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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 252     Entry time: 18 Aug 2021, 10:48
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 18.08.2021 
General Announcement:
- In the aftermath of the severe power glitch, XO will be grateful if groups drop a message of what was affected in your groups. This will help us to understand effects of the latest power glitch.
- Status of machine: last night we had 2.3mJ in SA3 and 0.5mJ in SA1. Right now machine is under tuning - good chance of beam available for FDs today.

- Follow-up to the power glitch. CTRL had to restart the Karabo systems due to the main network to the brokers being down for minutes. Few follow-ups later that day but in general things have recovered. 
If groups experience troubles after running systems, please write ticket to CTRL.

- DA has deployed at SPB the latest Karabo 2.11.4. This concludes the cycle to all instruments.

- Nerea J. informs Andreas K. detected that FXE imagers needs to be debugged by restarting the EPS loop. This will take out beam permission and may be organized for Monday morning. 
- Clock and control system was downgraded (confirmation from Bruno F.).

- Nothing to report.

- XPD had to restart manually many devices, macros and MDLs. One had to fix the broken Karabo bridges.
- No hardware and XGM gas supply were affected; they are running fine.
- SASE recovery only happened Tuesday afternoon and FD in SA2 was cancelled.
- A. Koch asks if Monday it is a good day for the IMG intervention. XO will check with MXL.

- AGIPD in SPB was the only detector ON during the power outage. It quickly recovered as it was in power voltage.
- DSSC being moved this week among SA3 instruments.

- Network issue due to the power glitch (distribution layers switchers); connectivity of different parts of network affected. This in turn affected Karabo. 
- Gitlab upgrade today at 13:00.

- M. Vannoni informs that to evaluate better tunnel devices (initially seems OK), one needs the beam back to check them in full.

- PLCs and Karabo issues were found; in touch with EEE to make redundant power supply to PLCs. 
- Lasers went OFF and plan is to have PP-Ls available by Friday evening.

- Problem with SA1/cell27 on Monday as motor drivers went in error state after the power glitch. It was recovered remotely. 
- Tables for 3keV @ 14GeV were updated on Monday.

- Problem with Karabo and vacuum gauges (EEE is working on them).
- Problem with PP-laser shutter last week (unable to set interlock). It is now solved.

- Detectors were OFF and therefore no issues due to the power glitch.
- Similar Karabo problems as described earlier.

- All fine at MID. Summary will of the effects of power glitch will be sent soon to XO.

- Lost the tests for the wavefront sensor as machine was down (FD). Plan to use beam tonight if it comes back. On Friday Karen A. plans to use beam for tests.
- Ulf Z. has sent a report to XO; Detectors were OFF and unaffected.

- Not present.

- Not present.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00