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  OPERATION-2023 logbook, Contact: F.Wolff-Fabris, A.Galler, L.Samoylova, H.Sinn  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 140     Entry time: 19 Apr 2023, 02:14
Author: Wonhyuk Jo 
Subject: Shift summary  


  1. Brought the X-ray to the end of the beamline. 
  2. Aligned the goneometer with a pin. 
  3. Found the timing of AGIPD at the detector distance of about 3.4 m from the sample.
  4. Found the timing of Jungfrau detector in burst mode.
  5. Measured the X-ray beam size at the sample position with the X-ray eye for two combinations of CRL 2 (e.g., CRL2 3,4,7 : 14 um x 19 um, CRL2 3,7: 28 um x 34 um ).
  6. Collected some x-ray scattering data from the thin film HfN on the Sapphire substrate.
  7. Bragg peak analysis via Extraform is running with 16 X-ray pulses per train.
  8. The HIREX gave the energy bandwidth of the self-seeding spectrum about 0.71 pixels. 


  1. The rotation motor of MID spectrometer is frequently stuck. The ticket number is #151832
  2. The data calibration pipeline of AGIPD sometimes goes into an error state. It could be related to the XGM data. The ticket number is #151837
  3. XTD1 attenuator controller and the watchdog device didn’t behave correctly and died in a few minutes. After that, it removed the attenuator itself without any notice. It could have damaged anything very seriously. 
  4. The optical pump laser has had some issues with hardware failure (piezo mirror) since 11:25 today.  The laser group fixed the issues, but the system requires some time to be stabilized until tomorrow morning. It might need more time based on the measurement result tomorrow morning. 
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00