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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 195     Entry time: 01 Feb 2021, 09:06
Author: Arvid Gebhardt 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 01.02.2021 

General Announcement:

- The test of the emergency automatic switch of power bridge is scheduled for Tuesday, 2nd of February 2021, 09:00. This will affect orange outlets in XHQ and green and orange outlets in XHEXP1. A short interruption in the power supply lines will happen. We expect all groups have taken appropriate measures to place devices in safe mode or connected to white power outlets.


- not much to report, things are running

- Read the docs is operational again. A given feedback to CTRL is welcome.


- Nothing special to report.


- Tomorrow update sase1 motion loop at 13:00: an email will be sent to readiness mailing list.


- Nothing to report.


-  Maintenance work ongoing: Imagers in XTD6; Work with EEE in XTD6 and XTD9.


- AGIPD: new control with new gain is tested. DAQ issue with data is fixed (K. Wrona informs it was related to a wrong hidden parameter setting).


- Downtime on Offline calibration system / GPFS: update to be made in about two weeks from now. K. Wrona says that ITDM would like to have one day of GPFS maintenance; it is important to switch to the new scratch files before we start operation. Data taking shall not be affected by this.

- Jan G. asks when would be required by the earliest. K. Wrona says they need to copy a lot of data before the update and it is estimated in two weeks (+-2 days), to take place in the second half of February. As photon activities take place in the last two weeks of February, one needs coordination to find a suitable date.


- everything fine.

- Today closing of soft mono chamber in XTD10.


- Upgrade in SA1 uTCA: information will be given to LAS this afternoon.

- Two Desy colleagues needs access in SA1 hutches. Use of FFP2 masks is mandatory.


- ZZ in XTD4 is planned for Wednesday (for cleaning undulator area).

- Suren K. asks if the balcony rooms are effected by test emergency power switch. This will be discussed offline.


- Nothing special to report.


- Nothing special to report.


- all fine


- Nothing special to report.


- Nothing special to report.


- Nothing to report.

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00