Staff: DM, CK, KK, JB, SR (SEC), LW (Uppsala university), MM (GU)
X-ray delivery
- 7.8keV, 2.4mj, stable delivery, homogeneos intra train energy most of the time.
Optical laser delivery
- ns laser for particle imaging
- AGIPD BG optimized by opening Q2 & Q4 quadrants a few pixels and adding Pb shield on IRU_SLIT4
- NKB focused optimized
- Data (75 nm Ag cube) and gas BG (no sample) measured with two different gases (N2 and He)
- AGIPD BG near the center (1-2 pixels) were quite strong even with tight sliting, but issue solved by opening two quadrants (Q2 & Q4) and moving CSS about 1-2 pixels (elog:12731)
- Found additional AGIPD BG in Q2M1 module (mid-Q range), but issue solved by adding Pd shield on IRU_SLIT4 (elog:12734)
Instrument status
- AGIPD HV off.
- AGIPD gate valve closed and pinned.
- Attenuators set to thickest diamond.
- Vacuum valves closed.
To do for next shift
- Check focus and slit position and continue the program (data measurement).