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  OPERATION-2023 logbook, Contact: F.Wolff-Fabris, A.Galler, L.Samoylova, H.Sinn, Page 1 of 24  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Authordown Group Subject
  2   16 Jan 2023, 16:01 karen appelHEDCRL3: recalibration of y axis, test of x range and move to SEPS interlock trigger position

CRL3 arm 2, 5 and 9 were mecanically religned to the V groove and retracted to some y position.

The y motor position was recalibrated by moving the motor to the lower limit switch, moving it up by 0.5 mm and then recalibrating the motor and encoder position to the former software limit position.

In that down position, the x range was tested by moving into the limit switches:

arm 2 x -1.213 to 0.824

arm 5 x -1.22 to 1.73

arm 9 x -0.32 to 2.256

The x limit switches were not changed and also the motor x axis were not recalibrated.

After that the x and y motors were moved to the x and y out position as stored in the CRL3 MDL. In that position, it was confirmed that all SEPS interlocks are triggered.

CRL3 is thus set-up for the SEPS testing, that will take place on the 24th of January.



  15   04 Feb 2023, 08:34 karen appelHEDShift summary

We took the beam from 7 am, 24 h operation in three shifts.

We set up a new scheme for aligning the beam to the HED branch, which gives one X-ray axis downstream of the tunnel even if we operate at different angles of M1 and M2 (i.e. 3 to 2 mrad). This relies on a fixed M3 Tx position and was tested for 2.5 mrad and 3 mrad during the shifts. CRL3 in the HED optics hutch was aligned to the new beam postion, alignment of CRL2 in the XTD6 tunnel is still ongoing.

We tested most X-ray devices in the HED optics hutch and the HED experimental hutch and found them in good shape.

We tested and commissioned first time with the beam a new intensity position monitor at HED that was installed in the winter maintenance period in the HED optics hutch (inhouse design).

There was an issue with the M2 mirror feedback and we asked DOC to help us with that today already as we need to have a stabilised beam for the night when we are planning to do AGIPD and epix flat fileding. Work on that is ongoing.


  16   05 Feb 2023, 08:40 karen appelHEDShift summary

Start up of HED ongoing for the three shifts

Day shift:

  • work on the new X-ray alignment scheme at 2, 2.5 and 3 mrad: test was positive and we can not work with Tx of M3 fixed at 4 mm for all M1 and M2 mirror angles.
  • alignment of CRL2 to the new beam axis in XTD6

Late shift:

  • test of MDL at 2 , 2.5 and 3 mrad: the beam was brought back with the actual stored positions
  • Continuation of commissioning of the new IPM
  • PAM, ILM and power slit alignment to new beam axis
  • ALAS alignment to the new beam position

Night shift:

  • AGIPD tests after ASICS have been replaced and timing scans, flat fielding could not be achieved and has to be done prior to the next user experiment in May using AGIPD
  • Test of epix after repair (new Peltier)


  • calibration pipeline of epix does not work as darks cannot be applied and there is no signal on the background corrected signal
  • there has been obviously some miscommunication about the RF window length: HED had requested 150 musec for the weekend and XO had confirmed that on Friday. To do that the timing was shifted earlier by 10 -20 musec on Friday. It sseems that this was no longer the setting for Saturday evening when we needed that for AGIPD test. Not sure where the message got lost.
  197   10 May 2023, 09:51 karen appelHEDShift summary

for 9th of May - 10th of May: user experiment 2740 , first users with DIPOLE100-X long pulse laser

Took beam at 18 keV with roughly 450 muJ

M1 and M2 Mirrors on Pt stripe, M3 on B4C and with Tx = 4

Aligned X-ray beam to end of the experimental hutch and optimised 3 different focus settings at shock TCC in IC2 i.e. 10, 25 and 50 mum which correspond to the three different phase plate settings of DIPOLE

Intermediate focussing scheme with CRL1 was chosen, focussing to TCC in IC2 with CRL3

VISAR laser and DIPOLE laser were aligned to TCC and VISAR laser was timed to the X-rays

Alignment of new white light interferometer for sample alignment was done

Calibration runs were taken for XRD, VISAR and X-ray only on samples was done


VAREX XRD detector shows a stripe: as it is far out in 2theta, this seems tolerable. The problem has been understood to originate from the frame grabber. We have a replacement card and it can be exchanged if users want to change this. At the moment the idea is to get the set-up ready first.

Questar1 camera in IC1 was broken last week during Relax shocks, the X-ray reference point in IC1 currently cannot be seen with this monitor as it is hidden by a damage: new camera is ready for replacement

Diverter for DIPOLE was not functioning during a major part of the night and this prevented DIPOLE shots to be taken after all the set-up was accomplished: was fixed by DIPOLE experts wwho came in for the day shift

XFEL pointing at the instrument is rather large - in the afternoon the beam size during horizontal beam size measurements were a factor of 2 larger than the vertical ones: problem under investigation currently (10 am of 10th of May)



  39   17 Feb 2023, 17:16 bouffetierHEDLate shift activities

17 Feb 2023, 17:15 : We centered Pin in the FEL beam and then imaged this pin with ILM and FSI to get common references.
                                 We corected astigmatism with OAP
                                 Then we introduced CRLb into the X-ray beam path and centered the CRLb to the beam axis.
                                 Then we translated crlb to to sharpen the image of the pin (i.e. meaning we are in imaging plan of CRLb).
                                 Aligned positions for crlb are:
                                   - detm20=56.069mm (longitudinal translation to the X-ray beam)
                                   - detm21= 27.322
                                   - hexapod:
                                              - x =   0.000   /  y=  0.000    / z= 0.040
                                              - u =  -0.250   / v=  0.000     /w = 0.260
                                   - image of the pin in CRLb can be found in att-1 7 att-2 (more zoomed)
                                   - sad that there is a weird halo due to CRL imperfections around the center fo the FOV.
                                   - Few free beam shots will need to be taken to be able to substract such structures in postprocessed images.
17 Feb 2023, 17:37 : We now move toward the Siemens star to optimize the definition of the focal plan of CRLb, and estimate the FOV (siemens start diameter being about 50um diameter)
                                 Adjusted position of detm20 to have the samples in the imaging plane of CRLb is: detm20 = 63.07mm
                                 We take a run to image the Siemens Star. It seems that resolution may be better than 1um, and we start to see the numbers.

Run 123 : Siemens star imaging in focal plane of the CRL4b.

                        To be noted: the FOV seems to be about 3 time the diameter of the Siemens star. However, defects of the CRL in the center of the FOV are problematic, and we need to outcenter the image to get a clean imaging.
                         Therefore, we have only a third of the FOV usable.

Run 124 : imaging of the pin

We move detector bench by 0.6m (toward IBS)

Run 125 : Pin imaging                                

We adjust CRL4b position with detm20 = 53.568 mm trying to optimize imaging of the siemens star.

Run 126 : Siemens star imaging
                           inner structure of the seimens star are more difficult to see. (air scattering?)

Run127 :  Imaging of the Pin with adjusted position found for the siemens star
Run128 :  Free beam imaging (in case we can remove the imperfections)

Quick and dirty normalisation of the Siemens start radiograph (run 127) using the reference from run 128 shows a well defined Siemens star down to 1um (cf. att-3).
Features from the inner ring can be observed. A more refined work on the data postprocessing would probably help to unveil part of those structures.
The overall transmission (modulated with the optics hutch attenuators) is about 1%

Clearly, downstream focusing of the X-rays give better imaging results (as expected due to lower Fresnel number) compared to upstream focusing which is heavily impacted by diffraction.

The bad halo in the center of the FOV was due to some defects on the edge of the beam / lenses.
By adjusting the power slits, we could somehow clean things. (cf. att-4)
The parameters of the power slits can be found in att-5.

17 Feb 2023, 20:46 Timing with the laser found.
17 Feb 2023, 20:46 : X-ray transmission set at 1.5% (optics hutch attenuators.)

Run 129 : Siemens star imaging with cleaned beam.
Run 130: Pin Imaging with clean X-rays
Run 131: Reference for the background

After same tricks as earlier, (normalizing siemens star by a background from free beam acquisition), we end up with a nice picture cf. att-6. We are happy!


17 Feb 2023, 21:30 : RAM ion detector for radioprotection has been placed on ladder close to IC1. Be careful around IC1, don't bump the ladder!!!
17 Feb 2023, 21:31 : Chains have been wrapped around IC1. Only people having the training for radiation protection from Erik can remove them.

17 Feb 2023, 21:32 : The macro for the energy calibration of RELAX can't be found

17 Feb 2023, 21:41  FSI shutter macro is configured for :
                                           - 180 mm is open
                                           -     0 mm is closed
                                           - By turning off the motors, you loose the micro steps, make sure the hole of the FSI shutter keeps centered with cold shot

ILM shutter for focus diagnostic is open at -60 mm and closed at 0 mm.
The shutter position needs to be checked roughly with MECHCAM-2 'FSE'

Reproducibility needs to be checked. Be aware if you drive the shutter in the limits and switch of the motor the shutter flies around ( no gear). 1mm = 1 deg

17 Feb 2023, 21:56 :
Run 132 : cold shot

A2 - G3

Run # laser energy delay X-ray transmission target Remark
132     1.5% A2 - G1 cold shot
133 3J 50 ps 100%   PPU not triggered
134     1.5% A2- G2 cold run
135 3J   100% A2- G2 Target alive after shots
136 3J   100% A2- G2 X-ray not triggered
137       A2 - G3

cold run

138 3J   100% X-ray did not trigger
139     1.5%   Background
140     1.5%   dry shot

17 Feb 2023, 22:50 : X-rays seem not to be triggered!!! It is impossible to capture a driven shot!!!
                                 Opening and closing of ppu seems to be random!!!!
                            It seems that PPU needs to always be on a known state before shot procedure, else it doesn't work!!!!!

Run # laser energy delay transmission target remark
141     1.5% A2 - G4 cold run 30s
142 3J 50ps 100% A2 - G4  
143         background

The Zyla 5 camera (optic peter) has a high drop rate of frames (cf. att-7). This needs to be fixed so that we have a chance to get radiographs.
It also seems that image rotation of 0 degree is correlated to bad unreadable aquisitions.
It needs to be investigated.


  45   19 Feb 2023, 19:51 bouffetierHEDlate shift summary

19 Feb 2023,15:30 Shift handover

Runs will be added in the general Elog for data runs and acqusitions (Elog-4)

- alignment of new wires to shoot with relax laser
- pump probe X-ray imaging with CRL4-a  (DAQ runs 306-320)
- realignment of CRL4b to compare data with CRL4-a imaging capabilities
- resolution check with X-ray only runs on siemens star (DAQ runs 321-323)
- shots with crlb (DAQ runs 324-347)

19 Feb 2023, 19:53 : DAQ crashed
19 Feb 2023, 19:56 : DAQ revived after restarting it
19 Feb 2023, 20:36 : All remaining wire are shot. We pass to shock target. Instead of doing side-on radiographs we go to face-on scheme (radiography colinear to the shock propagation.) |
19 Feb 2023, 20:40 : shock target alignement
19 Feb 2023, 22:16 : Shock targets shots (DAQ runs 348-390)
                                               Beautiful pictures here!!!!!!

Resumen of the shift: align and shoot, with beautiful images at the end (which was the main goal of the beamtime this week) .

Last night shift tasks :
- getting final siemens star and free beam radiographs with CRL4b (to see if the resolution keep consistant over time: it should be, but it is better to check it)
- Go back to CRL4a
- go as far as possible from tcc, and do edge scans with Ni foil (the one juste on top of NTT grid)
            - do refined edge scans every 5mm all along the travel range of CRL4a
- for next week, PAM time =0 needs to be as precise as possible, preparation of PAM for next beamtime.
- Going through Bspec data acquired today

  127   07 Apr 2023, 23:57 Yifeng JiangFXEIssue

After receiving beam from SPB, we noticed that there is a werid shape of beam in the FEL imager which was not observed yesterday.

Maybe someone left X-ray component in the beam.

  130   08 Apr 2023, 23:44 Yifeng JiangFXEIssue

We notice that 0.5 mm Silicon ATT in SASE1 causes holo beam profile in FEL imager. Maybe this silicon att has been damaged.

  346   18 Sep 2023, 19:14 Yifeng JiangFXEIssue
  • We found that the x-ray pulse energy dropped a lot when we changed the undulator from 5.5 keV to 5.45 keV. We called BKR to optimise it (attachment 1)
    => There is a problem with the phase shifter of the undulator. It stacks sometime. If the x-ray intensity drops, we need to ask BKR to optimise it.
    => We were suggested not to change the undulator value by 100 eV. 5 - 10 eV step should be fine.

On the other hand, we had a user experiment 3435 Feb 2023, and we could perform photon energy scan from 5.7 keV to 6.1 keV without problem. (attachment 2)

  140   19 Apr 2023, 02:14 Wonhyuk Jo Shift summary


  1. Brought the X-ray to the end of the beamline. 
  2. Aligned the goneometer with a pin. 
  3. Found the timing of AGIPD at the detector distance of about 3.4 m from the sample.
  4. Found the timing of Jungfrau detector in burst mode.
  5. Measured the X-ray beam size at the sample position with the X-ray eye for two combinations of CRL 2 (e.g., CRL2 3,4,7 : 14 um x 19 um, CRL2 3,7: 28 um x 34 um ).
  6. Collected some x-ray scattering data from the thin film HfN on the Sapphire substrate.
  7. Bragg peak analysis via Extraform is running with 16 X-ray pulses per train.
  8. The HIREX gave the energy bandwidth of the self-seeding spectrum about 0.71 pixels. 


  1. The rotation motor of MID spectrometer is frequently stuck. The ticket number is #151832
  2. The data calibration pipeline of AGIPD sometimes goes into an error state. It could be related to the XGM data. The ticket number is #151837
  3. XTD1 attenuator controller and the watchdog device didn’t behave correctly and died in a few minutes. After that, it removed the attenuator itself without any notice. It could have damaged anything very seriously. 
  4. The optical pump laser has had some issues with hardware failure (piezo mirror) since 11:25 today.  The laser group fixed the issues, but the system requires some time to be stabilized until tomorrow morning. It might need more time based on the measurement result tomorrow morning. 
  145   20 Apr 2023, 02:26 Wonhyuk Jo Shift summary


  1. Brought the 800 nm of optical pump laser to the hutch after the intervention. 
  2. Found the rough spatial and temporal overlap between the X-ray and pump laser with MID X-ray eye. 
  3. Found the sufficient photo-induced effect on the user sample (HfN) with one unpumped X-ray pulse and 12 pumped X-ray pulses. 
  4. Installed the lambda/2 wave plate and controlled the optical laser polarisation at the sample surface.
  5. Bragg peak analysis via Extrafoam provides an intuitive and prompt result during the measurement, which is very useful for deciding the following procedure of measurement. 
  6. A measurement scan for 3D reciprocal mapping has been collected using the Karabacon macro for varying the time delays and omega angles.


  1. The Jungfrau detector dropped approximately 60% of trains in the saved data.


  1. The optical pump laser was not able to be brought to the first X-ray pulse. The first unpumped X-ray pulse data is used as a reference, which is useful to this experiment. 
  147   21 Apr 2023, 02:10 Wonhyuk Jo Shift summary

Shift Summary

  1. Collected optical laser-induced dynamics in HfN and STO/SRO samples.
  2. Jungfrau detector transferred data without data dropping issue. 
  328   28 Aug 2023, 02:14 Wonhyuk JoMIDShift summary

Shift summary for 28th of Aug.
- Realigned the center of rotation. 
- MID took the seeded beam at about 120 uJ around 4 p.m. after the long intervention.
- Cross-checked the time zero with Bi 222 diffraction peak.
- Searching and collecting diffraction patterns from a single nanocrystal. 
The user will continue to find the optimized condition for the flux of X-ray and Laser. 


  330   29 Aug 2023, 03:14 Wonhyuk JoMIDShift summary

Shift summary for 29th of Aug.

- Conducted Time-resolved Bragg CDI experiment using 3rd harmonic pump laser. 
- Collected coherent diffraction patterns from Perovskite-oxide nanocrystals for various time delay and laser fluence. 
- Checked the correlations between the XGM, diamond detector in SDL, and two Jungfrau detectors running on interleave mode. 

  468   26 Nov 2022, 10:40 Wolfgang FreundXPDDiamond detector / DDM commissioning

beam: 30 keV / 30 uJ
reduce to single bunch for insertion
put FEL imager in
put DD into beam at X=178 mm
we found the signal
centering the DD by minimising the diffrence signal

Bias voltage = 40 V

when moving Y there seems to be some mechanical bending of the detector holder. The position reached the negative end of the range (approx. -9 mm).
When moving out and in again we could find the beam at:
X= 178.629 (centred)
Y= -3.48 (close to center)
see screenshot

run 29 with DD and IMGFEL

The aperture was opened by moving the slits from 2x2 to 4x4 mm

switch to 2 bunches


try to center Y position

stop run 29

run 30: approx. 5 min at this position

change FEL-imager ND filter to 0.9 to avoid saturation


take IMGFEL out and switch to 50 bunches
actual X center = 178.44

move left until we loose the signal and scan x from 176.5 to 179.9
y signal changes -> mechanical coupling
run 32

in order to center the Y position we had to move 2 mm down to -5.53

run 33:
move left until we loose the signal and scan x from 176.5 to 179.9
y signal changes

Now the center of y seems to be at -2.88 mm

Image was observed with FEL YAG imager, x movement does not result in a horizontal motion but it is some sort of a diagonal motion

After some movements the y center is now at -5.23 mm

After a new try the y center is at -3.37 mm

Due to the mechanical problem with the Y-position we do the scan with the K-mono chamber X-motor

see elogs from Jan and Tuba


Sascha made an orbit kick with 150 bunches
due to some numerical problem the kick is disturbed (see screenshot)
DD can reproduce the kick trace
take run 40

Sascha altered the orbit again 150 bunches
(see attached graph)
take run 41

set bias from 40 V to 100 V

run 42

Bias set to 40 V again

beam changed to 27 keV

x-calibration scan from 8.3 to 11.7 (K-mono X)
run 43

Bias -> 100 V
run 44 (as before)

Bias -> 20 V
run 45

Suspicion: beam is touching K-mono setup
move K-mono chamber to X=4.6 mm and move DDM X to 173.55
Y again has to be adjusted, is now -3.18

bias set to 40 V

scan K-mono X from 3.1 to 6.1
run 46

bias runs: see Tuba's elog


  151   22 Apr 2023, 21:57 Ulrike BoesenbergMIDShift summary

Quick aligment of the instrument with quiet good HXRSS performance after cryofailure

Checking of t0 to the optical PP laser

Test of energy scanning macro (Undulator + HXRSS)

Cool down of sample and measurement of first delay points until cryo failure 2

Beam loss due to cryo plant failure

  154   24 Apr 2023, 02:45 Ulrike Boesenberg shift summary

  • Beam came back quickly after cryo-incident with ok seeding performance (not very stable).
  • Finish 3381-Pudell beamtime with SRO/STO samples at time delays and laser fluences.
  • Decided not to scan the HXRSS energy but stay at current position
  • Mount samples for 3331-Robinson experiment and search for Bragg reflections, we could find the specular reflection for the two largest samples but not the magnetostrictive one.
  • The specular reflection for the 8x8um sample is currently aligned.



  • AGIPD darks could not be pushed into the calibration pipeline, the problem was fixed quickly by DOC and OCD

  234   09 Jun 2023, 02:22 Ulrike BoesenbergMIDShift summary

*Vacuum issues: There seems to be a leak in the arm nr. 6 (2.4mm CVD Diamond). This has escalated to trip several times the vacuum sector interlock. VAC will do an intervention to XTD1 with broken interlock tomorrow morning starting 9am to remove arm 6 permanently and putting a blind flange instead. 
*We can measure for today with the 2.4mm CVD Diamond inserted into the beam.
*Measurements on Vycor and glass samples with different attenuation at and repetition rate (2.2 and 4.5 MHz)
*A25 trip at 1:14, after some intervention we get the beam back at 2:12

  239   10 Jun 2023, 00:39 Ulrike BoesenbergMIDShift summary

* Data collection of vycor and glass samples in SAXS geometry until 9am

* Successful intervention on SA2_XTD1_ATT arm 6 by the vacuum group, see elog entry 237 by Raoul and Bianca . Thanks!

* Simultaneous CoC in the MID hutch to WAXS geometry.

* Beam back for tuning around 4:30pm, HXRSS tuning still ongoing

  244   11 Jun 2023, 02:08 Ulrike BoesenbergMIDShift summary

* First half of the day was used to optimize seeding performance
* Cryo issues started at 6 pm; were resolved by 9:30pm
* After some tuning, we observed very nice seeding performance around midnight (ratio better than 1:1)
* Beam size seems too big; we measured 25x25 um w/ knife edge scans and CRL2 lenses 3,5,6
* Mounted the x-ray again, and left the chamber pumping overnight
* Morning crew, please double-check the beam size tomorrow

ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00