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  OPERATION-2023 logbook, Contact: F.Wolff-Fabris, A.Galler, L.Samoylova, H.Sinn, Page 23 of 24  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Group Subjectdown
  95   22 Mar 2023, 23:57 Lisa RandolphHEDHED shift summary 22.03.

During the night we worked on the temporal overlap between Relax laser and XFEL.

In the morning we noticed that the beam jitter is quite large (in and out of the aperture of the CRL4 lenses). There seems to be a correlation with the HED popin. We adjusted the TCC with x-ray and laser. Performed transmission scans.

We managed to see the direct beam on JF. Continued with sample alignment (grazing-incidence) and also aligned the beamblocks to block the direkt and the reflected beam.

  92   21 Mar 2023, 23:39 Lisa RandolphHEDHED Summary 21.3.

Got the beam, aligned it up to the TCC, mirrors in 3 mrad configuration, checked positions for the CRLs. Energy up to 500 uJ at 8.2 keV, 2 bunches. 
Feedback M2 PBLM-2 camera was UNKNOWN. Power cycle (just switch off >> on) solved the issue. Also, the screen was extracted. Insert the screen. However, the count is too low (30 counts) to make the feedback running. We found that the trigger timing for the PBLM-2 camera was off by 20 msec with unknow reason. Then we had >~200 counts. 
The beam jitter on Zyla was quite large (~1-2x beam width).

Installed and aligned CRL4a and b. Then we pumped IC1. We realized that the M2 feedback went off two times, this needs to be checked from time to time. Otherwise no big issues, beam is mostly fine, energy is also fine.

  125   07 Apr 2023, 23:00 Alejandro Laso GarciaHEDHED Shift Summary 07.04.

Morning - Users from proposal 3455 continued with their measurement program. Beam stable during the measurements.

Afternoon - Changed the setup from 3455 to 3326.

Evening - Beginning of the alignment for users. Beam stable.

  158   26 Apr 2023, 07:55 Alejandro Laso GarciaHEDHED Full day shift summary 25.04.

Morning shift:

- First thing in the morning ~7 am, the MDL in the SASE 2 topic were down. Even the watchdog which prevented us from moving SA2 attenuators. DOC quickly resolved the issue (10 min).

- Beam alignment down to the IBS. X-ray mirrors at 2 mrad. Approximately 85% transmission through the beamline.

- Transmission DAQ runs for cross calibration of devices.

- Focus at TCC in IC2 with CRL1 arms 6 and 8 and CRL3 arms 5 and 9. Focus of around 10 um.

- At around 14:00 the problem with the MDL in SASE2 topic happened again. Was again resolved by DOC.


Late shift:

- Timing setup for SOP and Visar systems, found timing on both systems.


Night shift:

- Improving the imaging quality of SOP and Visar. Did not manage entirely.

- DiPOLE timing setup.

  160   27 Apr 2023, 07:51 Alejandro Laso GarciaHEDHED Full Day Summary 26.04.

Morning shift:

- Tried to align the fiducial fiber in IC1 for the streak cameras, however it was unsuccessful.

- The karabo device for the SOP had to be restarted. Crosschecked that all the timings were still correct.

- Took some CeO2 diffraction images on the VAREX detectors and found several problems:

  1. the VAREX detectors are storing the data under different trainIds. Taking as reference the pulse-picker unit, VAREX1 stores data in trainId+2 and VAREX2 in trainId+15.
  2. the frames appear to be "hard cut". The diffraction signal gets cut as if the readout was interrupted and the rest of the frame is filled with background.

- DiPOLE works ongoing, focus optimization.


Late shift:

- DiPOLE timing achieved

- Spatial and temporal calibration of SOP and Visar.

- First DiPOLE shots, however no signal seen in Varex, some fringe shift observed in visar.


Night shift:

- Further few shots to debug the issues.

- Users wanted to optimize imaging of the VISAR, achieved optimization in Arm 3

- Debugging of Varex trainId and frame cropping issues. Should be followed up with controls.

- Achieved signal in the fiducial fiber from IC1.


  332   06 Sep 2023, 06:35 Giuseppe MercurioSCSGiuseppe, Justine


- we found optimum hRIXS settings for 1020 eV but moving the detector arm

- we found optimum hRIXS settings for 920 eV but moving the detector arm, and then grating pitch and detect arm

- energy calbibration for 920 eV


- lost internect connection around 6 am

- PI-MTE3 camera claims an exposure of 30 sec but in reakity it"d more lik r13 sec.

- if FEL intensity goes to 0 i spikes, the jupyter notebook give errors, referring to objecests ofdifferent sie.



  93   21 Mar 2023, 19:35 Terry Mullins Finding t0 with the PAM

After setting timing witht he diode, we look at the PAM spectrometer and scan the laser timing a bit.  We found a clear change in the spectrum - at >t0, the spectrum was very attenuated and at t<t0, the spectrum was larger.  This persisted for many 10s of ps (very unexpected behaviour).

In attachment are the LA3 timing scene, the SQS delay stage, the BAM, and the spectrometer signal from Metro at t0. att. 1 - 4.  The averaged ratio shows the cut the best.  Unfortunately we do not have references on that, so we will ask Sergey or Bjoern to do it tomorrow.


We found that the intra-train timing feedbacks of the accelerator are off. We ask BKR to fix it, which took a while. Aparently, we have to communicate the need of the timing feedbacks (and BAM) more clearly.

Standard deviation along train is now 18 fs with feedbacks on, see att 5. Was around 100 fs without the feedback!

We take a run and manually move the PAM delay stage so we have a timing calibration for PAM.

run 32: Rubbish because DA03 got stuck.
run 33: scanning PAM delay stage manually. device: SQS_AQS_LAS/MOTOR/WAVEPL_LMD2_1030. Typically taking 5um steps.

Went to the PAM delay stage position shown in att. 6, and had the PAM signal shown in att. 7

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-03-21_19-33-39.png
Attachment 2: Screenshot_from_2023-03-21_19-37-20.png
Attachment 3: Screenshot_from_2023-03-21_19-34-57.png
Attachment 4: Screenshot_from_2023-03-21_19-34-10.png
Attachment 5: Screenshot_from_2023-03-21_20-34-28.png
Attachment 6: Screenshot_from_2023-03-21_21-16-31.png
Attachment 7: Screenshot_from_2023-03-21_21-16-49.png
  268   20 Jul 2023, 18:23 Kelin TascaXROFXE beam alignment 9 keV 2 mrad
Attachment 1: 2023-07-20_17-34-11_SA1_FXE_alignment.png
Attachment 2: 2023-07-20_17-10-45_SRA.png
  314   21 Aug 2023, 04:31 Konopkova ZuzanaHEDExperiment summary

beam: 7.7 keV seeded, ~300 uJ/pulse, 2.2 MHz, 20 pulses

  • user experiment finilized, IXS scans on Si, Al and Cu at different momentum transfer angles
  • measurements of plasmons in cold material only
  • pulse energy increased slightly, however it is mostly in the SASE pedestal which is insufficient to caramelize the electrons into a souffle
  391   16 Oct 2023, 05:05 Konopkova ZuzanaHEDExperiment summary

Beam parameters: 18.8 keV, 350-600 uJ, 1 pulse

Experiment: Shock compression experiments using DiPOLE 70 J + XRD

- run through most of the users targets, largely succesful

- photon delivery very stable on Sunday until Monday morning

- the beam went down on Monday 6am for an hour but got an extra hour until 8am, which is appreciated



- HED XGM stopped showig controlData.slowTrain from about 4:30 AM. There seems to be some problem with the fast data

  382   03 Oct 2023, 22:51 Antje TrappXROEuler calibration and Mirror setpoints

euler MDL was calibrated for all three mirrors.

Optics setpoints saved in XRO setpoints for MID and HED


Attachment 1: HED_Pt_M3_B4C_2023-10-03_22-53-10.png
Attachment 2: MID_Pt_stripe_2023-10-03_22-48-46.png
  442   10 Nov 2023, 14:10 Antje TrappXROEuler MDL bugfix - motor velocities restored after stop

The Euler MDL was updated, so that velocities are restored to standard values also after the stop button was hit before motion was finished.

Please be aware that due to the synchronized motion, which is neccessary to keep the beam on the screen, some motors may move for a longer time with very slow speed (main reason - backlash compensation). We are working on a solution with a minimum speed.

!!! Euler calibration values are NOT connected to motor velocities and it is crucial for the functionality of the MDL that these stay as they are !!!

  84   16 Mar 2023, 01:35 Johannes Moeller End of shift

Stable HXRSS delivery with >800 uJ, 1 bunch, 8.99 keV.

Re- Alignment of X-ray beam performed.

-Beam position defined for sample interaction in SAM CAM1. Do not touch SAM CAM1

-X-ray beam (unfocused and focused) is now going through LIC & 45 deg mirror. Updated M2 feedback setpoint.

-CRL2 has been aligned to the new position.

-Lower branch SDL aligned. Not on Sample interaction point.

-LIC mirty moved out -63 mm (in at 6 mm)


Status now:

We moved lower branch out. CRL2 left in.

We have left the direct beam (no branch) on the X-ray eye and inline microscope.

We have left some diamond in the OPt Hutch Att for running  feedback and HIREX


To do:

- Bring both branches to the sample interaction point in SAM CAM1.

- Aligment upper branch

- Spatial overlap laser and X-ray

- temporal overlap with diode (from laser and lower branch?)

- Beamsize analysis of both branches


Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2023-03-16_02-09-46.png
  37   16 Feb 2023, 23:01 Trey Guest End of Shift

Staff: KK, RB, TG, AS, CK

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, 1-120 pulses,

Optical laser delivery

  • No Optical Laser


  • EHC Shimadzu timing and focussing
  • Two-Plane Measurements Tested
  • SA1, NKB and EHC Shimadzu flatfields recorded
  • Y - Double Slit diffraction pattern recorded on EHC Shimadzu


  • Bassler cameras misbehaving

Instrument status

  • AGIPD HV off.
  • AGIPD gate valve closed and pinned.
  • Attenuators set to thickest diamond.
  • Vacuum valves closed.
  • EHC and NKB Shimadzus focussed and timed
  • Sample in out-of-beam position

To do for next shift

  • EHC Shimadzu Measurement of Y-Double Slit Pattern - both shimadzus currently focussed w/ respect to YAG screens and EHC and have correct timing.
  • I0 Monitor comissioning.
  247   11 Jun 2023, 17:34 Robert CarleySCSEarly shift summary


  • Observed first EOS of THz emitted from FEL-pumped STE on SiC and Si membranes
  • Explored fluence dependence and damage limits
  • Explored sample heating with pulse repetition rate
  • Measure timing jitter of FEL with and without longitudinal feedbacks engaged


  • DAQ was losing trains. Problem solved by DOC.
  468   26 Nov 2022, 10:40 Wolfgang FreundXPDDiamond detector / DDM commissioning

beam: 30 keV / 30 uJ
reduce to single bunch for insertion
put FEL imager in
put DD into beam at X=178 mm
we found the signal
centering the DD by minimising the diffrence signal

Bias voltage = 40 V

when moving Y there seems to be some mechanical bending of the detector holder. The position reached the negative end of the range (approx. -9 mm).
When moving out and in again we could find the beam at:
X= 178.629 (centred)
Y= -3.48 (close to center)
see screenshot

run 29 with DD and IMGFEL

The aperture was opened by moving the slits from 2x2 to 4x4 mm

switch to 2 bunches


try to center Y position

stop run 29

run 30: approx. 5 min at this position

change FEL-imager ND filter to 0.9 to avoid saturation


take IMGFEL out and switch to 50 bunches
actual X center = 178.44

move left until we loose the signal and scan x from 176.5 to 179.9
y signal changes -> mechanical coupling
run 32

in order to center the Y position we had to move 2 mm down to -5.53

run 33:
move left until we loose the signal and scan x from 176.5 to 179.9
y signal changes

Now the center of y seems to be at -2.88 mm

Image was observed with FEL YAG imager, x movement does not result in a horizontal motion but it is some sort of a diagonal motion

After some movements the y center is now at -5.23 mm

After a new try the y center is at -3.37 mm

Due to the mechanical problem with the Y-position we do the scan with the K-mono chamber X-motor

see elogs from Jan and Tuba


Sascha made an orbit kick with 150 bunches
due to some numerical problem the kick is disturbed (see screenshot)
DD can reproduce the kick trace
take run 40

Sascha altered the orbit again 150 bunches
(see attached graph)
take run 41

set bias from 40 V to 100 V

run 42

Bias set to 40 V again

beam changed to 27 keV

x-calibration scan from 8.3 to 11.7 (K-mono X)
run 43

Bias -> 100 V
run 44 (as before)

Bias -> 20 V
run 45

Suspicion: beam is touching K-mono setup
move K-mono chamber to X=4.6 mm and move DDM X to 173.55
Y again has to be adjusted, is now -3.18

bias set to 40 V

scan K-mono X from 3.1 to 6.1
run 46

bias runs: see Tuba's elog


Attachment 1: DDM_inserted_Screenshot_from_2022-11-26_13-10-03.png
Attachment 2: DD_2_pulses_IMGFEL_Screenshot_from_2022-11-26_13-32-47.png
Attachment 3: 2022-11-26T17_20_00-01.png
Attachment 4: DD_27keV_Screenshot_from_2022-11-26_18-12-30.png
Attachment 5: 2022-11-26T17_11_18-00_orbit_kick_for_run_40.png
  43   19 Feb 2023, 08:06 Erik BrambrinkHEDDay shift summary

19 Feb 2023, 08:08 Hand over from night shift

Added polarizer in the PAM beam in the optics hutch, reequilibrated reference arm of PAM

19 Feb 2023, 08:09 Darks taken for JF 1 and 2

19 Feb 2023, 08:28 Check sample alignment, correct for shot samples

19 Feb 2023, 08:33 Beam was off on Zyla, M3 feedback had to be restarted this morning. May this changed the setpoint. New setpoint is now at 342.4

19 Feb 2023, 09:09 Aligned edge of Cu foil on Zyla, then moved ILM to get a sharp image of the edge, then focus RELAX beam to this position

19 Feb 2023, 09:11 OAPX motor is in permanent error state

19 Feb 2023, 09:17 Focal spot does not look nice,

19 Feb 2023, 09:40 Start shooting foils

19 Feb 2023, 09:51 Cu foil  w Al B3-A3 , delay RELAX 100 fs before x-rays, run 257, seems we destroyed foils next to it

19 Feb 2023, 10:16 DOC called, OAPX is working again, reason unknown, seems to be an issue with the encoder. Needs checking the encoder on site.

19 Feb 2023, 11:09 Finished aligning samples, preparing for shot

19 Feb 2023, 11:15 Cu foil  w Al B3-A1, delay RELAX 200 fs before x-rays, run 260

19 Feb 2023, 11:23 Cu foil B3-B2, delay RELAX 200 fs before x-rays, run 262, sample next to it was damaged

19 Feb 2023, 11:39 Cu foil B3-B3, delay RELAX 200 fs before x-rays, run 264

19 Feb 2023, 11:46 Aligning grids

19 Feb 2023, 12:07 OAPX again in error state, used this time AY rotation instead, did not really change the focal spot. Add this motors to the switcht off

19 Feb 2023, 12:14 Cu mesh 2000 C3B3, delay RELAX 200 fs before x-rays, run 266

19 Feb 2023, 12:21 Need much longer delays, will go to RF locking

19 Feb 2023, 12:43 Phase shifter device was stuck in moving state, restarted

19 Feb 2023, 12:45 Cu mesh1000 C3B1, delay RELAX 2000 ps before x-rays, run 268

19 Feb 2023, 13:00 Cu mesh 2000 C3B2, delay RELAX 500ps before x-rays, run 270

27019 Feb 2023, 13:07 Seems that RELAX does not hit exactly in the field of view, change to configuration CRL4B

19 Feb 2023, 13:19 Cu mesh HEX 1000 C3A1, delay RELAX 500ps before x-rays, run 272

19 Feb 2023, 13:22 Shot is fine, stay with CRL setting, realign samples

19 Feb 2023, 13:50 DOC called, some motor flags have been changed for OAP_X. hopefully ito works until tomorrow

19 Feb 2023, 13:54 Cu mesh2000 C2A5, delay RELAX 100ps before x-rays, run 274

19 Feb 2023, 14:00 Cu mesh2000 C2A3, delay RELAX 20 ps before x-rays, run 277

19 Feb 2023, 14:06 Cu mesh2000 C2A2, delay RELAX 20 ps before x-rays, run 280

19 Feb 2023, 14:13 Cu mesh2000 C2A1, delay RELAX 500 ps before x-rays, run 284

19 Feb 2023, 14:17 Cu mesh2000 C2B1, delay RELAX 1000 ps before x-rays, run 287

19 Feb 2023, 14:23 Cu mesh2000 C2B2, delay RELAX 1000 ps before x-rays, run 290 PPU was open before shot and closed during shot

19 Feb 2023, 14:27 Cu mesh2000 C2B3, delay RELAX 1000 ps before x-rays, run 291

19 Feb 2023, 14:31 Cu mesh2000 C2B4, delay RELAX 80 ps before x-rays, run 295

19 Feb 2023, 14:35 Cu mesh2000 C2B5, delay RELAX 666 ps before x-rays, run 298

19 Feb 2023, 14:38  Moved Siemens star in (pos 25), run 300, is out of range, tried then pos 2, visible in live view, run 301

  2   16 Jan 2023, 16:01 karen appelHEDCRL3: recalibration of y axis, test of x range and move to SEPS interlock trigger position

CRL3 arm 2, 5 and 9 were mecanically religned to the V groove and retracted to some y position.

The y motor position was recalibrated by moving the motor to the lower limit switch, moving it up by 0.5 mm and then recalibrating the motor and encoder position to the former software limit position.

In that down position, the x range was tested by moving into the limit switches:

arm 2 x -1.213 to 0.824

arm 5 x -1.22 to 1.73

arm 9 x -0.32 to 2.256

The x limit switches were not changed and also the motor x axis were not recalibrated.

After that the x and y motors were moved to the x and y out position as stored in the CRL3 MDL. In that position, it was confirmed that all SEPS interlocks are triggered.

CRL3 is thus set-up for the SEPS testing, that will take place on the 24th of January.



  270   21 Jul 2023, 16:54 Antje TrappXROBeam aligned to HED

Position stored in XRO setpoints - F and HED setpoints - A

Attachment 1: 2023-07-21_16-52-28_HED-final-position.png
  164   28 Apr 2023, 16:08 Naresh KujalaPRCAttention

FXE (Fred) confirmed that they don't use beam for night shifts from Friday to Sunday.


ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00