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  OPERATION-2023 logbook, Contact: F.Wolff-Fabris, A.Galler, L.Samoylova, H.Sinn  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 360     Entry time: 23 Sep 2023, 14:49
Author: Jan Gruenert 
Group: PRC 
Subject: Status 

Update of power outage aftermath

Achieved by now / status

  • SASE1
    • ​beam delivery and FXE operating fine (beam back since about 11h30)
  • SASE3
    • SA3 getting beam since about 11h30, again difficulties / no beam between 12h30 - 13h34, currently ok.
    • SASE3 Optical PP laser issues since the morning. DOC support was required by LAS-OCD (task completed by DOC at 14h30)
    • LAS-OCD working on SA3 PP laser and estimate to have it operational around 16h.
  • SASE2
    • the inoperational MTCA crate for MPS was successfully restarted and AIBS alarms cancelled in PLC
    • beam permission was recovered and XFEL is lasing in XTD1 until shutter
    • karabo of SA2 is DOWN, DOC working on it (see below)

Main remaining issues:

  1. Complete restart of karabo for SASE2 is required. This is a long operation, duration several hours. DOC working on it.
  2. SASE2 Online-GPFS is down, probably due to lack of cooling. Possible hardware damage, ITDM assessing and working on it.
  3. SASE3 optical PP laser to be brought back
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00