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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 245     Entry time: 26 Jul 2021, 09:20
Author: Arvid Gebhardt 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 26.07.2021 

General Announcement:

- Power glitch 3 times at night, what brought down the beam for 1,5 hour each time. Please report to XO if you find devices affected.


- Datalogger update to take place today between 16:00-17:00. Please inform CTRL in case of problems with this schedule.

- Aravis camera and bunch pattern decoder to be updated at around 14:30. Please inform CTRL in case of problems with this schedule.


- OCD side: no new problems.

- Follow up last Wednesday: better is to use the new Karabo with the fix and not to downgrade the Karabo version.


- Ticket from SCS was solved.


- Some trouble with the pumps in the gas attenuator SA3. It needs to be fixed today in the tunnel with a ZZ (30 mins).


- Not present.


- Are investigating, if something is affected by the power glitch. So far nothing was found.


- Nothing to report.


- Two issues to follow with MID: 1. Bassler camera seems to be the data wrongly recorded at DQA. Tests need to be done; it’s a camera used for feedback. Ulrike B. will talk offline with K. Wrona.

- Second issue: on Friday there was one ADC from tunnels to be used from MID was requested a bit late. Data comes from the uTCA from Desy network. If this device is going to be used in full, it has to be set inside Desy network.


- Not present.


- Two incidents: the power glitch at 19:23 yesterday took Amphos in SA1 down. It is back and operational; In SA3 LAS is further investigating the Amphos.


- No problem with the power glitch.

- The temperature in SA3 Undulators is stable.


- SPB imager at XTD9: is not working and has to be changed the outcome needs to be fixed of XPD. Naresh K. will contact SPB.


- Not present.


- All good at MID – not heard on affected systems due to the power glitch.

- Friday afternoon confusion with the fix of Extra Foam bridge. Probably DA is aware.


- Vacuum system ok after power glitches.

- Nothing to report.


- Not present.


- Not affected by the power glitch.

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00