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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther, Page 21 of 29  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Location Severity Subject
  174   03 Nov 2020, 08:39 Frederik Wolff-FabrisGeneralInformationNotes XO Integration Meeting 02.11.2020
General Announcement:
- A. Galler reminds the attendance that this meeting is also an opportunity for making comments/questions on the new Covid-19 rules that start to take place.

- Main issue last days was related to the SA3 VAC PLC. The applied fix was left running during the weekend. So far it works faster and reacts faster for diagnostics. 
CTRL is getting some statistics in order to get the final solution. If something goes wrong, please call OCD.

- No OCD calls during the weekend.

- No issues or news.

- uTCA crate of SA2 balcony room is not reachable. A quick fix on Friday was not successful and EEE needs to power cycle or replace the whole crate. 
This will interrupt timing for PP-laser and the signals sent to MPS. Meeting between EEE, lasers, instruments and XO will take place. 
- (Note after meeting: the power cycle of the actual crate will be done today after lunch. If this does not helps then immediately exchange of crate will be done 
PP-laser will be brought to a safe state and takes about 4-5 hours to restart it).

- Nothing to report.

- Worked at BKR with MCP detectors. XPD reported to CTRL an issue with ADC - some channels see no signal or not standard ones. 
EEE knows and runs some scripts - this happens from time to time and may affect recording data.
- In general, from XGM side, Theo M. has prepared a way to switch settings to extreme changes of photon energies.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Motor problem with SA1/cell31 last week was repaired and undulator should be working fine.

- STAB campaign last week went fine and collected data that has to be analyzed.

- Nothing to add.

- Waiting for invitation to a meeting on the AGIPD train-ID.

- Requests the beam delivery schedule in order to know if has to schedule people for Tuesday night.

- Not present.

- Nothing to report.
  173   29 Oct 2020, 08:11 Frederik Wolff-FabrisGeneralInformationNotes XO Integration Meeting 28.10.2020
General Announcement:

- SA3 VAC loop - 2 approaches to find out the root cause (discussed also with EEE):
1. Thursday 8-11:00AM to test the whole loop by partitioning batches of devices. This may pinpoint the single device that cause the problem.
2. Reproduce the problem at lab level. Based on the reproducibility this approach will be continued in parallel. 

- Nothing to report.

- PLC colleagues are troubleshooting SA3 VAC loop.
- DET reported that measurements are carrying on wrong train-IDs. Tests are being made in the lab (not reproducible) but EEE is working on it.

- SA3 VAC loop is main activity - interaction with Michaela P.

- Group mainly busy with Photon Diag Conference this week.
- Supporting STAB and not heard any major issues in this effort.

- Report on the train-ID. This affects all the AGIPDs including the mini-half.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Preparing for next week operation.

- Nothing to report.

- Collected lot of data last few days: SPB/SFX thanks LAS and accelerator teams for support.

- Nothing to report.

- All fine.

- All fine.

- Issue with door interlock: Eric B. has investigated this morning. Problem seems to be with the maglocks and has been solved for now but a long term has to be worked on.

- Nothing to report.
  172   26 Oct 2020, 11:18 Frederik Wolff-FabrisGeneralInformationNotes XO Integration Meeting 26.10.2020
General Announcement:

- SA3 vacuum loops problems: seems to compromise some experiments. Beckhoff loops are changing states very quickly and compromises the whole system. 
CTRL ask for the instruments to give info on the type of command given that makes motors change states. CTRL investigates together with EEE as more data has been produced 
as compared to the past. 
This problem does not happen in SA1/SA2 and may be related to the PES which will be checked this afternoon.
- Please call the new OCD numbers: 6541 and 6542. Specially on weekends it is the fast way to contact. This number is valid since last spring.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report except of SA3 vacuum loops.

- Not present.

- XO asks on the train-ID progress of Agipd. Monica T. says that the plan is to correct in the DAQ level during the next shutdown. 
K. Wrona adds that the fixing takes long and the current investigation focus on doing in the DAQ level during January.

- Maxwell nodes used to login in the Maxwell will be rebooted today, causing access limitations.

- Nothing to report.

- Bunch pattern in demand: LAS assume XO will take care of this topic. Andreas G. says XO will take care but need to be informed on what is needed. 
Tomasz J. mentions it needs some coordination between instruments and machine.

- Couple of issues in SA3 undulator cell: it got stuck, mostly during machine development times by running out of range. This was corrected during the weekend.

- Moving on with WP8. Continuing today.

- Nothing to add.

- MID makes a general reminder on the train-ID development with AGIPD: MID expects to have a meeting to discuss a long term solution plus the test procedure for 
implementation after the quick fix. 
This has to be planned in advance.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- SQS has suffered during the weekend with the VAC issue.
- CTRL side can look at the PES this afternoon.
  171   21 Oct 2020, 11:11 Frederik Wolff-FabrisGeneralInformationNotes XO Integration Meeting 21.10.2020
General Announcement:
- XO thank the effort made by preparing the activity lists for the maintenance period. In few cases XO is contacting groups back with questions and/or comments.
- The Winter maintenance period was adjusted yesterday. The ending period is now on January 13th, 2021, instead of January 4th. 

- CTRL is reaching conclusions on recent Beckhoff problems: 
1. CTRL would like to upgrade most of installations in instruments next week (upgrade of motors software). This upgrade is in general a step forward for the PLC 
connections when it is dropped (re-starting). 
2. For SASE installations, CTRL will make next week during machine days. 
3. The GATT will not be upgraded now – this will start during Winter maintenance period. Upgrade of GATT is a priority for CTRL (has been added to the maintenance list 
submitted to XO). 

- Nothing to report.

- Intervention in SA3 PP-laser was done.

- No new issues to report. 
- Maintenance on SA3 vacuum loop: in case of problems, one has to restart in PLC level with EEE staff and may result a bit longer recovery. 
Steffen H. comments it has been worked on and may be solved in the next day or so. The restart procedure is easy but lengthy. CTRL/OCD knows what to do.

- One of vacuum pumps lost Beckhoff connection.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Not present.

- Nothing to report.

- All is super at MID.

- All sounds great at the moment.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.
  170   19 Oct 2020, 15:29 Frederik Wolff-FabrisGeneralInformationNotes XO Integration Meeting 19.10.2020
General Announcement:
- A Vacuum issue in one of the dumps brought machine down at around 1:30AM. Only around 7AM machine could re-start running and tuning again.
- XO thanks the groups who have already sent the maintenance lists. For the remaining groups, please contact at the

- Few minor OCD calls during the weekend: One relates to a camera triggering.
- Issue with SA3 vacuum loop seems to be currently fixed but needs further investigations.
- Update of Beckhoff motors is planned for this week. CTRL will get in touch with Instruments.

- Nothing special to report.

- Nothing to report.
- Question to XO on Maintenance: Could we have a draft of tasks list before Nov. 6th? 
Andreas G. answers that XO is working on it and as soon as lists are finished this will be published. In case info on partial parts is already needed, may be provided 
depending on the progress.

- SA3 vacuum loop issue was mentioned by CTRL (see above).

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing special to report.

- Update will be done on DA acquisition of HED. This has been communicated with instrument personnel.

- No bad news to report.

- SA3 PP-laser presents small power drop in the laser beam: LAS will take care this week.
- SA1 PP-laser has a problem with ADC and stop acquiring data.
- Need to update firmware of ADC cards to get train ID's in SA3 PP-laser. This was requested to EEE. This may bring laser down again and may not be ready by Thursday. XO, 
LAS and EEE will discuss offline. 

- Nothing to report.

- Last week was smooth.

- Problems with tunnels last night at around 1:00AM. More than half the shift was lost with no beam delivery: main user data was therefore not acquired. 

- Nothing to report.

- Beam was lost between 1AM to 7AM. Last data has been taken between 8:00 and 9:00AM. 
- During the weekend, beam drift was observed at Pop-in at the end of the tunnel. There are data and has to be analyzed.
- Discussion on implementation of Dynamic trigger will take place.

- Not present.

- Minor issue with Data: one data aggregator was not working properly. OCD and SQS personnel have solved it. 
K. Wrona comments that too many properties overloaded the aggregator. A long term solution will be worked on.
  169   14 Oct 2020, 09:22 Andreas GallerGeneralInformationNotes XO Integration Meeting 14.10.2020

General Announcement:

  • .


  • problems in SA3
    • VAC loop unstable, devices cannot be brought into a stable state --> what used to be a restart every  two weeks, cannot be recovered these days
    • issues with motors developing a short time out
      • somewhere there is a beavy load on Beckhoff loops
      • TM comments: at times the movements happen very late after issuing the command
    • influxDB sees high load
      • any modification of or running a new macro?
      • Please let CTRL know
    • the issue started with VAC --> devugging shoud start there


  • extrafoam OCD call


  • working together with CTRL on SA3 issue
  • OCD call from SCS but call was not correctly frowarded


  • not present


  • no issues


  • OCD call from SCS --> was fixed


  • nothing to report


  • nothing to report


  • no issues


  • nthing to report


  • all fine


  • people on shift could not initiate a hutch search
  • GABS access right missing (Gebietsabsuche)
    • introduced without informing FXE


  • waiting for invitation AGIPD trainID solution


  • JUNGFRAU issue presists
  • HexaPOD is working again
    • work around




  • DAQ issue
    • no data was recorded without
  • vac is an issue but not endangering
  • motor issue is vital to the instrument

  Draft   12 Oct 2020, 09:12 Andreas GallerGeneralInformationNotes XO Integration Meeting 12.10.2020

General Announcement:

  • .


  • issues SA3 vacuum loop
    • gets more and more diffcult to recover
      • problem not clear, PLC comminucation is lost without obvious reasons
      • no software changes took place from either CTRL nor EEE ... component issue?
  • fastadc issues --> EEE
  • mirror in SA3 not always following a move ommand XTD10 M1




  • OCD at HED --> hexapod
  • fineDelay


  • preventive action in XTD10 for GATT scroll pump


  • SA2 imager XTD6 pop in 45 after M3 small mark on the imager --> imager still usable


  • nothing to report


  • OCD call data aggregator at MID
    • need to understand better how to avoid the situation
  • users complained to maxwell service (DESY directly) about limited resources becuase of high load by other users
    • there are reserved nodes --> use them!
  • issues with scratch
    • more than 300 TB had been accumulated within a relatively short time
      • it seems that data was calibrated to scratch not to proc
      • MID comments --> a special calib mode was used that could not save to proc which is why it was saved to scratch
  • problem with one of the proxy servers --> degraded performance of data migration




  • issue at SA1 with Galvo
    • after shift change to FXE, laser was not working --> Galvo was out of phase
    • FXE resetted something (not clear) and the laser came back
    • LAS investigating the issue


  • nothing special
    • a couple of times the undulators opened suddenly without any command issued.
    • O. Henssler from DESY proveds the logs


  • coupling with SA1 and SA2 (SA2 using train on demand) is an issue
    • beam walks off the XTD9 XGM aperture
  • offset mirrors M2
    • pitch movement got stiff
  • smaract cotnrollers
    • most fixed by increasing timeout windows


  • shutter can be opened despite closed vavales


  • used pulse on demand
    • users were happy


  • damage on M3 mirror
    • due to focusing scheme --> 9keV and intermediate focus --> during alignment unfortunately the focusing point came too close to M3
  • meeting with XPD and XRO at 11:30
  • hexapod issue reported to EEE is not quite fixed
    • ´status is not reporting the correct status of the hexapod
    • hexapod started working at some point and fell back to weird operation later again
  • CRL arm7 seems to be at the limit of the x-axis
    • if FEL stays where it is, XTD1 chamber might need to be moved
  • JUNGFRAU issue
    • up to a point the data is fine in the preview
      • after some runs data seen in the preview is not written to file


  • nothing to report


  • l
  167   08 Oct 2020, 08:52 Frederik Wolff-FabrisGeneralInformationNotes XO Integration Meeting 07.10.2020
General Announcement:
- Discussion on access rights based on FXE issue:
- The new Dachs system does not send notification that access rights will expire. Every staff member has to identify at the system when his/her rights will 
expire at each location. 
- Thomas T. says EuXFEL has made a request to Desy in order to modify this and currently it is at the pipeline at Desy.  
- Jan G. mentions that for the labs in his responsibilities he can see the access rights are being expired soon and he manually notifies the people.

- Two OCDs on Tuesday night: 1. SCS motor not moving (was fixed); 2. One SPB smarACT device server crashed (fixed). 
- CTRL is following up both incidents as well as a motor in HED/SA2.

- Agreement with CTRL (see last Monday's minutes) was done.

- Nothing to reports on EDS, PLC.
- CPU for SA1 PP-laser was replaced last Monday. No issues observed since then.

- Nothing to report.

- No news to report.
- SA3/XGM operation this week (change of settings due to different photon energies range) is less problematic than initially thought. 
Procedure has been integrated to the BKR operators who will make the adjustments at each shift change.

- Nothing special.

- Nothing new.

- All ongoing, nothing to report.

- SA1 PP-laser is running again after exchange of CPU.
- All PP-lasers running.

- Tests with quad movers: helping with STAB task force.

- SmarACT issue: communication error between local control and Karabo.
- SPB reports beam instability issue when SA3 changes, for example, the photon energy or bunch number. BKR was contacted and is aware of it. 

- Issue with Interlock yesterday: new access rights for all staff in FXE. GABS has blocked the search prevention. 
Zunaira A. mentions that Frederico L., Dmitry K., Martin K. and Peter Z. can grant access to the staff members. Zunaira A. is not allowed to provide this 
access grants.

- All fine.

- User experiment this week. 
- The CRL1 in XTD1 had issue while moving arm in y-direction. A ticket was sent to CTRL. Contact for this ticket is Thomas Preston.

- User beamtime this week.

- Two color operation with magnetic chicane ongoing this week during day time, making use of the PES and XGM.
- One issue with saving digitizer settings. We open a ticket to ITDM.
  166   06 Oct 2020, 10:36 Frederik Wolff-FabrisGeneralInformationNotes XO Integration Meeting 05.10.2020
General Announcement:
-  XO has sent to the support groups and instruments the call for the winter maintenance tasks. Deadline for submission is Oct. 16th. 

- Friday night incident with signals of SA3 vacuum loop. It took hours to recover the system.
- A deployment/restart of online cluster nodes will be done today meaning 10 minutes downtime. Devices / clone devices shortly unavailable during the 
- CTRL reminds that tickets that may require Doocs bridge are better worked if sent during the week time. 

- No major issues to report.
- DA will carry an offline discussion with CTRL on the cluster nodes deployment. CTRL says this is for the CPU nodes.

- Nothing major to report. No incidents during the weekend.
- Looking into PL/fast ADC mTCA issue with SA1 PP-laser. To be discussed separately with LAS, XO after the meeting: next solution is to exchange CPU - 
needing coordination with ITDM and CTRL.

- No major issues. Karabo SA3 VAC loops look fine now.

- PES: ZZ on Friday to fix issue with a broken gauge, mostly likely related to the power failure. Cables had to be switched. PES works again. 
- Tests next week using PES: Joakim L. will set the system.
- Change of SA3 XGM settings during this week: Theo M. will change setup during weekdays.

- Nothing major to report.

- No OCD calls during the weekend.

- Nothing to report.

- Shutdown AMPHOS in SA3 PP-laser (SCS/SQS): LAS asks for one single point of communication with the instruments; This laser needs work today morning to do 
not compromise the week. 
- E-mail for communication can be and where all group members receive the message. 
- SA2 PP-laser is ready for next week.
- SA1 PP-laser still show problems with ADC cards. CPU will be exchanged - to be discussed after this meeting.

- ZZ intervention last week.
- Couple of hiccups remotely fixed.

- Nothing to report, besides issues with PP-laser.

- ADQ with different sampling rates issue was solved by EEE.
- Plan is to work on the Jungfrau commissioning.

- MID requests if there is planned a meeting to discuss the train-ID issue. Steve A. comments that yes, a meeting will be organized next week. 

- Asks on the request for a pulse on demand test during today. F. Wolff-Fabris says this has been sent to the machine RCs and will be discussed during the 
RC meeting at 10:00. 
As soon as a decision is done this will be communicated.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to add apart of PP-laser issue.
  165   30 Sep 2020, 12:08 Frederik Wolff-FabrisGeneralInformationNotes XO Integration Meeting 30.09.2020
General Announcement:
- XO informs the Call for the Winter Maintenance tasks will be sent to the support groups and Instruments today. 
Please note it is not named "shutdown" anymore are critical services such as basic infrastructure must be maintained. At least in this round it will be called as "Winter 
Maintenance" to avoid confusion among the staff. 
The tasks list shall be sent to 
- In case of need to go to tunnel via ZZ, please contact the PRC at 9-4800.
- Gerd W. informs on the SXP construction work that starts on Nov. 23rd. The plan aims for a minimal impact in SA3 area at XHEXP1. 
There will be new connections to the cooling water system in SA3and civil constructions. 
Cooling water will be cut from Nov. 23rd until Christmas. This means rack rooms and laser will be affected. 
- Gerd W. answers Raul V.: the cut cooling water supply does not involve tunnels. 
- Tommaso M. says instruments need to have permanent cooling water supply. 
Gerd W. states the electronics must be shut down and will not be able to re-start before Christmas as it takes time to empty the system, weld, do pressure tests and fill 
it up again. 
- XO suggests that SA3 instruments must coordinate closely with Gerd and also involve MB (Serguei M.).
- Nerea J. asks if this applies to SA3 balcony room also. Gerd W. says that the rack rooms will be affected. 
- Gerd informs there is a series of meetings taking place on Thursdays at 14:00 and this construction work can be addressed. The SCS and SQS group leaders have been 
invited to this series. 
If someone else wants to participate, please contact Gerd W. for getting the Zoom link, 
- Monica T. says that this lack of cooling water may impact the DSSC move to SQS by delaying its test.

- CTRL experiences some login hiccups related to information sent to InfluxDB. This will be fixed Sunday night (Monday at 02:00AM). There is no reason this issue will 
affect devices until the fix is done.

- Train-ID investigation for AGIPD offset is ongoing.  DA understands from now on DET is responsible for the leading efforts. 
- Monica T. comments it has been identified the issue related to the AGIPD firmware (2019 version, accordingly to Jolanta). This will require a significant change and to 
do it now is not an option. 
The good news is that this is a systematic issue and DET know how to take care of it.
- A. Galler asks the small task force on the train-ID to make a small presentation during next XO Integration Meeting. 

- ADC in PP-laser (SA1) is confirmed to be solved.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Issue with DSSC yesterday: one Interlock signal was permanently enabled. EEE solved after restarting the device. It will be further investigated. 
- Desy/IT requested ITDM a time slot to fix redundant parts of the routers between "ours" and "accelerators". To do so Desy/IT and MXL suggests to apply the fix (do not 
expect side effects) today before lunch time. 
No relation to the timing system of lasers is expected (low risk). None in this meeting's audience raises an issue against the proposed time.  

- Nothing to report.

- All 3 PP-lasers are up. Currently LAS still make some studies and instruments must send a message in case the need of use. Lasers are ready to be provided to 

- A ZZ is currently ongoing to fix issues with failed couplers in SA3 control cabinets.
- Beckhoff replies the cause of failure is either an overload of current or relations to temperature. Temperature seems not to be the issue (accordingly to UNSYS).

- Nothing to report.

- Plan to test digitizer (HQ412): issue is that sampling rate is not reproducible as in the lab. Probably it will happen tomorrow together with PP-laser use.

- The vacuum issue with the monochromator is under control.

- Preparing the user next week (that uses the pp-laser).

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.
  164   28 Sep 2020, 11:02 Frederik Wolff-FabrisGeneralInformationNotes XO Integration Meeting 28.09.2020
General Announcement:
- Andreas G. informs the winter maintenance period will happen in two months approximately. The call for tasks will go out this week to the support groups and 
- XO informs Desy and TS are investigating the Thursday's event of power cut but do not yet have a clear reason for it.
- Jan G. informs that SCS hutch will be closed and searched this afternoon for the FD on Gain Studies.

- Notification service informed on a broken event. After a Karabo shutdown the FXE topic is fine again. 
- Power cut: CTRL sees no issues as leftovers.
- Investigation of missing data in DOOCS (10 seconds outdated): CTRL has two colleagues looking into it.
- Supporting EEE and LAS on the ongoing working with PP-lasers.
- Update of dataloggers has to be made again. It means a 2 minutes downtime during the course of today/afternoon if nobody has something against.

- Question to CTRL: a notification service was forward to us. DA needs further description on that. Steffen H. says it was related to the python server and this is not 
deployed by CTRL. 
This is the reason why was forward to DA.

- Follow up from Friday recover on the power glitch of Thursday: some cards in SA1 balcony rooms were not reachable anymore on Friday. These lead to a complete restart of 
the whole crate (means interruption of timing). After additional local intervention communication to the MPS was restored. 
- Changed the fast ADC of PP laser in SA1.

- Nothing to report.

- No issues to report.

- Agipd was power up after the power cut and had no issues.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- SA3 PP-laser: problems with SQS site. It misses the power energy (dropped down) and is under investigation. Maybe it is related to some optics assembling.
- SA2 PP-laser: power supply for AMPHOS was lost on Friday. The spare part arrives today at 11:00 and will be changed this afternoon.
- SA1 PP-laser: problem with uTCA (no ADC running and not possibility to login). Crate hangs after every few hours. Working together with EEE (100% in EEE side).

- The problems with cell1/SA2 not moving were fixed by Suren K.
- Cell2/SA3 hardware problems (couplers) found this morning relates to an Ethernet card which needs to be replaced by ZZ. This cell is not operational.
- Phase shifters in SA3, cell4 and cell5 are not moving. The hardware works and it may be some higher level controls.
- Couplers were sent to Beckhoff for further investigation in order to find solution for decreasing the number of failures in future.

- Nothing to report.

- Due to issues with PP-laser the FXE did not test the timing tool during the weekend.

- All fine: still minor vacuum issue in the optical room but MID hopes to be solved soon.

- Pulse on demand tool was tested last Monday.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to add.
  163   23 Sep 2020, 11:05 Frederik Wolff-FabrisGeneralInformationNotes XO Integration Meeting 23.09.2020
General Announcement:
- XO is anticipating in one week the delivery table preparations to gain more time to spot possible problems related to beam delivery. The cw42 table was sent to the 
instruments last Monday.

- CTRL confirms but updates on the dataloggers and time servers were done successfully.
- LAS brought some issues to CTRL that are under investigations.

- Nothing to report.

- EEE conducted yesterday the SA1/SA2 ATT interlock logic modification. Summary can be found in these links:

- VAC reminds in general that EuXFEL staff shall check their access rights in the DACHS database. To have trainings up to date is not enough. 
In case your rights are expired, please contact Martin Dommach via e-mail. 

- FD week had a good start with GATT bleaching studies. Today there is the FD K-mono 4-Bounce ongoing.
- Machine switched back to 14 GeV on Monday; XGM/SA1 gas was exchanged back; graphite screen in SA1 is inserted.

- Nothing to report.

- The SASE2 online data storage was diagnosed and reconfigured.

- A. Trapp adds on the solid attenuators interlock modification for SA1/SA2: from now it is not possible to remove the diamonds if the silicon is in. 
For more info please check the e-log or contact M. Vannoni:
- Yesterday there was a ZZ in XTD9 for SPB to inspect BPLM: seems to be OK but minor issues to be resolved for the winter shutdown.

- SA1 in maintenance: no risk for FXE during the weekend. It must be operational tomorrow morning. 
- SA2: issue with ADC cards - the NOPA is lost. Reported to CTRL.
- SA3: no issues.

- ZZ in SA2/Cell31 is scheduled for tomorrow (24.09) morning at 09:00AM.

- Involved in the update of attenuator. 
- Helping the stability task force activities this week.

- FXE informs the second Gotthard is back: Karabo can't start or reset. CTRL suggests that when there is an urgent case one shall call the OCD. Otherwise sending a CTRL 
ticket is most suitable.
- Last week issue with digitizer: A new card was installed but has different sampling frequency. EEE is aware and is looking into it.
- FXE comments it is hard for the instrument staff to attend the two Graphana trainings due to night shifts/compensation, etc. FXE asks on possibility of additional 
Steffen H. says one can organize an extra training. A blue week is more suitable for the instrument staff. The extra training will be organized for the coming days/weeks. 

- Train-ID issue is progressing.
- MID asks for help from technical and engineering staff to find parts with M20 holes adaptors in order to lift granite stone.
** Post meeting update: VAC group helps MID.

- Not present.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.
  162   21 Sep 2020, 16:06 Frederik Wolff-FabrisGeneralInformationNotes XO Integration Meeting 21.09.2020
General Announcement:
- Last week issue with Oracle database upgrade was fixed by effort during the night. People entered tunnel by ZZ after this communication issue was fixed.

- It is planned to happen a Data loggers update today. 
- Time server update: related to a bug which happened twice in five years. It will be carried out today afternoon (after XPD beamtime) or tomorrow morning.
- A. Galler asks on updates on pulse pattern decoder: Steffen H. says it is ready to be deployed and tested.

- DA received only one OCD call last week: no specific issues during the week.

- XO informs that the ATT interlock PLC update will be done tomorrow (22.09) morning.

- OCD call on Friday from MID related to the cryocooler of monochromator: it was clear issue was related to the power supply. TS was involved to solve the problem by 
exchanging cryocooler. 
VAC informs the OCD number to be dialed is 9-4900 and not 4900.

- It was observed problems with SA2/XGM spinning motor gauges.

- Nothing special: quiet week.

- There is a problem with SASE2 online data storage. It happens data were not migrated from Schenefeld to Desy or it was very slow which in turn affected MID. Partially 
solved by making system live. 
- ITDM needs to diagnose the GPFS filesystem in SASE2 in order to understand the issues we experienced over the weekend. This may lead to some instabilities or even 
unavailability of the SASE2 online data storage. 
- XO suggests ITDM to coordinate separately with MID and HED.

- Nothing to report.

- SA3 had power drops and today LAS makes tests regarding Daniel Rivas info.
- SA1 currently replacing laser diode and updating uTCA system.
- SA2 nothing to report.

- Terminals for SA2/cell31 have arrived and are ready to be installed in next ZZ access.
- Problem with air coil in SA3/cell12 this morning will be taken care.

- Commissioning last week using 5 keV beam.

- Mono commissioning.

- Recovered vacuum issue on cryocooler on SAT morning with help from TS. Beam was back on Saturday morning (+-10AM).
- Timing tests were running on Friday by EEE. MID waits for results to be analyzed. Train-ID issue seems to be progressing and many people work on it.

- User beamtime was very successful. Stability was very good.
- Pulse on demand test aimed to be able to have single PP shot synchronized with FEL. Today from 10AM CTRL and LAS will temporarily change bunch pattern (communicated to 
the PRC). 
No need for X-ray beam to the hutch.

- No special issues to report.

- Two weeks ago the monochromator was used. X-ray beam was twinkling and not reproducible. Seems to be connected to higher heat load when using 300 pulses. 
SQS says that this needs to be addressed when beam is back again.
  161   16 Sep 2020, 10:20 Frederik Wolff-FabrisGeneralInformationNotes XO Integration Meeting 16.09.2020
General Announcement:
- Yesterday evening a ZZ in XTD10 was planned but it turned unsuccessful due to no access in the turnstiles. D3 solve the problem in the middle of the night and since 
then ZZ is possible again.
- Eric Boyd mention on the SQS shutter: a XTD10 ZZ was planned for 8:30AM. He has currently no news so far.

- XGM Pulse pattern decoder issue is under investigation.
- Vacuum issues (giving unknown state in Karabo): also under investigation.
- Next Monday CTRL plans to update Karabo login system. Groups shall inform CTRL if there is any issue against this.
- Last Influx training will be next Friday An e-mail to participants will be sent. 

- No issues to be reported.

- SA1/ Solid Attenuator Interlock problems: EEE is investigating and news will follow. FXE found an issue within the motion loop last night and XRO also helps. 
It is the Interlock on the attenuator itself and not in the EPS.

- Nothing to report.

- XGM signals were monitored when SA1 went to 5keV for a short time yesterday night. No issues were observed.

- SCS made an OCD call on the DSSC which has been fixed.
- Agipd issue: under investigation together with ITDM (a ticket was opened to ITDM). This is not a calibration issue. 

- ITDM will follow on the Maxwell issue with Agipd. 
- CTRL and ITDM working and progressing on the bunch patter issue.

- Issue with SA1 solid attenuator: same behavior can be expected also in SA2.
- Mirror inspection in XTD2: it shows no big damage on it. A full service will be made later. Next Monday inspection on XTD10 mirror to understand situation.
- Meeting to investigate possible upgrades to drive motors faster will take place. Participation of CTRL, DA and instruments.

- Nothing to report.

- Suren K. informs Beckhoff Hardware for cell#31/SA2 was received and is under test. As soon UNSYS is ready for a ZZ it will inform PRCs for scheduling a date. 
Mostly likely ZZs will occur on Tuesday and not Monday due to continuation of 11.5 GeV studies. 
- Communication problem with one undulator on Monday was quickly fixed.

- Working on nano KB mirrors.
- 5 keV last night: gives right trajectory. It looks like the beam performance was sufficient for SPB alignment. Fine tuning has to come.

- Affected by the shutter problem during the tentative ZZ access yesterday.
- Solid Attenuator issue in discussion with EEE.
- Sampling rate of ADC has changed. Peter Z. contacted EEE and it has been accessed.

- Not present.

- User experiment ongoing.
- Some stages worked intermittently and has to be investigated (related to crystal alignments).
- Pulse picker is not behaving correctly. It may be a Hardware issue and has to be investigated. Then HED will communicate to EEE.

- PP laser was down last night and the OCD was contacted. There is the suspicion the crystal is damaged and the OCD informed it will be fixed this morning. 
Daniel Kane will try to get some info inside LAS and report back t SCS.

- It has users this week and shutter becomes a serious issue. In Karabo the shutter state changed but it is disconnected. It is not clear if the ZZ team is progressing 
right now.
- Problem is that when trying to close the shutter via JDDD interface it went to an intermediate state but shutter did not close. 
This cause interlock not opening the hutch and the beam could not be sent to the hutch. No beam since 5PM yesterday. Also locally operated in the panel it does not work. 
The JDDD interface worked nicely the whole last week. Eric Boyd asks if problem appeared at the first operation. Tommaso M. says they did a lot of times prior having this 
- Waiting for updates from CTRL mentioned.
  160   14 Sep 2020, 15:34 Frederik Wolff-FabrisGeneralInformationNotes XO Integration Meeting 14.09.2020
General Announcement:
- None.

- CTRL will deploy an update on time server configurations for SA1 and SA3. Bunch time decoders will be down during few minutes.
- SPB and SQS reported during the weekend they do not have pulses per train correctly presented. This relates to the update on server configurations. CTRL is looking into 
it with SPB today.

- Minor OCD calls during the weekend with no severe issues.

- EEE works with SPB on configurations of motors (in general with several other instruments).
- Looking into XPD issues.

- It notices quite often one has to restart C++ servers due to communications issues. CTRL and EEE are investigating: it does lose connection and then does not properly 
PLC continues running in the background. CTRL recommends restarting CPP server as workaround. 

- XGM in SA3 shows not accurate number of trains per pulse. First pulses of a train were missing. It will be followed up with CTRL and SQS.
- There is an agreement in how to enable the 5keV operation. Instruments shall be aware of ahead planning when changing photon energies (band region of resonances which 
requires exchange of gases). 
In general SA1 and SA3 instruments are aware.

- Working on calibration issues.
- Problem from SCS with Karabo device going in unknown mode has been under investigation.

- Comment to DET: it has been understood issue with Maxwell nodes last week - jobs running and certain nodes were in bad state. It was a particularity of the 
configuration. This affected the calibration. 
- Bunch pattern issue: we were communicated around 2AM on an issue that data recording was not the same as the scene. ITDM asks for communication of major issues must be 
done in earlier times when experts are around. 
XO will talk with CTRL and ITDM, as well as SQS.
- exfelgateway and Karabo installation: we will move today the installation. Link will redirect to the next location. No changes in how to start Karabo GUIs.
- Tomorrow a maintenance affecting Oracle databases will take place from 7AM to 1PM. For example, DACHS/DARF, UPEX will be down. 

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing critical to operation to be reported.

- Beckhoff terminals for the cell31/SA1 are ordered. Components are to arrive.
- Problems with SA1/cell7 yesterday have been fixed.

- Hardware exchanged late Friday and during weekend.
- Bunch pattern recording issue was discussed with CTRL last week during the day. It is of importance to correlate the data with number of bunches.

- Minor issues with components motors: when pressed step up /step down in the motor, the Karabo interpret that we pressed twice. It is not critical but annoying. Issues 
are related to MC2 motors. 
CTRL will get in touch with EEE in an offline discussion. Issue has a different nature compared to the HED problems with motors.
- Tests on Monochromator show energy drifts. For long range scans one has to correct manually the calibration. FXE will report to CTRL today or tomorrow.
- Friday beam instability due to horizontal jitter: FXE took some data and will communicate. 

- Number of bunch train issue was also observed.
- Train IDs going to AGIPB are correct and verified.

- CRL must be investigated (motors). It moves one way but not for backwards.
- We made a ticket for Mono1: problem came up again during the weekend.
- EEE wants to make uTCA installations (after HED request) on next Tuesday. HED and EEE will discuss a suitable time together.

- Issue with DSSC mentioned by DET.
- Nothing else to report.

- Issue in past weeks: shutter does not respond but it seems to be working now. F. Wolff-Fabris will ask the Desy colleagues for an update on the situation.
  159   09 Sep 2020, 10:10 Frederik Wolff-FabrisGeneralInformationNotes XO Integration Meeting 09.09.2020
General Announcement:
- XO reminds the groups to please inform staff to check for self-rescuer training date in the DACHS system. In case this is expired please contact Michael Prollius or SRP 
- Martin Dommach informs fthe access rights to the photon tunnel and accelerator has also expired for several people in August. Please check that.

- Yesterday evening XPD informed on an issue with Karabo GUI for exflgateway. It has been under work. LAS has a work around. CTRL encourages to do not work until it is 
fixed (likely in the next 30 minutes).

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- All is fine. XPD asks CTRL to please send instructions to bypass the Karabo GUI issue mentioned by CTRL. CTRL says it will be fixed in next 30 min.

- OCD call yesterday has been solved. 

- Video conferencing system is on the HED control room and under test.

- Maintenance in SA1/M3 mirror for Tx spindle took place on Monday as a ZZ. Mirror/spindle seems fine and we did maintenance without affecting mirror position or 
XRO waits for spare parts to be delivered for additional maintenance.

- SA1 and SA3 lasers are in operation; SA2 laser is in maintenance.

- Problem with SA2/cell31 is serious: the complete bus terminals are damaged in the rack. Currently SASE2 works up to cell 31.
- New set of terminals is needed from Bekhoff to replace the full instance of the rack. Suren K. will inform on updates/status and when parts arrive for asking tunnel 
The old ZZ request is still valid. Order will be placed soon and Beckhoff promises delivery in one day after receiving order. 

- Minor Problem with one motor but it is under investigation. 

- Problem with a motor: EEE is informed and today they will check it.
- Andreas G. asks if FXE sees changes on mirror positions due to Monday maintenance. Martin K. will inform the group to verify during the night shift.

- Not present.

- M3 re-alignment is very good. HED get the first Mono aligned and continues today with preparations/alignment. 
- Thomas Preston says issues with a motor stages is under investigation (it worked in the past).

- Yesterday morning machine had tuned beam to SCS photon energies. Somewhere this has been lost and SCS and BKR had to do it again on the afternoon. PRC will investigate 
with RCs.
- Smaller issue: For 2x already there is an issue with pulses that DSSC send to online read (sometimes we get only 8 pulses). 
DA states it is related to the calibration pipeline when this is reset (default is 8). 
One has to change/correct manually in the config manager. DET asks SCS to place a ticket for the support. 
SCS plans to use DSSC for user experiment this week. It is not critical issue but it would be nice to fixed for once.

- Preparing for user's time on next week. SQS has commissioned the Monochromator with grating for the first time. 
  158   07 Sep 2020, 14:37 Frederik Wolff-FabrisGeneralInformationNotes XO Integration Meeting 07.09.2020
General Announcement:
- XO thanks instruments and support groups for using the E-logs while reporting activities. Please place names and groups in the entries to make a follow-up easier.

- SA3 vacuum loop is recovered.
- Today afternoon we want to move SA1 gui's to a more powerful server. If someone has an issue please contact CTRL.

- Not present.

- Tests for MID to take place this afternoon.
- Cabling activities are ongoing.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- The video conference system needs to be tested in the control hutches. ITDM wants to set procedures with WOCO and also mounting it in experimental hutches. 
Instruments that are willing to help with the test can contact ITDM. The idea is to test in a Linux machine and test with remote users. SQS and HED are initially 

- Not present due to M3/SA2 re-alignment.

- SA2 updates must be done by the end of today.
- SA1 and SA3 must be operational by the end of the day.

- Requested ZZ to go to tunnel to fix communication issues with SA2/cell31. PRC arranged with RC to take place this morning.

- Preparation for a couple of experiments next weeks.

- Nothing to report.

- All fine at MID: checks with EEE to be done this afternoon and on Wednesday.

- Preparing M3 and other internal activities for user run next week.

- Users will have beam time this week.
- SCS asks on the time window: Andreas G. says it is typically 400us but one can find in the delivery tables. 
If instruments request for more, please communicate to XO and OB will discuss it together with RCs.

- Preparing next beam times.
- Shutter remote control: waiting for an update.
- Absorber in SA3 is currently in an unknown state. Nerea J. will check with Maurizio V.
  157   02 Sep 2020, 13:33 Frederik Wolff-FabrisGeneralInformationNotes XO Integration Meeting 02.09.2020
General Announcement:
- If instruments find the machine is not performing as you expect when comparing to previous weeks, please contact PRC that he may help you to address it. 
This is also valid for changes of beam parameters if not previously reported in the operation tables. 

- CTRL is supporting the ongoing Laser installations. 

- Nothing to report.

- Fast ADC in HED: this is solved. The only limitation is if the system is restarted the ADC is misconfigured. In this case please inform EEE for loading the 
- SCS switch issue is also fixed.

- Working on the M3/SA2 mirror. Mechanical problems were fixed by XRO. Leak test ongoing and closure of the tunnel afterwards. Beam can be back to XTD6 this afternoon.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- No big announcements at this moment.

- M3 mirror: mechanical axis was disconnected and mirror was not moving. XRO and VAC fixed the problem. Hopefully beam can be injected to XTD6 this afternoon. 
- It was chosen not open the full chamber to make the repair in 2 days' time. As beam is there XRO will re-align mirror. Cooling system is disconnected.
- After closing tunnels, it will allow beam in MID certainly and to HED we will look after the re-alignment of the mirror (to be scheduled). Maurizio V. is open to 
- Ulf asks on the plans for re-alignment of the beam: Maurizio says either after the Self-seeding on Friday or on Monday.

- Upgrades are ongoing in all lasers: a bit behind schedule.
- SA1: ADC has to be serviced by EEE; SA2: delays due to microTCA.
- SA1 and SA3 shall be available tomorrow afternoon.
- Tests with HED laser pattern on demand: LAS demands to be included in discussions for October use of PP-laser. Synchronization must be developed to run properly.  LAS 
can't guarantee it will work from the first try.
- Cw37: SCS needs laser, as well as MID has preparations. LAS states both lasers shall be back in operation on THU afternoon shall be available.

- Nothing to report.

- Getting ready for test experiments and commissioning.

- Nothing to report.

- Setting up for user experiments.

- Waiting for M3.

- SCS/XGM presents issues with interlocks being activated due to pressure levels. This required intervention from expert. 
If this happens in the middle of the night, SCS proposes to develop an automated way to reset it or to be trained by XPD experts. XO, SCS and XPD will follow up. 
- Extra-foam: SCS asks on the possibility for access to remote users. DA says is under discussion between DA and ITDM to extend the service but no decision has been made. 
It will anyway need access to online clusters.  

- Not present.
  156   31 Aug 2020, 11:31 Frederik Wolff-FabrisGeneralInformationNotes XO Integration Meeting 31.08.2020
General Announcement:
- XO reminds every day at 15:00 there is an informal BKR chat where one might get interesting news and ideas. If you would like to join, the link appears in the BKR e-
- K. Wrona asks instruments if there are things to be improved regarding remote user communication or process, please send suggestions and/or comments to him/ITDM.

- Electronics team is installing new digitizer with LAS group.

- Nothing to report: OCD was quiet during last week.

- Fast ADC system issues: problem with HED hutch. Signals were not properly given due to wrong configurations. It has been solved.
- All XPD systems had same issue: last Karabo update had a default address wrongly set and was the cause for reading wrong numbers. 
This was solved with help of CTRL but one crate remains to have the ADC card re-started, probably today. 
- SCS auto scanner: suspicion links to the loop that runs the motor is not fast enough.
- SCS and SQS have cabling installations planned for this week.
- Theo M. asks which ADC had a train-ID issue. Patrick G. answers that looks the XTD10, crate 3.2. It has been taken care already.

- PRC contacted VAC on Thursday with XGM in XTD1: faulty pump that survived the weekend. VAC will exchange it today.
- HED problems with M3: VAC and XRO are working on it now and it probably to exchange an spindle or mechanical structure.
- SCS GATT stopped working on Saturday: power glitch caused a long shutdown of cooling water that switched OFF pumps and GATT.

- Restarted XGM; also SCS XGM had a faulty gauge.

- Nothing major: Detectors were working during the weekend.

- Not aware of any major issue.

- M3 issue: mirror looks fine but the mechanical structure to move the mirror horizontally failed. Mirror surface looks mostly fine, only one InGa drop is seen. 
XRO and VAC are in tunnel to try to make it a fix now. There may be also a problem with Platinum coating if drops of InGa are on it.

- SA1 laser will be down for the entire week for exchanging parts.
- SA2 laser uTCA update today: shall be back on Tue/Wed;
- SA3 laser issues with Amphos are being exchanged/fixed. Probably by WED afternoon this laser is back.
- Upgrade of control PCs ongoing this week.
- LAS states SA3 laser is planned to be available tonight.

- Yesterday night a problem in one cell in SA1: fixed today in the morning and is fine.

- No major issues during the week.

- Continuing with commissioning this week. 
- Helium supply was exchanged yesterday during the weekend. 
- FXE also says they had remote users and process/communication worked nicely.

- Would like to remind about the bunch train-IDs. MID need feedback to inform users who have experiment in two weeks.
- Stopped operation On Friday night due to M3 issues: photon beam can not be directed to HED.
- Problems with ADCs and controls last week: help was received.

- Not present.
- Remote experiment also seems to have worked.

- Remote shutter control seems that worked once but no reasons/correlations were observed.
- Experiment with remote users worked nicely.
  155   26 Aug 2020, 13:49 Frederik Wolff-FabrisGeneralInformationNotes XO Integration Meeting 26.08.2020
General Announcement:
-  XO is looking forward to receive today the Delivery and Operator tables from the instruments.

- CTRL has carried out the time server deployment with newest version for devices and upper channels. 
- Nothing else severe to report.

- Working with HED on recording data - ongoing today.
- K. Wrona states that should be treated as experimental issue. An offline discussion will take place in defining how to interpret and run in the proper way.

- The implementation of SA3 pre-absorber into the Interlock system was done, tested and it is working.

- Systems are running well.

- Graphite filter in SA1: SPB has checked and found out the graphite filter is not damaged. The crack related to an attenuator. 
XPD will find an agreement/compromise for operation at higher energies when filter is retracted due to the wave-front distortions for the hard X-ray in SA1 and SA2. 
XPD needs more info from instruments. Discussion will follow.
- XGM resonances: a clarification is made that no matter which gas it is there is a resonance. Exchanging gases requires XPD to make an intervention for about 1 hour.
This has to be taken into account when, e.g. SCS and SQS require such changes.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- The Karabo GUI for SA3 is redesigned due to the presence of the pre-absorber. XRO will be happy in hearing comments and suggestions.

- All Laser working accordingly to the specifications.

- All is fine.

- Operation going fine.
- Timing team found 2 issues: 1. Pulse pattern recording device seems not be synchronized with train IDs of other devices; 
2. Bunch arrival timing monitor has 25% repeated data (they have the same time stamp but different train IDs). 
K. Wrona says this may indicate there is no data. Robert Schaffer states the bunch arrival had no changes, so it seems to be another issue.

- Starting user experiment and all going fine; pump probe signal seems good and FXE thanks LAS for fixing it yesterday; Digitizer issue was resolved by CTRL yesterday.
- Bunch arrival monitor is also repeated showing same numbers for the different trains.

- All fine.

- DAQ tests ongoing.
- The Shot on demand for laser stopped working at 3:00AM today (BBP signals). It seems to be a PPU problem. Nerea J. will contact T. Preston to look into it.
- Trying to get the A0 monitor working. After restart uTCA it solved one out of 2 problems. HED need someone to look into it onsite at the instrument.

- Issue with pop-in imager last night: not allowing interlock. It has been under work now and is a similar issue as the SQS pop-in last week. This time it is the SCS-
XTD10 Pop-In IMG-PI (type I).
- Reducing SA3 bunches number were affecting SA1.

- Nothing to report. All good so far.
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