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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 206     Entry time: 10 Mar 2021, 09:20
Author: Arvid Gebhardt 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 10.03.2021 

General Announcement:

- nothing for now


- A few issues for DOC: Cameras IP addresses need to be reconfigured

- Continuing investigation of train-IDs on Doocs/XGM (they oscillate). CTRL will follow and close contact with Theo M. and Desy colleagues.


- nothing to report


- nothing to report


- nothing to report


- Not present.


- nothing special – commissioning this week


- nothing to report


- Maurizio V. reminds the SEPS interlock check in SA3 still has to happen as it is a condition prior beam operation. Zunaira A. says she sent an e-mail to xo-planning.

F. Wolff-Fabris asks if the SCS door is fixed or not, a pre-condition for the test. Zunaira A. replies the problem was with the power supply to the door and is fixed.

A date for the SEPS test can be planned by XO.


- SASE2 interlock: LAS got unexpected calls when disconnecting AMPHOS cables (thus triggering SA2 Interlocks).

- SA3 AMPHOS no news since Monday. The ADC cards do not receive train-IDs.

- LAS suffer of lack of laser lab, missing PLC installation. LAS asks XO for a follow-up on prioritizations.

- Zunaira says that lasers are coupled to the interlocks (yesterday event happens as all lasers in room A23 and A07 are connected to the HED and MID interlocks). Thomas Preston says it triggers the warning lights for the laser lab. Zunaira A. says if shutters are closed it shall not be a problem if lasers reach this shutter signals. Tomasz J. says that ideally they must be decoupled.


- nothing to report


- going on with the plan; Detector commissioning from tomorrow.


- the floor works are ongoing - looking good.


- not present


- nothing to report


- A new experimental chamber (chemistry chamber) will be installed for beam commissioning on next month. A CPU in rack room is needed for recommissioning the motor an Martin T. waits for feedback.


- Staff is getting the search training which was expiring.

- Noticed issues notice with DACHS system which show the access properties with delay. 

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00