Staff: JK, CK, KL, AS
X-ray delivery
- 8.4 keV, up to 260 pulses at 1.1MHz, 3.5 mJ
Optical laser delivery
- Direct beam path confirmed (MKB_MVP supporting structure issue)
- NKB focus optimized
- Two power slits (MKB_PSLIT and EHU_PSLIT) optimized
- 7.8 keV is not reachable due to limited motion of undulator gap; 8.4 keV, the used X-ray energy, corresponds to 11mm SA1 undulator gap
- AGIPD chiller issue not solved.
Instrument status
- AGIPD HV off.
- AGIPD's Chiller is off.
- AGIPD gate valve closed and pinned.
- Attenuators set to thickest diamond.
To do for next shift
- If possible, fix AGIPD ciller issue
- If AGIPD will be available, install mirrors for PP laser and continue IHR program