X-ray delivery
- 19 keV, ~0.9 mJ/pulse, stable delivery
Optical laser delivery
- Tried many possibilities to fix the jitter issue. We covered everything we could think of, but in the end it was not possible as we could not avoid restricting ourselves from the 0.4s delay required for the ultrasound, making us then suffer from the inter-train jitter.
- Returned to operational experiment setup, eventhough suffering from the jitter issue.
- High jitter from output of transducer (Ch 2in oscilloscope) could not be solved.
- Turbopumps went off, then we realized multiple power sockets were powerless (F7,8,9,10,11). We connected the turbos to another socket to resume operation, after which the previous sockets were also fixed. We must reconnect the turbos to the typical sockets sometime soon, best expectation to be comming Monday.