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12 Jun 2023, 02:01 |
Ulrike Boesenberg | MID | Shift summary |
*Some more tuning of HXRSS and focus optimization in the morning.
*XPCS data taken in WAXS geometry on different glass samples.
*Migration of data is clogging up after about 10pm. DRC was contacted.
*Beam loss at 1am due to lost connection to TD5, MPS shut off beam in SA2.
30 Jul 2023, 02:02 |
Ulrike Boesenberg | MID | Shift summary | 9.3 keV, 1-35pulses, stable delivery ~600uJ
*General alignment of MID branch to the DES
*Commissioning of CRL2 (MID_XTD6_CRL) together with EEE after change to close loop in the maintenance period and alignment of lenses, characterization of beamsize using the X-ray eye at the sample position.
*Alignment of spectrometer in DES |
30 Jul 2023, 23:06 |
Ulrike Boesenberg | MID | Shift summary | 9 and 10keV beam, up to 30 bunches, significant drop in intensity in the morning and in the evening.
Commissioning of EH MIRR device
Preparation of user experiment at 10keV with lenses and monochromator |
02 Mar 2023, 22:54 |
Ulf Zastrau | HED | Stability Issue | HED would like to report that since 2 days the SASE2 beam is instable.
The attached movie shows, on the left (90° rotated, so up-down is left-right)
the beam at the end of the HED hutch, and on the right its the same beam
at the end of the XTD6 tunnel (HED-POPIN diamond window).
It jitters horizantally by more than 1.5 diameters.
We are taking data for users, but due to the jitter, only every 4th image is usable,
which mean also 3 out of 4 targets are lost.
We are haveing near collimated beam with CRL1 (XTD1) 1,6 and CRL2 (XTD6) 2,3)
to generate a large field of view on the target.
Ulf |
Attachment 1: beamjitter_2_3_2023.mp4
03 Mar 2023, 23:06 |
Ulf Zastrau | HED | Shift summary | Beam delivery SASE 8,25 keV, 1300 µJ. Intensity stable,
but beam jittery in horizontal.
PRC (Dommach) did a ZZ around 13:00 and switched off coolling of M1 in XD1, but no effect on beam jitter.
We decided (around 18:00) that we will use intermediate focus (CRL1 arms 4,6). This is not providing optimal
properties in terms of divergence and chromaticity for our imaging experiment, but the jitter
prevented us from taking any meaningful data. The result is that the jitter is significantly reduced.
We are taking data since 20:00. Quality is moderate but we can live with it. |
06 Mar 2023, 06:48 |
Ulf Zastrau | HED | Shift summary | X-ray delivery stable in intensity, 1300-1400 mJ at 8150 eV SASE.
user experiment 3430 (Zastrau / Mishchenko)
Horizontal jitter compensated with intermediate focus (by overfocusing with CRL in XTD1, and focus on target with CRLs in HED OPT.
Beam drifts compensated by M2, M3 mirror feedback
RELAX laser shots on 10 um Cu foils, last 12 h pumping a Cu 22+ resonance K line. probing laser plasma at 0, 5, 10, 20 and 50 um spatial offset
Completed our data set. We now have 100fs resolved 2d transmission images and K-resonance from +1 ps to -100 ps delay time.
Successful user experiment.
16 Feb 2023, 23:01 |
Trey Guest | | End of Shift | Staff: KK, RB, TG, AS, CK
X-ray delivery
Optical laser delivery
- EHC Shimadzu timing and focussing
- Two-Plane Measurements Tested
- SA1, NKB and EHC Shimadzu flatfields recorded
- Y - Double Slit diffraction pattern recorded on EHC Shimadzu
- Bassler cameras misbehaving
Instrument status
- AGIPD HV off.
- AGIPD gate valve closed and pinned.
- Attenuators set to thickest diamond.
- Vacuum valves closed.
- EHC and NKB Shimadzus focussed and timed
- Sample in out-of-beam position
To do for next shift
- EHC Shimadzu Measurement of Y-Double Slit Pattern - both shimadzus currently focussed w/ respect to YAG screens and EHC and have correct timing.
- I0 Monitor comissioning.
24 Mar 2023, 18:27 |
Tommaso Mazza | SQS | Stability Issue | the pulse energy in XTD10 is lowered by ~30% when SASE1 changes photon energy, compare att. 1 and 2.
In addition, the intra-train pulse energy stability gets much lower. Potentially, there is an impact on the pointing as well, which is critical for the pump-probe experiment. |
Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-03-24_18-25-31.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2023-03-24_18-26-18.png
30 Apr 2023, 09:01 |
Tommaso Mazza | SQS | Stability Issue | changing SA3 mono from grating to blank while having the und to mono synchronization running apparently caused the und photon energy to change to 680eV. the synchronization MDL went into pink-disable when changing mirror settings, so this change in photon energy should not have occurred.
After going back to 940eV, the SASE level did not come back. BKR tried to tackle this for some while until they asked for intervention of the MRC. |
Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-04-30_09-11-58.png
14 May 2023, 05:33 |
Tommaso Mazza | SQS | Issue | SA3 GATT has trouble in setting the pressure at ~0.5mbar. setting any value between 0.5 and 0.6 will have it settle around 0.48.
It turns out the GATT cannot tune the pressure between 0.48 and 0.62mbar. tuning pressure continuously to keep transmission constant gets us in the need of that range eventually. the problem is that at 0.48mbar the valve V30740S is at 100%. the minimum opening of the next valve V307030S gets already 0.62mbar.
[edit simon, after talking Michaela]
we had the idea that one could use two of the MFCs (M.R.+L.R.) at the same time to extend the range of the low end. Indeed this does work but one has to make sure that Set Control Mode is 1! (att 1)
This, at least gives us a upper limit of the low range of 0.52 mBar (mind you, this is only for manual settings, parallel operation of MFCs is not forseen so far by the software)
Set Control Mode to 1 on U.R. MFC gives us a low end of 0.56 mBar on the upper range
Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-05-14_08-19-46.png
02 Jun 2023, 06:17 |
Tommaso Mazza | | pointing stability | we lost spatial overlap on several instances.
It seems that this happens when SASE2 changes number of pulses.
when we have SASE2 changing number of pulses, spatial overlap is lost and this goes with a change in the position read by the xgm in the order of ~20um (e.g. attachment 1).
Yet, the XGM position reading is not really representative of the effective pointing changes: a drift of that order, occurring when there is no change in SASE2, does *NOT* correspond to a loss in the overlap (seen in the N2 signal in our experiment).
in summary: some evidence suggests that SASE2 number of pulses changing affects our FEL beam pointing. Yet, we don't have a diagnostics allowing us to quantify this.
Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-06-02_03-14-16.png
05 Jun 2023, 06:45 |
Tommaso Mazza | SQS | Issue | around 6:15, the lights as the one shown in the attachment turned on by themselves in the control hutch. after some minutes, they switched off.
from the exp hutch camera, we realized that this happened in there as well, which impacted negatively on the running measurement. The pnCCD is sensitive to ambient light and we have to keep the hutch dark while measuring.
Why did these lights turn on? |
Attachment 1: 1685940280680.jpg
25 Aug 2023, 07:29 |
Tommaso Mazza | SQS | Shift summary | problems with machine operation
very low yield at 1.8keV, took ~2hrs tuning time to get 600uJ (linear taper)
SA3 cells opened without us knowing when hv was changed
observed strong pointing change (and beam profile shape) when changing
- SASE3 pulse timing
- photon energy
pointing change with changing photon energy was such that the beam would make it through the GATT only partially (att. 1). this is unprecedented. |
Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-08-25_02-31-19.png
12 Feb 2023, 06:53 |
Tokushi Sato | SPB | Shift summary | X-ray delivery
- 9.3 keV, 1-85 pulses, 1 mJ, stable delivery
Optical laser delivery
- 800 nm, 1-226 pulses, stable delivery
- ns laser for illumination
- Successfull arrival time slope setting
- Pump-probe data collection at IRU with corrected time slope
13 Feb 2023, 07:17 |
Tokushi Sato | SPB | Shift summary | X-ray delivery
- 9.3 keV, 1-85 pulses, 1 mJ, stable delivery
Optical laser delivery
- 800 nm, 1-226 pulses, stable delivery
- ns laser for illumination
- Successfull arrival time slope setting
- Pump-probe data collection at IRU with corrected time slope
28 Feb 2023, 23:24 |
Tokushi Sato | SPB | Shift summary | X-ray delivery
- 9.3 keV, 1-352 pulses, 0.8 mJ, stable delivery
Optical laser delivery
- 800 nm, 1-01 pulses, 282 kHz, stable delivery
- ns laser for illumination
- Alignment for NKB focusing setup were finished
- Al scattering signal was observed on AGIPD, need to move CSS with IRU-SLIT-1 opening
- Dammit currently running on the "AGIPD" PC, automated data processing is on but will only process the first 100k frames.
01 Mar 2023, 23:25 |
Tokushi Sato | SPB | Shift summary | X-ray delivery
- 9.3 keV, 1-352 pulses, 0.8 mJ, stable delivery
Optical laser delivery
- 800 nm, 101 pulses, 282 kHz, stable delivery
- ns laser for illumination
- Nanofocusing setup alignment was finished
- Ice detection was tested
02 Mar 2023, 23:13 |
Tokushi Sato | SPB | Shift summary | X-ray delivery
- 9.3 keV, 202 pulses, X-ray intensity had slope over train, 30 % difference between first and last pulse in the train
- Sometime strange intensity slope was observed (screen shot was attached)
Optical laser delivery
- 800 nm, 68 pulses, 188 kHz, Treacy compressor issue, lost 3 hours in morning
- ns laser for illumination
- Nanofocusing setup with pump-probe experiment has started
- Collected TR-SFX data
- Treacy compressor issue, lost 3 hours in morning
- X-ray intensity had slope over train, 30 % difference between first and last pulse in the train
- Sometime strange intensity slope was observed (screen shot was attached)
- Run_Controller stopped without any action from us
Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-03-02_21-53-17.png
03 Mar 2023, 23:27 |
Tokushi Sato | SPB | Shift summary | X-ray delivery
- 9.3 keV, 202 pulses, 564 kHz, intensity slope was flat
Optical laser delivery
- 800 nm, 68 pulses, 188 kHz. stable delivery
- ns laser for illumination
- Continue nanofocusing setup with pump-probe experiment
- Continue Collecting TR-SFX data
- Run_Controller problem still persists, it stopped without any action from us
04 Mar 2023, 22:55 |
Tokushi Sato | SPB | Shift summary | X-ray delivery
- 9.3 keV, 202 pulses, 564 kHz, intensity slope was fine
Optical laser delivery
- 800 nm, 68 pulses, 188 kHz. stable delivery
- ns laser for illumination
- Continue nanofocusing setup with pump-probe experiment
- Continue Collecting TR-SFX data
- uTCA timing was shifted about 3 ns against X-ray and PP-laser