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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther, Page 2 of 30  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Location Severity Subject
  577   12 Nov 2018, 09:55 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationStatus report after dispatch meeting 09.30


  • More interlock updated will take place this morning.


  • Supporting the diagnostic and optics group for the testing of the beam feedback mechanism. 
  • A.Galler was informed by CAS (Vajid) that a Karabo update was requested to CAS last friday late afternoon. The update was stopped by FXE, but to avoid this in the future communication between the cvarious groups has to be improved.


  • Beam during the WE. NO issues.
  • Imaging processors are being used for cameras. There are issues with the averaging. CAS is informed.
  • Various loops updates needed. Will be agreed offline with AE.



  • Loop 11 could be ready by next week. Today the FW export by EET is going to be available to AE.








  • Karabo 2.3 is now a release candidate. Testing starts today (2.5 wks internal tests). Info about new features of the 2.3. release are available on the white board in front of the mockup control room.


  576   07 Nov 2018, 10:44 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationStatus report after dispatch meeting 09.30


  • Karabo was updated yesterday. Test is ongoing. So far no issues.
  • The macros for cooling down and warming up the detector do not work properly. If the button is pushed twice the setpoint changes continuing e.g. cooling down too much. Marcin will bring the issue up with CAS (HS).





  • Issue was found with Elmo controllers crates: due to a problem in the EPLAN macro the ground is not connected to the motor cables. The mitigation strategy will be discussed by PG, LW, MF and MT in a meeting.



  • AGIPD will move in the hutch today.
  • PCs are being installed. Karabo need to be deployed.








  • Karabo 2.3 is now a release candidate. Testing ongoing.


  575   05 Nov 2018, 12:25 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationStatus report after dispatch meeting 09.30




  • Crates for Loop12 have been installed. Loop will probably run by today or tomorrow.
  • Loop 2 and 3 need to be updated because of interlock definitions.
  • Issue with  valves behavior in Loop 3 and 5. AE will check.
  • Encoder w/o 5 V. BB checks.
  • Pfeiffer Motor valve issue will be fixed by next week.




  • AGIPD will move in the hutch this week. Preparation ongoing.
  • Loop11 will be ready early next week



  • Several tests planned for the end of the week, including the feedback device by CAS. PRCs will be made aware of the activities in the tunnels.



  • PPL update in SASE1 today.
  • Update of the Loop 5 (AGIPD) tomorrow



  • Issues in the calibration pipeline will be coordinated with the relevant groups (DET, AE) before and during the next chapter's meeting.



  574   29 Oct 2018, 13:25 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationStatus report after dispatch meeting 09.30


  • A smaract stage sensor had issues. The behavior changes whether the chamber is pumped down or not. The Issue is being addressed by AE.


  • Users are acquiring data with the Jungfrau detector. It is a success so far.
  • Successful users shifts.


  • Configuration of some motors is incorrect. BB looking into that.
  • It is required to change the sampling rate of the digitizers. CAS is on it.
  • MPOT issue: control is lost as a power supply channel trips. CAS: a fix exists, needs to be deployed.
  • Note from NC(AE): one has to check that the parameters and information written in the CRDs are consistent with what is being used in reality. This would make the time of the OCDs more efficiently used.


  • Interlocks tripping too easily: CAS will show SCS how to change the thresholds.
  • KB coordinated motion: bug has been reproduced by cas. Fix ongoing.
  • Full control of the scroll pumps still not possible. AE is working on it.
  • Loop 13 will be fixed (miswiring problems)







  • Issue with the office netword socket in D.09. Fixing ongoing. In general all the operation critical devices have to go to the control network sockets to avoid such issues.
  • Request from HS to add the generic XFEL unix user to the special group of doocs to change the bunch pattern. This has to be first discussed internally to CAS. AS will come back to KW and the others involved players as soon as this has been clarified in CAS.



  • CAS need  a time window to deploy and test the fix for the Lima Basler cameras in XTD6. No feedback since last friday. A.Koch tries to find out a possible time window and come back to ASIlenzi.


Groups are reminded to send GW (PSPO) the activities planned for the winter shutdown.

  573   24 Oct 2018, 11:25 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationStatus report after dispatch meeting 09.30



  • During the last users run there was a loss of optical laser. This was due to a mistake in CAS. Has been clarified already. It is pointed out by FXE that one should avoid  working on e.g. the control system during the users period. This is however, not always possible and a mitigation strategy is needed and requires discussions.
  • Successful users shifts.


  • Issues with motors have been fixed.
  • Loop 3 will be probably updated today.
  • In general several loops need to be updated, will be coordinated with SQS.
  • SQS has the night shift today. Eventual tests have to be done today during the day.
  • Motor valve can be implemented in the controls next week.
  • Would be nice to have the GATT pressure in our DAQ system. CAS is looking into that.


  • KB coordinated motion has been improved








Another issue related to the non independency of interlocks between the SASEs: FXE waiting for pulse on demand. In the meanwhile in SASE3 the pressure in the GATT increases and the apertures go in to keep the pressure high. As designed, the interlock stopps the beam for 1 or 2 seconds, but also in SASE1. FXE loses the pulse on demand. 

It is clear that this is a complex environment and finding a solution requires time and the experts both on the desy side and XFEL side (e.g.AE, CAS) on the table.

  572   22 Oct 2018, 13:46 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationStatus report after dispatch meeting 09.30


  • Issues with the detectors pipeline occured (also for FXE). In the future a test button to check the status of the pipeline wil be implemented.


  • Pulse on demand pump and probe experiment successfully performed.
  • The support groups got  the Jungfrau detector working for the users run. 
  • VAC sample environment  working.


  • MPS conditions update: Loops will be restarted tomorrow. Tests to then be done in the afternoon and on Wednesday.
  • Loop 4 and 5 motors need to be updated . To be discussed with AE when is the best time.
  • Pulse on demand capability needed. SQS will contact the CAS contact person.
  • Ph. Science camera can be connected again.


  • First shifts succesfull. Support from the support groups is appreciated.
  • DAQ groups that have been overlooked are now needed. ITDM asks SCS to send a ticked with the request and the required excel sheet.
  •  ITDM also points out, that only DAQ groups that have been already properly commissioned should be used during night shifts.
  • Minor problems with gauges. Will be discussed with AE.
  • Problems with motors (sometimes they work, sometimes not) has to be discussed in details with AE.









  571   17 Oct 2018, 10:10 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationStatus report after dispatch meeting 09.30


  • KB motors issue: the motors do not go to the proper position. This has been communicated to AE. Analysis of the problem and fixing ongoing.

  • The leak of the AGIPD colling pipe has been fixed but the connectors were not cleaned since this requires time. It was decided to operate the detector and postpone the cleaning to the next shutdown.

  • Software update for the AGIPD should now avoid problems with the configuration of the detector.


  • Pulse on demand pump and probe experiment successfully performed.
  • The users would request the Jungfrau detector working for friday. Tomorrow there will be a meeting with FXE, DET,AE and the users to manage the expectations and discuss what can be delivered in terms of detector performances.
  • Von Hamos spectrometer motors sometimes go out of service. The origin of the problem is not clear. AE will investigate.


  • MPS conditions update: Loops will be restarted next tuesday
  • Issues concerning the motors of the newport stages have been fixed.


  • Coordinated motion does not work properly. The bug identification and fixing will be done offline in the lab. TF is preparing the test environment with 2 stages and Elmo controls. AE/CAS involved.









  • Yesterday a HZDR electrician had an electircal accident working in A23. He only got a burn, but he is fine. The accident report is being filed. After A23 has been checked it was opened again for the laser people. 
  570   15 Oct 2018, 13:39 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationStatus report after dispatch meeting 09.30


  • Issue with the detector cooling pipes during the week end required intervention. Now fixed.

  • Commissioning ongoing.

  • Interlock definitions to be deployed probably tomorrow.


  • Pulse on demand capability successfully tested
  • Issue with the DAQ: crush of data aggregators. ITDM OCD has been notified and the issue is being investigated.
  • The users would request the Jungfrau detector working for friday. FXE asked for feedback about the status of the detectors integration to DET, CAS, ITDM. The feedback is needed to inform the users.




  • Loop 4 is waiting for ion pumps cables to be commisisoned. as soon as the cables are there AV will inform CY and MID.





  • SQS/SPB interlocks will be propbably deployed tomorrow.
  • SASE3 master loop will be updated tomorrow.


  • ITDM needs to know until when the photon commissioning in SASE2 tunnels is ongoing to update the DAQ servers. The information should come from HSinn or PRCs, who are not at the meeting. JS will try to contact them directly.  ==> HW was updated but still with the old configuration. Moving of data services to new aggregators needs discussion.


  569   10 Oct 2018, 10:40 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationStatus report after dispatch meeting 09.30


  • Problems with the GUI not being accessible after update solved with the CAS OCDs 

  • Loop 5 and Master loop will be updated today. New MPS conditions included.


  • No issues



  • KB coordinated motion control has issues. CAS will ttry to reproduce the bug to make sure it's not Karabo related and eventually pass the issue to AE


  • Loop 1 tech. commissioning done. Loop 4 is waiting for Ion pump cables to be delivered by Schulz.
  • Loop 2 and 5: beckhoff crates installed. As soon as it is needed the firmware can be uploaded.





  • SASE3 EPS loop being updated to comply with the new D3 directives. EPS being updated. Then final tests needed.


  • ITDM needs to know until when the photon commissioning in SASE2 tunnels is ongoing to update the DAQ servers. The information should come from HSinn or PRCs, who are not at the meeting. JS will try to contact them directly.  


  • To preventy the copy of entire projects with all the relative subprojects and additional problems, the GUI servers in SASE2 have been updated. This is being done also for the other beamlines.
  • The milestones of the SASE2 Technical commissionig Task Force headed by CY have been achieved. Starting from today CY is no longer taking care of the SASE2 tunnel activities planning and coordination. It has to be discussed in the Friday meeting how to go on, since the planning and coordination of the shutdown activities is needed.
  • Concerning the SASE3 radiation protection issue in the tunnel, it is stated that CAS are implementin the requested software solution, although Karabo was not designed to manage personal safety functions. To this aim, it is needed to understand whether the concept is going in the right direction. The large scale issue is being managed by Safety (ZA). A report about the situation will be given on Friday by THaas.
  568   08 Oct 2018, 10:37 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationStatus report after dispatch meeting 09.30


  • Ready for users.

  • DAQ tests to be done on the SPB side.

  • MPS definitions being defined.



  • Loop 7-10-14 are running. 13 and 12 to come.
  • Crates for the loops 1/4/5 have been/are being modified.
  • Interlocks definition update. NJ, BB and SQS are clarifying the requirements.
  • Interlocks not working for the loops 3 and 5. Info sent to AE. Being worked on.
  • Still no beam available



  • No issues.


  • Beam in XTD6
  • Some CRLs arms are deactivated to avoid accidentally focusing on the shutter.




  • MPS update for SPB is ready and has to be done. This includes the interlock definition for the detector's z motion.==> being reviewed by SPB.\
  • SASE3 EPS loop being updated to comply with the new D3 directives. Today a test with Z.Ansari will be performed.



  • To preventy the copy of entire projects with all the relative subprojects and additional problems, the GUI servers in SASE2 will be updated. Only 1 server is running at the moment.
  • The milestones of the SASE2 Technical commissionig Task Force headed by CY have been achieved. Starting from today CY is no longer taking care of the SASE2 tunnel activities planning and coordination. It has to be discussed in the Friday meeting how to go on, since the planning and coordination of the shutdown activities is needed.
  567   01 Oct 2018, 10:49 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationStatus report after dispatch meeting 09.30


  • Maintenance of the AGIPD ongoing.


  • No issues to report.




  • Loop4 is ready but after the electrical shutdown form last week the PLCs racks aha to be re initialized (not powered right now). This is done by AE and is ongoing.


  • HR mono commissioning ongoing. Being pumped down.
  • Pulse picker tested. Logic has to be slightly changed. CR will come soon. 


  • FXE diamond screen for beam position measurements  has been installed in XTD9. Section being pumped this week.


  • 3rd mirror chamber  in SASE2 being pumped now.
  • XTD6 all vacuum gaps are closed.
  • FXE MONO will be pumped probably on Wednesday


  • SASE3 Master loop has to be updated. 
  • MPS update for SQS being worked out. Conditions have been clarified with SQS.
  • MPS update for SPB is ready and has to be done. This includes the interlock definition for the detector's z motion.


  • Commissioning SQS - CAS support needed to configure the DAQ for the cameras.
  • DAQ links for Basler cameras in MID are needed. This will be done asap.


  • 2.2.6. hot fix will be released probably today. It will include fixes for the DAQ middle layer device.


Status of the redundant power for the racks in the SASEs according to Technical Services:

  • All the works have been successfully done: the foreseen racks get now 2 working redundant power lines.
  • The power is back and no further interruptions are planned/needed.
  • This week a visual inspection and relative "Abnhame" will take place, without any actual electrical works being involved.
  • All eventual / additional interventions will be scheduled for the winter shutdown.
  566   26 Sep 2018, 10:42 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationStatus report after dispatch meeting 09.30


  • Maintenance of the AGIPD ongoing.


  • Beamtime was successful
  • FXE imagers cannot be seen by the people in the BKR and that's a problem to efficiently communicating with them about e.g. beam stability issues. According to CAS a Karabo client is available for that purpose. The issue should be addressed by the PRC with the help of CAS. 


  • Interlock definitions - clarifications with AE ongoing.
  • Loop 7-10-14 being deployed
  • Some crates for the first loops were taken off for modifications. They will be back this week.
  • Trigger signal has to be provided by AE. TB will ask BF today.


  • Some cables for XGM had to be pulled last minute. In the XGM foreseen crate there was no space for additional terminals and another BKF module was chosen. Now some cables are too short. MTeichmann will adress the issue to the EETf
  • Fast CCD interlock definitions: MT will check whether SCS is on schedule. Info needed by the DET group.
  • Digitizers expected this week. 
  • DAQ tests will be done.


  • Loop4 is working now. VAC section being pumped.
  • Request to CAS for GUI training. Training will be announced for the 04.10.


  • HR mono commissioning ongoing. Some switches will be recabled now by KS. Has to be done asap. Motors direction has been checked and is correct.
  • Pulse picker will be ready tomorrow. ==> Since all the tunnels are open at the same time, there is a conflict of resources pointed out by CAS.


  • SASE3 VAC loop will be updated again today, then SASE2 VAC
  • MPS update for SCS and SQS being worked out. Today updates will be ready.
  • FXE MONO the damaged crates will be changed and loop will be update today. Commossioning starting as soon as teh motors are replaced (today or tomorrow)
  • Scroll pump feedback issue: the feedback signals coming from the controllers were not correctly read. AE foud a solution and already presented a CR fo fox the crates.==> the time slot has to be agreed with SQS and SCS.
  • New framework should be deployed forst in the SA2 tunnels. Will be discussed offline with CY.




  565   19 Sep 2018, 09:58 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationStatus report after dispatch meeting 09.30


  • Last monday shift was cancelled since there were prooblems with the cooling of the AGIPD. Not possible to reliably cool it down. Maintenance of the cooling units plus investigation of the controllers ongoing.



  • Interlock definitions - clarifications with AE ongoing.
  • Loop assignment changed. Next loop to be brought up is Loop 10 (probably by next week by Hazem)
  • Network storage for the control PCs in the control room. Discussion ongoing (data policy, accesibility...). Is being done offline and will be reported to a larger audience when clarified.


  • Interlock definitions being finalized. Update of the loops will be done soon.


  • Loop 1 deployed and technical commissioning of the OPT hutch is ongoing. No major issues.
  • Loop4 needed for next week.
  • Request to CAS for GUI training. CY and AS have to clarify who organizes that in CAS. CY understanding is that Hugo Santos is going to do it. Will be discussed offline.


  • Rack 2.19 shows messy cabling. KS will contact UBrueggmann to understand who is responsible for the devices in the racks. 


  • This week all the modified crates for SCS and SQS will be reinstalled and loops updated by BB


  • The upgrade of the DAQ in FXE was postponed to the next week on request from FXE.


  • Karabo 2.2.5. patch being released today


  564   17 Sep 2018, 14:30 Dennis GoeriesGeneralInformationRe: Status report after dispatch meeting 09.30

The GUI crashes reported by FXE will be fixed with the hotfix release coming ~tomorrow.

It is related to very high or low values in plotting widgets scratching the maximum floating point number (1e308 ~ infinity).

-- Wajid & Dennis


Adriano Violante wrote:


  • Bug in the AGIPD cooling macro (setpoint resets itself to -59 C)  -  Jola knows about the problem. AS: Macro will be fixed.

  • AGIPD dark calibration: when new darks were injected with calling Steffen's script "xfel-calibrate",  error message "Disk quota exceeded" popped up caused by a GPFS-related issue -> issue was solved. In general the script was not tested (scratch space was used!). One should not release script without ITDM knowing and haveing thested it before. 


  • Commissioning going on in the last days. Not able to get 14 keV beam for next users experiments. They will stick with 9.3 keV.
  • Karabo stability issue (GUI) reported in the commissionig logbook.


  • Problem with the digitizers bandwidth has now been solved.
  • Loop 6 running w/o smaract stages.
  • Flow switches issues solved . Rewiring of PLC needed
  • Pfeiifer flow valves ready to be stested this week.
  • Loop assignment changed. Change request handed in. As soon as it is approved it will be clear what loop to bring up next.


  • Loop 7 is running. Needs to be connected to Karabo.
  • Loop 8 running too.
  • Readiness of loop 1 and 4 ==> Interlock conditions need to be implemented. 
  • It is unclear whether the homing capability has been implemented already and can be used. Discussion ongoing. The use case has to be clarified.
  • Network storage for the control PCs in the control room is requested. Scope definition and discussions with CAS and ITDM will be done offline.


  • Loop 1 deployed and technical commissioning of the OPT hutch is ongoing. This week Slit and ATT will be commissioned. No big issues so far.
  • Loop 4 being prepared by AE. Will be ready next week.


  • Work in tunnel ongoing
  • HRMono- ready to start grouting. Mono will be here next week.


  • FXE/SPB GPUs crash issue  - to be checked with ITDM - ITDM was not contacted.


  • DAQ was upgraded to the user friendly version in SASE3. After having discussed with FXE in the meeting, it was decided to install it also in FXE. 
  • DAQ training requested by SQS


  • Karabo 2.2.5. patch being prepared. Will solve minor bugs and the crash due to empty data files.
  • 28 Mpot update requests were received by CY. Need to be planned and coordinated with H.Santos.



  563   17 Sep 2018, 10:19 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationStatus report after dispatch meeting 09.30


  • Bug in the AGIPD cooling macro (setpoint resets itself to -59 C)  -  Jola knows about the problem. AS: Macro will be fixed.

  • AGIPD dark calibration: when new darks were injected with calling Steffen's script "xfel-calibrate",  error message "Disk quota exceeded" popped up caused by a GPFS-related issue -> issue was solved. In general the script was not tested (scratch space was used!). One should not release script without ITDM knowing and haveing thested it before. 


  • Commissioning going on in the last days. Not able to get 14 keV beam for next users experiments. They will stick with 9.3 keV.
  • Karabo stability issue (GUI) reported in the commissionig logbook.


  • Problem with the digitizers bandwidth has now been solved.
  • Loop 6 running w/o smaract stages.
  • Flow switches issues solved . Rewiring of PLC needed
  • Pfeiifer flow valves ready to be stested this week.
  • Loop assignment changed. Change request handed in. As soon as it is approved it will be clear what loop to bring up next.


  • Loop 7 is running. Needs to be connected to Karabo.
  • Loop 8 running too.
  • Readiness of loop 1 and 4 ==> Interlock conditions need to be implemented. 
  • It is unclear whether the homing capability has been implemented already and can be used. Discussion ongoing. The use case has to be clarified.
  • Network storage for the control PCs in the control room is requested. Scope definition and discussions with CAS and ITDM will be done offline.


  • Loop 1 deployed and technical commissioning of the OPT hutch is ongoing. This week Slit and ATT will be commissioned. No big issues so far.
  • Loop 4 being prepared by AE. Will be ready next week.


  • Work in tunnel ongoing
  • HRMono- ready to start grouting. Mono will be here next week.


  • FXE/SPB GPUs crash issue  - to be checked with ITDM - ITDM was not contacted.


  • DAQ was upgraded to the user friendly version in SASE3. After having discussed with FXE in the meeting, it was decided to install it also in FXE. 
  • DAQ training requested by SQS


  • Karabo 2.2.5. patch being prepared. Will solve minor bugs and the crash due to empty data files.
  • 28 Mpot update requests were received by CY. Need to be planned and coordinated with H.Santos.


  Draft   14 Sep 2018, 13:38 Adriano ViolanteXHEXP  
  561   12 Sep 2018, 14:52 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationStatus report after dispatch meeting 09.30


  • Testing of the 4 images preview mode for AGIPD will be done today.
  • Interlock definitions are being updated. Loop update will be done after the users experiments.


  • ​No issues to report


  • Problem with the digitizers bandwidth has been addressed by AE. ITDM has to reconfigure the DAQ. ==> Some issues still present. It seems because of lack of communication.  AE/ITDM/CAS/SQS meeting tomorrow to clarify.
  • Loop 6 being prepared. A couple of issues with Smaract and Technosoft controllers have to be addressed with the involvement of AE and CAS. ==> Still ongoing.


  • Loop 7 is running since this morning. More loops needed.
  • Missing crates for Loop 1 and 4 are finishing to be tested and will be installed back soon (Loop 1 crate already today). 
  • It is unclear whether the homing capability has been implemented already and can be used. AE to check. 


  • Loop 1 still not deployed and needed. Plan is to commission the MID Opt hutch until the end of next week.


  • Work in tunnel ongoing
  • CRL to be tested today
  • HRMono- ready to start grouting.


  • FXE/SPB GPUs crash issue  - to be checked with ITDM


  • MCP in SASE2 have problems and the section has to be vented. The detector will be replaced on 23rd of Sep.


  • Office network switches will be upgraded. Intervention cancelled! Will be probably done in the Winter shutdown.
  • DAQ to be upgrade to the user friendly version also in SASE3. ITDM to ask FXE whether they also want it.


  560   10 Sep 2018, 10:33 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationStatus report after dispatch meeting 09.30


  • DAQ was updated and no big issues were found.
  • Some issues are being discussed with CAS and ITDM. Among them also the request to add more channels to the DAQ.
  • Interlock definitions are being updated. Discussions with AE ongoing.


  • ​The beam position at 14 keV  was significantly changed (horizontal offset by ca. 600 um) with respect to the position used before at 9.3 keV. The realignment of the beam took time. Test with LPD will be done today if no other issues with the beam are found.



  • Loop assignments will be re-checked with EET and NCoppola. After that the decision about what loop to bring up after Loop 6 will be made.
  • Problem with the digitizers bandwidth has been addressed by AE. ITDM has to reconfigure the DAQ. 
  • 4 uTCA boards (For the reaction microscope from the University of Frankfurt) are found to be wrong: the firmware seems to be incopatible with the intergration in Karabo. ==> AE confirmed that a different firmware can be uploaded and this will solve the compatibility issue with Karabo.
  • Loop 6 being prepared. A couple of issues with Smaract and Technosoft controllers have to be addressed with the involvement of AE and CAS.
  • New interlock definitions list hase been sent ot AE.


  • Interlock definition were sent to AE by M. Izquierdo. M. Teichmann is discussing the new interlock definitions with Nerea Jardon. 
  • FAst CCD interlock definitions being discussed with the detector group.


  • Loop 1 can be probably deployed today


  • As already reported on Friday, In sase 3 tunnels the new interlock definitions do not affect the imagers, that remain unprotected from high intensity beam. This will be discussed by XPD with HS this week.
  • Reflection on the imagers issue: a solution involving a new coating has been found. If you have this problems, please contact AKoch for the implementation of the solution.


  • MPOT power supplies: CY got feedback from DET, SPB, SQS, SCS. Next monday a mail with the scheduling of the activities will be sent.
  • Eventual requirements for features to be implemented in the next Karabo release should be sent and discussed with CAS.


  • Office network switches will be upgraded. Please refer to the previous entry in this logbook for the details.

HED not represented.

  559   10 Sep 2018, 09:12 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformation switch software update - ITDM request

The office switched reported below have to be upgraded. Some of them belong to accelerator and some to us. Below you find the detailed list of the switches and the time schedule (assuming everything runs fine) for the update. ITDM needs feedback the latest today evening.  

if you see problems with the upgrade, please reply to this e-mail. If we do not receive complaints until this evening, we assume that everything is fine.



Monday, 24.09.2018, 06:00 - 08:00 am:    XFEL_XHEXP1_SASE2_A21.UH3.03    XFEL_XHEXP1_SASE2_A22.UH7.02    XFEL_XHEXP1_SASE3_E21.UH2.03    XFEL_XHEXP1_SASE3_E22.UH3.01    XFEL_XHQ.1.174    XFEL_XSDU1_UG01.001_R01_3175m    XFEL_XTD1_SA2.R002_R26_2238m    XFEL_XTD1_SA2.R005_R16_2384m    XFEL_XTD1_T3.R007_R33_2500m    XFEL_XTD1_T3.R010_2.1_2581m


Tuesday, 25.09.2018, 06:00 - 08:00 am:    XFEL_XTD10_3.13_3297m    XFEL_XTD10_3.4_3141m    XFEL_XTD10_3.7_3209m    XFEL_XTD2_T4.R009_R14_2590m    XFEL_XTD3_T5.R005_R01_2846m    XFEL_XTD3_UN1.R002_R16_2740m    XFEL_XTD4_SA3.R001_R27_2838m    XFEL_XTD4_SA3.R002_R48_2888m    XFEL_XTD4_T4D.R006_R19_3057m    XFEL_XTD5_UN2.R001_R04_2972m

  558   05 Sep 2018, 12:19 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationStatus report after dispatch meeting 09.30


  • DAQ will be updated today by ITDM to make it more user friendly.
  • Smaract stages issue. Only 2 out of 10 are not working. For the planned experiments these are more than enough. The last 2 will be finxed at the end of the month.


  • While Cyril is not here the CAS contact person for SQS is Juri.
  • SQS would like to meet with ITDM to discuss how to make the DAQ interface more users friendly. KW reminds that on one side, the update being deployed in SPB helps, on the other side people should get proper training, and for SQS this did not happen so far. SQS will send a list of people who need training to ITDM.
  • Problem with the digitizers bandwidth is being addressed by AE. but was not known by CAS. Juri has to be involved in the discussion.
  • 4 uTCA boards (For the reaction microscope from the University of Frankfurt) are found to be wrong: the firmware seems to be incopatible with the intergration in Karabo. AE will check it.


  • Working together with BB to fix the issues with Loops.
  • Loop 4 being brought to life, as well as Smaract stages.
  • Interlock definition were sent to AE by M. Izquierdo. M. Teichmann did not know that and pointed out that Manuel is no longer an SCS member and thanks to this meeting he got the information. Has to be clarified.


  • Today at 14:00 in XTD 6 the technical commissioning of imagers will be carried out . ILobato will attend.
  • First 2 loops for the MID Optics hutch being prepared.


  • A request to improve the Mpot power supplies has been sent to CAS by many groups. CYoungman will send an e-mail to the relevand people and organize a meeting. The experiment groups have to also make sure that all the interested people are informed.


  • Hibef has to decide the network structure to have. In the past they wanted to have a private network behing a gateway. Now the concept is being rediscussed. Discussion ongoing. CAS and AE will also be involved 

FXE, HED not represented.

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00