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  OPERATION-2023 logbook, Contact: F.Wolff-Fabris, A.Galler, L.Samoylova, H.Sinn, Page 3 of 24  Not logged in ELOG logo
IDdown Date Author Group Subject
  430   02 Nov 2023, 02:28 Johannes MoellerMIDShift summary
  • stable delivery of 1mJ SASE at 18keV
  • NAFO lens characterization with caustic scan
  • successful detector calibration of AGIPD with LaB6 and alignment of Jungfrau to diffraction signal with LaB6
  • test of ptychography with 18keV (not successful)
  • successful setup of online holography analysis with test measurements
  429   01 Nov 2023, 22:57 Chan KimSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 19 keV, ~0.9 mJ/pulse, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  •  no


  • Finalized allignment
  • Got successful runs with impact from sound eventhough often timing misaligned due to jitter


  • High jitter from output of transducer (Ch 2in oscilloscope) is problematic
  428   01 Nov 2023, 02:22 Johannes MoellerMIDShift summary
  • stable delivery of 1mJ at 18keV SASE
  • succesful beamline alignment for MID (CRLs + M1 and M2) with mono.
  • alignment of NAFO stack to DES and zyla camera with SASE and monochromatic beam
  • setup of DES spectrometer for 18keV on 440 reflection with SASE
  • timing of PP laser with perpendicular excitation condition with diode and YAG

Mirror M2 needs 30min to move from SASE to Mono position

  427   31 Oct 2023, 23:08 Chan KimSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 19keV, 700-800uj

Optical laser delivery

  •  ns laser


  • Vacuum pipe and He pipe for diamond outcoupling installed
  • Aligned beam to downstream
  • Saw the beam at tower position (Zyla camera)
  426   30 Oct 2023, 23:18 Jan GruenertPRCStatus

At the end of the MON late shift, the tuning status and obtained lasing pulse energies (ATT#1) are as follows:

  • SA1 at 19 keV : 660 uJ +/- 23 uJ
  • SA2 at 18 keV : 1073 uJ +/- 55 uJ
  • SA3 at 1.2 keV : 4330 uJ +/- 122 uJ

SD for a stable 2 min interval, fast XGM train average (INTENSITY.RAW.TRAIN)

More tuning will happen overnight, and for SA3 the photon energies 2.5keV and 3.0 keV will also be prepared.

Attachment 1: JG_2023-10-30_um_23.15.36.png
  425   30 Oct 2023, 14:36 Jan GruenertPRCIssue

The EPD reading system at the turnstiles of XTD10 entrance were not working this morning.
A necessary ZZ access to XTD10 could not be performed in the morning and had to be postponed.
Resetting the system by Michael Prollius was not sufficient.
At 14h20 XO informed that the EPD system was fixed by D3 (an issue with Windows passwords) and again operational.
The ZZ access by XRO concerning VSLIT is therefore proceeding now.

  424   30 Oct 2023, 07:10 Raphael de WijnSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 7.8keV, ~2.5mj, no beam before 1:15am
  • One undulator was not moving, expert was called

Optical laser delivery

  • ns laser for particle imaging


  • RGA used for quantitative gas BG analysis
  • Collected more data from 55 nm Ag cube
  • Collected some sucrose data
  • Collected gold bipyramids data


  • Could not get sucrose droplets delivered to the interation point while injecting He at the bottom of the skimmer. As soon as it was enough He to decrease N, droplets desappeared.
  • Still some questionmarks regarding the gas flows through the skimmer section into the chamber. More tests in the lab necessary.
  423   28 Oct 2023, 14:52 Konopkova ZuzanaHEDShift summary

Beam parameters: 18 keV, 1 pulse, 600 uJ

- user beamtime started Friday, the 27th and going smoothly until now and we are in data collection mode

- shock compression setup with XRD and DiPOLE

- machine performance very stable in pulse energies with little downtimes

  422   27 Oct 2023, 06:35 Chan KimSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 7.8keV, 2.5mj, stable delivery, homogeneos intra train energy most of the time.

Optical laser delivery

  • ns laser for particle imaging


  • RGA installed and used for quantitative gas BG analysis
  • Data (55 nm Ag cube) and gas BG (no sample) measured with two different gases (N2 and He)
  • BG roughly 3.5x better with 3 l/min He flow, but only about 2x better with 3 L/min He + N2/CO2 for stable Tayler cone


  • Pulses often changed from 352 to 28 for no apparent reason, discovered later that it was happening when closing silicon 500 XTD2 arm (elog:421)
  421   27 Oct 2023, 03:19 Chan KimSPBIssue

We observed auto changes of the number of X-ray pulses last night and tonight.

It is related to 500 um thick Si attenuator in XTD2_ATT.

Even with 2.4 mm thick CVD (XTD2_ATT) IN, the number of pulses @SA1 changes to 28 whenever we insert 500 um thick Si attenuator.

Watchdog triggered this process. It has to be updated.


First row in the atttachment: The number of X-ray pulses @ SA1

Second row in the attachment: Status of 2.4 mm thick CVD in XTD2_ATT

Third row in the attachment: Status of 0.5 mm thick Si in XTD2_ATT

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-10-27_03-09-25.png
  420   26 Oct 2023, 23:25 Robert CarleySCSLate shift summary, 26.10.2023


  1. Continued with tr-RIXS

No problems

  419   26 Oct 2023, 06:48 Diogo Filipe Monrroy Vilan e Melo Shift summary 25.10.2023

Staff: DM, CK, KK, JB, SR (SEC), LW (Uppsala university), MM (GU)

X-ray delivery

  • 7.8keV, 2.4mj, stable delivery, homogeneos intra train energy most of the time.

Optical laser delivery

  • ns laser for particle imaging


  • AGIPD BG optimized by opening Q2 & Q4 quadrants a few pixels and adding Pb shield on IRU_SLIT4
  • NKB focused optimized
  • Data (75 nm Ag cube) and gas BG (no sample) measured with two different gases (N2 and He)


  • AGIPD BG near the center (1-2 pixels) were quite strong even with tight sliting, but issue solved by opening two quadrants (Q2 & Q4) and moving CSS about 1-2 pixels (elog:12731)
  • Found additional AGIPD BG in Q2M1 module (mid-Q range), but issue solved by adding Pd shield on IRU_SLIT4 (elog:12734)

Instrument status

  • AGIPD HV off.
  • AGIPD gate valve closed and pinned.
  • Attenuators set to thickest diamond.
  • Vacuum valves closed.

To do for next shift

  • Check focus and slit position and continue the program (data measurement).
  418   26 Oct 2023, 15:03 Sergii, TeguhSCSMorning shift summary, 26.10.2023

Morning shift summary, 26.10.2023


  1. Continued measuring tr-RIXS at different laser fluences


  1. The max-jhub notebook server was very slow this morning around 9-10 h. DOC was informed, but the slowness has improved without any action from either them or our side. The reason for this slowness is still unknown, but the max-jhub server has come back to normal for now.
  417   26 Oct 2023, 07:13 Andreas Scherz / Eugenio ParisSCSnight shift summary

Night shift summary

- Recovered time0 on SiN (time0 moved >20ps after FEL beam loss in the evening)
- Collected static RIXS (actually with laser but negative delay) at the CDW at 113 kHz for different temperatures to investigate the effect of heating from the x-rays and from the laser

- during late shift and after a beam dump in the evening, trRIXS signal could not be recovered. By checking the rough timing, they found a change in the x-ray arrival time of the order of >20 ps. 
- We checked the beamline alignment and found that the pointing from the machine was off, requiring BKR to tune We also found that the photon energy offset between mono and undulators changed. Beam looked horizontally diffracted and the beam pointing moved in horizontal and was hitting the horizontal slits. We translated the open horizontal slits and pitch the beam properly into SCS branch with M5.

  416   26 Oct 2023, 07:10 Chan KimSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 7.8keV, 2.4mj, stable delivery, homogeneos intra train energy most of the time.

Optical laser delivery

  • ns laser for particle imaging


  • AGIPD BG optimized by opening Q2 & Q4 quadrants a few pixels and adding Pb shield on IRU_SLIT4
  • NKB focused optimized
  • Data (75 nm Ag cube) and gas BG (no sample) measured with two different gases (N2 and He)


  • AGIPD BG near the center (1-2 pixels) were quite strong even with tight sliting, but issue solved by opening two quadrants (Q2 & Q4) and moving CSS about 1-2 pixels (elog:12731)
  • Found additional AGIPD BG in Q2M1 module (mid-Q range), but issue solved by adding Pd shield on IRU_SLIT4 (elog:12734)
  415   25 Oct 2023, 15:18 Sergii, TeguhSCSMorning Shift Summary, 25.10.2023

Morning Shift Summary, 25.10.2023


  1. Re-aligned FEL beam pointing and beamline mirrors after XGM intensity drop due to slow beam pointing drift over night.
  2. Continued taking momentum-dependent tr-REXS data.


  1. There was slow drift of FEL beam pointing over night, causing XGM intensity to slowly drop over time.
  2. The slow drop of XGM intensity continues even after beamline alignment. Compared to morning, the XGM intensity has dropped by ~10%.
  3. It is advisable to re-check the beam pointing again some time before the night shift due to correct for this beam drift problem.
  414   25 Oct 2023, 15:10 Sergii, TeguhSCSMorning Shift Summary, 24.10.2023

Morning Shift Summary, 24.10.2023


  1. Re-aligned the beamline after maintenance
  2. Found time zero using SiN at 300 K
  3. Change the He dewar and cooled down back to 20 K
  4. Adjusted the AFS laser parameters to recover the proper experiment settings
  5. Started taking tr-RIXS with several time delay points


  1. The AFS laser power is smaller than last week

Next shift plan:

  1. Continue taking tr-RIXS data
  413   25 Oct 2023, 02:43 Diogo Filipe Monrroy Vilan e Melo SASE 3 background heavily impacts our focus

Attch 1: We were having trouble focusing at IRU chamber. After multiple attempts the best we could achieve was 2.9-3.1 um beam.

Attch 2: We then wanted to test if this was caused by the SASE 3 background, after them changing from >350 pulses to 1, we saw an instant improvement of ~0.5um down to 2.3 um beamsize.

Attch 3: After optimizing without SASE 3 background, we got down to 1.9 um (1 um less then with SASE 3).

Attch 4: Finally, after SASE 3 changing back to their <350 pulses the beam now changed from 1.9 to 3.9 um! (instead of the previous 3.1um)


This because the SASE1+SASE3 focus =/= SASE1 focus....


We did not have much time to tune the beam without SASE 3 background, we should think about managing this tomorrow during alignment, and also for data collection...

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-10-25_02-21-29.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2023-10-25_02-36-16.png
Attachment 3: Screenshot_from_2023-10-25_02-37-38.png
Attachment 4: Screenshot_from_2023-10-25_02-42-21.png
  412   25 Oct 2023, 06:02 Diogo Filipe Monrroy Vilan e Melo Shift Summary

Staff: DM, CK, KK

X-ray delivery

  • 7.8keV, 2.4mj, stable delivery, homogeneos intra train energy most of the time.
  • SASE 3 background

Optical laser delivery

  • no laser used


  • Aligned until IRU, until before full beam test


  • Valve after AGIPD was disconnected elog:12718
  • SASE 3 background affecting beam focus at IRU elog 12722
  • AGIPD scattering, could not solve fully with slits, to be improved tomorrow

Instrument status

  • AGIPD HV off.
  • AGIPD gate valve closed and pinned.
  • Attenuators set to thickest diamond.
  • Vacuum valves closed.

To do for next shift

  • Continue with alignment, then experiment.
  • Check slits or other solution for AGIPD scattering
  • Confirm the beam focus impact from SASE 3 background, after we moved NKB coating (verify if it remains)
  411   25 Oct 2023, 06:02 Chan KimSPBother

Issue solved (elog:410) after changing NKB mirror coating to B4C.


Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-10-25_05-27-43.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2023-10-25_05-27-13.png
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00