 2023, 23:52 Move Z of CRL4-B. Initial position: 52.77. Move by 5 mm. Image quality clearly worse. We move 2 mm steps. Each step, we see the difference in contrast.

19 Feb 2023, 23:59 Now, scan with 1 mm steps. The conclusion is that 51.77 +/- 2 mm is the best.


20 Feb 2023, 00:16 Go to the free space. Attenuate the x-ray beam further by x100 (T = 1e-4). Put CRL4-A. 

20 Feb 2023, 00:20 It appears that we did not need to add the attenuator. So, stay as it was: ~1%

20 Feb 2023, 01:30 Finished scanning Z. See ID47. The best spot size seems to be before the TCC even at the maximum Axis_5 position at 105 mm. 

20 Feb 2023, 01:50 We now move the CRL4-B focus to find the smallest spot. The smallest spot is found when we moved ~20 mm in Z. The smallest spot observed corresponds to 2 micron, which is probably our limitation of the imaging system, not necessarily the actual x-ray focus. See ID47 

20 Feb 2023, 02:05 Edge scan. We first put the Ni edge as suggested, but then realized that 25 um Ni at 8.2 keV only absorbs 70% of the x-ray beam (below K-edge). Therefore, we put the edge of the Si substrate of the Siemens stars. But this doesn't give a nice result. Switch to Ni mesh. Better, but the result is not convincing. 

20 Feb 2023, 03:45 Continue focus scan. See ID 47 for details. 

20 Feb 2023, 05:00 Put the Optique Peter at the end of the hutch. Initial distance = 56 cm (Att.1). Current distance 270 cm (~ 480 cm from the exit flange of IC1). 

20 Feb 2023, 05:43 Put extension flight tube 3 m (and remove the 50 cm one). Att. 2. Start pumping IC1.

20 Feb 2023, 06:00 Found Siemens star. But we reached the HW limit of the downstream CRL in order to image the TCC to the Optique Peter. See ID50. 







Attachment 1: P_20230220_045813b.jpg
Attachment 2: P_20230220_054233b.jpg
  45   19 Feb 2023, 19:51 bouffetierHEDlate shift summary

19 Feb 2023,15:30 Shift handover

Runs will be added in the general Elog for data runs and acqusitions (Elog-4)

- alignment of new wires to shoot with relax laser
- pump probe X-ray imaging with CRL4-a  (DAQ runs 306-320)
- realignment of CRL4b to compare data with CRL4-a imaging capabilities
- resolution check with X-ray only runs on siemens star (DAQ runs 321-323)
- shots with crlb (DAQ runs 324-347)

19 Feb 2023, 19:53 : DAQ crashed
19 Feb 2023, 19:56 : DAQ revived after restarting it
19 Feb 2023, 20:36 : All remaining wire are shot. We pass to shock target. Instead of doing side-on radiographs we go to face-on scheme (radiography colinear to the shock propagation.) |
19 Feb 2023, 20:40 : shock target alignement
19 Feb 2023, 22:16 : Shock targets shots (DAQ runs 348-390)
                                               Beautiful pictures here!!!!!!

Resumen of the shift: align and shoot, with beautiful images at the end (which was the main goal of the beamtime this week) .

Last night shift tasks :
- getting final siemens star and free beam radiographs with CRL4b (to see if the resolution keep consistant over time: it should be, but it is better to check it)
- Go back to CRL4a
- go as far as possible from tcc, and do edge scans with Ni foil (the one juste on top of NTT grid)
            - do refined edge scans every 5mm all along the travel range of CRL4a
- for next week, PAM time =0 needs to be as precise as possible, preparation of PAM for next beamtime.
- Going through Bspec data acquired today

  43   19 Feb 2023, 08:06 Erik BrambrinkHEDDay shift summary

19 Feb 2023, 08:08 Hand over from night shift

Added polarizer in the PAM beam in the optics hutch, reequilibrated reference arm of PAM

19 Feb 2023, 08:09 Darks taken for JF 1 and 2

19 Feb 2023, 08:28 Check sample alignment, correct for shot samples

19 Feb 2023, 08:33 Beam was off on Zyla, M3 feedback had to be restarted this morning. May this changed the setpoint. New setpoint is now at 342.4

19 Feb 2023, 09:09 Aligned edge of Cu foil on Zyla, then moved ILM to get a sharp image of the edge, then focus RELAX beam to this position

19 Feb 2023, 09:11 OAPX motor is in permanent error state

19 Feb 2023, 09:17 Focal spot does not look nice,

19 Feb 2023, 09:40 Start shooting foils

19 Feb 2023, 09:51 Cu foil  w Al B3-A3 , delay RELAX 100 fs before x-rays, run 257, seems we destroyed foils next to it

19 Feb 2023, 10:16 DOC called, OAPX is working again, reason unknown, seems to be an issue with the encoder. Needs checking the encoder on site.

19 Feb 2023, 11:09 Finished aligning samples, preparing for shot

19 Feb 2023, 11:15 Cu foil  w Al B3-A1, delay RELAX 200 fs before x-rays, run 260

19 Feb 2023, 11:23 Cu foil B3-B2, delay RELAX 200 fs before x-rays, run 262, sample next to it was damaged

19 Feb 2023, 11:39 Cu foil B3-B3, delay RELAX 200 fs before x-rays, run 264

19 Feb 2023, 11:46 Aligning grids

19 Feb 2023, 12:07 OAPX again in error state, used this time AY rotation instead, did not really change the focal spot. Add this motors to the switcht off

19 Feb 2023, 12:14 Cu mesh 2000 C3B3, delay RELAX 200 fs before x-rays, run 266

19 Feb 2023, 12:21 Need much longer delays, will go to RF locking

19 Feb 2023, 12:43 Phase shifter device was stuck in moving state, restarted

19 Feb 2023, 12:45 Cu mesh1000 C3B1, delay RELAX 2000 ps before x-rays, run 268

19 Feb 2023, 13:00 Cu mesh 2000 C3B2, delay RELAX 500ps before x-rays, run 270

27019 Feb 2023, 13:07 Seems that RELAX does not hit exactly in the field of view, change to configuration CRL4B

19 Feb 2023, 13:19 Cu mesh HEX 1000 C3A1, delay RELAX 500ps before x-rays, run 272

19 Feb 2023, 13:22 Shot is fine, stay with CRL setting, realign samples

19 Feb 2023, 13:50 DOC called, some motor flags have been changed for OAP_X. hopefully ito works until tomorrow

19 Feb 2023, 13:54 Cu mesh2000 C2A5, delay RELAX 100ps before x-rays, run 274

19 Feb 2023, 14:00 Cu mesh2000 C2A3, delay RELAX 20 ps before x-rays, run 277

19 Feb 2023, 14:06 Cu mesh2000 C2A2, delay RELAX 20 ps before x-rays, run 280

19 Feb 2023, 14:13 Cu mesh2000 C2A1, delay RELAX 500 ps before x-rays, run 284

19 Feb 2023, 14:17 Cu mesh2000 C2B1, delay RELAX 1000 ps before x-rays, run 287

19 Feb 2023, 14:23 Cu mesh2000 C2B2, delay RELAX 1000 ps before x-rays, run 290 PPU was open before shot and closed during shot

19 Feb 2023, 14:27 Cu mesh2000 C2B3, delay RELAX 1000 ps before x-rays, run 291

19 Feb 2023, 14:31 Cu mesh2000 C2B4, delay RELAX 80 ps before x-rays, run 295

19 Feb 2023, 14:35 Cu mesh2000 C2B5, delay RELAX 666 ps before x-rays, run 298

19 Feb 2023, 14:38  Moved Siemens star in (pos 25), run 300, is out of range, tried then pos 2, visible in live view, run 301

  44   19 Feb 2023, 05:29 Motoaki Nakatsutsumi, Carsten Baehtz, Olver HumphriesHEDShift summary - night shift 2023-02-18

18 Feb 2023, 23:37 Together with the last shift members, we continued shooting laser on Cu 25 um thick wire for another 2 hours. We got excellent quality x-ray imaging with a series of time delay up to several ns (eLog ID 39).  X-ray imaging is now commissioned. The magnification was x7.5.

19 Feb 2023, 01:30 We tried to go to x20, but we couldn't find the x-ray beam. We even put the burn paper in front of the Optique Peter to verify the x-ray position, but still we couldn't see anything on the Optique Peter. Probably the x-ray was too weak. This activity was done with CRL4b "in", so the beam size was big on the Optique Peter. Next step is to remove the CRL3b and do the same exercise.

19 Feb 2023, 03:00 We switch to CRL4a (upsteam of the sample) and aligned.

19 Feb 2023, 03:30 In parallel, PAM work: added 10 mm thick SF57 on the spectral arm. Time = 0 is established for both spatial and spectral arm. See eLog ID 33.

19 Feb 2023, 06:10 Put a mesh 2000 lines and do the focal scan. 1.5 % transmission. Att.1. The focus is around Axis_5 = 95-100 mm.

  Pos (Axis_5)  
#243 55  
#244 35  
#245 15  
#246 -5  
#247 -15  
#248 +75  
#249 +85  
#250 +95  
#251 +105  


Attachment 1: Foc_scan_2000l_mm.PNG
  42   19 Feb 2023, 00:34 Richard BeanSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  •  9.3 keV, 1-120 pulses,
  • good stabiltiy, lowish flux ~900uJ, but experimental requirements were met


  • Finished doule slit measurements at micron beam
  • Alignment to direct beam
  • Sample position for the sand paper found
  • Some sand paper test speckle patterns measured


  • Alignment was a bit painful without the NKB and EHC cameras - switch to ZYLA at EHC made ALAS alignment much easier
  • diff pump does not transmit much of direct beam without interference and requries tight power slits (known limitation)

Instrument status

  • AGIPD HV off.
  • AGIPD gate valve closed and pinned.
  • Attenuators set to thickest diamond.
  • Vacuum valves closed.
  • EHU PSLIT closed around direct beam to approx 1.2 x 1.2 mm
  • sample moved up by 10mm so both rows accessible in direct beam
  • current 'focus' sample position is approx location of sandpaper from evening measurement (lower row, darkside), 10mm in +x moves out of beam

To do for next shift

- continue direct beam speckle measurements (See entry elog:138)
- quite a bit of scattter on AGIPD from direct beam and especially sandpaper samples.
- transmissions of at least ~1 % level are detector safe (no pixels in AGIPD medium gain)


  40   18 Feb 2023, 07:06 Benjamin, Manuel, RicardoSCSNight Shift summary


  • Used scanning of liquid jet to improve S/N
  • Measured x-ray PP XAS as a function of the delay between the two X-ray colors
  • Scan energy of probe pulse with fixed pump energy


  • No clear signature of ionized states observed in XAS yet
  41   18 Feb 2023, 00:32 Motoaki Nakatsutsumim, Carsten Baehtz, Olly HumphriesHEDShift summary - night shift 2023-02-17

Ealier shift members managed to get a good quality image on Optique Peter by imaging the sample plane to the Optique Peter with downstream nanofocus (CRL4b). The quality is far superiour compared to the one with upstream nanofocus, which does just a projection of sample (backlight). The decision is to stay with the downstream CRL. They had a few full power shots. The problem of reading Zyla data when rotation = 0 is solved by Olly. He put the script in the shared folder. 

As no laser shots during the night shift, the plan for the night shift was to align as many AWE samples as possible so that we can shot tomorrow morning.

We successfully aligned samples (about 20 samples) which are in A-2 slot. Then, very, very, unfortunately, when we went to the A-1 samples, the top part of FSSS bump the ILM and we could not recover it. We have two choice now for the morning shift; whether we shot currently aligned samples (without checking the laser focal spot and timnig - those are should not be so wrong as it was checked late last evening by the late shift members); or, open IC1 and realign the ILM...


18 Feb 2023, 00:33  Aligned the sample A2-E5. The laser comes from the top. What we see here is the 10 um thick Al top layer. The CH (~500 um thick) is below the Al on the screen, which is almost fully transparent for the x-ray beam. Att. 1

18 Feb 2023, 00:56 In order to optimze the rotation of the sample (so that the thickness projetion on the Optique Peter is minimum), we used the Hexapod "w". Unfortunately, this motor value is not saved onto the sample position table. Therefore, all previously saved positions are not valid any more. The current "w" value is -5.300 (att.4). We should not touch this value any more.

Att. 5 is the previously saved sample positions. We will delete many of these positions as those are not valid any more.

18 Feb 2023, 00:58 We aligned the wire to FSI, ILM and Optique Peter. Att. 2 and 3.

18 Feb 2023, 03:56 There was a collision with the ILM, when going to the top row on the target (AWE A2-B1), targets no longer visible on ILM. Wire also shows O(10um) offset on OptPeter. Previously aligned targets will be off.

18 Feb 2023, 04:23 We realign the wire, reproducible with a 20um offset applied in hex_x and hex_y (saved on the target positions)

18 Feb 2023, 04:24 We start a scan of ILM position to try and recover FoV (5 x 5 mm window, 2D scan, 250 um steps). No success; we couldn't find the flatfield. One suggestion is to shoot currently aligned targets blind.

18 Feb 2023, 05:00 Enter the hutch A.12 to connect the Timepix3. Radiation dose search.

18 Feb 2023, 05:20 Carsten optimized the CSLIT.

18 Feb 2023, 06:00 Moto worked on PAM. Found the time = 0  at 'spectral' encoding. Detail is in the corresponding eLog.


Attachment 1: Aligned_A2_E5_2023-02-18_00-35-18.png
Attachment 2: Wire_OPeter_2023-02-18_00-52-19.png
Attachment 3: Screenshot_from_2023-02-18_00-54-25.png
Attachment 4: Screenshot_from_2023-02-18_00-59-37.png
Attachment 5: Screenshot_from_2023-02-18_01-02-21.png
  39   17 Feb 2023, 17:16 bouffetierHEDLate shift activities

17 Feb 2023, 17:15 : We centered Pin in the FEL beam and then imaged this pin with ILM and FSI to get common references.
                                 We corected astigmatism with OAP
                                 Then we introduced CRLb into the X-ray beam path and centered the CRLb to the beam axis.
                                 Then we translated crlb to to sharpen the image of the pin (i.e. meaning we are in imaging plan of CRLb).
                                 Aligned positions for crlb are:
                                   - detm20=56.069mm (longitudinal translation to the X-ray beam)
                                   - detm21= 27.322
                                   - hexapod:
                                              - x =   0.000   /  y=  0.000    / z= 0.040
                                              - u =  -0.250   / v=  0.000     /w = 0.260
                                   - image of the pin in CRLb can be found in att-1 7 att-2 (more zoomed)
                                   - sad that there is a weird halo due to CRL imperfections around the center fo the FOV.
                                   - Few free beam shots will need to be taken to be able to substract such structures in postprocessed images.
17 Feb 2023, 17:37 : We now move toward the Siemens star to optimize the definition of the focal plan of CRLb, and estimate the FOV (siemens start diameter being about 50um diameter)
                                 Adjusted position of detm20 to have the samples in the imaging plane of CRLb is: detm20 = 63.07mm
                                 We take a run to image the Siemens Star. It seems that resolution may be better than 1um, and we start to see the numbers.

Run 123 : Siemens star imaging in focal plane of the CRL4b.

                        To be noted: the FOV seems to be about 3 time the diameter of the Siemens star. However, defects of the CRL in the center of the FOV are problematic, and we need to outcenter the image to get a clean imaging.
                         Therefore, we have only a third of the FOV usable.

Run 124 : imaging of the pin

We move detector bench by 0.6m (toward IBS)

Run 125 : Pin imaging                                

We adjust CRL4b position with detm20 = 53.568 mm trying to optimize imaging of the siemens star.

Run 126 : Siemens star imaging
                           inner structure of the seimens star are more difficult to see. (air scattering?)

Run127 :  Imaging of the Pin with adjusted position found for the siemens star
Run128 :  Free beam imaging (in case we can remove the imperfections)

Quick and dirty normalisation of the Siemens start radiograph (run 127) using the reference from run 128 shows a well defined Siemens star down to 1um (cf. att-3).
Features from the inner ring can be observed. A more refined work on the data postprocessing would probably help to unveil part of those structures.
The overall transmission (modulated with the optics hutch attenuators) is about 1%

Clearly, downstream focusing of the X-rays give better imaging results (as expected due to lower Fresnel number) compared to upstream focusing which is heavily impacted by diffraction.

The bad halo in the center of the FOV was due to some defects on the edge of the beam / lenses.
By adjusting the power slits, we could somehow clean things. (cf. att-4)
The parameters of the power slits can be found in att-5.

17 Feb 2023, 20:46 Timing with the laser found.
17 Feb 2023, 20:46 : X-ray transmission set at 1.5% (optics hutch attenuators.)

Run 129 : Siemens star imaging with cleaned beam.
Run 130: Pin Imaging with clean X-rays
Run 131: Reference for the background

After same tricks as earlier, (normalizing siemens star by a background from free beam acquisition), we end up with a nice picture cf. att-6. We are happy!


17 Feb 2023, 21:30 : RAM ion detector for radioprotection has been placed on ladder close to IC1. Be careful around IC1, don't bump the ladder!!!
17 Feb 2023, 21:31 : Chains have been wrapped around IC1. Only people having the training for radiation protection from Erik can remove them.

17 Feb 2023, 21:32 : The macro for the energy calibration of RELAX can't be found

17 Feb 2023, 21:41  FSI shutter macro is configured for :
                                           - 180 mm is open
                                           -     0 mm is closed
                                           - By turning off the motors, you loose the micro steps, make sure the hole of the FSI shutter keeps centered with cold shot

ILM shutter for focus diagnostic is open at -60 mm and closed at 0 mm.
The shutter position needs to be checked roughly with MECHCAM-2 'FSE'

Reproducibility needs to be checked. Be aware if you drive the shutter in the limits and switch of the motor the shutter flies around ( no gear). 1mm = 1 deg

17 Feb 2023, 21:56 :
Run 132 : cold shot

A2 - G3

Run # laser energy delay X-ray transmission target Remark
132     1.5% A2 - G1 cold shot
133 3J 50 ps 100%   PPU not triggered
134     1.5% A2- G2 cold run
135 3J   100% A2- G2 Target alive after shots
136 3J   100% A2- G2 X-ray not triggered
137       A2 - G3

cold run

138 3J   100% X-ray did not trigger
139     1.5%   Background
140     1.5%   dry shot

17 Feb 2023, 22:50 : X-rays seem not to be triggered!!! It is impossible to capture a driven shot!!!
                                 Opening and closing of ppu seems to be random!!!!
                            It seems that PPU needs to always be on a known state before shot procedure, else it doesn't work!!!!!

Run # laser energy delay transmission target remark
141     1.5% A2 - G4 cold run 30s
142 3J 50ps 100% A2 - G4  
143         background

The Zyla 5 camera (optic peter) has a high drop rate of frames (cf. att-7). This needs to be fixed so that we have a chance to get radiographs.
It also seems that image rotation of 0 degree is correlated to bad unreadable aquisitions.
It needs to be investigated.


Attachment 1: Pin_in_imaging_plan_of_CRL4b.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2023-02-17_17-33-35.png
Attachment 3: Screenshot_from_2023-02-17_20-21-02.png
Attachment 4: Cleaned_X-rays.png
Attachment 5: PowerSlits_parameters.png
Attachment 6: Beautiful_star.png
Attachment 7: droped_frame_from_optic_peter.png
  38   17 Feb 2023, 02:24 Laurent Mercadier, Luigi AdrianoSCSlate shift summary

2 color mode


  • Fluence scan
  • delay scan to identify cross talk of two colors
  • Optimized beam size



  • Struggle to find the expected signal when scanning color 2 energy
    • Optimized conditions

Plan for the rest of the night

  • Repeat energy scan with optimized conditions
  • Maybe try at a different delay
  36   16 Feb 2023, 23:15 Chan KimSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, 1-120 pulses

Optical laser delivery

  • No Optical Laser


  • EHC Shimadzu timing and focusing
  • Two-Plane Measurements Tested
  • SA1, NKB and EHC Shimadzu flatfields recorded
  • Coherence measurement with EHC Shimadzu


  • Bassler cameras misbehaving
  37   16 Feb 2023, 23:01 Trey Guest End of Shift

Staff: KK, RB, TG, AS, CK

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, 1-120 pulses,

Optical laser delivery

  • No Optical Laser


  • EHC Shimadzu timing and focussing
  • Two-Plane Measurements Tested
  • SA1, NKB and EHC Shimadzu flatfields recorded
  • Y - Double Slit diffraction pattern recorded on EHC Shimadzu


  • Bassler cameras misbehaving

Instrument status

  • AGIPD HV off.
  • AGIPD gate valve closed and pinned.
  • Attenuators set to thickest diamond.
  • Vacuum valves closed.
  • EHC and NKB Shimadzus focussed and timed
  • Sample in out-of-beam position

To do for next shift

  • EHC Shimadzu Measurement of Y-Double Slit Pattern - both shimadzus currently focussed w/ respect to YAG screens and EHC and have correct timing.
  • I0 Monitor comissioning.
  35   16 Feb 2023, 14:04 Frederik Wolff-FabrisXOSA2 status

Data for the Horizontal jitter at the HED Pop-In was observed during beam delivery on cw05 (03-05.Feb) and cw07 (14-16.Feb) (see attached pictures). 

We have a similar base jitter in both periods of beam delivery to HED, ranging from a minimum of 50-60um to around 80-100um in both operational weeks.


Attachment 1: HED_PopinX_cw05_23.png
Attachment 2: HED_PopinX_cw07_23.png
  34   16 Feb 2023, 07:17 Chan KimSPBShift summary

Shift summary 15.2.2023 (Wednesday)

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, 1-200 pulses, 1.0 mJ, pulse energy fluctuation due to SA3 tunning & special operation mode (SCS)

Optical laser delivery

  • No Laser


  • LPM and Calorimeter commissioning (efficiency of MKB system and CRL lens stacks checked)
  • Recorded Micron Ptychography w/ Zyla Camera
  • Install EHC Shimadzu
  • Both Shimadzus train synchronised and recording properly to DAQ


  • 10-15% pulse energy fluctuation due to SA3
  • Zyla Failure
  • Poor scattering efficiency on Zyla
  33   15 Feb 2023, 23:05 Luigi, LaurentSCSlate shift summary 2nd day


  1. optimised the beam rep rate to value of 140KHz for a better signal 
  2. changed nozzles and refilled the reservoir
  3. Improved notebook for data analysis
  4. Cammille made an online tool to see correlations between Viking and XGM --> very useful!

Night shift:

  1. repeating measurements with one color with the new settings
  2. following for the 2 colors plan


  32   15 Feb 2023, 06:54 Benjamin van KuikenSCSNight Shift Summary


  • Located flat jet and attempted measurement of XAS at several incident energies 1300, 1305, 1315 eV


  •  We have difficulty locating the beam on the sample
    • We have not found a signal on eith of the diodes in the Chem chamber.
    • Knife edges with the viking are daoable but require more extended analysis
  • Jet froze due to a leakage from the side of the chip. The ice crusher has been avoided to solve
  • The filter in the hRIXS was broken and had to be relplaced.
  31   15 Feb 2023, 01:40 Laurent Mercadier, Luigi AdrianoSCSlate shift shift summary


  • Two color mode established with 11.5 GeV, 1.335 keV col1, 1.27 keV col2
  • Beam size characterized using Viking + online tool
  • Jet found by scanning and looking at transmitted signal on Viking


  • Issue with train Id of Chem motors --> fixed by setting proper trigger
  • Beam loss around 19:30 induced instability in the two color mode, slow degradation of intensity and stability until 23:00 when it was not possible to use the beam
    • Called PRC, decided to tune to single color, 1.3 keV for the night
  • Jet froze
  30   13 Feb 2023, 19:02 Frederik Wolff-FabrisPRCIssue

SA3 SCS exit slit: the upper blade was detached from the motor and fall into closed position. Maurizio V. and F. Wolff-Fabris tried to move it out of the beam by placing spacers to hold the blade up.

Bottom blade was moved down with the motors. Currently both motors are disconnected.

*** Update 14.02 10AM:

This morning the exit slit was clipping the beam. Another ZZ by M. Dommach, M. Petrich and F. Wolff-Fabris was done to move up the top blade by a further 8mm. 

After that intervention SCS confirmed to see the beam at the Pop-in and at the experimental hutch.

  29   13 Feb 2023, 07:17 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, 1-85 pulses, 1 mJ, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, 1-226 pulses, stable delivery
  • ns laser for illumination


  • Successfull arrival time slope setting
  • Pump-probe data collection at IRU with corrected time slope


  • No major issues
  28   12 Feb 2023, 06:53 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, 1-85 pulses, 1 mJ, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, 1-226 pulses, stable delivery
  • ns laser for illumination


  • Successfull arrival time slope setting
  • Pump-probe data collection at IRU with corrected time slope
  27   12 Feb 2023, 01:56 Jörg Hallmann Shift summary Feb 11th

intense data taking on various samples

2 main issues:

- data collection using the optimize macro is too fast for the system and calibration and the data transfer from SDD to HDD is slower than collecting new data

- FSSS axis scannerY gives frequent errors since this night which is stopping the macro - check by morning shift & DOC is required

  26   11 Feb 2023, 13:55 Andreas GallerPRCStatus

Gun Modulator Problems

Gun Trip at 11:23 and since then the Modulator trips after each restart.
Accelerator Shift Crews and On Call personnel working on fixing the issue.

  25   11 Feb 2023, 07:06 Jayanath KoliyaduSPBShift end

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, 1-85 pulses, 1 mJ, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, 1-226 pulses, stable delivery
  • ns laser for illumination


  • Successfull arrival time slope tests
  • GOTTHARD II data collection
  • Pump-probe data collection at IRU with arrival time slope


  • No major issues
  24   11 Feb 2023, 01:09 Jörg HallmannMIDShift summary

sucessfull data taking for user samples

beam loss for ~15 min and a small issue with scannerX of the FSSS (could be fixed without support) but otherwise smooth operation

contact with ITDM since the data collection speed could be too high for the transfer speed from SDD to HDD - should be kept under investigation....



  23   10 Feb 2023, 08:17 Jayanath KoliyaduSPBShift end

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, 1-85 pulses, 1 mJ, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, 1-300 pulses, stable delivery


  • Optimization of ns laser for illumiation and PP laser polarization
  • Optimization of X-ray beam alignment and scattering background on AGIPD
  • Timing at IRU and PAM
  • GOTTHARD II timing scan and data collection
  • Pump-probe data collection at IRU


  • No major issues

  22   09 Feb 2023, 07:14 Jayanath KoliyaduSPBShift end

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, 1-85 pulses, 1.3 mJ, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, 1-226 pulses, stable delivery except for shift change issues


  • PP laser alignment and optimization at IRU and PAM
  • Aligned beam until IBS
  • Checked MKB focus
  • Timing at PAM
  • First signals on GOTTHARD II


  • Issues with shift change for PP laser. Intensity flucutation observed after shift change was done. This issue was similar to what was observed last year. We will inform LAS about this issue. No LAS OCD available to call before we leave after the shift (7:30 AM).
  21   09 Feb 2023, 01:11 Jörg Hallmann Shift summary Feb 8th

stable beam at 9kev (about 1.1 mJ)

checks of the sample environment required for the upcoming user experiment

test data aquisition of SiO2 samples  (data analysis still ongoing)

commissioning of Jungfrau detectors & XTD6_ATT (closed loop operation)

test of operation with two different AGIPD triggers - normal one and an early one (leaving out the first 71 cells of AGIPD)



spectrometer motor XTAL_RX still not usable

first arm of XTD1_CRL is interlocked and cannot be used


  20   08 Feb 2023, 11:14 Andreas KochXPDSA3 status

Bunch number control - SA3 FEL imager

As announced today in the XO meeting the SA3 FEL imager has a new feature, see screenshot, encircled:
- In case of danger for the YAG screen the bunches SA3 are set to "0" via the BunchPatternServer (SA3 Main scene).

What to do:
- Choose a different screen, BN or CBor, and again set the number of bunches needed.
- If operation with the YAG screen is wished reduce the pulse energy at the screen.

Further info:
- In general, danger to the YAG screen, even in single bunch operation, is avoided if the GATT is operated at <10% transmission. Observe the screen Watchdogs.
- This feature is installed at the SA3 FEL imager only, after new recent damages.
- Activate the device with "Start", deactivate the control with "Stop Monitoring".

In case of not-correct behaviour inform the PRC (Andreas Galler this week) or me.
This entry is copied to the ttfinfo logbook.

Attachment 1: Bunch_number_control_SA3_FEL_imager.PNG
  17   05 Feb 2023, 15:18 Harald SinnPRCIssue

15:15  SCS called and reported an issue with one of the motors of the SCS exit slit. DOC already looked at the problem and could not make the motor move. XRO (Maurizio) is now informed and looks at the problem

17:10 ZZ access to XTD by Maurzio and Mikako

18:00 ZZ finished. Unfortunatly the motor is completely blocked, even with cables disconnected one cannot move it. 

  18   05 Feb 2023, 12:32 Natalia, ZhongSCSmorning shift summary

- Viking spectrometer set up in 8th order around 1280eV and calibrated

- problems with Viking motors. Took couple of hours to solve, Martin came on site
- problems with moving exit slit (Blade_Bottom motor does not move). Not solved by EEE on call, may be mechanical problems. Called run coordinator, XRO on call (Maurizio) is going to inspect the slit in the tunnel today. Operation of SCS relies on exit slit available (now it opened to ca. 10mm)

  16   05 Feb 2023, 08:40 karen appelHEDShift summary

Start up of HED ongoing for the three shifts

Day shift:

  • work on the new X-ray alignment scheme at 2, 2.5 and 3 mrad: test was positive and we can not work with Tx of M3 fixed at 4 mm for all M1 and M2 mirror angles.
  • alignment of CRL2 to the new beam axis in XTD6

Late shift:

  • test of MDL at 2 , 2.5 and 3 mrad: the beam was brought back with the actual stored positions
  • Continuation of commissioning of the new IPM
  • PAM, ILM and power slit alignment to new beam axis
  • ALAS alignment to the new beam position

Night shift:

  • AGIPD tests after ASICS have been replaced and timing scans, flat fielding could not be achieved and has to be done prior to the next user experiment in May using AGIPD
  • Test of epix after repair (new Peltier)


  • calibration pipeline of epix does not work as darks cannot be applied and there is no signal on the background corrected signal
  • there has been obviously some miscommunication about the RF window length: HED had requested 150 musec for the weekend and XO had confirmed that on Friday. To do that the timing was shifted earlier by 10 -20 musec on Friday. It sseems that this was no longer the setting for Saturday evening when we needed that for AGIPD test. Not sure where the message got lost.
  15   04 Feb 2023, 08:34 karen appelHEDShift summary

We took the beam from 7 am, 24 h operation in three shifts.

We set up a new scheme for aligning the beam to the HED branch, which gives one X-ray axis downstream of the tunnel even if we operate at different angles of M1 and M2 (i.e. 3 to 2 mrad). This relies on a fixed M3 Tx position and was tested for 2.5 mrad and 3 mrad during the shifts. CRL3 in the HED optics hutch was aligned to the new beam postion, alignment of CRL2 in the XTD6 tunnel is still ongoing.

We tested most X-ray devices in the HED optics hutch and the HED experimental hutch and found them in good shape.

We tested and commissioned first time with the beam a new intensity position monitor at HED that was installed in the winter maintenance period in the HED optics hutch (inhouse design).

There was an issue with the M2 mirror feedback and we asked DOC to help us with that today already as we need to have a stabilised beam for the night when we are planning to do AGIPD and epix flat fileding. Work on that is ongoing.


  14   02 Feb 2023, 09:25 Peter ZaldenFXEShift summary

FXE bring-up, summary of shifts 31.1. and 1.2.:

Beam delivery (11.5 GeV)

  • 9.3 keV, 1.5 mJ (31.1.)
  • 7.1 keV, 1.7 mJ (1.2.)
  • Horizontal beam jitter 200 µm (RMS), a bit more than usual

Tunnel alignment

  • Align X-ray trajectory according to "fixed source" protocol with fixed TX of M3 in XTD9
  • References saved for two offset configurations
  • Beam transport diagnostics data taken to estimate source of jitter

Instrument Alignment Performed

  • After WMP, calibrate slits, lenses and attenuators to the beam trajectory
  • Check CRL performance after swap to new batch
  • Prepare beam focus for next user expt at 9.3 and 7.1 keV
  • Re-aligned FXE mono1 after 1st xtal swap


  • Camera FXE_XTD9_MONO-1 BEAMVIEW could not be instantiated: Solved by DOC (suggested restarting the KaraboGUI)
  • Issue with heater control on FXE mono: When switching ON in LOCAL mode it will apply max power; need to be in REMOTE first to control power via karabo
  • FXE_XTD9_MONO-1/MDL/PITCH could not be instantiated: Solved by DOC (default config was wrong)
  • SA1 DAQ PBM: DA01 in unknown state: Solved by DOC (IP misconfig.)



  13   02 Feb 2023, 06:37 Chan KimSPBIssue


X stage looks okay, but Y, AX, and AY values have been changed by 2-3mm. (see attachment 1 and 2)



All 4 blades (top, bottom, left, and right) have been changed by 0.1-0.5mm. (see attachment 3)



Not fully checked, but Y & Z motors of SideMic and AX & AY motors of InlineMic have been changed by ~1mm and ~0.4 karabo unit. (see attachment 4 and 5)

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-02-02_06-09-52.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2023-02-02_06-11-30.png
Attachment 3: Screenshot_from_2023-02-02_06-17-24.png
Attachment 4: Screenshot_from_2023-02-02_06-30-00.png
Attachment 5: Screenshot_from_2023-02-02_06-31-44.png
  11   30 Jan 2023, 19:06 Maurizio VannoniXROSASE2 Summary of Maintenance Period and Ramp up activities

SASE2 Summary of Maintenance Period and Ramp up activities


- Many vibration tests were done.

- M1 chiller had service (water filling) and was then set on again before closing the tunnel. M2, M3 cooling is off.

Inst Dept Ramp up

- Positions reached:
MID 2.2 mrad at 9 keV 
HED - 9keV - 2.7mrad - B4C stripe

- checks for the stripes were done:
M3 verification of coating positions and horizontality or the mirror
MID alignment Pt stripe - vertical motion of mirrors with Euler

- for the stripes, we have now a watchdog telling if the mirrors are on the B4C or the Pt stripe (see image below)



Attachment 1: Screenshot_2023-01-30_at_19.27.42.png
  10   30 Jan 2023, 16:31 Maurizio VannoniXROSASE1 Summary of Maintenance Period and Ramp up activities

SASE1 Summary of Maintenance Period and Ramp up activities


- MC2 library update was deployed by EEE and most of the motors were tested afterwards
- Some motors were acting strangely:
- As a rule, the Closed Loop and the Backlash Correction are atm incompatible and therefore you have to choose one of them. When a strong reproducibility is needed, the motor should remain in Open Loop and with Backlash Correction activated (2 microns for TY and 50 microns for TX, tipically):|
- FXE mono1 bottom crystal was exchanged, realigned parallel to the beam. Recommissioning due WK5 together with FXE
- M1 and M2 chillers had service (water filling) and were then set on again before closing the tunnel. M3 is currently with cooling off.

Inst Dept Ramp up

- Several positions were fiducialised:
SPB alignment 2.41mrad 9keV
FXE alignment 2.4 mrad 9 keV

  12   30 Jan 2023, 15:21 Maurizio VannoniXROSASE3 Summary of Maintenance Period and Ramp up activities

SASE3 Summary of Maintenance Period and Ramp up activities


- Soft Mono motions (grating horizontal and grating pitch) were cleaned and lubricated

- Vertical slit encoders were double checked (without moving them) to exclude that Karabo errors are coming from them.

- Motors of Mirrors were inspected (without dismounting) to check if some strange noise is created during motion. The SA3 M2 Tx motor was very noisy at 0.035 speed and not anymore at 0.03. 

- Settings of acceleration and velocity was optimised together with EEE (Bernard). The noise at SA3 M2 Tx was disappearing even with 0.035 speed.

- M1 and M2 chillers had service (water filling) and were then set on again before closing the tunnel. For M5 and M6, cooling is off.

- Piezo controller for M1 was disconnected and removed. Therefore, the M1 piezos are unavailable at the moment. This was agreed with the experiments after it was found some instabilities in the beam position (beam was moving by itself sometime). 

- PBLMs were checked:


Inst Dept Ramp up

- SA3 M2 RY was not moving. This took several hours to be solved. Temprary explanation: stepcounter value changed without any physical movement of the motor and later on, encoder was thought to be wrongly calibrated and thus adjusted. As a result, the motor position is lost and needs to be fiducialised again in the alignment.

- The performance of "Closed loop" and "Backlash Correction" was tested. The result is that the TY motors need to remain in open loop and with 'Backlash Correction' activated (value 2 microns). This is increasing the reproducibility of the positioning. The other motors could be used in closed loop if required, but then the Backlash Correction has to be deactivated.

- SA3 M6 RY encoder has an incorrect calibration at the moment. Please refer to the motor position only. We will work on a solution asap.

- The vertical slits (SCS, SQS, SXP) were checked and they move correctly.

- Several positions were fiducialised, that could be used as a starting point for Instruments fine alignment:
SXP 9mrad (8.9mrad) mono he premirror 937eV 
SXP 9mrad (8.9mrad) unfocused
SCS 9mrad (8.9 mrad) unfocused
SCS 9 mrad (8.3mrad) unfocused
SQS 9mrad (8.7mrad) unfocused
SQS 20mrad (18.5mrad) unfocused

- SEPS interlock was succefully tested:


  9   25 Jan 2023, 08:44 Raśl Villanueva-GuerreroPRCZZ Access on 24th January (19:30h) - Replacement of Motor on SASE2 Undulator - Cell 17 Phase Shifter

Dear all,

last evening Suren Karabekyan and myself did a short notice ZZ access to XTD1. The reason is that machine operators detected the lack of response on the Cell 17 Phase Shifter. The intervention was successful and around 20:30 we left the tunnel.



  8   25 Jan 2023, 08:40 Raśl Villanueva-GuerreroPRCAll SASE's - SEPS Interlock Test - Results, Status & Upcoming Schedule

Dear all,

please find here a summary of the status on this critical topic provided yesterday evening (around 19:15) by Zunaira Ansari (extract from her e-mail).


"Dear colleagues,

Thank you very much for your cooperation. SEPS interlock tests are completed in all SASEs except SASE3. AIBS interlock tests are complete in all hutches.

SASE3 SEPS interlock will be tested on Monday the 30th of January strating from 9a.m.

I kindly request the use of the SQS control hutch for the testing.

All SASE3 hutches will be interlocked on Monday morning.

@Maurizio and Bernard/ Nerea: Could you please be present during the testing? IIt will be much appreciated.

I would very much like to thank Eric, Nerea and especially Bernard for helping with the interlock tests today.

Best regards,



  7   23 Jan 2023, 10:43 Jan GruenertPRCStatus

Status of machine SASE tuning (just before switching off for monday maintenance):

11.5 GeV operation SASE1 SASE2 SASE3
Photon energy 7 keV 7 keV 700 eV
Max. obtained average pulse energy 3.25 mJ 1.35 mJ 5.8 mJ
FEL pointing confirmed on IMGFEL handover cross ?   YES  


Attachment 1: JG_2023-01-23_um_10.04.56.png
  6   22 Jan 2023, 18:40 Jan GruenertPRCIssue

SASE1 blocked to 1 bunch/train by EPS interlock (sic, not 2 but 1) --- PARTIALLY RESOLVED

Several issues:

1) MODEM device is broken, in state UNKNOWN, see ATT#1 and ATT#2. Fixed with deinstatiating and then using BECKHOFF_ASSISTANT to re-instantiate. --> ATT#3

2) Several devices in XTD9 are causing that MODES is interlocked: I restart broken devices of the FXE-PBLM and SPB-PBLM.
Then there is a broken MDL of SPB_XTD9_SCR called SPB_XTD9_SCR/MDL/BIU. This MDL is not in the SA1-topic system topology but shown with (X) on the SA1_MAIN scene, and this screen is blocking the interlock (see ATT#4)

SPB_XTD9_SCR/VSWITCH/HOLSTER_X_LIMITL is triggering the interlock SA1_SYS_EPS2MPS/DCTRL/MODES and causing that the machine cannot go to more than 2 bunches per train.
Even when going to SPB-topic this issue cannot be solved - all devices in SPB-topic related to this SCR seem fine.

3) To allow SASE1 tuning by the machine, BKR is closing shutter XS3. This avoids any beam into XTD9, resolved the interlock problem and allows the machine to continue SASE tuning.

4) We don't know what had blocked the beam not only to 2 but actually to 1 bunch / train (no traces of problems in Big Brother).


Attachment 1: JG_2023-01-22_um_17.43.36.png
Attachment 2: JG_2023-01-22_um_18.17.31.png
Attachment 3: JG_2023-01-22_um_18.23.20.png
Attachment 4: JG_2023-01-22_um_18_1.37.21.png
  5   21 Jan 2023, 16:38 Jan GruenertXPDAnalyze and quantify the mispositioning of the new 4mm-aperture behind the undulator

Goal: Analyze and quantify the mispositioning of the new 4mm-aperture behind the undulator

Positions in tunnel:

  • ABSP4.2422.SA2 = ABSP4.CELL37.SA2 L_z position 2422.558m
  • Last closed undulator for this test is cell16 at 2294m (at end of segment) = SR radiation source point
  • IMGTR = 2576m (BT=181.1m, PD=582.0m).
  • IMGSR = 2586m (BT=191.6m, PD=591.5m).
  • IMGFEL = 2637m (BT=242.0m, PD=642,8m).
  • Sequence: end-of-cell16 -- ABSP4 -


  • IMGTR : dX=15.15-8.25=6.9mm. dY=17-9.8=7.2mm. Aperture shadow mean diameter = 7.1mm
  • IMGSR : Aperture shadow mean diameter = ca. 8.5 mm
  • IMGFEL : Aperture shadow mean diameter = 9.0 mm.
    The handover cross is at dy = +1.0mm (up) and dx = -2.6mm (left) relative to the apparent center of the aperture shadow.

Comments to the screenshots:

  • The handover cross on the IMGFEL cannot be seen simultaneously with the weak SR background because it has the color scaled to high intensity beam.
  • The FEL beam spot is almost perfectly centered on the handover cross.


IMGFEL Px / mm Position / px Position / mm                  
dx 0.715 3.56 2.5454                  
dy 1.036 0.97 1.00492                  
Tunnel positions L_z renormalized aperture shadow diameter / mm theor. Shadow diameter apparent offset in x / mm apparent offset in y / mm apparent offset in x / mm apparent offset in y / mm required offset to send the FEL on the same handover cross position but through the center of the 4mm aperture      
Cell1 upstream end 2197 -97                    
Cell16 downstream end 2294 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 -1.99949886889298      
ABSP4 2422.558 129 4 4.00 -0.97 0.37 -1.16 0.44        
IMGTR 2576 282 7.1 8.77                
IMGSR 2586 292 8.5 9.09                
IMGFEL 2637 343 9 10.67 -2.6 1 -2.6 1      



The 4mm aperture is misplaced by 0.97mm (x) and 0.37mm (y).
It should be moved dx = -0.97mm and dy = 0.37mm, or the FEL has to be made on a different trajectory.

Attachment 1: JG_2023-01-21_16-06-48.png
Attachment 2: JG_IMGFEL_2023-01-21_16-21-01.png
Attachment 3: IMGFEL_no_cross_2023-01-21_16-27-22.png
Attachment 4: IMGFEL_with_cross_2023-01-21_16-30-16.png
  4   17 Jan 2023, 10:25 Jan GruenertPRCIssue
SASE3 peration issue - SOLVED
Controls issue, the machine cannot make beam in SASE3.
From BKR / DOOCS the problem description is: Big Brother is blocking SASE3 beam due to an EPS power limit of 0 Watt.

Looking into the SASE3 karabo topic, many devices are not instantiated, ATT #1.
The state of the PREABS  preabsorber is not known and it is not found in the device topology either.
Info to DRC and PRCs.
Two actions resolved the issue for now:
- XO changed in karabo the EPS power limits to the values used before the WMP (40 W).
- PRC and VAC instantiated the EPS-loop PLC devices
If this fully resolves the problem will be known when the machine will try to make beam again (now switching to hybrid 10 Hz / 5 Hz mode).
Another small problem at BKR is that the 3 big wall monitors are now working (ticket to ITDM issued).
Attachment 1: JG_SASE3_no_beam_permission_2023-01-17_09-13-31.png
  3   16 Jan 2023, 19:50 Jan GruenertPRCIssue

Problem: Beam operation in SASE2 is prohibited by SEPS / MPS
Origin of problem: HED-CRL3
(this was already an issue during the past weekend)

HED (Karen) today realigned CRL3 and brought the lenses into the safe OUT state, see entry
In karabo then everything seemed find, SEPS switches all green / OUT, see ATT#1.
Nevertheless, in DOOCS the signal safety_HED_CRL_OPT was still red, see ATT#2.

The MPS safety_HED_CRL_OPT signal from the Beckhoff HED PLC was missing.
Onsite investigation by EEE (Leandro and Bernard) revealed that the Beckhoff crate BKF000476 was offline (switched off).
Switching the crate ON fixed the missing signal problem.

Presumably crate BKF00476 was not powered back on since after the planned power-cut in December 2022,
and because it is not part of PLC EtherCAT loop, the Nagios system didn't inform EEE about the crate status.

Result: Problem solved, beam operation in SASE2 can resume normally.

Attachment 1: JG_2023-01-16_um_16.30.12.png
Attachment 2: JG_2023-01-16_um_16.30.50.png
  2   16 Jan 2023, 16:01 karen appelHEDCRL3: recalibration of y axis, test of x range and move to SEPS interlock trigger position

CRL3 arm 2, 5 and 9 were mecanically religned to the V groove and retracted to some y position.

The y motor position was recalibrated by moving the motor to the lower limit switch, moving it up by 0.5 mm and then recalibrating the motor and encoder position to the former software limit position.

In that down position, the x range was tested by moving into the limit switches:

arm 2 x -1.213 to 0.824

arm 5 x -1.22 to 1.73

arm 9 x -0.32 to 2.256

The x limit switches were not changed and also the motor x axis were not recalibrated.

After that the x and y motors were moved to the x and y out position as stored in the CRL3 MDL. In that position, it was confirmed that all SEPS interlocks are triggered.

CRL3 is thus set-up for the SEPS testing, that will take place on the 24th of January.



  1   16 Jan 2023, 11:33 Theophilos MaltezopoulosXPDStatus

I started the upstream XGMs in XTD2, XTD1, and XTD10.

  468   26 Nov 2022, 10:40 Wolfgang FreundXPDDiamond detector / DDM commissioning

beam: 30 keV / 30 uJ
reduce to single bunch for insertion
put FEL imager in
put DD into beam at X=178 mm
we found the signal
centering the DD by minimising the diffrence signal

Bias voltage = 40 V

when moving Y there seems to be some mechanical bending of the detector holder. The position reached the negative end of the range (approx. -9 mm).
When moving out and in again we could find the beam at:
X= 178.629 (centred)
Y= -3.48 (close to center)
see screenshot

run 29 with DD and IMGFEL

The aperture was opened by moving the slits from 2x2 to 4x4 mm

switch to 2 bunches


try to center Y position

stop run 29

run 30: approx. 5 min at this position

change FEL-imager ND filter to 0.9 to avoid saturation


take IMGFEL out and switch to 50 bunches
actual X center = 178.44

move left until we loose the signal and scan x from 176.5 to 179.9
y signal changes -> mechanical coupling
run 32

in order to center the Y position we had to move 2 mm down to -5.53

run 33:
move left until we loose the signal and scan x from 176.5 to 179.9
y signal changes

Now the center of y seems to be at -2.88 mm

Image was observed with FEL YAG imager, x movement does not result in a horizontal motion but it is some sort of a diagonal motion

After some movements the y center is now at -5.23 mm

After a new try the y center is at -3.37 mm

Due to the mechanical problem with the Y-position we do the scan with the K-mono chamber X-motor

see elogs from Jan and Tuba


Sascha made an orbit kick with 150 bunches
due to some numerical problem the kick is disturbed (see screenshot)
DD can reproduce the kick trace
take run 40

Sascha altered the orbit again 150 bunches
(see attached graph)
take run 41

set bias from 40 V to 100 V

run 42

Bias set to 40 V again

beam changed to 27 keV

x-calibration scan from 8.3 to 11.7 (K-mono X)
run 43

Bias -> 100 V
run 44 (as before)

Bias -> 20 V
run 45

Suspicion: beam is touching K-mono setup
move K-mono chamber to X=4.6 mm and move DDM X to 173.55
Y again has to be adjusted, is now -3.18

bias set to 40 V

scan K-mono X from 3.1 to 6.1
run 46

bias runs: see Tuba's elog


Attachment 1: DDM_inserted_Screenshot_from_2022-11-26_13-10-03.png
Attachment 2: DD_2_pulses_IMGFEL_Screenshot_from_2022-11-26_13-32-47.png
Attachment 3: 2022-11-26T17_20_00-01.png
Attachment 4: DD_27keV_Screenshot_from_2022-11-26_18-12-30.png
Attachment 5: 2022-11-26T17_11_18-00_orbit_kick_for_run_40.png
  19   29 Oct 2022, 11:03 Jaydeep Patel Jet alignment test- obeserver

Nozzle type

Nozzle Aperture(µm)


Jet Speed(m/s)

He flow rate

Liquid flow rate

Repetition rate


      Beam Attenuation



Run No.




















































Buffer 1
































Buffer 2
































Crystal size 1µm































Crystal size 2-4µm































Crystal size 5 µm












































































































































Crystal size 1 µm































Crystal size 2-4 µm































Crystal size 5 µm











































































Buffer 1































Buffer 2































Crystal size 1 µm
































Crystal size 2-4 µm































Crystal size 5 µm





16/ 31%


























ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00