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  OPERATION-2023 logbook, Contact: F.Wolff-Fabris, A.Galler, L.Samoylova, H.Sinn, Page 23 of 24  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Authordown Group Subject
  287   04 Aug 2023, 23:20 Andreas, SergiiSCSlate shift summary


  • hooked up sample cooling and reached 20K at sample at typical low consumption rate
  • we archieved targeted resolving power of ~10,000 or 86meV @ 857eV at low temp 20K after indications that heating broadens the elastic line of CoO
  • we observe sample damage at 30% and higher transmissions using 350pulses at 1.13MHz, while 20% or less seems fine and elastic line width and intensity remains stable
  • we optimise focus condition == 10microns with focus downstream of sample position. KB VFM = 2.04  (beam size vs KB VFM was measured via knife edge scans) dE ~80-85meV
  • transfer new sample holder with test sample

plan for tonight and tomorrow morning

  • the exit arm may still improve the resolving power, less may be expected from the grating pitch. this can be explored but has lower priority as we reached slightly above E/dE = 10,000 already.
  • take RIXS and XAS data on test sample, find optimum settings (damage threshold, camera readout etc) 
  • late shift will start with 800nm timing.


  • nothing to report
  156   24 Apr 2023, 15:16 Andreas, MartinSCSnight shift summary and end of beamtime


- finished SAXS data recording till 8am on time-resolved skyrmion nucleation and field dependence

- the setup is sensitive to beam transport drifts due to the closed hor-SLIT and the pinhole in FFT. were able to recover beam intensity by simple adjusting the horizontal pitch of M2 ~1.5urad change during th enight 

- first initial test runs on holography performance under giving beam settings. source stability seems to work nicely. afterburner will be important for cicurlar polarizations 


no issues

  155   24 Apr 2023, 15:16 Andreas, MartinSCSnight shift summary and end of beamtime


- finished SAXS data recording till 8am on time-resolved skyrmion nucleation and field dependence

- the setup is sensitive to beam transport drifts due to the closed hor-SLIT and the pinhole in FFT. were able to recover beam intensity by simple adjusting the horizontal pitch of M2 ~1.5urad change during th enight 

- first initial test runs on holography performance under giving beam settings. source stability seems to work nicely. afterburner will be important for cicurlar polarizations 


no issues

  417   26 Oct 2023, 07:13 Andreas Scherz / Eugenio ParisSCSnight shift summary

Night shift summary

- Recovered time0 on SiN (time0 moved >20ps after FEL beam loss in the evening)
- Collected static RIXS (actually with laser but negative delay) at the CDW at 113 kHz for different temperatures to investigate the effect of heating from the x-rays and from the laser

- during late shift and after a beam dump in the evening, trRIXS signal could not be recovered. By checking the rough timing, they found a change in the x-ray arrival time of the order of >20 ps. 
- We checked the beamline alignment and found that the pointing from the machine was off, requiring BKR to tune We also found that the photon energy offset between mono and undulators changed. Beam looked horizontally diffracted and the beam pointing moved in horizontal and was hitting the horizontal slits. We translated the open horizontal slits and pitch the beam properly into SCS branch with M5.

  335   07 Sep 2023, 23:46 Andreas ScherzSCSShift summary

Shift summary 07.09.2023

1. found t0   on LSCO x=0.15 at pre-peak O K edge
2. fluence dependence at dt = 130fs, laser-on-off XAS => laser power at 50%
3. static XAS on the three samples x=0,.15, .4 aorund the pre-peak
4. setting for pump-probe: 1.1 MHz 520 pulses at 100% Transmission, PPL at 50%

10:10pm loss of optical sync on PP laser. realized before starting time-resolved experiments. coarse timing requried !

Program for the night shift:
reestablished timing
resume experimetns, i.e. time-resolved signal on sample (XAS) then start time-resolved RIXS.

  20   08 Feb 2023, 11:14 Andreas KochXPDSA3 status

Bunch number control - SA3 FEL imager

As announced today in the XO meeting the SA3 FEL imager has a new feature, see screenshot, encircled:
- In case of danger for the YAG screen the bunches SA3 are set to "0" via the BunchPatternServer (SA3 Main scene).

What to do:
- Choose a different screen, BN or CBor, and again set the number of bunches needed.
- If operation with the YAG screen is wished reduce the pulse energy at the screen.

Further info:
- In general, danger to the YAG screen, even in single bunch operation, is avoided if the GATT is operated at <10% transmission. Observe the screen Watchdogs.
- This feature is installed at the SA3 FEL imager only, after new recent damages.
- Activate the device with "Start", deactivate the control with "Stop Monitoring".

In case of not-correct behaviour inform the PRC (Andreas Galler this week) or me.
This entry is copied to the ttfinfo logbook.

Attachment 1: Bunch_number_control_SA3_FEL_imager.PNG
  135   13 Apr 2023, 15:29 Andreas KochXPDIssue

Trigger issue with SXP_XTD10_IMGES - Exit Slit imager

The external trigger of the Navitar camera was not set, fixed now.
The single pulse trigger of the imager: MCP + camera is tested and correctly working.
The pre-settings are stored in Karabo and should come up again, also after Karabo updates.

  263   21 Jun 2023, 15:12 Andreas KochXPDNew screens installed in FEL imager SA3

YAG screen
The damaged screen "YAG2" with Al coating had marks and had been exchanged.
The Imager Watchdog now protects the screen - operational for some months i.e. the number of bunches is shut down to zero if the intensity at the screen is too high. In this case, best then is to use the GATT.
Follow the instructions and informations given in the Imager scene.

BN screen
Also the "BN" screen had slight marks and had been exchanged. This screen suffered from accumulated dose over the years but no special protection is foreseen. The imager Watchdog will warn. BN has a high damage threshold for single pulse damage similar to diamond. In contrast to diamond it will not show spurious reflections, like optical light in the beamline or background from SA1 pulses but it has a lower spatial resolution.
Follow the instructions and informations given in the Imager scene.

  26   11 Feb 2023, 13:55 Andreas GallerPRCStatus

Gun Modulator Problems

Gun Trip at 11:23 and since then the Modulator trips after each restart.
Accelerator Shift Crews and On Call personnel working on fixing the issue.

  128   08 Apr 2023, 10:29 Andreas GallerPRCIssue

Changed EPS Interlock condition for SPB_XTD9_IMGPI/SWITCH/SCREEN_OUT

SPB/SFX called DOC this morning for being limitied to two pulses by the EPS (Instrument should have called PRC instead)
After tracing the issue to the SPB_XTD9_IMGPI/SWITCH/SCREEN_OUT switch SPB/SFX decided to take this imager out of the interlock, confirming on camera that no screen was inserted.
EEE and DOC investigated the issue without conclusion

SPB_XTD9_IMGPI/SWITCH/SCREEN_OUT disabled in EPS Mode30 and Mode400
for todays SPB/SFX shift we'll keep it like this, PRC will check with FXE when they take over at 23:00

  55   24 Feb 2023, 22:57 Alexey Zozulya Shift summary

- Measured the speckle patterns using EPIX detector to estimate the beamsize focused down by 1D lens (Row 13).

- Heat load test to NFL #18 with 50 bunches.

- Measured the speckle patterns with 2D focusing lens to estimate the beamsize. wire edge scan?

- Local optics hexapod had some issue in moving while alignment. DOC helped us to solve it.

-Sample hexapod is not working, need to be checked in the morning.


  393   18 Oct 2023, 02:09 Alexey ZozulyaMIDShift summary

Shift summary (p4239)
- HXSS beam at 10.5 keV at 400 uJ pulse energy
- MID beam alignment to DES
- aligned DES spectrometer for C220 reflection on Gotthard and flight path;
-    Seeding crystal was stuck in parked position and could not be inserted back (late evening); to be investigated via ZZ access tomorrow

  405   23 Oct 2023, 01:10 Alexey ZozulyaMIDShift summary

*Finish measurement program on the STO sample at room temperature
*Check mono fpitch and energy rocking curve
*Darks for AGIPD and JF
*take out mono, CRLs etc from the tunnel

Beam delivery:

*Beam was not available from 11:30 to 19:30. Returned to good conditions back at  ~2mJ, 10.5keV, 15bunches


  60   01 Mar 2023, 16:07 Alexander PelkaHEDShift summary

Day shift 28.02

Got the beam, aligned it up to the TCC, mirrors in 3 mrad configuration, checked positions for the CRLs. Optimised beam at the HAPG. Beam stability was fine, energy up to 1,5 mJ at 8.2 keV, and up to 1 mJ at 9.1 keV (used for the spectrometer calibration). 

Late shift 28.02

Tune back from 9.1 to 8.15 keV, beam was a bit shifted.

Spectrometer calibration and elastic scattering showed very precise beam photon energy.

Night shift 28.02-1.03

Night was dedicated to installation and alignment of CRL4. Start pumping IC1. There were a lot of issues with carabo (HED vacuum scene) DOC is informed.

Day shift 1.03 

Continued CRL4 a and b alignment. No big issues, beam is mostly fine, energy is also fine, but sometimes beam stabilization (feedbacks) stops working and observing.

  125   07 Apr 2023, 23:00 Alejandro Laso GarciaHEDHED Shift Summary 07.04.

Morning - Users from proposal 3455 continued with their measurement program. Beam stable during the measurements.

Afternoon - Changed the setup from 3455 to 3326.

Evening - Beginning of the alignment for users. Beam stable.

  158   26 Apr 2023, 07:55 Alejandro Laso GarciaHEDHED Full day shift summary 25.04.

Morning shift:

- First thing in the morning ~7 am, the MDL in the SASE 2 topic were down. Even the watchdog which prevented us from moving SA2 attenuators. DOC quickly resolved the issue (10 min).

- Beam alignment down to the IBS. X-ray mirrors at 2 mrad. Approximately 85% transmission through the beamline.

- Transmission DAQ runs for cross calibration of devices.

- Focus at TCC in IC2 with CRL1 arms 6 and 8 and CRL3 arms 5 and 9. Focus of around 10 um.

- At around 14:00 the problem with the MDL in SASE2 topic happened again. Was again resolved by DOC.


Late shift:

- Timing setup for SOP and Visar systems, found timing on both systems.


Night shift:

- Improving the imaging quality of SOP and Visar. Did not manage entirely.

- DiPOLE timing setup.

  160   27 Apr 2023, 07:51 Alejandro Laso GarciaHEDHED Full Day Summary 26.04.

Morning shift:

- Tried to align the fiducial fiber in IC1 for the streak cameras, however it was unsuccessful.

- The karabo device for the SOP had to be restarted. Crosschecked that all the timings were still correct.

- Took some CeO2 diffraction images on the VAREX detectors and found several problems:

  1. the VAREX detectors are storing the data under different trainIds. Taking as reference the pulse-picker unit, VAREX1 stores data in trainId+2 and VAREX2 in trainId+15.
  2. the frames appear to be "hard cut". The diffraction signal gets cut as if the readout was interrupted and the rest of the frame is filled with background.

- DiPOLE works ongoing, focus optimization.


Late shift:

- DiPOLE timing achieved

- Spatial and temporal calibration of SOP and Visar.

- First DiPOLE shots, however no signal seen in Varex, some fringe shift observed in visar.


Night shift:

- Further few shots to debug the issues.

- Users wanted to optimize imaging of the VISAR, achieved optimization in Arm 3

- Debugging of Varex trainId and frame cropping issues. Should be followed up with controls.

- Achieved signal in the fiducial fiber from IC1.


  54   24 Feb 2023, 05:39 Adam RoundSPBShift summary

Staff: AR, KK

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3keV

Optical laser delivery

  • None


  • Both KB mirrors are moved to Ru coating
  • Nano KB and inlineMic are aligned focus optimzed
  • Several ptycho. datasets are measured with single-pulse and 320 pulses per train
  94   22 Mar 2023, 21:49 Adam RoundSPBShift end

X-ray delivery

  • 9 keV 1 to 165 pulses ~ 300 mj per pulse - stable delivery during the day

Optical laser delivery

  • ns lasers for illumination only


  • Focus alignment
  • found illumination / shield (100 micron) conditions to optimise background on detector
  • observed that the flourecence signal on the diode was very low and this appears corelated with drift in the focus - after focus optimisation signal was again visible
  • several runs collected with varying attenuation with the aim to try to corelate flourecence signal on diode with beam intensity


  • Too high background from sample at full transmission required exchange of copper shield form 50 to 100 microns
  • disc detaching from motor spindle (twice) - first time disc blocked gate valve, second bolt and washer are in the gate valve mechanisme space
  • in both cases detector had to be warmed to allow venting.
  235   09 Jun 2023, 07:05 Adam RoundSPBShift summary

Staff: DZ, AR, MK

X-ray delivery

  • 12.42 keV 169 pulses for alignment 16 pulses for data collection. stable delivery excluding the extended interuption

Optical laser delivery

  • none


  • Continuation of lysozyme experiment with parameters from yesterday
  • data collection time limited by machine downtime, alignment optimisaiton and cleaning of the sample buildup around the interaciton region.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00