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  OPERATION-2023 logbook, Contact: F.Wolff-Fabris, A.Galler, L.Samoylova, H.Sinn  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 356     Entry time: 23 Sep 2023, 07:31
Author: Jan Gruenert 
Group: PRC 
Subject: Issue 

7:23: RC info:
an electrical power glitch interrupted beam operation, machine down. DESY has power back
and accelerator is recovering beam towards TLD, but no beam possible into TLDs, apparently power issues in Schenefeld.

7:32 SCS info:
SA1+SA2 have electricity, SA3 not. TS is informed and on the way. Power went away around 6h50.
Lights in hall remained on, but everything in SA3 is off, even regular power sockets. In karabo all red.
Hutch search system indicates FAULT state.

7:45 FXE info:
FXE was not affected by any power going away, all systems are operational, but of course no beam due to SA3.
The only thing unusual was an (fire ?) alarm audible at 6h53. FXE is ready and waiting for beam.

7:50 HED info:
all normal, just XFEL beam went away. RELAX laser not affected, all ok, waiting for beam.

7:55 FXE info:
Interlock fault lamp on FXE interlock panel is RED. Interlock cannot be set. FXE will contact SRP radiation protection.

8:00 RC :
MPS on-call is present at BKR. Machine will try to restart south branch, but there seems to be also an interlock by an XTD8 (sic!) shutter (?!).

08:03 FXE / SRP:
SRP informs, that they cannot help in this case but DESY MPS-OCD must solve this. 

08:13 BKR:
BKR shift leader Dennis Haupt will try to contact MPS team.

Further updates in next entry

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00