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12 Apr 2021, 14:40 |
Frederik Wolff-Fabris | General | Information | Notes XO Integration Meeting 12.04.2021 |
General Announcement:
- Broker pile-up on Friday: Alessandro S. says that was triggered by network configurations; it took time to recover situation.
Started SA3 topics for deployment and for few tickets related to that, please get in touch with DRC or try re-starting devices.
- Deployments: 1. Fix for data loggers and timing servers. We propose to do next Monday; 2. Karabo 2.10.4 was released with few bug fixes. CTRL is in touch with
- Nothing to report.
- Nothing to report.
- Found on Saturday a problem with SA3 gas attenuator. It was solved with the DOC.
- Power increase tests ongoing this morning.
- A. Koch says two servers were not running this morning and will make contact to DRC.
- Couple of OCD calls received and fixed.
- Network failure: systems are very sensitive to network failures (switch failure). Relates to replacement of devices.
- Some SA3 cameras lost configurations (maybe related to the SA3 event during the weekend): fixed by M. Vannoni.
- SCS/SQS teams: structure for the M6 chamber has to be fixed (motors): XRO will communicate with the instruments, to keep the motors in proper conditions.
- PP-lasers are running. Small minor issues:
1. SA3 problem with displaying number of pulses. Solved by CTRL by installing latest Karabo server;
2. SA2 still shows small problem with regulations/settings, spectrum started drifting. Can be fixed by OCD but ticket was created.
- Nothing to report.
- Preparing for user experiment this week.
- Nothing to report:
- Last Friday PP-laser could not config laser pattern. Tomasz J. says the OCD laser is aware and asks to please also inform DOC/DRC in such cases as LAS can't help in
this time.
Monica T. confirms that one has to call the DOC and invite instruments that do not get beam to also join the Monday 13:00 DOC meetings.
- Suffered with SA2 PLC downtime - mono lost positions.
- Scan energies on the undulators will be needed on next week.
- Last week operation was smooth.
- Starting operation this week.
- Nothing to report.
- Spectrum of detectors - two spectras were split. This was reported to BKR and DOC. |
07 Apr 2021, 08:52 |
Andreas Galler | General | Information | Notes XO Integration Meeting 07.04.2021 |
General Announcement:
- recurrent error reprted by LAS --> drift compensation in SA2 --> need feedback
- minor issues reported instruments during startup
- Issue on April 4th --> 4 PLCs shut down without a cause, (looks like power cut)
- MID crate went down at 9:00
- SA3 utca shut down (could be voltage drop, could be ehternet) (9:35)
- VAC-OCD recovered SA2 vacuum state (valves, and ystem) (see EEE SA2 incident above)
- VAC obseved that the MID Mono warmed up, the cryo warmed up presumably after a PLCs update which interrupted an interloop communication
- SA1 baclony room checked
- some racks lost power --> investifation going on (possibly happened on Sat. Apr 3rd 8:00 am)
- incorrect motor velocity in SA3 --> fixed
- small issue in SA2 with slow feedback --> see CTRL report
- problem on SA1 central control node, after a power cycle aircoils and phase shifters were unresponsive
- Laser Interlock issue was solved, power spike involved that reported by MEA3 ( klaus Witt).
- M1 mirror was moved completely out on 1st of Apr.
- --> Naresh Kujala moved M1 out.
- Laser interlock issue on Tuesday
- with regards to the MID Mono cryo, there had been HED PLC updates
- calibration pipeline issue on AGIPD
- HED utca in optics hutch went off
31 Mar 2021, 11:01 |
Frederik Wolff-Fabris | General | Information | Notes XO Integration Meeting 31.03.2021 |
General Announcement:
- There is no UOM on next Friday April 02.
- The next XO Int. Meeting takes place on Wednesday 07.04.
- Loop updates by EEE today - CTRL will follow in case of support is needed.
- Offline calibration pipeline update was done yesterday successfully.
- Online calibration pipeline update: on Monday it was done in SA2; today it takes place in SPB with tests on the afternoon. These updates are related to the Detectors
for the upcoming next user experiments.
- Update in SA3 and SA2 motion loops from 10:00 to 15:00.
- Not present.
- Information got on the test of PKG for SA2: tests foreseen for this week was postponed.
- XPD working on the calorimeter.
- Nothing to report.
- Update of the dCache storage was successfully done yesterday.
- Nothing to report.
- SA1 and SA2 PP-lasers are fine;
- SA3 PP-laser problem with timing system was fixed but required longer than expected. Laser was OFF until this morning. SQS shall not count with available laser (50-50%
chances) tomorrow morning.
- PKG test was shifted.
- Problem with laser hutch interlock when closing the door: when closing the external door this breaks the interlock (laser hutch). SPB will contact SRP.
- Nothing to add.
- All right at MID.
- HED loop update takes place tomorrow. Nerea J. will discuss with HED; there is no restrictions from HED side.
- Nothing to report.
- Nothing to report. |
29 Mar 2021, 10:45 |
Frederik Wolff-Fabris | General | Information | Notes XO Integration Meeting 29.03.2021 |
General Announcement:
- The UOM does not take place on next Friday 02.April.
- Pouneh S. informs the SCS panic button is not properly working (the search hutch does not perform as expected). This does not prevent operation and will be look after
in the coming days.
- Following the DOC developments; nothing major to be announced.
- Karabo 2.10.4 is to be released which contains features to facilitate opening scenes and has some bug features fixed. CTRL hopes for a wider adoption.
- Nothing major to report.
- EEE has a time slot on Wednesday from 10:00 to 15:00 to update loops in SA3 and SA2. Updates shall be transparent and an e-mail will be sent.
A. Galler confirms there will be no beam operation during this time.
- Nothing to report.
- ZZ request for Shimadzu camera in XTD9: A. Galler says it is not yet scheduled. As soon as valid information is coming, it will be communicated (maybe on Wednesday
during the loop updates time slot).
- Small things were fixed with DOC help on available calibration constants for one SPB detector was fixed.
- Reminder of tomorrow's maintenance on storage system.
- Not present.
- Thursday's SA2 ADC problem was fixed. Today LAS and EEE will attempt to fix the SA3 missing triggers in the ADC cards.
- All PP-lasers are running.
- Information: there will be from today to Wednesday tests in SA2 performance with and without air conditioning systems.
- Few problems with last week solved by DOC.
- SPB shift crew said machine was running at 2.2MHz. This had to be informed to BKR Operators.
- Nothing to report.
- MID requests that planned interventions in MID hutches that are longer than few minutes and restrict access to it shall be informed in advance. This allows proper
planning of activities.
- Started using PP-laser and preparing for next user run (also tests with THz laser).
- Konstantin S. would like to thank EEE for the help received during last week.
- Nothing to report.
- Nothing to report. |
24 Mar 2021, 10:06 |
Frederik Wolff-Fabris | General | Information | Notes XO Integration Meeting 24.03.2021 |
General Announcement:
- In SA2/HED few interlocks are protected and not altered. CTRL needs to re-start the HEDloop1 and HEDcryo loop and SA2 EPS loop. It takes about 5-10 minutes without PLC
Suggestion is to make it today: XO will communicate to HED.
- When submitting a ticket, please include the device ID on it.
- Not present due to training.
- Nothing to report.
- Nothing to report.
- Nothing to report.
- Problem with SPB Jungfrau: M. Sikorski says the chiller was OFF and two modules are misbehaving. One can’t be fixed now and cards are ordered and have to be replaced.
The Chiller went OFF manually. It may become protected by EPS.
- Nothing to report.
- Not present.
- SA1 and SA2 PP-lasers are fine;
- In SA3 still ongoing due to small problem of missing train-IDs in ADC cards. Consequently, no DAQ data can be taken for SCS and SQS.
Nevertheless, the laser is ready for SCS use (not yet available to SQS).
- ZZ for the cell36/SA1 took place on Monday. The problem related to a coupler (spare parts are available and were replaced). It is fixed.
- Start with data collection. Aside from detector, no other issues.
- Nothing to report.
- All fine.
- Not present.
- A problem was found on Monday regarding the door interlock.
Zunaira A. comments that during a hutch search training it was found that a switch off (red button /panic switch) was pressed and did not release the magnet locks.
SRP has contacted a company and they have to come in to fix it.
Zunaira A. sends another instruction to SCS staff in how to proceed in case of emergencies (one has to open door manually).
- Nothing to report. Panic button at SQS works normally. |
22 Mar 2021, 10:14 |
Frederik Wolff-Fabris | General | Information | Notes XO Integration Meeting 22.03.2021 |
General Announcement:
- The Covid-19 health task force is looking into testing schemes to be employed on-site. In the future there will be an opportunity to do the self-tests on-site for
people who does critical works.
- The UOM series will restart on next Friday 26/03 at 09:00. Communication via e-mail will be send.
- Follow-up for delay train-ID: progressing with discussion on using longer time data.
- Thomas Michelat reports one issue with Agipd. The Maxwell server was restarted and then issue was fixed. If something similar happens again, the advice is to contact
Maxwell team from Desy.
- Today EEE perform the SEPS update for SA3 Interlock. For SA2 the test takes place on Thursday.
- Not present.
- Nothing to report.
- Nothing to report.
- ITDM reminds on the storage/cache maintenance taking place next week (inclusion of additional storage place). Janusz S. will send an e-mail to readiness list.
- Nothing to report.
- SA3 PP-laser is off today due to work on interlock system. LAS hopes to get back as soon as possible (not before Thursday/Wednesday) for SCS use.
- Problem in cell36/SA1 (communication error). A ZZ will be needed to recover the cell.
- Ongoing with preparations for back-up user experiments; A problem with Jungfrau has been communicated.
- Problem with Mono last week: positions for the crystals were shifted by 10mm. It is not known if this is a physical or only reading issue.
- Pressurized air by a compressor was moved to another location; the topic was discussed with TS and a big compressor will be installed until May 1st to solve problems.
- Nothing to report.
- Issued a ticket with EEE to verify possibility to averaging positions on middle layer servers.
- Preparing for beam in April. |
17 Mar 2021, 09:15 |
Arvid Gebhardt | General | Information | Notes XO Integration Meeting 17.03.2021 |
General Announcement:
- nothing.
- LAS reported the pulse statistics did not work properly: re-started systems due to lost connections.
- OCD call related to HED AGIPD test system: fix ongoing.
- Update on train-ID slow data on XGM: CTRL is in touch with Desy and Theo. Question to SPB and XPD: how much effort is needed for that CTRL and ITDM to place the missing information in the run. Involved parts will discuss an agreement by the end of the week. Steffen H. will prepare a summary to inform XPD.
- no important news.
- no important news.
- nothing to report.
- nothing to report.
- nothing special.
- all fine.
- Not present.
Going fine: Laser pattern issue from yesterday was solved by CTRL.
- Problem on Monday with quad mover cell18/SA1 took 6 hours on ZZ. It is now fixed.
- A problem with undulator segment on cell36/SA1 needs diagnostic and eventual ZZ access. RCs are contacted.
- The samples to be used next week are challenging to prepare.
- Used beam yesterday. No problems to report.
- all fine.
- nothing to report.
- nothing to report.
- all good. |
15 Mar 2021, 11:26 |
Frederik Wolff-Fabris | General | Information | Notes XO Integration Meeting 15.03.2021 |
General Announcement:
- Following Desy e-mail to all EUXFEL staff, the emergency call system of the elevators will be offline on Thursday March 18th during the morning. Please avoid using the
elevators in this day.
- On March 23rd is scheduled the SEPS interlock tests in SA3. On March 25rd is planned for SA2, pending a confirmation with the machine on the impact in SA1 operation.
- Progressing with investigating the train-ID issues, currently it relates to DOOCS/Desy.
- DOC: reports one fix today at 13:00 (following a call). Please respect a sign "we are in", "we are out" at the DOC to help staff focusing on issues.
- Nothing to report.
- Nothing to report.
- Nothing to report.
- All working fine in XPD.
- Detector commissioning in SPB: AGIPD was completed as planned and Jungfrau seems to run properly (data to be analyzed.
- ITDM will add more space to the storage system (data taking). Initial idea is to make it on March 30th to minimize impact. Acquiring data and data analysis are not
- Beam power increase ongoing.
- An issue with SA1 interlock in PP-laser room: the inside doors were reported to be open on Thursday afternoon.
As SPB was not using the PP-laser, the laser was put in safe mode and Interlock was broken to access and verify the situation. The internal doors were closed.
Further discussions will follow. This door issue happened for the first time in SA1.
- LAS is providing beam to SPB and HED as requested.
- Couple of e-log entries on settings of air coils and phase shifter, all addressed during the weekend.
- Detector program is completed. One measurement (which is not critical) is missing from Jungfrau.
- Interacting with DOC worked nicely.
- Preparing for this week.
- Fully in preparation for first April beam. All fine.
- Nothing to report.
- SCS asks for update of missing CPU from EEE. No news from EEE. Contact will be made.
- Preparing to have beam in April. |
10 Mar 2021, 09:20 |
Arvid Gebhardt | General | Information | Notes XO Integration Meeting 10.03.2021 |
General Announcement:
- nothing for now
- A few issues for DOC: Cameras IP addresses need to be reconfigured
- Continuing investigation of train-IDs on Doocs/XGM (they oscillate). CTRL will follow and close contact with Theo M. and Desy colleagues.
- nothing to report
- nothing to report
- nothing to report
- Not present.
- nothing special – commissioning this week
- nothing to report
- Maurizio V. reminds the SEPS interlock check in SA3 still has to happen as it is a condition prior beam operation. Zunaira A. says she sent an e-mail to xo-planning.
F. Wolff-Fabris asks if the SCS door is fixed or not, a pre-condition for the test. Zunaira A. replies the problem was with the power supply to the door and is fixed.
A date for the SEPS test can be planned by XO.
- SASE2 interlock: LAS got unexpected calls when disconnecting AMPHOS cables (thus triggering SA2 Interlocks).
- SA3 AMPHOS no news since Monday. The ADC cards do not receive train-IDs.
- LAS suffer of lack of laser lab, missing PLC installation. LAS asks XO for a follow-up on prioritizations.
- Zunaira says that lasers are coupled to the interlocks (yesterday event happens as all lasers in room A23 and A07 are connected to the HED and MID interlocks). Thomas Preston says it triggers the warning lights for the laser lab. Zunaira A. says if shutters are closed it shall not be a problem if lasers reach this shutter signals. Tomasz J. says that ideally they must be decoupled.
- nothing to report
- going on with the plan; Detector commissioning from tomorrow.
- the floor works are ongoing - looking good.
- not present
- nothing to report
- A new experimental chamber (chemistry chamber) will be installed for beam commissioning on next month. A CPU in rack room is needed for recommissioning the motor an Martin T. waits for feedback.
- Staff is getting the search training which was expiring.
- Noticed issues notice with DACHS system which show the access properties with delay. |
08 Mar 2021, 10:49 |
Frederik Wolff-Fabris | General | Information | Notes XO Integration Meeting 08.03.2021 |
General Announcement:
- SPB/SFX will continue receiving beam this week for commissioning.
- Issues with access to the Operations/21 e-log: SPB run coordinator wrote to wrote to the admin but no answer so far. Entries by Adrian M. while using VPN also did not
XO will follow with IT (see below).
- Gerd W. reports that works in SCS chicane are done and the radiation interlock keys are returned.
- Some observations triggered by DOC regarding XGM trains coming too late (20s). An update will be made later on the day or next days.
- Not present due to DOC shift compensation day.
- Nothing to report.
- Nothing to report.
- A. Koch and Theo M. say no issues to XPD were reported. All operating fine.
- Commissioning beamtime with SPB detectors. The AGIPD program for last week was completed successfully.
- Janusz S. says on the e-log issues that administrator of the e-log has the power to include new people.
While using VPN access one can read the e-log and post entries using the copy function from another e-log. Nothing in the procedure has changed from past time.
- Nothing to report.
- SA1 PP-laser recovered power for SPB and is delivering in the nominal power level.
- SA3 AMPHOS was switching off at random during the weekend; no reliable operation in SA3. LAS is in contact with external company.
- Cell4 and cell6 in SA2 required intervention from expert (Suren K.) during the weekend.
- Drift of horizontal beam position was observed on the weekend and reported to the DOC which provided a tool to diagnostic the drift. SPB/SFX would like to thank the DOC
for the availability.
Beam pointing was changing every hour and was difficult to keep into M1 and M2. Theo M. says the XGM drift happened in the horizontal by many mm. DOC can not solve and
then contacted Optics group.
The observed drift seemed to be too big to be compensated. Richard B. says the movement was seen from XTD9 XGM and was a fast drift.
Andreas G. will address communication channels between DOC/DRC and PRC (PRC was not informed).
- Floor refurbishment starts today.
- Last Wednesday it was checked the gate valves are corrected integrated in EPS and MPS. If shutter is open this signal is sent to the MPS and triggers closing V0.
- All fine.
- Nothing to report.
- Nothing to report.
- All good at SQS. |
03 Mar 2021, 09:23 |
Arvid Gebhardt | General | Information | Notes XO Integration Meeting 03.03.2021 |
General Announcement:
- Hick-ups in the beam operation are happening since last night. There is no obvious indications on the origin of the problem and MXL is investigating to restore a normal beam delivery condition.
- There is an issue with “Operation-2021” e-log where some SPB staff can’t login to create entries. This will be addressed by XO/PRC and ITDM (see ITDM entry).
- SA1 DAQ was dropping some trains (the late ones) in the XGM. CTRL and ITDM are following up and will test the XGM late this week or next week. CTRL will contact XPD for deployment first in SA2 and SA3.
- News from the DOC: deployment of major updates ongoing/to take place.
- nothing to report
- not present
- Commissioning and setting up for SA3 HIREX
- preparing for commissioning Detectors
- Janusz S. says the configuration for the “Operation-2021” e-log uses the same configuration as previously set for 2020. F. Wolff-Fabris likens the issue with possible new users and asks SPB to provide the name of users who can’t login into the e-log.
Janusz S. says one can use the copy function from instruments e-log to place a copy into the Operations-2021 e-log. Jan G. says that login is necessary to avoid the entry being as “Anonymous”.
XO and ITDM will address it offline.
- not present
- In SA3 PP-laser one had exchange of power supply for AMPHOS due to communication errors.
- In SA1 PP-laser one observes a loss of 1/4 of power in AMPHOS. LAS is not sure if there is enough power for users.
- Two problems with triggers on Monday: 1. a faulty board in SA3; 2. MCS group update timing system caused trigger loss in all hutches (due to a bug in their server).
- nothing to report
- Couple of Helps asked to DOC and SPB/SFX are thankful for that.
- Login at Operation-2021 e-log does not work for 4 people.
- Prepared for AIBS. Few PLC problems remain but not related to AIBS.
- Next week between Tuesday/Friday there are no access to the hutch due to floor work ongoing.
- all fine
- all fine
- sliding door will probably be repaired today with an external company.
- nothing to report |
01 Mar 2021, 10:49 |
Frederik Wolff-Fabris | General | Information | Notes XO Integration Meeting 01.03.2021 |
General Announcement:
- An e-mail from Steve Aplin informs on how to contact the DATA operation center during beam delivery times. It changes contact phone numbers for OCDs.
Old numbers are discontinued. The 98089 is the new number.
- The lead scheduling for machine/operation can always be found at the TTFINFO link (BKR E-log). Any other schedule is not official.
- Hutch search training goes invalid for many scientists in the instruments. Please check your status at the DARF-DACHS system or with RPOs.
- If there is anything unclear with masks or Corona rules, please give feedback in this meeting series or to the corona task force.
- Gerd W. says that works on SCS chicane are taking place right now. Afterwards a check will be done until Wednesday. The SCS key is still removed.
- Next days CTRL would like to solve DAQ situations while restarting devices. For SPB it is under discussion when to proceed.
- Not present due to planning meeting for end-to-end DA commissioning.
- Fast electronics: a problem with SA3 PP-Laser (timing issue) was found and a board will be replaced.
- PLC side: deploying SA3 laser interlock. EEE will get in touch with XO for agreeing on a date.
- XTD6 is still open and will be closed tomorrow (Tuesday 02.Mar) afternoon.
- Friday at 15:00 there was a wide spread network issue and XGMs were giving warnings. The XGMs came back rather quickly but beam was lost until Saturday.
- Preparing for the SPB detectors commissioning with beam this week. One module was exchanged and will be evaluated next Monday.
- Nothing to report.
- Not present.
- SA3 PP-laser: issue on Thursday afternoon late; Replacement boards were received. Tomasz J. informs the triggers were lost in the last 5 minutes.
- Tomasz J. question if LAS is going to receive enough support on Mondays from the DATA center as they have to prepare lasers for Tuesday.
LAS expect same level of support on Mondays from DATA department. Steffen H. says that the OCD and Data Run coordinator will support the activities.
- Nothing to report.
- Receiving beam from tomorrow on.
- Working with EEE to get Beckhoff loops finished for the AIBS test taking place at FXE on Thursday.
- All fine at MID.
- HED asks for the status on the ADC issue. Bruno F. says it is being fixed today (crate is up and running) and objective is to finish by today.
- Question to CTRL on cameras: S. Hauf says that CTRL will ask HED to test the fix. HED will contact Dennis G.
- Pouneh S. says that for laser safety googles it is exceptionally allowed to use FFP2 masks with filters. A. Galler points that the Corona task force strictly forbids
this type of masks at XHEL as protection against Coronavirus.
This subject will be brought to the Task Force for more clarifications.
- Sliding door issue is ongoing. Eric Boyd says that Zunaira A. is in contact with the company and they will come to XFEL on Wednesday (it is caused by the controller of
the door).
- Nothing to report. |
24 Feb 2021, 09:03 |
Arvid Gebhardt | General | Information | Notes XO Integration Meeting 24.02.2021 |
General Announcement:
- Due to a failure alarm in the smoke extraction system in XTD6+8+9, Desy colleagues will need to reboot a crate and exchange one module. This will bring down the air conditioning for the tunnels during about two hours. The activity is scheduled for March 1st starting at 11:30AM and it appears in the EuXFEL infrastructure calendar.
- It has been found a situation with one of the elevators to the XHEXP1 Hall. Due to corona regulations a maximum of 3 people is allowed simultaneously in the elevator. This number is indicated by signs/papers fixed nearby. However, someone unauthorized has modified the number “3” to an “8”. We are investigating the situation. The shields have been corrected back to “3” but we would like to remind signs and warnings must not be modified by unauthorized persons.
- Gerd W. informs that SXP chicane modification foreseen to take place today and tomorrow is shifted to Monday or Tuesday due to delays in delivery of components. Affected people have been contacted by PMO via but in case of issues with the new plan, please contact Gerd W.
- Few requests for tickets on Karabo devices were received. CTRL reminds to please add device ID in the ticket.
- SA3 motors: a few changes were done due to migration of MC2 motors. If someone or a group needs more input, please directly contact Steffen Hauf.
- Regarding Data Operation Center (DOC): CTRL would like to have a functional account to the instrument e-logs to be able to access it and track problems when OCD gets called. If instruments have any concerns with this, please contact Steffen Hauf.
- Nothing today.
- No main issue.
- EEE also asks that when submitting tickets, please include the instrument and component name, preferentiably in the header.
- PLC side: ZZ to check motors.
- Nothing to report.
- Continuing today with beam commissioning of XTD6 components (HIREX and MCP).
- Nothing special to report.
- Nothing special.
- Issues will be addressed when tunnels are open.
- SA1 and SA3 PP-lasers are making progress.
- Nothing to report.
- Issues with Interlock and DACHS are solved.
- Interlock issues are solved.
- Nothing special.
- Thomas Preston asks if the Covid regulations in hutches can be sent by e-mail. Sandra Plett will send the link to the documents after the meeting.
- The mask occupancy for the hutch was changed (are the signs updated or not?). Thomas P. says it was 4-5 but someone wrote new numbers in the signs. Sandra P. says that if everybody is using FFP2 masks, then more people are allowed than the max. occupancy.
- Pouneh S. says if people use laser safety googles, one can use FFP2 with filters. Sandra P. says that rules also apply for this case.
- Issues with cameras: DAQ did not run (did not take data, probably due to lost configurations). HED will send ticket.
- Nothing to report.
- Yesterday a meeting to review digitizers took place. |
22 Feb 2021, 10:14 |
Frederik Wolff-Fabris | General | Information | Notes XO Integration Meeting 22.02.2021 |
General Announcement:
- In case someone has any remaining question on the use of masks in the hutches please feel free to ask in this meeting series or write XO an e-mail.
- Racks for the SXP will be delivered and moved around XHEXP1 in March. The calendar for such activities will appear in the EXFEL infrastructure calendar.
The activity is coordinated by TS and in case of conflicts, please contact us or Ulf Brueggmann.
- Few configurations issues with motors are being taken care with EEE.
- XPD found a bug in the middle layer device and it needs new deployment. CTRL will contact people involved.
- DOC will start going on next week. Further info will be sent around and contact to single points in the instruments will be made.
- Preparing the DA contribution to the DOC.
- Nothing to report apart the work for the configuration of motors.
- Vacuum interlocks triggered on Friday in SA3. VAC reminds that when someone opens the shutter, nothing behind must be left in the beam.
- A. Koch says commissioning of SA3 components and Imagers take place. The Shimadzu camera was tested with beam in SA1 and signal was observed.
- Preparing for regular support of Detectors.
- A question arises if SASE3 also operating. A. Galler says there is an effort for commissioning beam transport on SASE3, but focus for operation still remains in SASE1.
- XRO has commissioned beam transport in SA3 and in SA1. Overall beam was stable apart of few interruptions. Objectives for the weekend were successfully completed.
- Couple of issues need to be fixed; XRO will request ZZ access in XTD10 together with EEE. Tickets are sent.
- No news from last week.
- Nothing to report.
- Issues with Laser interlock system and accessing hutches persists, as reported last Wednesday. SPB expects laser safety to be working on that.
Romain Letrun confirms the problem is related to the DACHS access system.
- It has faced similar problems with the interlock system as the ones observed by SPB/SFX.
- Hutch cleaning is planned this week.
- All fine.
- Nothing to report.
- Last Friday an interlock issue (no beam to hutch) was found but solved almost immediately. |
17 Feb 2021, 09:27 |
Arvid Gebhardt | General | Information | Notes XO Integration Meeting 17.02.2021 |
General Announcement:
- update for GUI server this morning is finished.
- CTRL advices people starting systems such as cameras, in case of connecting issues please try first to reboot the devices first.
- nothing special to report.
- will update PPL update mTCA SASE3 - affects only LAS group
- nothing to report.
- Recommissioning diagnostics in SA1.
- Pop-in YAG screen in FXE/SA1 was found broken. Any information on when was working last time please send to Andreas K. In this Pop-in is a second screen with diamond which is working. YAG exchange is for next maintenance period.
- The offline calibration service update is finished and is available again. Please contact DET in case of issues.
- nothing to report.
- Working at BKR yesterday with commissioning SA1 alignment; SA1 is aligned until SPB and FXE.
- Today continuing with SA2 depending on beam stability.
- Idoia F. mentions that computers were not running at BKR. A check after shutdowns and prior operation is welcome.
- The AMPHOS in SA3 needs a new power supply. Expected delivery and exchange on Friday.
- PLC update in SA3 and uTCA upgrade on Friday.
- Advancing with SA1-PPL commissioning.
- LAS will send e-mail to Zunaira A. for that MEA3 personal is contacted on the problems with sensor boxes.
- Ambient field coil was fixed.
- New minimum gaps will be calculated and communicated to XO.
- After interlock test last week there is an issue with the new DACHS terminal. The hutches can’t be accessed. Pouneh S. says DACHS is working but this particular new terminal might not be activated in the system. An special permission must be given. Tobias Haas will be informed to contact MEA3.
- Martin K. will ask FXE colleagues on YAG screen information. Currently he is not aware when this happens (similar event back in 2019).
- all fine.
- all fine.
- in contact with Eric B. to get the beam shutter back on Friday for closing hutches during the weekend.
- Early next week review with the digitizer engineers.
- Pouneh S. asks that laser interlock in laser hutch does not work. The new parts have been shipped and arrive soon. Together with TS electrician one has to exchange the relay. Daniel Rivas is informed. |
17 Feb 2021, 08:52 |
Frederik Wolff-Fabris | General | Information | Notes XO Integration Meeting 15.02.2021 |
General Announcement:
- It had been a cooling water issue with SA1 and SA3 PPLs on Saturday. Other groups are encouraged to check their components for eventual damage. Cooling water is back
- Change on definition of a critical work: everything that leads to operation is from now on considered a critical work (official communication will be send by e-mail).
- Tomasz J. says interlock tests in SA1 tripped the laser interlock due to the Seeder connection to the interlock.
Andreas G. says there are care been taken to prevent this in future. More discussion will follow.
- Updates were done on the time servers and data loggers.
- GUI servers will be done this week as there was no access to GITLab. Current suggestion is next Wednesday morning before 08:00AM.
Each topic will take a few minutes only. XPD is fine with the proposed day/time.
- Nothing to report.
- Issue during weekend: signals to the absorber. EEE and PRC (Maurizio V.) will coordinate when it is the best time for applying the final fix.
EEE needs to mask it for proceeding with the work.
- VAC OCD was involved in the absorber EPS issue.
- Today around lunchtime the XTD6 and XTD9 will be closed.
- EPS issues: any component driven to the beam was not protected by many bunches operation. The EPS was thinking the PNACT was closing but in reality, it was opened.
PRC/EEE/VAC/XPD OCDs solved by manually telling the system it is closed.
- Wrong bunch number sent to XGM: SA3 toroid was moved to a different position and the old name was not valid anymore.
Info from this toroid was not received and the consequence XGM was receiving wrong bunch numbers. This makes impossible for the XGM to calculate correctly the number of
Doocs servers were not updated (these programs would need to be informed of new naming).
- Andreas K. says that XTD6 is clean. In XTD9 an intervention by EEE will take place. Bruno F. says that it is a simple task and we are accessing tunnels right now.
- Operation E-log 2021 is missing and must be created.
- Offline calibration work is ongoing until tomorrow morning.
- GPFS offline storage maintenance to be done today.
- ITDM was notified by Desy that is necessary to reboot logins on Maxwell nodes (between 11:00-12:00).
- Nothing to add to what was discussed on the EPS.
- Affected by water cooling incident. SA1 came up without issues but in SA3 there is problem as AMPHOS did not restart.
- Trigger issue on last week are not the issue anymore. This was not repeated (but SA1 still on local mode).
- BBA and photon BBA last week: new values to be implemented and minimum gaps will be updated accordingly.
- Frank Brinker tested the ambient field corrections. A ZZ is taking place this morning to fix SA2/cell12.
Few other coils have different polarities and will be fixed today or in another ZZ.
- Preparing for the first two weeks with beam in March.
- Aligned the cameras in FXE mono.
- Crates to be installed in the rack room.
- Joerg H. raises the question on the FFP2 usage recommendation. Sandra Plett says the document containing guidelines will be prepared (hopefully today);
It is mandatory to use FFP2 masks if you are not alone; it also depends on the room size and at the moment it is 3-5 people in the hutches with mandatory use.
A. Galler says these are the current regulations and maybe this will change in future.
- Nothing to report.
- Nothing to report.
- Trying to get a new DAQ and will talk to ITDM. |
10 Feb 2021, 09:20 |
Arvid Gebhardt | General | Information | Notes XO Integration Meeting 10.02.2021 |
General Announcement:
- Tunnel closure: it has been decided both XTD6 and XTD9 will be searched and closed on Monday 15.02.
- Temporary tunnel access requests: for ZZ access please be aware of the new Redmine ticket for access requests. The link to it appears in the BKR E-log.
- Use of FFP2 masks in experiments control hutches: Sandra Plett informs rules such as temporary stop of work after 75 minutes of mask use or a day off after two working days with masks are not mandatory - these are only a recommendation; If two people are <1.5m, one has to use masks. While Seated or alone you can remove the masks; However, if there are people running around, please use masks also if seated; The wearing time is just a recommendation - it is not mandatory to make the break.
- Graphical user interface update: there is a new version to install in the gateway and BKR.
- Update of data loggers and GUI servers to take place.
- all going well.
- SA2 loop update (MOV) was done yesterday for Hirex and Shimadzu.
- nothing to report
- DACHS terminal in XTD9 did not allow access: database connection issue. Andreas K. has contacted M. Prollius.
- Deployment of offline calibration pipeline from today until Friday. It will be communicated when it’s finished.
- Two weeks ago, ITDM pre-announced an offline GPFS update. Preparations will be ready by Friday. Ideally ITDM will deploy on next Monday. Please let K. Wrona aware if this date is not suitable.
- Not present.
- Upgrade on uTCA crate in SA1 – ADC acquires data. A small problem with data acquisition was found and a Redmine ticket was created. In any case all is fine for switching PPL-SA1 on.
- Today between 2:00-08:00AM there was no trigger coming to PPL-SA1. It may be from Desy or from Balcony room. Bruno F. will investigate the balcony rooms.
- Unsys will request access for next week to fix a SA2 ambient coil.
- nothing
- nothing
- All fine
- nothing
- nothing
- Issues with trigger are fixed.
- uTCA firmware updated; now fixed. |
08 Feb 2021, 08:30 |
Arvid Gebhardt | General | Information | Notes XO Integration Meeting 08.02.2021 |
General Announcement:
- XTD10 tunnel was closed last Friday; XTD9 to be closed by end of this week; XTD6 is undefined – mostly likely by Monday. Any schedule deviation will be communicated.
- Deployment of offline services from 10.2 to 12.2. Services such as offline calibrations are not reliable in this time. An e-mail was sent and another reminder will be sent again.
- no news.
- Update of PPL uTCA in SA1 today (laser);
- SASE2 PLC loop update to take place tomorrow at 13:00 (Hirex and Shimadzu camera).
- Nothing to report
- No issues to report.
- Andreas K. says in SA1 hardware activities are done; testing optical alignment.
- Hirex SA2 update is missing.
- nothing to report
- nothing to report
- nothing to report
- Switching on SA1 laser – after uTCA upgrade. Small issue relates to the missing trigger from Desy (dynamic triggers). Point of contact are Tim Wilksen and Lars Froelich.
- Hick-ups with controls during the weekend. BKR opened gaps to 220mm and caused troubles (usually they open o 210mm).
- One ambient field coil needs ZZ for fixing (SA2/cell12); not urgent.
- Cleaning was done in XTD4.
- setting up for the first set of commissioning
- Gotthard trigger seems to be solved.
- nothing to add
- all fine
- nothing to add
- not present.
- uTCA digitizer issue: ongoing. |
03 Feb 2021, 09:26 |
Arvid Gebhardt | General | Information | Notes XO Integration Meeting 03.02.2021 |
General Announcement:
- Automatic Power Switch Testing was done yesterday. The switches are working as expected and a protocol has been produced. Torsten Schoen informs this test is done every 4 years; from now on equipment can be connected again to the orange and green power outlets.
- Re-start of the accelerator takes place from last Monday. Currently the setup of the injector and LINAC is ongoing. There are no changes to the last plan for closing dates of the photon tunnels.
- CTRL works on the Doocs Undulator devices/panels that have to be changed.
- nothing to report.
- EEE and LAS people are on-site checking the reported uTCA problems after the power switch (by LAS). Issue refers to no communication to the uTCA.
- SASE1 motion loop update yesterday was done.
- Not present.
- XTD6 and XTD9 Shimadzu cameras update continue.
- Next loop update for XTD6 will probably be next week together with Hirex changes.
- all fine
- everything is fine
- VAC is busy in tunnel leaking check the XTD10 soft mono (pressure went down to 10-6mbar already) but it takes more time.
- Yesterday the SA1 and SA3 PP-laser systems were lost. Tomasz J. and EEE are looking into it.
- today ZZ in XTD4 for the cleaning at SASE3. PRC has informed the BKR.
- Problems with trigger of Gotthard are reported by Marcin S. It may be also linked to a communication issue.
- nothing to add
- all fine
- nothing to add
- not present.
- Wanted to run digitizer on uTCA but could not find/communicate to it. Under investigation this afternoon. |
01 Feb 2021, 09:06 |
Arvid Gebhardt | General | Information | Notes XO Integration Meeting 01.02.2021 |
General Announcement:
- The test of the emergency automatic switch of power bridge is scheduled for Tuesday, 2nd of February 2021, 09:00. This will affect orange outlets in XHQ and green and orange outlets in XHEXP1. A short interruption in the power supply lines will happen. We expect all groups have taken appropriate measures to place devices in safe mode or connected to white power outlets.
- not much to report, things are running
- Read the docs is operational again. A given feedback to CTRL is welcome.
- Nothing special to report.
- Tomorrow update sase1 motion loop at 13:00: an email will be sent to readiness mailing list.
- Nothing to report.
- Maintenance work ongoing: Imagers in XTD6; Work with EEE in XTD6 and XTD9.
- AGIPD: new control with new gain is tested. DAQ issue with data is fixed (K. Wrona informs it was related to a wrong hidden parameter setting).
- Downtime on Offline calibration system / GPFS: update to be made in about two weeks from now. K. Wrona says that ITDM would like to have one day of GPFS maintenance; it is important to switch to the new scratch files before we start operation. Data taking shall not be affected by this.
- Jan G. asks when would be required by the earliest. K. Wrona says they need to copy a lot of data before the update and it is estimated in two weeks (+-2 days), to take place in the second half of February. As photon activities take place in the last two weeks of February, one needs coordination to find a suitable date.
- everything fine.
- Today closing of soft mono chamber in XTD10.
- Upgrade in SA1 uTCA: information will be given to LAS this afternoon.
- Two Desy colleagues needs access in SA1 hutches. Use of FFP2 masks is mandatory.
- ZZ in XTD4 is planned for Wednesday (for cleaning undulator area).
- Suren K. asks if the balcony rooms are effected by test emergency power switch. This will be discussed offline.
- Nothing special to report.
- Nothing special to report.
- all fine
- Nothing special to report.
- Nothing special to report.
- Nothing to report. |