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  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 305     Entry time: 02 Mar 2022, 10:12
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 02.03.2022 
General Announcement:
- There is a high probability that we will run out of Helium gas due to difficulties with stock. If an instrument needs He on next weeks please get in touch with TS to verify its availability.

- Last Monday intervention on the SA3 GATT middle layer servers was successful.

- Today a major upgrade of offline calibration is scheduled during which services won't be available.

- Supporting different tasks at SQS (recommissioning motors), HED (motor encoders), SCS and FXE.

- Ion pump in XTD9 shows a potential risk of tripping interlock: a ZZ on Friday 14:00 will take place to change parameters.
- Another ZZ in XTD2 to attempt to fix the solid attenuator in SA1 (hole in the arms reported by SPB / 0.5mm Si damaged); try to change the blocking mechanism.
- Dmitry K. asks on the Si intervention in XTD2: Martin D. says a change of Si is a major intervention as it involves need of clean tent etc… and will not be done this Friday. 
The idea is to use a fresh spot on the attenuator. Conditions for interlocks have to be later checked with Liuba S.

- ZZ on Monday to remove Shimadzu camera was successful.

- Nothing to report.

- Problem with Influx cluster which did not accepted data for 3 hours: search for fixes last days and today a new configuration will be applied, followed by restart afterwards (minutes downtime). No effect 
in tunnels DAQ.

- Commissioning beamtime for SA2 mirrors: available beamtime was short. The coating stripes were found in beamlines in respect to motor positions. More beamtime is needed to continue commissioning of M1, 
M2 and M3 in XTD6.

- Nothing to report.

- Apple-X commissioning ongoing: working on Control systems commissioning. Last cell was controlled; more tests ongoing today. The phase shifter tables are not yet ready.

- Working with different groups during the week.

- D3 was present on Monday to test the BTM; it was successful.

- Radiation alarm triggered due to a false alarm at MID hutch. Thomas P. from HED helped by calling RPOs; W. Clement, Eric B. and M. Prollius helped to solve it.

- Preparing for the high intensity laser and also working on motors.

- Not present.

- Not present.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00