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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 204     Entry time: 03 Mar 2021, 09:23
Author: Arvid Gebhardt 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 03.03.2021 

General Announcement:

- Hick-ups in the beam operation are happening since last night. There is no obvious indications on the origin of the problem and MXL is investigating to restore a normal beam delivery condition.

- There is an issue with “Operation-2021” e-log where some SPB staff can’t login to create entries. This will be addressed by XO/PRC and ITDM (see ITDM entry).


- SA1 DAQ was dropping some trains (the late ones) in the XGM. CTRL and ITDM are following up and will test the XGM late this week or next week. CTRL will contact XPD for deployment first in SA2 and SA3.


- News from the DOC: deployment of major updates ongoing/to take place.


- nothing to report


- not present


- Commissioning and setting up for SA3 HIREX


- preparing for commissioning Detectors


- Janusz S. says the configuration for the “Operation-2021” e-log uses the same configuration as previously set for 2020. F. Wolff-Fabris likens the issue with possible new users and asks SPB to provide the name of users who can’t login into the e-log.

Janusz S. says one can use the copy function from instruments e-log to place a copy into the Operations-2021 e-log. Jan G. says that login is necessary to avoid the entry being as “Anonymous”.

XO and ITDM will address it offline.


- not present


- In SA3 PP-laser one had exchange of power supply for AMPHOS due to communication errors.

- In SA1 PP-laser one observes a loss of 1/4 of power in AMPHOS. LAS is not sure if there is enough power for users.

- Two problems with triggers on Monday: 1. a faulty board in SA3; 2. MCS group update timing system caused trigger loss in all hutches (due to a bug in their server).


- nothing to report


- Couple of Helps asked to DOC and SPB/SFX are thankful for that.

- Login at Operation-2021 e-log does not work for 4 people.


- Prepared for AIBS. Few PLC problems remain but not related to AIBS.

- Next week between Tuesday/Friday there are no access to the hutch due to floor work ongoing.


- all fine


- all fine


- sliding door will probably be repaired today with an external company.


- nothing to report

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00