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  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 309     Entry time: 16 Mar 2022, 10:39
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Int. Meeting 16.03.2022 
General Announcement:
- The Summer maintenance planning period is approaching and next Wednesday at the end of the XO Int. Meeting a presentation of the changes/improvements will be made. 
Please communicate to the colleagues who are responsible for your group’s maintenance planning to join. This will be done after the regular round of discussions.

- Not present.

- Nothing to report.

- Continuing with support tasks to the groups.

- Not present.

- XGMD was fixed (ADC broken down twice last week): Desy people is also investigating; root cause not yet found.
- FEL Imager (YAG screen) in SA3 is found to be damaged. It was moved to a different spot for the time being.
- Ventilation in all tunnels caused beam jitter for 30-40 minutes yesterday. 
It was caused by outside humidity (not common, 2-3 times per year) that filled up the filters and clogged it with water droplets leading to overrunning of the regulation schemes of pumps; then pressure 
changed in tunnels.

- Nothing to report.

- InfluxDB: large issues yesterday (cluster crashed on MON evening); it took all day yesterday to brought up and data is now visible also at Karabo. 
- ITDM has a root cause now and DAQ matrix devices were switched OFF yesterday which provides a fix. Last crash there was a lot of data that had to be synchronized and lacked resources. 
- ITDM found a way to start without data from Monday evening to Tuesday 21:00. This data will be injected to InfluxDB / cluster in the coming days. In the meanwhile, one needs to use Graphana to look at 
this data, not Karabo. 
- Discussing future measures to trigger alarm to avoid the crash. 
- Please don't start DAQ without the GO from ITDM via e-mail.

- FXE jitter last week: not yet clear if it was the clean tent or the cooling water for M1/M2 the real cause; hard to find as cooling water was refilled and the clean tent was switched ON accidently, both 
in parallel. 

- Issues with Sync system in SA1 persists: spurious 10Hz signal. PP-laser still do not have optical signal. LAS has a rough idea of the cause and is in contact with instruments.

- Phase shifter in cell11/SA3 the motor was replaced and more 10 motors were ordered as spare parts.
- Quad mover in SA1#cell 18 was fixed.
- Quad mover in cell25/SA3 (wrong movement direction) is still to be addressed. MXL will work together with UNSYS.
- Tables for Phase shifters of Apple-X still to be uploaded.
- One new PS on the Apple-X is not working; Frank Brinker is informed and a ZZ is needed before the next blue week.

- Influx issue but could use Graphana.
- Pulse energy is low this week: 2mJ while last week was 3.5mJ;
- Crosstalk with SA2: SA1 energy gets worse when changes happen in SA2 but recovers shortly after.
- SPB did not see any vibration on Tuesday 15.03. Also last week beam was stable.

- Nothing to add.

- All fine at MID.

- Not present.

- This morning a filter of RIXS spectrometer broken and has to be exchanged (filter gauge valve). VAC group is helping with the exchange.

- Nothing to report.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00