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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 259     Entry time: 13 Sep 2021, 10:04
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 13.09.2021 
General Announcement:

- Next week CTRL will upgrade Beckhoff devices containing MC2 loops. This is done to avoid the PLC to crash. This is only Beckhoff devices and is for all tunnels and loops. This is a Karabo devices upgrade 
and not the PLCs. 
Naresh K. says systems are still needed on Monday morning. A. Galler tells that a ZZ will take place on Wednesday and this may be a better time for the update. XO and Valerii B. will discuss offline.

- Nothing particular; DOC and OCDs were quiet.

- Nothing to report.

- Yesterday effect of the power glitch at 15:03. VAC-OCD checked with SCS - the interlock reacted and GATT stopped for a while.
- SCS comments that the problem with GATT gave 300x more photons than expected to the sample and detector. A better safety / interlock is to be prepared. 
Raul V. says that topic was first discussed in 2019 with SQS (using the B4C block in the interlock loop for the GATT). It may require interaction from SA3 instruments, VAC, XRO, CTRL.

- Small confusion on the SA3 XGMs during the weekend: BKR mixed the SCS and SQS XGM's not working and this triggered a few reactions on the weekend. A better way to do not mix up XGMs will be made. 
Please look to the right device before informing experts on possible errors.

- PnCCD detector is brought back to operation.

- Next week (not yet date) a follow up of the Gitlab update will take place. Mostly likely on Wednesday; details will come by e-mail.
- Update of the GPFS metadata: to be replaced on a time without activity. Shall be transparent.

- Nothing to report.

- Lost SA1 PP-laser due to change of temperature and humidity at midnight this morning. No information when it will be made available for use.

- Nothing to report.

- Looks fine apart the fact it did get only 188 and not 202 bunches.

- Nothing to report.

- All fine at MID - experiment running smooth; seeded beam running well. Only issue that Gotthard in tunnel has triggered Big Brother a couple of times. It was not a real signal. Naresh K. will talk to 
Ulrike B.

- All fine at HED.

- Nothing else to add.

- Successfully brought up pnCCD. It replaced physically one sensor. Reasons for the crash is understood at SQS (bad communication among the involved people). 
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