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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 560     Entry time: 10 Sep 2018, 10:33
Author: Adriano Violante 
Location: General 
Severity: Information 
Subject: Status report after dispatch meeting 09.30 


  • DAQ was updated and no big issues were found.
  • Some issues are being discussed with CAS and ITDM. Among them also the request to add more channels to the DAQ.
  • Interlock definitions are being updated. Discussions with AE ongoing.


  • ​The beam position at 14 keV  was significantly changed (horizontal offset by ca. 600 um) with respect to the position used before at 9.3 keV. The realignment of the beam took time. Test with LPD will be done today if no other issues with the beam are found.



  • Loop assignments will be re-checked with EET and NCoppola. After that the decision about what loop to bring up after Loop 6 will be made.
  • Problem with the digitizers bandwidth has been addressed by AE. ITDM has to reconfigure the DAQ. 
  • 4 uTCA boards (For the reaction microscope from the University of Frankfurt) are found to be wrong: the firmware seems to be incopatible with the intergration in Karabo. ==> AE confirmed that a different firmware can be uploaded and this will solve the compatibility issue with Karabo.
  • Loop 6 being prepared. A couple of issues with Smaract and Technosoft controllers have to be addressed with the involvement of AE and CAS.
  • New interlock definitions list hase been sent ot AE.


  • Interlock definition were sent to AE by M. Izquierdo. M. Teichmann is discussing the new interlock definitions with Nerea Jardon. 
  • FAst CCD interlock definitions being discussed with the detector group.


  • Loop 1 can be probably deployed today


  • As already reported on Friday, In sase 3 tunnels the new interlock definitions do not affect the imagers, that remain unprotected from high intensity beam. This will be discussed by XPD with HS this week.
  • Reflection on the imagers issue: a solution involving a new coating has been found. If you have this problems, please contact AKoch for the implementation of the solution.


  • MPOT power supplies: CY got feedback from DET, SPB, SQS, SCS. Next monday a mail with the scheduling of the activities will be sent.
  • Eventual requirements for features to be implemented in the next Karabo release should be sent and discussed with CAS.


  • Office network switches will be upgraded. Please refer to the previous entry in this logbook for the details.

HED not represented.

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00