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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 216     Entry time: 19 Apr 2021, 11:39
Author: Frederik Wolff-Fabris 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Notes XO Integration Meeting 19.04.2021 
General Announcement:
-  Remind on the Summer maintenance period: deadline to submit task list is April 30th. XO invite all groups to submit by this date.

- Remind on the update of some specific Karabo installations to fix bugs (Data logger installations) to start today (e-mail was sent to the readiness).
- Bunch pattern statistics devices need to be fixed today at the same time as the data loggers (relates to lose of time stamps in lasers).
- Upgrade on instruments are coordinated by ICIs; Updates of Mc2 motors today.
- Z. Ansari asks if updates of MID will affect interlocks as well; Valerii B. answers this is a Karabo update and not PLCs, so no effect is expected.
- On recent days CTRL finds Karabo broker pileup and this was successfully understood; DOC was preventively monitoring it and fixed it beforehand.

- No OCD calls for DA; 
- Collaboration and preparation for supporting SPB/SFX last week and for beamtime continuation in two weeks.

- Today 08:30 it was found SA1 tunnel racks lost power. The uTCAs were also down but not the one in room 1.14. It affected SA1 tunnels loops such as Vacuum and motion.
The guess is on a power glitch. XO will bring up to the machine side and eventually correlated with the Easter Sunday's event.

- Recovering the SA1 tunnel loops from 08:30 downtime. All seems to be fine right now.
- VAC asks if FXE is running cryo coolers. FXE tells they were running and will check the signals for possible issues.

- HIREX motors in SA1 were OFF this morning.

- One OCD call was received and solved; DET is not aware of issues with Detectors. 

- On the Wednesday problem with network (in SA1, the online calibration was down): Today a cable will be exchanged. 
- ITDM was involved with experiments together with DA on offline calibrations.
- As DRC, K. Wrona reminds today that 1PM there is the DRC meeting and the participation of instruments is strongly encouraged.

- Nothing to report.

- SA1 PP-laser is fine.
- SA2 PP-lase with small issue with regulations. Tickets sent to CTRL.
- SA3 PP-laser with several small problems: damage to optics (need to exchange one AMPHOS stage); interlock tripped due to door problems and LAS went OFF. 
LAS hopes to bring back laser and make available for instruments by tomorrow.

- SA1/cell12 Quad mover sudden move last week: it was not related to a software issue and is under further investigation on Doocs side. A Doocs command was sent.

- Experiment last week: quite successful and not many issues.

- Nothing to add.

- All fine.

- A Motor on the CRL HED chamber was engaged and not moving (hardware issue). It may need a ZZ. It is not related to the CRL's arms.
- SEPS interlock tripped machine on Friday almost midnight (colleagues close shutter before moving CRLs). The beam permission was restored after lens removed from beam.
- ADC is offline. HED will contact Bruno F. offline.

- Not present.

- Commissioning for preparing next experiment.
- Issue with digitizers that can't be used: Bruno F. adds that action is scheduled for 14:00 as discussed with SQS's members.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00