General Announcement:
- The deadline to submit the maintenance task list is on 30.04. We thank all the groups that have already submitted. In case of any question and comments, please contact
us at
- Patrick Gessler reminds on the DRC meeting on Mondays 13:00. This meeting is done together with instruments to exchange information for the weekly plan. The e-mail for
contact is
- Andreas G. says that with the new 7-11 operation mode, XO is interested in knowing how longtime instruments need to be ready to take the beam in the early morning.
Please inform us for that XO checks the efficiency of this model.
- Remind on Beckhoff training next Wednesday (following e-mail to readiness).
- Upgrades of two Karaboo Beckhoff servers today (Karabo devices go down for 5-10 minutes, proposed to be done today during lunch time): SA2 master tunnel loop; and the
HED loop.
- Bug on ADQ for twelve devices, affecting SQS and others: EEE has discovered it and CTRL is analyzing to come up with a fix.
- Nothing to report.
- Nothing to report.
- Nothing to report.
- PES in SA3 was provided and operated last week for instrument's usage.
- Nothing to report.
- Nothing to report.
- Maurizio V. requests the SA2 experiments to provide information to XRO on issues related with mirror alignments or transport beamline.
- Received info from Desy on a power glitch today at around 6AM. At the same time SA1 Amphos switched OFF due to not enough water.
It’s under investigation with TS. Jan G. points that also there was a beam loss in delivery around the same time.
- SA2 and SA3 PP-lasers are still in operation.
- Issue with undulator SA1 /cell33 and cell1/SA3 needs ZZ. Currently the impact in operation is minimal and ZZ is postponed to the next available date.
- Nothing to report.
- Run with beam delivery went smooth.
- Quite successful beam week with small hick-ups to be addressed with experts.
- Commissioning beamtime this week; Data analysis will be made this week.
- Test of the PLC synchronization with Relax laser to be done this week.
- Not present.
- uTCA in ADQ had been mentioned already by CTRL. It has been tackled. |