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  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 248     Entry time: 04 Aug 2021, 10:19
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 04.08.2021 
General Announcement:
- There was a power glitch last night around 10:30PM at the Desy power distribution. XHQ and XHEXP1 seemed to be not affected - probably devices that gets cooling water from Desy could be affected. 
Please inform XO if it is found any affected equipment in the XHEXP1 side.
- Raul V. asks on the fix CTRLs has applied to the vacuum issues last week. Steffen H. will give details offline.

- Bi-directions of clones may not have been working properly and CTRL is investigating and preparing a solution for it. 

- Nothing to report.

- Small issue with FXE timing (strange behavior of RTMs). It happens when communication to main timing system is interrupted and it affects mainly the FXE PLCs. Result is that devices may not correct 
- Cable installation currently ongoing in HED and scheduled at FXE (cw33). 

- Last night status of critical pumps was checked and seems that there was not water interruptions (very first time for a power glitch). These pumps stay working normally during the night.

- No issues to report due to the power glitch.

- Jungfrau activities at SPB were delayed because of beam delivery issues with the number of bunches.

- Nothing to report, also regarding to the power glitch.

- Not present.

- Unaffected from the power glitch. PP-Lasers are working.

- Everything is fine with Undualtors.
- SA3/cell6 quad mover has a problem unrelated to the power glitch. As agreed with BKR, it stays as it is Monday when corrective actions to recover it will be made.

- Beam delivery problems yesterday regarding the bunch number: A. Galler says that accordingly to W. Decking, when running in interleaved mode it may cause that problem if the suppressions does not work 
Further investigations are under way by MXL. If this is an issue for equipment BKR can install an interlock on the Big Brother and probably a detailed discussion with interleaved mode instruments can help 
in this direction.

- Nothing to add.

- Looks like the beam today is very unstable. Data were collected and the stability task force will be contacted.

- Nothing to report.

- Not present.

- Yesterday a situation happens when 1 PLC went OFF unintentionally, causing a pump went OFF afterwards. SQS asks if this can be followed in a way the pump does not goes OFF in such events. 
Raul V. comments that 5Hz turbopumps at the tunnel have a configuration to prevent it by disabling the automatic switch in the component configuration. 
Nerea J. says that they can take both tunnels and SQS used configurations to bring them together. 
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00