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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 569     Entry time: 10 Oct 2018, 10:40
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status report after dispatch meeting 09.30 


  • Problems with the GUI not being accessible after update solved with the CAS OCDs 

  • Loop 5 and Master loop will be updated today. New MPS conditions included.


  • No issues



  • KB coordinated motion control has issues. CAS will ttry to reproduce the bug to make sure it's not Karabo related and eventually pass the issue to AE


  • Loop 1 tech. commissioning done. Loop 4 is waiting for Ion pump cables to be delivered by Schulz.
  • Loop 2 and 5: beckhoff crates installed. As soon as it is needed the firmware can be uploaded.





  • SASE3 EPS loop being updated to comply with the new D3 directives. EPS being updated. Then final tests needed.


  • ITDM needs to know until when the photon commissioning in SASE2 tunnels is ongoing to update the DAQ servers. The information should come from HSinn or PRCs, who are not at the meeting. JS will try to contact them directly.  


  • To preventy the copy of entire projects with all the relative subprojects and additional problems, the GUI servers in SASE2 have been updated. This is being done also for the other beamlines.
  • The milestones of the SASE2 Technical commissionig Task Force headed by CY have been achieved. Starting from today CY is no longer taking care of the SASE2 tunnel activities planning and coordination. It has to be discussed in the Friday meeting how to go on, since the planning and coordination of the shutdown activities is needed.
  • Concerning the SASE3 radiation protection issue in the tunnel, it is stated that CAS are implementin the requested software solution, although Karabo was not designed to manage personal safety functions. To this aim, it is needed to understand whether the concept is going in the right direction. The large scale issue is being managed by Safety (ZA). A report about the situation will be given on Friday by THaas.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00