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  OPERATION-2023 logbook, Contact: F.Wolff-Fabris, A.Galler, L.Samoylova, H.Sinn, Page 8 of 24  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Groupdown Subject
  384   11 Oct 2023, 06:22 Abhisakh SarmaSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 7.8 keV, up to 30 pulses at 94 kHz, 3 mJ

Optical laser delivery

  • No laser


  • Trying to solve issues


  • AGIPD's asics interlocked several times. Marcin was informed and he tried to solve the issue remotely but did not work.
  • Marcin observed that the AGIPD's chiller temperature was increasing since afternoon and not going down below -16 degree. Probablly the chiller is no longer at proper state. Macrin was onsite and tried to solve the issue without success. Informed to detector group
  • Difficulties with alignment of direct beam path until NKB
  386   13 Oct 2023, 07:06 Chan KimSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 7.8 keV, up to 260 pulses at 1.1MHz, >4 mJ

Optical laser delivery

  • PP laser was down since 00:48.


  • NKB focus optimized and beam cleaning partially done
  • Damaged IRU slit-4 has been rearranged and replaced
  • Stable AGIPD operation


  • Beam on AGPID seems still too big and beam cleaning did not really work (we may need to close PSLITs during the next shift)
  • IRU_SLITs are too close to the X-ray beam and one blade in IRU_SLIT-4 was damaged by X-ray
  • ~10 pixels in Q2M1 overexposed
  • SA1 PPL Amphos down since 00:48
  388   14 Oct 2023, 04:04 Chan KimSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 7.8 keV, up to 260 pulses at 1.1MHz, ~3 mJ

Optical laser delivery

  • PP laser, stable delivery


  • NKB focus optimized with reduced PSLIT (both MKB and EHU) opening
  • Found the orgin of the BG (mostly from AGIPD gun shield)
  • Stable AGIPD operation


  • Beam slitting with PSLITs & IRU_SLITs does not help in reducing the BG from the AGIPD Gun-shield
  • Placing additional Pb shield on the injector tip does not help (BG source is in between injector and AGIPD)
  392   17 Oct 2023, 23:23 Raphael de WijnSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 13.6 keV, ~1.6 mJ and up to 202 pulses at 0.5 MHz

Optical laser delivery

  • PP laser, stable delivery


  • User sample delivery tested
  • M1 and M2 aligned
  • x-ray beam aligned and focused
  • PP laser spatial and temporal alignment done
  • AGIPD background reduction to be optimized: still one photon diffuse scattering and ten photons scattering on the top right quadrant
  394   18 Oct 2023, 23:19 Raphael de WijnSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 13.6 keV, ~1.8 mJ and up to 352 pulses at 1.1 MHz

Optical laser delivery

  • PP laser, amphos laser computer in error for ~2h


  • x-ray beam aligned and focused
  • PP laser optimization done
  • AGIPD background reduced to 1-2 photons diffuse scattering


  • Beam down ~2h
  • PP laser down for ~2h
  • AGIPD tripped due to pressure spike, currently all off
  395   19 Oct 2023, 23:30 Jayanath KoliyaduSPBShift end

X-ray delivery

  • 13.6 keV, ~1.7 mJ and up to 352 pulses at 1.1 MHz

Optical laser delivery

  • PP laser, 1 to 202 pulses, stable delivery except for the down time of ~1h


  • user sample data collected for ~1.5h
  • PP laser timing scans done
  • new adapter for the screens holder designed, machined and installed


  • sample was growing on the adapter, preventing data collection
  • new adapter is too far downstream, partially shadowing sample diffraction on the lower corners of the detector
  • PP laser down for ~1h
  397   20 Oct 2023, 23:10 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 13.6 keV, ~1.6 mJ and up to 352 pulses at 1.1 MHz.
  • Beam down at 22:47, not recovered before the end of the shift. Otherwise stable delivery.

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, 50 fs, 1 to 176 pulses at 564 kHz pumping TOPAS at 475 nm.
  • Intensity modulations through the burst during the second half of the day. Solved by LAS OCD. Otherwise stable delivery.


  • Remounting of diagnostics stack under the injector.
  • PP laser and X-ray spatial and timing overlap.
  • Collected data from noon until beam down towards the end of the shift.


  • Discrepancies between delay calculated by OpticalDelay device and motor encoder position appearing from time to time.
  • Karabo GUI crashed twice when after pressing enter while editing a table.
  402   22 Oct 2023, 00:27 Raphael de WijnSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 13.6 keV, ~1.6 mJ and up to 352 pulses at 1.1 MHz.
  • Beam down until around 1PM.
  • After agreement with FXE, we could collect data until midnight.

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, 50 fs, 1 to 176 pulses at 564 kHz pumping TOPAS at 475 nm.
  • PP laser down for ~4h. Facility cooling water for the AMPHOS chiller was down, solved by LAS and TS OCD (controller had to be replaced).


  • PP laser and X-ray spatial and timing overlap.
  • Collected pump-probe data ~1.5h until PP laser down, then dark data on a different sample and then again ~1.5h pump-probe at the end of the shift


  • Beam down in the morning.
  • PP laser down in the evening.
  407   23 Oct 2023, 05:15 Raphael de WijnSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 13.6 keV, ~1.6 mJ and up to 352 pulses at 1.1 MHz.
  • Beam down from 10:30 to 19:00.

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, 50 fs, 1 to 176 pulses at 564 kHz pumping TOPAS at 475 nm.
  • Stable delivery.


  • PP laser and X-ray spatial and timing overlap.
  • Collected data for ~7.5h.
  • Very stable sample delivery.
  410   25 Oct 2023, 04:48 Chan KimSPBIssue

SA3 background is very strong and it affects our NKB (nano KB, Ru coating) focus.


Attachment 1: optimized NKB focus with 1 pulse @SA3

Attachment 2: optimized NKB focus + SA3 BG with 375 pulses @SA3

Attachment 3: optimized NKB focus with 375 pulses @SA3

Attachment 4: optimized NKB focus with 375 pulses @SA3, but after changing number of pulses to 1 @SA3

  411   25 Oct 2023, 06:02 Chan KimSPBother

Issue solved (elog:410) after changing NKB mirror coating to B4C.


  416   26 Oct 2023, 07:10 Chan KimSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 7.8keV, 2.4mj, stable delivery, homogeneos intra train energy most of the time.

Optical laser delivery

  • ns laser for particle imaging


  • AGIPD BG optimized by opening Q2 & Q4 quadrants a few pixels and adding Pb shield on IRU_SLIT4
  • NKB focused optimized
  • Data (75 nm Ag cube) and gas BG (no sample) measured with two different gases (N2 and He)


  • AGIPD BG near the center (1-2 pixels) were quite strong even with tight sliting, but issue solved by opening two quadrants (Q2 & Q4) and moving CSS about 1-2 pixels (elog:12731)
  • Found additional AGIPD BG in Q2M1 module (mid-Q range), but issue solved by adding Pd shield on IRU_SLIT4 (elog:12734)
  421   27 Oct 2023, 03:19 Chan KimSPBIssue

We observed auto changes of the number of X-ray pulses last night and tonight.

It is related to 500 um thick Si attenuator in XTD2_ATT.

Even with 2.4 mm thick CVD (XTD2_ATT) IN, the number of pulses @SA1 changes to 28 whenever we insert 500 um thick Si attenuator.

Watchdog triggered this process. It has to be updated.


First row in the atttachment: The number of X-ray pulses @ SA1

Second row in the attachment: Status of 2.4 mm thick CVD in XTD2_ATT

Third row in the attachment: Status of 0.5 mm thick Si in XTD2_ATT

  422   27 Oct 2023, 06:35 Chan KimSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 7.8keV, 2.5mj, stable delivery, homogeneos intra train energy most of the time.

Optical laser delivery

  • ns laser for particle imaging


  • RGA installed and used for quantitative gas BG analysis
  • Data (55 nm Ag cube) and gas BG (no sample) measured with two different gases (N2 and He)
  • BG roughly 3.5x better with 3 l/min He flow, but only about 2x better with 3 L/min He + N2/CO2 for stable Tayler cone


  • Pulses often changed from 352 to 28 for no apparent reason, discovered later that it was happening when closing silicon 500 XTD2 arm (elog:421)
  424   30 Oct 2023, 07:10 Raphael de WijnSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 7.8keV, ~2.5mj, no beam before 1:15am
  • One undulator was not moving, expert was called

Optical laser delivery

  • ns laser for particle imaging


  • RGA used for quantitative gas BG analysis
  • Collected more data from 55 nm Ag cube
  • Collected some sucrose data
  • Collected gold bipyramids data


  • Could not get sucrose droplets delivered to the interation point while injecting He at the bottom of the skimmer. As soon as it was enough He to decrease N, droplets desappeared.
  • Still some questionmarks regarding the gas flows through the skimmer section into the chamber. More tests in the lab necessary.
  427   31 Oct 2023, 23:08 Chan KimSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 19keV, 700-800uj

Optical laser delivery

  •  ns laser


  • Vacuum pipe and He pipe for diamond outcoupling installed
  • Aligned beam to downstream
  • Saw the beam at tower position (Zyla camera)
  429   01 Nov 2023, 22:57 Chan KimSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 19 keV, ~0.9 mJ/pulse, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  •  no


  • Finalized allignment
  • Got successful runs with impact from sound eventhough often timing misaligned due to jitter


  • High jitter from output of transducer (Ch 2in oscilloscope) is problematic
  432   02 Nov 2023, 23:25 Chan KimSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 19 keV, ~0.9 mJ/pulse, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  •  no


  • Tried many possibilities to fix the jitter issue. We covered everything we could think of, but in the end it was not possible as we could not avoid restricting ourselves from the 0.4s delay required for the ultrasound, making us then suffer from the inter-train jitter.
  • Returned to operational experiment setup, eventhough suffering from the jitter issue.


  • High jitter from output of transducer (Ch 2in oscilloscope) could not be solved.
  • Turbopumps went off, then we realized multiple power sockets were powerless (F7,8,9,10,11). We connected the turbos to another socket to resume operation, after which the previous sockets were also fixed. We must reconnect the turbos to the typical sockets sometime soon, best expectation to be comming Monday.
  446   15 Nov 2023, 07:10 Jayanath KoliyaduSPBShift end

X-ray delivery

  • 1.3-1.7 mJ, 1-30 pulses, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • None


  • Aligned beam trajectory for 10.7 keV direct beam
  • Optimized the microscopy table position and references
  • Initial alignment and test of test of spectrometer crystal
  447   16 Nov 2023, 06:56 Tokushi SatoSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 1.3-1.7 mJ, 10.7 keV, 1-100 pulses, stable delivery

Optical laser delivery

  • None


  • Aligned beam trajectory for 10.7 keV direct beam
  • Optimized the microscopy table position and references
  • Alingment of spectrometer and first and second crystal


  • Intensity flucutations when SA3 changing number of pulses, it is related to automatic kicker adaptation.
  • AGIPD preview update speed was slow
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00