X-ray delivery
- 9.3 keV, up to 181 pulses at 564 kHz, ~1.8 mJ. Overall stable delivery.
Optical laser delivery
- 800 nm, 50 fs, 564 kHz, up to 185 pulses. Overall stable delivery.
- Tested first implementation of new automatic jet alignment device.
- Setup of photon arrival time monitor.
- No analog output from SPB_MKB_MVE/ACTRL/AX_FINE. Solved by EEE via DOC.
- Issue with MKBs coordinated motions under investigation by CTRL via DOC. Nothing obviously wrong, investigation still ongoing.
- SPB_OHD_SCR/MOTOR/ZOOM and SPB_OHD_SCR/MOTOR/FOCUS not working. Some parameters lost during summer maintenance period. Fixed by DOC/EEE.
- SPB_IRU_INJMOV/MOTOR/Y regulargly going into error state.
- No access to key XFEL/DESY services (elog, Redmine, etc.) for a while.
- SPB optics hutch shutter opened during the night, around 2:10, when we were not present causing a beam delivery interruption of about 5 minutes in SASE1/3.