- Tunnel + experimental hutch alignment (Mirrors, CRL1 and CRL2)
- Aligned main devices: Optics Peter, x-ray eye, EPIX and Zyla and pin holes.
- Tried some alignment of the NFL (1D) lenses with pin hole and not pre focussed beam. We found a lot of scattering from pinholes which dominates the signal on our x-ray eye. This task has to be redone with CRL2.
- We aligned magnetic beamstop
- We moved sample stage inside the beam (do not move optics peter!)
- We insert CRL 2 and took some data with EPIX and Vycor. We checked the beamprofile with x-ray eye it looks elongated.
- Timescan is not working
- lot of scattering from pinholes when using large beam on NFL