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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 246     Entry time: 28 Jul 2021, 09:29
Author: Arvid Gebhardt 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 28.07.2021 

General Announcement:

- No general announcement.


- Problem with cameras / DAQ: fixed yesterday and tested at SA2/MID.

- Issues with SA3 vacuum loop: work ongoing and further investigations are needed.


- Nothing to report.


- Cables available for HED to be installed next week – date to be discussed offline.

- Fast electronics side: working on FXE and HED issues;

- Nerea J. reports on the VAC/SA3 issues: instability with devices going into an unknown state. Alessandro S. works at the night shift in the DOC and will try to fix a permanent fix during the night.


- SA3 issues are affecting also the gas attenuator (not only general SA3 vacuum loop but also GATT is affected, which has its own loop). There are no physical events - seems to be electronic. Stability issues to connect devices; Seems to be more related to infrastructure (PLCs). Further investigations are needed.


- Not present.


- SPB imager: change setting of motors (it shall work now) and next week when A. Koch is back further investigations will be done.


- During the night after 02:00AM: SPB AGIPD K-bridge went OFF. Under investigation. Detector recovered this morning.


- Nothing to report.


- Not present.


- Nothing special to report.


- Nothing to report.


- Issues with wings of Agipd, causing also interlock trigger. Under investigation.

- 11PM last night: laser interlock triggered. It happened also in the past and SPB will get in touch with Safety today.

- XTD9 IMG: currently working but a permanent fix is welcome in the future.


- Not present.


- All fine.


- Major issues with Agipd detector yesterday (thanks to DOC for help): 1. Could not kill the service and CTRL investigated; 2. Clock and control did not work (it has worked at CFEL last week). The issue was solved by changing the clock controller back to old configuration (EEE helped). Bruno F. comments that the clock control had to be downgraded in this detector (it worked in other detectors, only this one did not work). Further investigations will follow.


- Change of speed from the monochromator was not possible. EEE and CTRL are working on it.

- Next week will run with a special train picker / bunch sequence pattern as the one used last week.


- Vacuum problem as mentioned.

- Commissioning DSSC for future beamtimes.

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00