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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 249     Entry time: 09 Aug 2021, 10:26
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 09.08.2021 
General Announcement:
- XO reminds that the timing system maintenance is taking place now.
- Power glitch happened at around 5:15AM today. Accelerator had a downtime; please check components that use cooling water / pumps to check if they were affected or not.
- Liubov S. reported that the PRC phone could not be started and maybe calls were not answered.

- Follow-up on the timing downtime maintenance: CTRL advices instruments to please check DAQ afterwards. 
- Bug reports for cameras - 1. For Lima Cameras updated for new Karabo 2.1: new library has new features on rotation (a fix can be deployed); 2. Rotation in non-instantiated cameras won't work: one has to 
instantiate them initially.

- Nothing to report.

- Downgrading clocking and control firmware today after this meeting. For questions please talk to Bruno F.

- Power glitch propagated to the tunnel (shortage of cooling water) but it did not affect VAC systems 
(update 10:30AM: GATT-SA3 injection of gas stopped due to the water shortage being above 5-10seconds but less than 30s, as pumps continue running - SCS could set it up again quickly). 
- GATT loop: Steffen H. and Raul V. are setting up update and please refrain to use it today.

- Issue with XGM in SCS hutch: it got shock vented with N2 last week. Fortunately, high voltage was not ON. Turbo pumps have issues with controller; on Thursday and Sunday the pressure gauge dismounted. 
XPD is on contact with SCS on it. 
Remark: Theo M. is on holidays and for XGM issues please contact Jan G.
- A. Koch asks Steffen H. if the Lima/Bassler camera fixes uses only DAQ and not GUI. Steffen H. says this is correct and for Karabo 2.11 only. A. Koch will send a list of cameras to Steffen H. 

- Nothing to report. DET aware of clock control downgrade.

- Today afternoon ITDM starts activities in Influx: downtime of few minutes.
- Reminder on closing proposals: Please do it ASAP. If not done by next week a policy on non-accessed data will be done.

- Nothing to report.

- The cooling water for SA1 and SA3 AMPHOS went down on Saturday morning, bringing PP-lasers - due to another power glitch on SAT early morning. 
- Cooling water in the LAS R&Dlab remains down as of now.
- PP-Lasers will come up this afternoon but requires time to thermalize. It was put OFF in a controlled way this morning due to the timing system maintenance. The AMPHOS was not OFF during today's power 

- Issue with cell6/SA3: power cycle of whole cell is ongoing. Suren K. asks if a possibility to go to tunnel can be done. ZZ is not yet requested but will contact PRC to fix the coupler.

- Complications with the delivered bunch pattern last week: coincidence of needing to drop bunches for detectors commissioning at same time SCS use particular bunch pattern. 
Nevertheless, it worked well enough for getting data, apart of few lost time to set the pattern.

- Nothing to report.

- All fine at MID.

- Nothing to report.

- Not present.

- All good at SQS.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00