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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 215     Entry time: 14 Apr 2021, 10:50
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 14.04.2021 
General Announcement:
- We would like to remind groups that the deadline for submitting to XO the feedback on the planned activities for the Summer/21 maintenance time is on April 30rd. 
In case of questions please contact XO via

- Updates announced on last XO Int. meeting will take place next Monday (unless if a group protests). This means a short downtime on data loggers in tunnels. An e-mail 
with a reminder will be sent.
- Upgrade for the bunch pattern statistics devices to take place (also will be offline for few minutes).
- Issues with MC2 motors: the workaround is to shutdown device and click/instantiate device. A fix will be deployed.

- DA involved and continuing with "Moonshot" coordination meeting.

- Nothing to add.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Nothing to report.

- Announcement with respect to Maxwell cluster: ITDM will change partition schemes in the next Summer maintenance. 
Three new partitions will be introduced, for calibrations and a special one for reservations for beamtime (UPEX related); 
A new feature is that if Maxwell is full of jobs, one can pre-empty it by killing jobs and putting back in the queue.

- Yesterday beam going to HED: some problems were found regarding parameter configurations. 
XRO reminds SA2 instruments to be careful and check devices positions and parameters are they may be changed in relation to April 1st due to the issue with PLCs during 
Easter Sunday. 
- Zunaira A. says there were problems with CRLs arms configurations. Some devices had to be restored but worked normally.

- All lasers are fine. 
- Shutters in SA1 PP-Laser were in maintenance mode - without defined reason.
- SA2 PP-laser is fine. 
- SA3 PP-laser has degradation due to the cleaning. XO will address the issue with LAS.

- All fine.

- Running user experiment. Low photon energy yesterday (0.8mJ) and drop intensity over the full 352 bunch train but today it got better.

- Nothing to add.

- All fine.

- All motors lost positions, e.g. mono, screens being driven (some in and not supposed to be in). CRL1 issue the position was lost at the axis; motors not being homed; 
Zuzana K. will summarize main issues and forward to XO.
- Steffen H asks for a summary of encoders and Zunaira A. also asks on the use of interlocks and CRLs/shutter to evaluate if all is fine. Zuzana K. says HED did not work 
yet on the CRL2 but will communicate as soon as experience is get.

- Question to CTRL on the workaround of MC2 motors. Steffen H. says to shutdown device, check configuration and instantiate it again. An instruction e-mail will be sent 
to readiness list.

- Nothing to report.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00