HED would like to report that since 2 days the SASE2 beam is instable.
The attached movie shows, on the left (90° rotated, so up-down is left-right)
the beam at the end of the HED hutch, and on the right its the same beam
at the end of the XTD6 tunnel (HED-POPIN diamond window).
It jitters horizantally by more than 1.5 diameters.
We are taking data for users, but due to the jitter, only every 4th image is usable,
which mean also 3 out of 4 targets are lost.
We are haveing near collimated beam with CRL1 (XTD1) 1,6 and CRL2 (XTD6) 2,3)
to generate a large field of view on the target.
Ulf |