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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 247     Entry time: 02 Aug 2021, 12:06
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 02.08.2021 
General Announcement:

- Deployment announcement: there are two more motors to be updated on ARAVIS cameras (photonic and Bassler). CTRL proposes to do this afternoon. 
Cameras devices will be down after update, aimed to enable train-ID corrections. Please instruments check on Tuesday if cameras are back.

- Nothing to report.

- uTCA CPU in SA1 balcony room is not reachable. Bruno F. is investigating.
- CPU of LOOP16-SQS is not reachable. Nerea J. will check it today.
- Issues with LPD and AGIPD are being tested in the lab and the check at FXE will be done later today.

- Some OCD calls related to instability of SA3 vacuum loop. DOC is informed and shall be working on that.

- Alberto De Fanis asked if ME is present, willing to discuss topics. A. Galler says group was around a couple of times and if groups have questions please use this meeting series to address.

- No issue to report.
- Steffen H. will check if some XPD tunnel devices are affected by the ARAVIS update.

- Nothing to report.

- Influx problem on Thursday (disabling live-view on Karabo): with help of Influx data support this was fixed. The cluster is up and running well. 
The part of the old data during the time it was down was written by Grafana and will be synchronized back to the cluster during this week (tests are needed).
- Following on Friday for the Influx third node that went down (not related to the previous incident): DOC was blind for a couple of hours. Investigation ongoing. It's not related to Grafana. 
Instruments were not affected.
- Reminder of reviewing and closing proposals for the second half of this year. Please look at the sent e-mail and make a cleanup. 

- Not present.

- All PP-lasers are running.

- Issue with phase shifter in SA3 for the 3keV use: problem is that at 14 GeV the tables of phase shifters go to 25.3mm gap and this is in the upper limit for making 3 keV. 
Phase shifter tables will be extended to a larger gap. Better to use 3keV at higher electron energies.
- For the UOM's mention on the update of phase shifters on the chicanes, this has to be prioritized. XO will discuss with Sara C.

- Minor issues with SPB imager being saturated. A. Koch adds that it will be followed up and he is aware and will analyze better.
- Organization limitation: RF discussion for last weekend. The BKR / Operators were not aware they would use 404 bunches and costed 2 hours.

- Nothing to report.

- All fine at MID.
- Laser went down for 12 hours due to the issues with HED interlocks on Wednesday (action taken due to the restart of laser interlock performed by SRP).

- Not present.

- Issue on the scanning speed of monochromator. Parameters will be adjusted with Marijan S. today.

- Loop for moving DSSC got a fault but has been addressed by EEE.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00