Night shift summary
- Recovered time0 on SiN (time0 moved >20ps after FEL beam loss in the evening)
- Collected static RIXS (actually with laser but negative delay) at the CDW at 113 kHz for different temperatures to investigate the effect of heating from the x-rays and from the laser
- during late shift and after a beam dump in the evening, trRIXS signal could not be recovered. By checking the rough timing, they found a change in the x-ray arrival time of the order of >20 ps.
- We checked the beamline alignment and found that the pointing from the machine was off, requiring BKR to tune We also found that the photon energy offset between mono and undulators changed. Beam looked horizontally diffracted and the beam pointing moved in horizontal and was hitting the horizontal slits. We translated the open horizontal slits and pitch the beam properly into SCS branch with M5. |