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  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 257     Entry time: 06 Sep 2021, 11:00
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 06.09.2021 
General Announcement:
- XO thanks the instruments for posting in the Operations e-log.
- Jan G. says calorimeter measurements last Friday on HED hutch took place in order to measure transmission of pulse energy in the hutch and compare with tunnel HED-XGM. 
It is found a factor 2 loss - half beam intensity arriving at the end of the hutch. 
- Lorenz K. says that the Barista machine triggered a fire alarm. TN did a check and may be caused by the self-cleaning program of the machine by producing enough steam.
- Call for tasks to be carried on next Winter maintenance period were sent out to the are sent out via e-mail last Friday. Groups shall submit one group list by 30.09.2021.

- From tomorrow morning all the mails sent to the "controls integration" ticketing service will be offline due to an update. Please contact DOC instead. An e-mail will be sent as soon as the service is 

- Nothing to report.

- OCD calls from SQS last week were solved. 
- Nerea J. and F. Wolff-Fabris say the issue with SQS EPS is temporarily solved by now (masked signal at the Big Brother). SQS has to plan when it wants the EPS running.

- Quiet week in terms of OCD.
- Today in the morning: please refrain to use this morning any SA3 device like GATT.

- Nothing to report.

- Follow up of the pnCCD detector: upper part of the detector has scratches after Thursday accident. SQS will replace parts this week. The lower part of the detector has also some issues (noisy). 
It is unclear if the detector can be used.

- Today and tomorrow ITDM carries the integration of the offline storage into the new system (new storage blocks; it shall be unnoticed by the users). The old one goes out by replacement.

- Apart of the beam point instability @ HED (stochastic instabilities that appear from time to time) there is nothing else to report.

- Change repetition rate at SA2 PP-laser this week.
- SA1 has a higher jitter than normal that has to be investigated on-site.

- All fine at Undulators.

- Running night shifts: on SAT night some X-ray trains not arriving; It did not disturb operation but a bit disturbing.

- Lost of pulses and many issues on Saturday such as instability and tuning without prior communication. To FXE team.
- F. Wolff-Fabris says the beam became more stable on Sunday afternoon after the restart of a server and the feedback for the compression.

- All fine at MID.

- Suffered from beam jitter: measurements were done with different mirrors settings, CRL configs; MID branch. Analysis ongoing this week (Sebastian Goede).

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00