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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 308     Entry time: 14 Mar 2022, 10:41
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Int. Meeting 14.03.2022 
General Announcement:
- On the Summer-22 maintenance period: In about 2 weeks (by end of March) the call for the summer/22 maintenance period will be send to the groups.

- Deployment of new framework in order to fix an issue (this week): instruments shall agree with CTRL contacts on a suitable time. It affects cameras and/or similar devices that are installed.

- Report on last week issue with processing on Maxwell including offline calibration: people were not able to open files that were there; small selected notes were not present and were corrected on Friday.
 Since then it seems no issues recurred.

- Starting equipment installation of SXP racks in rack rooms.
- PLC side calls from SQS on weekend: issues with motors to be followed up; train-IDs not getting proper.

- Not present.

- XGMD in FXE hutch under investigation: new issue happened at the end of the week and may be again related to last Monday's one. People are working on it (XPD, FXE and Desy).

- One comment to DA: Jolanta S-D was on DOC and issue with offline for ePIX detector still occurring after Friday. Phillip S. says it was a different problem and it is fixed.

- Issue (2x) with Influx): still not understood; Data was not lost on last occurrence. Hick-ups and recovered. So far under investigation.

- Jitter at SA1 in FXE last week: mostly likely the cooling in M1 and M2 or clean tent.
- No big issues after that.

- Degradation in SA1 PP-laser with trigger software; maybe there is damage to optics. Being investigated today and can't guarantee when it will be working again.
- SA3 change of setpoint for SQS taking one-two days. Not sure if ready today.
- SA2 is running well.

- Phase shifter cell11/S3: a ZZ is ongoing also fix with remotely procedure.
- Issue with quad mover cell18/SA1 is fixed remotely.
- Issue with Quad cell25/SA3: the ZZ is needed.

- Issue with Agipd detector: fixed (one module not sending data). 
- Agipd online preview devices: fixed;
- Laser timing issue: data was not collected.

- Jitter problem already mentioned.
- XGMD issue under investigation.
- Laser problem: stop measuring on Saturday. Not sure if data was taken during the weekend.

- Difficult week.
- Broker pileup problem on Monday and Friday: Gabriele says it may be related to a memory leak - under investigation. 
On Friday there were there sources identified to help getting rid of problems (Jolanta S.D); also GUI was a second source. Not fully understood the main source of Friday. It came back stable.
- Seeding beam had to be tuned on weekend as energy decreased by factor 5 when comparing to the best lasing at the week start. No scientific output could be achieved but feasibility with setup was 

- Wednesday optics hutch ADC was not working. Now it works fine.
- Full power with RELAX was tested and is being analyzed. Bassler cameras acquiring wrong train IDs. It shall be fixed.

- Not present.

- Successful week;
- Problem with motor being fixed by SQS, ME, EEE.
- Tool for online analysis was slow
- Heat load in the soft monochromator was seen and it has to be fixed in long term.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00