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  OPERATION-2023 logbook, Contact: F.Wolff-Fabris, A.Galler, L.Samoylova, H.Sinn  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 468     Entry time: 26 Nov 2022, 10:40
Author: Wolfgang Freund 
Group: XPD 
Subject: Diamond detector / DDM commissioning 

beam: 30 keV / 30 uJ
reduce to single bunch for insertion
put FEL imager in
put DD into beam at X=178 mm
we found the signal
centering the DD by minimising the diffrence signal

Bias voltage = 40 V

when moving Y there seems to be some mechanical bending of the detector holder. The position reached the negative end of the range (approx. -9 mm).
When moving out and in again we could find the beam at:
X= 178.629 (centred)
Y= -3.48 (close to center)
see screenshot

run 29 with DD and IMGFEL

The aperture was opened by moving the slits from 2x2 to 4x4 mm

switch to 2 bunches


try to center Y position

stop run 29

run 30: approx. 5 min at this position

change FEL-imager ND filter to 0.9 to avoid saturation


take IMGFEL out and switch to 50 bunches
actual X center = 178.44

move left until we loose the signal and scan x from 176.5 to 179.9
y signal changes -> mechanical coupling
run 32

in order to center the Y position we had to move 2 mm down to -5.53

run 33:
move left until we loose the signal and scan x from 176.5 to 179.9
y signal changes

Now the center of y seems to be at -2.88 mm

Image was observed with FEL YAG imager, x movement does not result in a horizontal motion but it is some sort of a diagonal motion

After some movements the y center is now at -5.23 mm

After a new try the y center is at -3.37 mm

Due to the mechanical problem with the Y-position we do the scan with the K-mono chamber X-motor

see elogs from Jan and Tuba


Sascha made an orbit kick with 150 bunches
due to some numerical problem the kick is disturbed (see screenshot)
DD can reproduce the kick trace
take run 40

Sascha altered the orbit again 150 bunches
(see attached graph)
take run 41

set bias from 40 V to 100 V

run 42

Bias set to 40 V again

beam changed to 27 keV

x-calibration scan from 8.3 to 11.7 (K-mono X)
run 43

Bias -> 100 V
run 44 (as before)

Bias -> 20 V
run 45

Suspicion: beam is touching K-mono setup
move K-mono chamber to X=4.6 mm and move DDM X to 173.55
Y again has to be adjusted, is now -3.18

bias set to 40 V

scan K-mono X from 3.1 to 6.1
run 46

bias runs: see Tuba's elog


Attachment 1: DDM_inserted_Screenshot_from_2022-11-26_13-10-03.png  234 kB  Uploaded 26 Nov 2022, 13:10  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 2: DD_2_pulses_IMGFEL_Screenshot_from_2022-11-26_13-32-47.png  1.601 MB  Uploaded 26 Nov 2022, 13:33  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 3: 2022-11-26T17_20_00-01.png  49 kB  Uploaded 26 Nov 2022, 17:27  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 4: DD_27keV_Screenshot_from_2022-11-26_18-12-30.png  1.422 MB  Uploaded 26 Nov 2022, 18:13  | Hide | Hide all
Attachment 5: 2022-11-26T17_11_18-00_orbit_kick_for_run_40.png  54 kB  Uploaded 05 Dec 2022, 14:49  | Hide | Hide all
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00