Staff: KK, RB, TG, AS, CK
X-ray delivery
Optical laser delivery
- EHC Shimadzu timing and focussing
- Two-Plane Measurements Tested
- SA1, NKB and EHC Shimadzu flatfields recorded
- Y - Double Slit diffraction pattern recorded on EHC Shimadzu
- Bassler cameras misbehaving
Instrument status
- AGIPD HV off.
- AGIPD gate valve closed and pinned.
- Attenuators set to thickest diamond.
- Vacuum valves closed.
- EHC and NKB Shimadzus focussed and timed
- Sample in out-of-beam position
To do for next shift
- EHC Shimadzu Measurement of Y-Double Slit Pattern - both shimadzus currently focussed w/ respect to YAG screens and EHC and have correct timing.
- I0 Monitor comissioning.