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  OPERATION-2023 logbook, Contact: F.Wolff-Fabris, A.Galler, L.Samoylova, H.Sinn  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 39     Entry time: 17 Feb 2023, 17:16
Author: bouffetier 
Group: HED 
Subject: Late shift activities 

17 Feb 2023, 17:15 : We centered Pin in the FEL beam and then imaged this pin with ILM and FSI to get common references.
                                 We corected astigmatism with OAP
                                 Then we introduced CRLb into the X-ray beam path and centered the CRLb to the beam axis.
                                 Then we translated crlb to to sharpen the image of the pin (i.e. meaning we are in imaging plan of CRLb).
                                 Aligned positions for crlb are:
                                   - detm20=56.069mm (longitudinal translation to the X-ray beam)
                                   - detm21= 27.322
                                   - hexapod:
                                              - x =   0.000   /  y=  0.000    / z= 0.040
                                              - u =  -0.250   / v=  0.000     /w = 0.260
                                   - image of the pin in CRLb can be found in att-1 7 att-2 (more zoomed)
                                   - sad that there is a weird halo due to CRL imperfections around the center fo the FOV.
                                   - Few free beam shots will need to be taken to be able to substract such structures in postprocessed images.
17 Feb 2023, 17:37 : We now move toward the Siemens star to optimize the definition of the focal plan of CRLb, and estimate the FOV (siemens start diameter being about 50um diameter)
                                 Adjusted position of detm20 to have the samples in the imaging plane of CRLb is: detm20 = 63.07mm
                                 We take a run to image the Siemens Star. It seems that resolution may be better than 1um, and we start to see the numbers.

Run 123 : Siemens star imaging in focal plane of the CRL4b.

                        To be noted: the FOV seems to be about 3 time the diameter of the Siemens star. However, defects of the CRL in the center of the FOV are problematic, and we need to outcenter the image to get a clean imaging.
                         Therefore, we have only a third of the FOV usable.

Run 124 : imaging of the pin

We move detector bench by 0.6m (toward IBS)

Run 125 : Pin imaging                                

We adjust CRL4b position with detm20 = 53.568 mm trying to optimize imaging of the siemens star.

Run 126 : Siemens star imaging
                           inner structure of the seimens star are more difficult to see. (air scattering?)

Run127 :  Imaging of the Pin with adjusted position found for the siemens star
Run128 :  Free beam imaging (in case we can remove the imperfections)

Quick and dirty normalisation of the Siemens start radiograph (run 127) using the reference from run 128 shows a well defined Siemens star down to 1um (cf. att-3).
Features from the inner ring can be observed. A more refined work on the data postprocessing would probably help to unveil part of those structures.
The overall transmission (modulated with the optics hutch attenuators) is about 1%

Clearly, downstream focusing of the X-rays give better imaging results (as expected due to lower Fresnel number) compared to upstream focusing which is heavily impacted by diffraction.

The bad halo in the center of the FOV was due to some defects on the edge of the beam / lenses.
By adjusting the power slits, we could somehow clean things. (cf. att-4)
The parameters of the power slits can be found in att-5.

17 Feb 2023, 20:46 Timing with the laser found.
17 Feb 2023, 20:46 : X-ray transmission set at 1.5% (optics hutch attenuators.)

Run 129 : Siemens star imaging with cleaned beam.
Run 130: Pin Imaging with clean X-rays
Run 131: Reference for the background

After same tricks as earlier, (normalizing siemens star by a background from free beam acquisition), we end up with a nice picture cf. att-6. We are happy!


17 Feb 2023, 21:30 : RAM ion detector for radioprotection has been placed on ladder close to IC1. Be careful around IC1, don't bump the ladder!!!
17 Feb 2023, 21:31 : Chains have been wrapped around IC1. Only people having the training for radiation protection from Erik can remove them.

17 Feb 2023, 21:32 : The macro for the energy calibration of RELAX can't be found

17 Feb 2023, 21:41  FSI shutter macro is configured for :
                                           - 180 mm is open
                                           -     0 mm is closed
                                           - By turning off the motors, you loose the micro steps, make sure the hole of the FSI shutter keeps centered with cold shot

ILM shutter for focus diagnostic is open at -60 mm and closed at 0 mm.
The shutter position needs to be checked roughly with MECHCAM-2 'FSE'

Reproducibility needs to be checked. Be aware if you drive the shutter in the limits and switch of the motor the shutter flies around ( no gear). 1mm = 1 deg

17 Feb 2023, 21:56 :
Run 132 : cold shot

A2 - G3

Run # laser energy delay X-ray transmission target Remark
132     1.5% A2 - G1 cold shot
133 3J 50 ps 100%   PPU not triggered
134     1.5% A2- G2 cold run
135 3J   100% A2- G2 Target alive after shots
136 3J   100% A2- G2 X-ray not triggered
137       A2 - G3

cold run

138 3J   100% X-ray did not trigger
139     1.5%   Background
140     1.5%   dry shot

17 Feb 2023, 22:50 : X-rays seem not to be triggered!!! It is impossible to capture a driven shot!!!
                                 Opening and closing of ppu seems to be random!!!!
                            It seems that PPU needs to always be on a known state before shot procedure, else it doesn't work!!!!!

Run # laser energy delay transmission target remark
141     1.5% A2 - G4 cold run 30s
142 3J 50ps 100% A2 - G4  
143         background

The Zyla 5 camera (optic peter) has a high drop rate of frames (cf. att-7). This needs to be fixed so that we have a chance to get radiographs.
It also seems that image rotation of 0 degree is correlated to bad unreadable aquisitions.
It needs to be investigated.


Attachment 1: Pin_in_imaging_plan_of_CRL4b.png  544 kB  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2023-02-17_17-33-35.png  383 kB  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 3: Screenshot_from_2023-02-17_20-21-02.png  1.145 MB  Uploaded 17 Feb 2023, 20:24  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 4: Cleaned_X-rays.png  819 kB  Uploaded 17 Feb 2023, 20:43  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 5: PowerSlits_parameters.png  94 kB  Uploaded 17 Feb 2023, 20:44  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 6: Beautiful_star.png  1.234 MB  Uploaded 17 Feb 2023, 21:01  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 7: droped_frame_from_optic_peter.png  21 kB  Uploaded 17 Feb 2023, 23:13  | Hide | Hide all
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