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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Technical integration and coordination logbook, Contact: A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther, Page 27 of 29  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Authordown Location Severity Subject
  36   26 Apr 2019, 12:28 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationReport after dispatch meeting 09.00


  • IRD commissioning ongoing.
  • CRL motors being tested. --> Mechanical issue with a CRL motor is being addressed.
  • CSS interlock tests with AE still ongoing.
  • AE needs to know when Loop 9 and 10 are expected to run. SPB to check.
  • Jungfrau detector: calibration being finalized.


  • Loop 6 is required to drive 2 servo motors. BB will try to bring this into operation this week. NC checked the setup. ==> The loop 9 will be temporarily used. This will be updated either on Monday/Tuesday, or during beamtime. Agreed with FXE.
  • Drawers 2 and 3 have to be rebuilt by AE in order to host new ATCA crates. JE needs time plan info from FXE. 


  • AE still needs priorities for the next loops. Only Loops 15 and 16 left to be brought up. No plans yet. 
  • Export of motors config. parameters needed by AE. SQS asks CAS
  • Interlocks minor issues being fixed with AE


  • Discussion with EET ongoing concerning the installation of cables for end stations. Space problem. --> This is a long term issue, to be discussed in the other meetings, ongoing.
  • Commissioning of the quadrant motion has been completed.
  • Loop 12 (chiller) issues with some cables miswiring has been found. AE and EET to check.
  • Motors / encoder of the inlinemic component being commissioned. 


  • For Loop 9 CY is preparing a change request (naming convention for interlocks). AE involved. --> still pending
  • Loop 12 will be operable this week --> an 100V input is needed, but not readily available. --> the 100 V were needed to increase the speed of a motor. The alternative solution of using a 48V teminal and a gear box was proposed by AE and accepted by MID. 
  • Priorities for next loops needed by AE to plan the work. --> Still required.
  • Peltier being debugged by MS
  • monochromators pico motor in the tunnel is stuck and needs to be fixed. Will be done on Monday.


  • Loop9 (Smaract stages) has to be brough up.  --> being done. Smaract stages being also tested
  • Next loops are 8 followed by the priority-items from loop 6. Loop8 has been started yesterday
  • Loop10 and 11 regarding PPL will be needed in June. HED to confirm. --> Feedback from MN required.
  • Limit switches (loop8?) are not operable right now due to a 24V terminal missing.

OPT Lasers

  • AE support is needed in order to bring the SCS laser up by the end of may. Mail has been sent. NJardon checks. --> Loop extended and running by the end of next week. --> will be done on 06.05.Eplan export will be ready next monday the latest.


  • Motion loop for Hirex 2 has been delayed until June -> update will be done on 11.06.


  • Issue repoeted from CAS: Fast ADC for MCP in SASE3 duplicates data in the 3 % of cases. DAQ is not responsible. Tests have to be made and for that the ADC servers have to undergo to short interruptions. Will be coordinated with XPD. Should not be e problem. CAS to follow the issue up. --> Unclear, CAS not attending.








  • Schedule changes for the Summer shutdown due to modification of the interlock systems. Additional meetings needed. No info is expected before the beginning of May. --> an uncoordinated email was sent around by MDressel (MPS). SRP will take care of clarifying with MPS what has to be done, when, and will communicate this.



  37   29 Apr 2019, 10:04 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationStatus report after dispatch meeting 09.30


  • IRDa commissioning ongoing. Focus (<5um) in the second interaction region has been achieved.
  • CRL motors being tested. --> issue with a CRL motor is being addressed (connector issue). 
  • AE needs to know when Loop 9 and 10 are expected to run. SPB to check.
  • Jungfrau detector: first beam on the detector. Some issues (receiver had to be restarted, gain constants needed to be properly set) fixed by DET and ITDM OCDs.



  • Cameras and DAQ minor issues being fixed.
  • SQS will need to be able to switch the trigger off and connect this to the interlock system. This can be done but requires the addidtion of physical connections by AE and needs to be planned. A faster workaround will be discussed offline with PG.


  • The gender of a scroll pump and 4 detectors cables were found to be wrong. MT will ask EET for fixing.


  • The pico motors for the  monos in XTD6 are dead and need to be replaced. This is urgent and will be done this week.
  • AE is supporting MID for the integration of 3 user motors.


  • Loop8 being commissioned. No big issues.

OPT Lasers





  • LPD first charge injection test with emergency DAQ succesfull. Activities will be continued with the agreed LPD prio list. 
  • FXE. Karabo will be updated for the online calibration.


  • During the WE an issue concerning digitizers and fast ADC was reported. Train ID was not correct. This has not happened before. A fw update solved the issue and is being deployed for all the intruments. A detailed investigation of the reasons is being done. No issue for SQS to have reliable digitizers for the next users run.







  38   03 May 2019, 14:07 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationReport after dispatch meeting 9:00


  • IRDa commissioning ongoing. First images have been taken with the Jungfrau detector. Possible to record using 7 to 8 memory cells, after that there are issues. CAS is having a look. 
  • CRL motors being tested. --> issue with a CRL motor is being addressed (connector issue).  The moto failed mechanically flipping the CRL vessel. It seems to be a common issue with JJXRay CRLs. Issue will be reported to the DH. 
  • AE needs to know when Loop 9 and 10 are expected to run in Summer. KW not yet clear.



  • Cameras and DAQ minor issues have been fixed. The problem was that a karabo device was moved without updating the network configuration. AS is informing people with the right procedure to follow. 
  • SQS will need to be able to switch the trigger off and connect this to the interlock system. This can be done but requires the addidtion of physical connections by AE and needs to be planned. A faster workaround will be discussed offline with PG.


  • The gender of a scroll pump and 4 detectors cables were found to be wrong. MT will ask EET for fixing. ==> MFl will coordinate with SCS for the fix.


  • The pico motors for the  monos in XTD6 and optics hutch are dead and need to be replaced\fixed. ==> the XTD6 mono was fixed but has problems again. The opt hutch mono works but is still not aligned. Ongoing.
  • AE is supporting MID for the integration of 3 user motors. Ongoing.
  • Train ID for AGIPD had issues and the train ID uTCA had to be replaced.


  • Loop8 being commissioned.Works will continue next week (HED has night shifs). 

OPT Lasers






  • During the WE an issue concerning digitizers and fast ADC was reported. Train ID was not correct. This has not happened before. A fw update solved the issue and is being deployed for all the intruments. A detailed investigation of the reasons is being done. No issue for SQS to have reliable digitizers for the next users run.
  • Servos for FXE implementation ongoing.







  39   06 May 2019, 10:20 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationStatus report after dispatch meeting 09.30


  • IRDa commissioning ongoing. 
  • For this week AGIPD works and re commissioning of the nanometer mirrors will be perfermed. It is possible that support from AE will be required.
  • CSS. Limit switches re cabling is ongoing. For the next run the old configuration will still be used. RB and MS will meet to make sure the system can be safely (from the component point of view) operated. 


  • Karabo online data analyzer is being used and is stable.
  • LPD no longer overheats but there is still a small leak.
  • Delay stage will be comissioned with the support of AE today.


  • This week SQS will have night shifts. BB will be needed today for motors configuration.
  • Integration of the photonic science camera is progressing (should be with ITDM now)
  • MPODS power supplies are behaving strangely. TB will summarize the issue and send an email to CY


  • The gender of a scroll pump and 4 detectors cables were found to be wrong. According to MT it is not high priority. Nevertheless, EET did not receive any information about whoch cables need to be checked and repaired.
  • List of nice to have electronics fixes has been sent to NJ and AE requested additional feedback. Fedback from MT needed to proceed.


  • The pico motors for the  monos in XTD6 and optics hutch are dead and need to be replaced\fixed. ==> the XTD6 mono was fixed but has problems again. The opt hutch mono works but is still not aligned. Now OK.
  • AE is supporting MID for the integration of 3 user motors. Done.
  • ZZ access today for an intervention on CRL1.
  • Loop 7 update is being coordinated for this week between MS and UBoesemberg.


  • Users assisted commissioning. PVagovic attended. Online processing of data was possible. Characterization ofbeam focus has been done. Data being analyzed.
  • Additional moros will need to be implemented for next run.MS supporting.
  • Mono in XTD 6 requires ZZ access today for fixing.
  • If pulse on demand capability is needed to be used by HED the other instruments need to be informed (especially SQS this week - night shifts) since this mode reduces the beam staibility! This issue should be addressed in general in the operation meetings.

​OPT Lasers





  • Karabo 2.4.1. improves the pipieline stability. The deployment is strongly suggested to MID and SPB.
  • DSSC DAQ was supposed to be tested but more fundamental tests are still being performed. Meeting today at 10 to address the issues.
  • Fast CCD low energy calibration improvement is being discussed.


  • During the WE an issue concerning digitizers and fast ADC was reported. Train ID was not correct. This has not happened before. A fw update solved the issue and is being deployed for all the intruments. A detailed investigation of the reasons is being done. No issue for SQS to have reliable digitizers for the next users run.
  • Servos for FXE implementation ongoing.







  • Mail to STGL for the collection of the next summer shutdown activities has been sent. Deadline is the end of next week.
  40   08 May 2019, 10:10 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationMinutes of the Technical integration meeting 08.05.19


  • IRDa commissioning ongoing. 
  • CSS. Limit switches re cabling is ongoing. For the next run the old configuration will still be used. RB and MS will meet to make sure the system can be safely (from the component point of view) operated. ==> Solved.
  • Comment from AS: Trigger test with pulse on demand was not succesfull due to missing karabo devices and issues with configuration. For the final fix 10 minutes of beamtine has to be taken from SPB/SFX. This will be agreed with the intrument.


  • Delay servo stages have been commissioned. Right now only one stage is being used.  


  • Integration of the photonic science camera is progressing. Status not clear.
  • MPODS power supplies are behaving strangely. CY will ahve a look.
  • The pnCCD is supposed to be used next week. SQS want to use channels dedicate to other components and work out a temporary solution. AE requested the list of channels to be used but no answer has been received so far. Also, proper CRDs to start preparing the propoer implementation of the controls is still missing.


  • Part of the uTCA system will need to be installed in the hutch (it was planned for the rackroom). Discussion channel is open with AE.


  • Servo motors require fw updates. Being agreed with AE.
  • Loop 7 update is being coordinated for this week between MS and UBoesemberg.


  • For Loop 6 and 8, as well as smaract stages AE is waiting the go ahead from HED to switch on the Beckhoff modules. 

OPT Lasers

  • Laser beam has to be deivered to SCS in 2 weeks. Fw has to be uploaded in the PLCs. AE got the fw export and should upload it by friday this week.
  • There is the request to make the timing signal independent between the SASEs. Will be discussed offline with AE. It should be possible in the winter shutdown.





  • Karabo 2.4.1. improves the pipieline stability. The deployment is strongly suggested to MID and SPB. ==> Deployment schedule for next week monday.




  • GDB cables have been completely produced and are bein installed this week. 
  • Schedule for the Loop 10 and 11 cables installation is confirmed. IN KW25 would be possible to bring the loop up.





  • Presentation showing the MPS schedule  is attached and is showing when the emergency power off system will be triggered. The Beckhoff modules shut down is being organized by AE. It is noted that the instruments should organize the temporary power supply for the vacuum system.
Attachment 1: Technical_Integration_Meeting_07.05.2019_-_Copy.pptx
  41   10 May 2019, 10:52 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationReport after dispatch meeting 09.00


  • IRDa commissioning successful. A. Mancuso thanked all the people involved in the project. 
  • The gear ratio of the CSS is unclear but this was already known and discussed with SPB/SFX
  • Mirrors motors had some issues (ELMO motors), they are already been fixed.
  • Adam and Alexis are discussing internally when the next loops will be needed. The info goes then to AE.
  • NReimers will take care of asking TSchön for temporary power lines for the vaccum pumps during the MPS tests in the summer shutdown.



  • MPODS power supplies are behaving strangely. Almost fixed by CY.
  • The pnCCD is supposed to be used next week. SQS want to use channels dedicate to other components and work out a temporary solution. AE requested the list of channels to be used but no answer has been received so far. Also, proper CRDs to start preparing the propoer implementation of the controls is still missing.==> info still missing. AV will ask TBaumann again. Also the DAQ for the pnCCD is not prepared at all.


  • Part of the uTCA system will need to be installed in the hutch (it was planned for the rackroom). Discussion channel is open with AE.


  • Nano motors require fw updates. Being agreed with AE, but with low priority.
  • Today there will be a meeting for the implementation of the AGIPD quadrant motion
  • Karabo integration of the SDL: kick off meeting took place yesterday between CAS and MID. - The migration of equipment listed in point 5 to Karabo 2.4.x should be completed by end of first week of summer shutdown (KW24) by CAS. MID should then validate the resulting system performance. Prototypes of the middle layer devices will be prepared by CAS while the component is not here. SDL is expected to be delivered in November. Cables and electronics should also be installed in November (WS)


  • Smaract stages will be commisisoned today. MS support needed.
  • Loop 6 VAC modules will be connected to the loops in 2 weeks. For now the controls remain local.

OPT Lasers

  • Laser beam has to be deivered to SCS in 2 weeks. Fw has to be uploaded in the PLCs. AE got the fw export and should upload it by friday this week. ==> Loops should be started on monday.


  •  HED had radiation damages on the Mono1 cristals.  REasons are being investigated. One possibility is the accidental focus of the beam on the cristal. There is usually a macro to avoid that but it was foung not working by MV. To be checked.
  • Guesthouse civil contruction is starting soon and MV is in contact with TS concerning vibrations in the tunnels. 






  • Test for DSSC DAQ started yesterday.



  • Karabo 2.4.1. improves the pipieline stability. The deployment is strongly suggested to MID and SPB. ==> Deployment schedule for next week monday.
  • Krzysztof, Steffen and Hugo aligned and  concluded that 2.4.1 is backwards compatible with 2.4.0 deployed already on the PCL (DAQ) machines. This setup is, indeed, already running on FXE since 29.04 (Monday).




  42   13 May 2019, 11:24 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationReport after dispatch meeting 09.30


  • The gear ratio of the CSS is unclear but this was already known and discussed with SPB/SFX ==> AL is working on it toghter with AE.


  • Karabo for Jungfrau detector has been udpated and works fine. For the LPD some issues were reported but SH commented that the problems arise from the fact that the signal FXE was trying to detect is very low, potentially close to the HW limit od the detector


  • MPODS power supplies are behaving strangely (1 channel trips, but the power supply does not send any error message). TB and CY to have a look.
  • The pnCCD is supposed to be used next week. Meeting after the dispatch meeting with AE, CAS, ITDM(!) to coordinate the efforts.



  • Mono needs cooling. Issue will be attacked today/tomorrow.
  • 2 crates for the remote contro of vacuum compoennts are required to run in the intrument. CY wants to be present. There are difficulties finding a suitable time slot both for MS and CY. To be addressed offline.


  • Smaract stages behave strangely. AE support required.

OPT Lasers

  • Crates will be switched on today. Meeting JE/OPT lasers today at 11 to coordinate the efforts.






  • Updated pipeline in SPB has been installed today.
  • SCS DSSC took the first images (without beam)








  43   15 May 2019, 12:53 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationMinutes of the Technical integration meeting 15.05.19


  • Nano KB mirrors and CSS controls are OK
  • Digitizers have been requested. HW needs to be installed and set up and the timeline has to be clarified betweek BF and SPB. Not possible to have them running on short notice.
  • Comment from AS: Trigger Test with pulse on demand to test the conditional trigger (5Hz like operation) is done, but failed to deliver a real conditional trigger. The Karabo device is adapted to switch between the present mode and conditional trigger from Karabo (although some issue were identified). The X2Timer configuration still need adjustment, BF is on it.


  • Re shuffling of PLC CPUs drawers will occur during the next winter shutdown.


  • MPODS power supplies are behaving strangely. CY will have a look.
  • pnCCD: Commissioning should start today. Maxi cage for interlocks will be installed today by SQS.


  • Det. DAQ test ongoing.


  • Axes for users operation being commissed
  • Communication between VAC and AE concerning the electronics for the cryo coolers - heaters has to be improved since AE was not involved during the last ZZ intervention on monday. MD will discuss later today with NJ.


  • Loop 6 can be operated in its completeness by middle of next week.
  • Laser beam has to be deivered to SCS in 2 weeks. Fw has to be uploaded in the PLCs. HW is ready, commissioning has to start.
  • There is the request to make the timing signal independent between the SASEs. Will be discussed offline with AE. It should be possible in the winter shutdown. ==> BF is talking to the involved people.





  • Karabo 2.4.1. improves the pipieline stability. The deployment is strongly suggested to MID and SPB. ==> Pipeline for SPB has been deployed. Minor issues being addressed. MID has to folllow.




  • Schedule for the Loop 10 and 11 of HED cables installation is confirmed. IN KW25 would be possible to bring the loop up.





  44   17 May 2019, 10:47 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationStatus report after dispatch meeting 09.00


  • ADC have been requested. HW should be already installed (SPB to check). BF will discuss with SPB how to proceed.


  • LPD is running.


  • MPODS power supplies are behaving strangely (1 channel trips, but the power supply does not send any error message). CY following it up but the priority is now with the DSSC (working on powering sequence. To be then adopted later also for other detectors.
  • The pnCCD is being set up. AE will be required to help for axes commisisoning next week.Some issues with electronics to read data have been solved. Tests to understand the reasons of the issues are being performed by AE.



  • Setting up next weeks experiments. Some equipment that the users are bringing have to be integrated. This may couse some delays.
  • 2 crates for the remote contro of vacuum compoennts are required to run in the intrument. CY wants to be present. There are difficulties finding a suitable time slot both for MS and CY. To be addressed offline.==> done, interlock tests have to be scheduled by MID.


  • Epix card died. Workaround using some MID infrastructure has been proposed. Risks will be presented by HED ( Sebastian Goede) to MID and a decision has to be taken by the group leaders.

OPT Lasers






  • Updated pipeline in SPB has been updated yesterday. Seems to work. MID probably will be updated today. Has to be discussed offline with ITDM.



  • DSSC DAQ was basically not commissioned due to lack of time (although scheduled). Now the detector cannot be oprated. More time has to be scheduled for DAQ commissioning. Meanwhile test on the VETO system are being performed. This would help to save much less data (200 images/train with VETO instead of 800 images/train).






  50   03 Jun 2019, 12:57 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationStatus report after dispatch meeting 09.30


  • No major issues.


  • Tool to save motor positions is not working reliably. ==> CAS + AE have different tools on different levels. There is not automatic / global restoring of for example motor positions from the CAS-side available. BUT in the shutdown motor position should not be lost, unless there is a true power outage also affecting the CPUs. ==> Issues are being addressed.


  • Plan for this week is to combine the use of pnCCD and cluster source and make proper mesurements. The CCD measured already X-Rays in 10 Hz mode.


  • No Major issues


  • No Major issues


  • Beam drifts on the minute scale. The issue could be minimised with a karabo routine in use at FXE (mirrors feedback).
  • Dark images acquired with the jungfrau were not correct due to overheating. It has to be checked by HED whether the issue was solved.
  • Request to trigger the epix and jungfrau detectors via pulse on demand feature and scan tool. Motoaki will ask Daniel and Bruno and discuss the details.

OPT Lasers





  • No major issues.



  • Issue about cooling failure in the lab floor in XHQ is being discussed between KWrona and LKersting





  52   07 Jun 2019, 11:53 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationReport after dispatch meeting 09.00



  • few days of beamtime remaining, no particular issues
  • preparing for emergency power off
  • preparing shutdown activities with EEE


  • XGM (VAC part) is supposed to run even despite the emergency power off ==> M. Teichmann is in contact with T. Schoen (TS)


  • preparing for shutdown, in particular some cabling together with EEE. Ongoing.


  • Integration of the LDM: Safety document is needed. ==> This is needed ASAP!!! ==> SRP is informed and JH will follow the issue up.


  • Due to missing endswitches / interlock conditions, some YAG-screens have been burnt. HED would like to try to get this fixed in the tunnels and the hutches still in this shutdown by installing endswitches etc., to be negotiated with EEE ==> Only softwere limit switches can be implemented. EEE will follow it up.
  • The bias tee used by HED are not being supplied any more, new ones are not performing ==> to be checked with other instruments / EEE, Sato-san was suggested as another expert to ask.

Optical lasers


  • Requested to see the first pump + valve of SPB/SFX ==> to be clarified by VAC, SPB/SFX + EEE ==> The VAC OK signal has to be used as interlock signal. EEE on it.





  • Improvement of the communication concering loop updates with the XRO has to be achieved. The idea is to approach the problem in 2 stages. In the first stage a time table with the loops update will be distributed by EEE and agreed with the component responsibles. Due to that, the responsibles have to be clarified. The GLs have been already informed. In the second stage EEE will try to automate the notification system when an update is required.


  • 2.5.0 being developed. 



  • From SBP/SFX: Currently, it is not clear what to do if one of the Pandoras goes off. This apparently happened @ FXE on the night from Sat.-Sunday, and it took 12 hours to fix it.


  • From CAS: TS should not rely on email alerts to monitor the cooling of the servers running for example the email services...


  53   12 Jun 2019, 12:40 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationMinutes of the Technical integration meeting 12.06.19






  • Integration of the LDM: Safety document is needed. ==> This is needed ASAP!!! ==> J. Hallmann is now back and he is in contact with SRP ti finalize the documentation. The statement from MID is that until the documents are finalized no automatic movement of the detector is foreseen.


  • Due to missing endswitches / interlock conditions, some YAG-screens have been burnt. HED would like to try to get this fixed in the tunnels and the hutches still in this shutdown by installing endswitches etc., to be negotiated with EEE ==> Software limit switches can be implemented already next week if the definitions are delivered to EEE by the end of this week.

Optical lasers


  • Requested to see the first pump + valve of SPB/SFX ==> definitions still needed by EEE





  • Improvement of the communication concering loop updates with the XRO has to be achieved. Mails have been sent by PGessler to the STGL and by NJardon to the relevant people. Loops updates already planned for next week in SASE2. Coordination with the involved people ongoing.




  • From SBP/SFX: Currently, it is not clear what to do if one of the Pandoras goes off. This apparently happened @ FXE on the night from Sat.-Sunday, and it took 12 hours to fix it. Update from SRP: Occasionally Pandoras trigger radiation alarms. It is not clear why. One possibility is that this is caused by electronic noise. Discussions with D3 are ongoing. Right now an expert is needed to reboot the system since it is not a simple off/on procedure, but data has to be analysed. There is a a document in preparation by SRP/D3 that will allow more people to be able to perform this procedure, but it is not ready yet. A side note is that there is no OCD agreement in place for these experts and the reboot is done on the best effort level.



  54   14 Jun 2019, 10:47 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationStatus report after dispatch meeting 09.00



  • Getting ready for the shutdown. No relevant issues.



  • PLCs have been switched off. Parameters have been saved.
  • GATT loop update will happen on tuesday. The schedule of the other loop updates are being agreed with EEE.



  • Due to missing endswitches / interlock conditions, some YAG-screens have been burnt. Software limit switches will be implemented probably next week. Definitions have been provided by Karen Appel to EEE.
  • Instrument PLCs also switched off.

Optical lasers



  • HED mono has been opened and the crystal analized. The crystal shows radiation damages. XRO is discussing with HED to understand how to proceed. Since it its not yet clear why the damages happened, it would probably make sense to continue using the same cristal sending the beam to a different region.




  • PLC Powering down in SPB SFX is being performed today.
  • Several loop updates are being planned and organized.


  • Gain curve device has been commissioned with and approved by L. Samoylova.
  • New structure for the CAS contacts to the instruments has been prepared by HSantos. He will send a mail around with the details.



  55   17 Jun 2019, 10:43 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationReport after dispatch meeting 09.30


  • Floor is being re-worked. Experiment hutch is not accessible until Wednesday. After that only accessible for walk until next Monday. 




  • It was asked by TBaumann when is the power coming back. It should be on Thursday.  The details must be asked to TSchön. AV will ask TS to send a mail to readiness when the power is back in a stable way.


  • Updates in the tunnel being agreed with EEE. CRLs should be updated today and the MOV loop latest on Wednesday.


Optical lasers






  • During the power down a heating up of the uTCAs was observed, in the XHEXP1 as well as tunnels. The reason is not clear. Now the situation is back to normal. ITDM checks the situation in the servers racks.


  • Deployment schedule for Karabo 2.5.0. has been discussed in CAS . Deployment is foreseen to start on the 1st week of July.



  56   19 Jun 2019, 10:55 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationMinutes of the Technical integration meeting 19.06.19



  • No major issues
  • Starting from the end of this week to the beginning of next week the hutch will not be accessible because of works on the AGIPD.


  • No big issues



  • Integration of the LDM: Risk assessment has been finalized and uploaded in the IPW system. Next steps: SRP will review it and forward it to A.Madsen for the signature. PGessler is in the loop. JHallmann will call for a meeting with all the parties involved (e.g. EEE) in the implementation once the risk assessment has been signed by AM.


  • Due to missing endswitches / interlock conditions, some YAG-screens have been burnt. HED would like to try to get this fixed in the tunnels and the hutches still in this shutdown by installing endswitches etc., to be negotiated with EEE ==> Software limit switches can be implemented already next week if the definitions are delivered to EEE by the end of this week. ==> definitions still missing.
  • Loop 11 being set up by EEE

Optical lasers

  • SASE1 timing system will be updated today.


  • Requested to see the first pump + valve of SPB/SFX ==> definitions still needed by EEE


  • Installation of the cooling system for the M1 mirror in SASE2 has been completed.
  • SASE1 XTD2 M1 being addressed now. 




  • The timing uTCA will be switched off on the 24.06 between 9 am and 5 pm. No train ID and timing wil be available.


  • Release cycle for the next Karabo version in progress.


  • New version of the Jddd should be used. Details will be forwarded to the readiness mailing list as soon as available.


  • From SBP/SFX: Currently, it is not clear what to do if one of the Pandoras goes off. This apparently happened @ FXE on the night from Sat.-Sunday, and it took 12 hours to fix it. Update from SRP: Occasionally Pandoras trigger radiation alarms. It is not clear why. One possibility is that this is caused by electronic noise. Discussions with D3 are ongoing. Right now an expert is needed to reboot the system since it is not a simple off/on procedure, but data has to be analysed. There is a a document in preparation by SRP/D3 that will allow more people to be able to perform this procedure, but it is not ready yet. A side note is that there is no OCD agreement in place for these experts and the reboot is done on the best effort level. ==> Z.Ansari will be also able soon to reboot the system. No additioanl news.
  • Test panel to test the different alarms will be mounted in the hall soon.
  • After the safety walk in SPB/SFX some issues have been found (e.g. concerning the Biolab, Rackroom) and forwarded to A. Mancuso. SRP and AMancuso will follow the issues up.
  • Racks in HED outside the rackroom. They are too high and the top cannot be reached. SRP/JE/SRP will follow the issue up.



  58   21 Jun 2019, 10:13 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationStatus report after dispatch meeting 09.00



  • An AC device in the control room leaks. TBartsch has been informed.
  • Some issues with pumps going off during the power glitch yesterday have occured.
  • Power has come back after the interlock tests.
  • Loops updates are being coordinated with EEE. No major issues.
  • Detectors has been moved in the new position. MOV tests will follow and pumping down the system is foreseen for middle of next week.



  • Power back. Testing of equipment ongoing.
  • Loop9. PLCs are reachable but not the temrinals. EEE will check.
  • Interlock communication issue. EEE will reboot the master loop.
  • Some Harting connectors have to be plugged in the modules. NRennhack will discuss the details with EEE.



Optical lasers






  • Due to the power glitch yesterday some uTCA crates in the rackrooms had problems (despite the redundant power lines). This was caused by the firmware not being able to deal with these type of instabilities of the mail power line. The crates are now working again and a new version of the fw will be updated to avoid these issues in the future. In addition, the uTCA crates in the hutches do not get redundant power lines, this means that they went off  and should be checked to make sure they are working properly.


  • Tests of Karabo 2.5.0. are ongoing (integration PLC/DAQ). HS will give a report on Monday about the tests and the preliminary deployment schedule.


  • Some servers require fw updates. JS will send a mail to with the details.


  59   24 Jun 2019, 09:53 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationStatus report after dispatch meeting 09.30


  • CRLs mainteinance has been completed.


  • Some power sockets are not active. NReimers will contact TS.
  • Detectors has been moved in the new position. MOV tests have started. Tomorrow detector modules will be swapped.



  • Some Harting connectors have been plugged in the modules. TB will make sure NRennhack informed JEilers. 1 beckhoff module has still to be modified (according to a CR not yet implemented)
  • Some labels are not correct. NR is discussing with EEE
  • AVC3000 leak controller from Pfeiffer. EEE will release the controls today.
  • Vacuum interlocks. BB is working on it this week.


  • Schutdown activities basically on schedule
  • Bias system tests have been done
  • This week R. Schaffer and J.Hallmann will work on the ALAS
  • Quadrant motion system test will start this week. ASilenzi is the product owner.
  • For next week vacuum interlock tests are foreseen


  • It is not clear whether the tunnels are accessible or not. They should not be accessible. SK asks SRP and AGaller.
  • This week cooling system works for the M2 are being executed. Hi res mono will follow.

Optical lasers



  • M1  in XTD6 is closed and pumped (10^-7 mbar range). How to proceed with the second mirror is being discussed 
  • XTD2 SA1 M1n works have been initiated. Now stopped because of the interlock tests. Will resume next WE.
  • Self seeding mono in XTD1 is now closed and pumping but the vacuum level is not satisfactory.
  • After the last Karabo restart some devices are not working and this should be fixed before the end of the shutdown. Robert is the contact person in CAS and will follow the issue up.




  • Timing will not be available due to maintenance until 5pm, as announced last week.


  • Tests of Karabo 2.5.0. are ongoing (integration PLC/DAQ). 


  • AoB
  60   26 Jun 2019, 10:22 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationMinutes of the Technical integration meeting 26.06.19


From now on A. Galler will join the technical integration meeting. Therefore the XO field has been added. 



  • Detectors has been moved in the new position. MOV tests have been done. Today the detector modules will be swapped.
  • EEE started the deployment of the updated Loop4 which now supports the MC2 motors. 
  • Loop 5 has been updated yesterday.



  • AVC3000 leak controller from Pfeiffer. EEE will release the controls today. ==> Ongoing.


  • Integration of the LDM: next steps of the risk assessment: SRP is reviewing it, AMadsen has to sign it, then JHallman will call for a meeting with tin involved parties (e.g. EEE) for the implementation.
  • Quadrant motion system test revealed some issue with the cables shielding. Issue is being tackled.


  • Loop 11 being set up by EEE. Start Today or tomorrow.
  • Loop8 commissioning ongoing.

Optical lasers


  • Requested to see the first pump + valve of SPB/SFX ==> definitions still needed by EEE == Ongoing.


  • M1  in XTD6 is closed and pumped (10^-7 mbar range).  
  • XTD2 SA1 M1n closed and pumping. Leak test next week.
  • Self seeding mono in XTD1 is now closed and pumping but the vacuum level is not yet satisfactory.
  • After the last Karabo restart some devices are not working and this should be fixed before the end of the shutdown. Robert is the contact person in CAS and will follow the issue up.
  • CRL in XTD2 maintenance has been completed.




  • The timing uTCA will be switched off on the 24.06 between 9 am and 5 pm. ==> there are some issues with different versions of power supplies. EEE on it.
  • Electrical safety regulation. From the beginning of July the new electrical safety regulation is supposed to be in place. According to this regulation the work at the back of the racks in the XHEXP1 and in the entire racks in the tunnels can only be done by certified EFK (Elektrofachkraefte) or by EUPs with an additional training. The additional training can only be provided after summer. The nomination of XFEL EFKs is suffering a delay due to the fact that is not clear who should nominate them (TS, UBR, HR?).  PG reported the problem and also the fact that no official statements were made in the past concerning the topic. THaas is trying to clarify the status, and come up with a statement and proposal in the Operations meeting.


  • Release cycle for the next Karabo version in progress.


  • At 10 today the doors of the balcony rooms and racks will be opened due to short interruptions (20 minutes per tunnel) of the cooling water from DESY. This should not cause any issues. If the pomps intervention will require more time, the ITDM racks will be switched off. 


  • From SBP/SFX: Currently, it is not clear what to do if one of the Pandoras goes off. This apparently happened @ FXE on the night from Sat.-Sunday, and it took 12 hours to fix it. Update from SRP: Occasionally Pandoras trigger radiation alarms. It is not clear why. One possibility is that this is caused by electronic noise. Discussions with D3 are ongoing. Right now an expert is needed to reboot the system since it is not a simple off/on procedure, but data has to be analysed. There is a a document in preparation by SRP/D3 that will allow more people to be able to perform this procedure, but it is not ready yet. A side note is that there is no OCD agreement in place for these experts and the reboot is done on the best effort level. ==> Z.Ansari will be also able soon to reboot the system. ==> The issue will eventually be put up for discussion in the operation board. Statement from SRP is that there are nnot enough people to ensure an OCD service.
  • Racks in HED outside the rackroom. They are too high and the top cannot be reached. SRP/JE/SRP will follow the issue up. ==> A solution has been found: TS will modify the existing movable stairs.



  61   28 Jun 2019, 11:25 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationStatus report after dispatch meeting 09.00




  • AGIPD: Modules OK. Additional tests with data acquisition planned for next week
  • AGIPD: Online preview of the modules position will be implemented next week when AS is back.





  • Works in the tunnels will resume after the end of the interlock tests. 
  • Commissioning of the Loop 8 is ongoing.
  • It is pointed out that the access to the tunnels is not managed in a transparent way and is difficult to get reliable information. AV will bring the concern to the XO and  DOB.

Optical lasers






  • The issues with the encorder of the quadrant motion motors are caused by the fact that the encoder cables are too long (30m until the drag chain + 30 m in the drag chain). Right now a workaround exists (cable ground connected to the general ground). Final solution has to be found.
  • MPS Box  for timing. Some Cpus have to be reboot. No timing problems are expected. In case, BF will send an e mail to readiness.


  • 2.5.0 will be deployed in the tunnels starting from next week





  62   01 Jul 2019, 10:07 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationStatus report after dispatch meeting 09.30




  • Detector tests are running this week. Before working on loops or around the detectors the SPB/SFX team should be asked/informed.
  • The SPB/SFX team is on retreat on Thursday and Friday.


  • Pulse IDs written by detector digitizers are recorded inconsistently by the different instruments. Some discussions have started to improve the situation and work is ongoing, but no target date is known. Right now the people working on this topic are BF, AS, KW, PG. A Karabo data guy should be also involved. The progress should be tracked in the Wednesday meetings.



  • Loop 7/11 need to be updated. Already coordinated with EEE.
  • Loop8 is needed (remote control of the vac system).


  • Works in the tunnels will resume this week.
  • Commissioning of the Amplitude laser is ongoing. The goal is to bring the optical laser beam into the hutch this week. There might be radiation involved, but HED is working together with SRP to define all the needed steps.
  • This week radiation interlock tests are foreseen with D3. 

Optical lasers







  • 2.5.0 will be deployed in SA3 tomorrow and probably in SA2 on Wed (depends on the outcome of the SASE3 deployment). 





ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00