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  OPERATION-2023 logbook, Contact: F.Wolff-Fabris, A.Galler, L.Samoylova, H.Sinn  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 45     Entry time: 19 Feb 2023, 19:51
Author: bouffetier 
Group: HED 
Subject: late shift summary 

19 Feb 2023,15:30 Shift handover

Runs will be added in the general Elog for data runs and acqusitions (Elog-4)

- alignment of new wires to shoot with relax laser
- pump probe X-ray imaging with CRL4-a  (DAQ runs 306-320)
- realignment of CRL4b to compare data with CRL4-a imaging capabilities
- resolution check with X-ray only runs on siemens star (DAQ runs 321-323)
- shots with crlb (DAQ runs 324-347)

19 Feb 2023, 19:53 : DAQ crashed
19 Feb 2023, 19:56 : DAQ revived after restarting it
19 Feb 2023, 20:36 : All remaining wire are shot. We pass to shock target. Instead of doing side-on radiographs we go to face-on scheme (radiography colinear to the shock propagation.) |
19 Feb 2023, 20:40 : shock target alignement
19 Feb 2023, 22:16 : Shock targets shots (DAQ runs 348-390)
                                               Beautiful pictures here!!!!!!

Resumen of the shift: align and shoot, with beautiful images at the end (which was the main goal of the beamtime this week) .

Last night shift tasks :
- getting final siemens star and free beam radiographs with CRL4b (to see if the resolution keep consistant over time: it should be, but it is better to check it)
- Go back to CRL4a
- go as far as possible from tcc, and do edge scans with Ni foil (the one juste on top of NTT grid)
            - do refined edge scans every 5mm all along the travel range of CRL4a
- for next week, PAM time =0 needs to be as precise as possible, preparation of PAM for next beamtime.
- Going through Bspec data acquired today

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00