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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 255     Entry time: 30 Aug 2021, 10:08
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 30.08.2021 
General Announcement:
- XO will send next Wednesday the call for the Winter maintenance tasks. This time there will be a ticketing system and the call will be also send to Readiness list but please check with your group leader 
to submit a single task list per group.
- Please we ask instruments to place shift summaries at the Operations E-log.
- Suren K. asks TS for the trainings of TS staff as some people do not have access to tunnels areas. Lorenz K. will verify with TS members.

- Broker pileup issue at FXE on Wednesday: resolved with tracing on specific devices. Work is ongoing to prevent future incidents.

- Nothing to report.

- Test on turbo pump on SQS to take place (by Bernard B. and VAC).

- Nothing to report besides the test. This morning also a PLC test takes place.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- There is a problem with cell#16/SA3. A ZZ is currently ongoing to fix it.

- Nothing to report apart of the intensity slope last week. It was improved during the weekend but still an issue for data collection.

- Nothing to report.
- BYU trigger delay change was observed: it was fixed but root cause still to be found.

- Problem with AGIPD processing data (automatic calibration did not work): under analysis/fix.

- Not present.

- Strong contribution of SA1 dedicated bunches last week; one need to have zero bunches at SA1 to be able to see the SA3 beam. Not interleaved mode may solve it but was not yet tested/tried.

- Nothing to report.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00