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05 Jun 2019, 09:59 |
Gerd Wellenreuther | General | Information | Minutes of the Technical integration meeting 05.06.2019 | FXE
- few days of beamtime remaining, no particular issues
- preparing for emergency power off
- preparing shutdown activities with EEE
- beamtime, no particular issues.
- preparing for shutdown
- XGM is supposed to run even despite the emergency power off ==> M. Teichmann is in contact with T. Schoen (TS)
- beamtime, first scattering images taken using the pnCCD!
- preparing for shutdown, in particular some cabling together with EEE
- Integration of the LDM: Safety document is needed. ==> This is needed ASAP!!! ==> THIS IS STILL NEEDED!!!
- CAS was able to follow up regarding the request for test of triggering / pulse on demand from this Monday. HED was kind of lucky, CAS would appreciate some further notice next time...
- Due to missing endswitches / interlock conditions, some YAG-screens have been burnt. HED would like to try to get this fixed in the tunnels and the hutches still in this shutdown by installing endswitches etc., to be negotiated with EEE
- The bias teeth(???) used by HED are not being supplied any more, new ones are not performing ==> to be checked with other instruments / EEE, Sato-san was suggested as another expert to ask.
Optical lasers
- everything fine, thanks for the support!
- Requested to see the first pump + valve of SPB/SFX ==> to be clarified by VAC, SPB/SFX + EEE
- From SBP/SFX: Currently, it is not clear what to do if one of the Pandoras goes off. This apparently happened @ FXE on the night from Sat.-Sunday, and it took 12 hours to fix it.
- From CAS: TS should not rely on email alerts to monitor the cooling of the servers running for example the email services...
AoB |
03 Jul 2019, 10:18 |
Adriano Violante | General | Information | Minutes of the Technical integration meeting 03.07.19 | XO
- In SASE3 the apertures of the GATT have to be realigned. The upstream apertures have been alreadz realigned. The downstream ones will be probablz realigned tomorrow. If not succesfull some restrictions of the operation have to be evaluated.
- Loops update has to be coordinated between EEE and FXE. No feedback received from EEE. AG will remind TKorsh.
- Loop updates continue.
- Loop 8 will be commissioned on monday with EEE.
- Aerosol will be commissioned next week. EEE waiting for the precise dates.
- Suffered overhead due to the power cut occured on Monday.
Optical lasers
- All XTDs apart from XTD 6 and 9 will be closed on Monday
- XTD6/9 will be stay opened until Tuesday. Confirmation will be given during the dispatch meeting on Monday.
- XTD1,2 ready for beam formt he VAC point of view
- XTD6 - mono works ongoing.
- XTD9 - Maybe worls planned by FXE on the gratings. To be double checked whether it is feasible.
- Electrical safety regulation. From the beginning of July the new electrical safety regulation is supposed to be in place. According to this regulation the work at the back of the racks in the XHEXP1 and in the entire racks in the tunnels can only be done by certified EFK (Elektrofachkraefte) or by EUPs with an additional training. The additional training can only be provided after summer. The nomination of XFEL EFKs is suffering a delay due to the fact that is not clear who should nominate them (TS, UBR, HR?). PG reported the problem and also the fact that no official statements were made in the past concerning the topic. THaas is trying to clarify the status, and come up with a statement and proposal in the Operations meeting. ==> there was no meeting on Friday. Still pending.
- Additional CAT connections planned for SQS, FXE, SCS were installed and approved by ITDM.
- During the maiinenance of the cooling water system the doors of the balcony rooms and racks were left open to cool down the electronics. Although in the past that worked, it is no longer the case. ITDM will discuss with MKK2 how to make the cooling of the balcony rooms more efficient during planned mainenance of the cooling water system or in case of emergency.
On Monday Torsten Schoen informed AV that the power went off in MID and HED experiment hutch because of the radiation interlock test. This was due to the fact that according to the original plan (circulated and approved at the beginning of May), the SASE1 test was supposed to happen on Monday and the SASE2 test the day after. On monday, SASE1 system was accordingly bridged to avoid issues with the power. A last minute change in the plan was agreed between MID and MPS but the info unfortunately did not reach Torsten, hence the issue. Also, nobody from SRP, D3, HED was timely informed.
There was obviously a lack of communication that has to be improved. AV will write a report and circulate it to the involved people for review and provide it to the MB.
03 Apr 2019, 10:44 |
Adriano Violante | General | Information | Minutes of the Technical integration meeting 03.04.19 | SPB/SFX
- CRL implementation in the hutch. Cables at the back of the crate have been re-shuffled by EETf. VAC vessel had a leak and is being re-sealed and pumped. If everything is fine and the vessel can be brought to the hutch the motors test can in principle start already this week. Interaction SPB/SRP ongoing to define operations parameters.
- CSS Test have been started. 3 encoder connectors need to be fixed by EETf (not sure can be done by the end of this week).
- AGIPD motion. Test ok.
- Julabo chiller: waiting for feedback from Julabo to know whether the chiller is going to be repaired on time for next users. If not, SPB/SFX are trying to borrow one from CFEL. VAC interlocks would not be operational due to the different type of chiller. Needs to be evaluated and eventually take the risk (DET, SPB).
- Loop 8 and 11 HW will be prepared by AE. Ongoing (AE/SQS coordination ongoing)
- Meeting organized by PGessler to review the recurring issues with the digitizers. The outcome is that for the next users run the zero suppression mode will not be used (only raw data - confermed by SQS). In this case, no issues are expected. In the meanwhile a general solution will be worked out.
- DSSC undergoing tests in Hera south. If OK, next week will be brought to the hall.
- Loop 13 running but incomplete. Loop 11 being prepared. Nano motion controls now in this loop.
- Smaract stages do not work propery and reliably. High priority. Has to be clarified with AE since it is not clear whether this is the same issue that SCS had and for whoch they developed a workaround. ==> BB will contact the Smaract company to address the issue.
- Loop 9 has been updated and the flow meters can now be read.
- Epix chiller has issues. Being investigated by MID and eventually replaced.
- Cables and loops for HED instrumentation. All the phase II cables needed for operation have been promised to be installed by the end of this week. Loop 5 cannot be available before.
- 2 weeks ago the HR mono loop was mistakenly updated twice and the second time parameters were not saved (Fri evening). Sat morning was fixed again. AE confirmed it was a misunderstanding because of paralle pulse picker tests. HR mono conversion factors commissioning ongoing.
OPT Lasers
- SA3 trigger stopped working today. PP laser is down. The timing server in the balcony rooms was found to be down. BF is investigating what happened.
- Hirex 2 - Crates being included in the loops by AE.
- Waiting for the finalization of the MID LDM risk assessment from SRP to allow the usage of the remote control of the device.==> SRP is working on that. 75% done.
- 5Hz operation mode tests planned for this thursday. It has already been communicated to the instruments.
- Next week XTOB 1.01 will not be available. Most probably the meeting will be held at the mockup control room. AV will anyway send a reminder.
15 Mar 2019, 11:27 |
Adriano Violante | General | Information | Minutes after dispatch meeting 09.00 | SPB/SFX
- No major issues reported
- Motors in Loop 14 have been tested and problems with the motion sign and encoder were found. AE/EET on it.
- Issue with digitizers not working was found this morning and was reported solved during the meeting by CAS.
- 2 CRDs for the pn CCDs are coming. Once they are there it has to be seen how to schedule the design, production of PLCs, as well as of cables.
- It is reported by CY that, in order to advance with the Epix readiness, would be beneficial if AE and EETF could accelerate the power system work BKF 467 crate completion (with Bernard's latest change request) plus patch-panel planning Eplan update this would be much appreciated. MFlade reports the request to his group.
- Issues with Smaract stages cables. Fixed.
- Si mono in XTD6 had problems with the pitch motor whoch does not work anymore. XTD6 was opened yesterday for intervention and the system was pumping overninght. Interlock modified not to stop operation during the night for MID. This morning ZZ foreseen to complete the intervention.
- Firmware for Loops 5 and 7 ready. KS/EET are checking whether all the cables for loop 5 have been installed. When they are, AE will be notified to switch on the loop. Same for loop 7. After the meetgin with compkany Schulz it was said that all the priority 1 cables (set by HED) will be installed by 05.04.
- XGM/Pulse picker alignment has to be checked. On monday AE will have a look.
OPT Lasers
- Delay scan in MID was successful
- Control of personal interlock shutters will be possible through one computer for each instruments control room. PCs have been defined. Implementation can be ready by next week.
- GW asks the intruments to check the shutdown planning, especially for the cases in which the instruments are requested as support groups (MPS?). If there a re problems or something does not make sense, please notify PSPO.
11 Feb 2019, 09:59 |
Adriano Violante | General | Information | MInutes of the dispatch meeting 09.30 | SPB/SFX
- Beam is back on Wed. night.
- IT cables in D.23 were re-measured on friday. Probemessung was OK. Waiting for the complete set of measurements. PSPO pushes the company.
- Updates+testing of the AGIPD with the CFEL experts is ongoing.
- interlock definitions were updated.
- Last Thursday an alarm signal was heard from the control room and only entering the hutch it was realized that an additional radiation sensor was triggered, maybe due to a spike. The procedure and actual usefulness of the device should be commented on by SRP.
- An additional beamstop will be installed otday in the hutch. This requires to OGT3 to be moved.
- Performance issue with the digitizers when all 3 of them are used in parallel. AE on it.
- Beam is back on Wed. night.
- Today Loop 7 and 9 will be updated. Loop 7 includes the fast ccd motors and will be tested after update.
- Smaract stages have to be tested with AE (today/tomorrow)
- Marjan is supporting the commissioning of components in the hutch.
- Loop11 is probably already containing all the required components. JH will send a confirmation email to NJ today.
- Problems with the HV ion pump cables in the HED optics. Many of the cables failed the final test and showed sparks. KS, EET are in contact with Fa. Schulz to solve that. It is not clear whether this is a showstopper or the pumps could be operated locally.==> Fa Schulz will fix the connectors on site.
- Loop1 is being commissioned (Gauges and gate vales are included)
OPT Lasers
- DESY is restarting the timing serve today at 11am. This will not affect the train ID.
- No feedback concerning the additional B4C controls in SASE3. Waiting...
- Material for the trigger boxes is available at AE
- Issue with the DAQ was discovered (cameras/digitizers): problems occur when more than 1 camera is using the same data aggregator. Investigation and fix is ongoing. DAQ will need to be re deployed only for these aggregators between today and tomorrow. Tunnels and instruments affected. AGIPD is not affected.
- Test of the Jungfrau foressen for tomorrow at SPB, for the end of the week for FXE. SCS fast CCD also needed asap.
- online preview feature was deploted for SPB. FXE next week.
- Yesterday OCD was called by JG because of some problems with the data sources. This was found to be a configuration problem. Going to be fixed today.
- CRL in XTD1 2 lenses are disconnected. They do not nmeed to be included in the Karabo scene.
AoB |
22 Feb 2019, 12:36 |
Adriano Violante | General | Information | MInutes of the dispatch meeting 09.00 | SPB/SFX
- Pulse picker commissiong - Issues concerning motors position and triggers ==> To be worked out with AE, but beam is needed. Has to be done.
- DET group is helping setting up the Jungfrau detector (w/o PLC).
- DAQ performance test performed yesterday.
- Trigger for ns laser is needed next week. Everything should be already prepared but BF checks.
- Commissioning of components ongoing. There is a learinig curve concerning Karabo.
- Cabling issues and CR are being followed up with high priority by EET
- A camera is needed in the tunnel to align the spectrometer. Either a webcam or the camera dedicated to the second spectroemeter has to be moved (only temporary - no definitive changes needed). This can be done with a ZZ access on monday. KA is organizing the hardware, CAS and AE will take care of software and evetaually trigger.
OPT Lasers
- On monday the HW for the B4C in SA3 will be mounted. and tested. No loop updates concerning the interlock. This will happen in march.
- GATT loop update for SASE3 planned for Monday
- A PLC in HED has to be replaced because of some beckhoff license that expired ==> Problem solved replacing the PLC. Whys did this happen is still not clear.
- SCS took data with the fast CCD. Data has to be analyzed but seems ok. ==> Ongoing
- SPB agipd OK==> Calibration is now running.
- FXE LPD had issues being followed up
- Kickoff meeting with ITDM to start to evaluate InfluxDB, Grafana and Elastic Search as an alternative to the current Karabo DataLogger implementation (LA and VAC represents use cases to be addressed/solved). However, "nothing" will impact operation in the next months.
- SPB Loop 14 needs to be deployed (Karabo)
02 Aug 2019, 09:10 |
Adriano Violante | General | Information | Info on dispatch meeting 09.00 | The meeting did not take place since only EEE was attending. |
30 Mar 2020, 08:57 |
Andreas Galler | | | | CTRL:
- Broker Pile Up in 4 topics over the weekend
- LAS affected in all topics, LA2 even twice
- SPB affected once
- mitigation startegy worked
nothing to report
- vac systems in the lab had been secured --> secuvac valves installed plus webcams
- exflgateway hardware problem on Saturday --> fixed
- rough pump turned off, possibly lack of cooling water
- interlock tripped --> pressures raised
- were able to set remotely
- VAC is fine, ion pumps are on, no roughing pumps running