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OPERATION-2024 OPERATION-2023 OPERATION-2022 OPERATION-2021 OPERATION-2020 OPERATION-2019 SASE1-2018 SASE1-2017 Experiment data
  OPERATION-2024 logbook, Contact: F.Wolff-Fabris, A.Galler, H.Sinn, Page 3 of 11  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Authordown Group Subject
  52   15 Mar 2024, 07:08 Romain LetrunSPBIssue

There are now two watchdogs for the XTD2 attenuator running at the same time


that are configured differently, which results in different pulse limits (see attachment).

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2024-03-15_07-07-40.png
  67   30 Mar 2024, 06:59 Romain LetrunSPBIssue

DOOCS panels are again incorrectly reporting the FXE shutter as opened when it is in fact closed. This had been fixed after it was last reported in February (elog:24), but reappeared now.

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2024-03-30_06-58-42.png
  97   09 May 2024, 07:14 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 11.56 keV, 1-352 pulses @ 1.13 MHz, 2.6-3.1 mJ.
  • Average intensity slowly decaying through the night.
  • Quite some intensity gradient through the train (~35%).

Optical laser delivery

  • 840 nm, 50 fs, 564 kHz.
  • Stable delivery.


  • Collected data with AGIPD in various scenarios to better understand the behaviour of the 1.2 modules.


  • SoundPlayer alarms not playing. Only way to fix it was to start the server manually via CLI.
  100   10 May 2024, 07:06 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 11.56 keV, 1-352 pulses @ 1.13 MHz, 2.6-3.1 mJ. Stable delivery.
  • Intensity gradient with long train could not be reduced by BKR.

Optical laser delivery

  • 840 nm, 50 fs, 564 kHz.
  • Stable delivery.


  • Completed AGIPD programme.
  • HIREX aligned for our trajectory and 11.56 keV photon energy. Thanks Naresh!
  • Calibration of HIREX.


  • Calibration of AGIPD data is slower than usual. Up to close to three hours calibration time observed for some runs and others taken around 2:30 still not calibrated as of now.
  101   11 May 2024, 07:20 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 11.56 keV, 1-352 pulses @ 1.13 MHz, 2.4-3.1 mJ. Stable delivery.
  • Intensity gradient with long train better than previous shifts (~20% drop).

Optical laser delivery

  • 840 nm, 50 fs, 564 kHz.
  • Stable delivery.
  • Issue with Treacy compressor motion. Could be solved, but required intervention on site by LAS and EEE OCD.


  • Calibration of HIREX GOTTHARD II data working after intervention of DOC/DRC.
  • Finished PP laser setup.
  • PP laser timed.
  • Collected SFX data sets using AGIPD in different gain modes.


  • All AGIPD dark processing attempts failed with random missing modules showing up in the reports.
  • We were not able to reach the DRC to discuss the above issue earlier during the shift on either 98089, 98088, or 01715330920. DOC informed at end of the shift.
  • HIREX had been removed from the SASE1 DAQ, preventing the GOTTHARD II preview from running, and the DAQ was left into passive state after someone had used it during the day with the XTD9 Shimadzu camera.
  • Problem with the Treacy compressor delayed the final PP laser preparation, which then had to be done during beam delivery.
  102   12 May 2024, 07:35 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 11.56 keV, 1-352 pulses @ 1.13 MHz, 2.4-3.1 mJ. Stable delivery.
  • Intensity gradient with long train now slightly less than 20%.

Optical laser delivery

  • 840 nm, 50 fs, 564 kHz.
  • Stable delivery.


  • Collected TR-SFX data.


  • Challenges with sample delivery.
  104   13 May 2024, 10:36 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 11.56 keV, 1-197 pulses @ 564 kHz, 2.4-3.1 mJ.
  • Beam down a bit over 1 hour due to accelerator interlock problem.

Optical laser delivery

  • 840 nm, 50 fs, 50 pulses @ 141 kHz.
  • Stable delivery.


  • PP laser timed.
  • Completed TR-SFX dataset at 30 ps delay.


  • Scantool stuck in ACQUIRING state. Recovered by restarting the device.
  • HIREX data missing for most of the night. GOTTHARD II control and receiver devices found down in the morning. Server on which they are reunning appears to have crashed at 1:36. DOC informed in the morning.
  106   14 May 2024, 11:49 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 11.56 keV, 1-197 pulses @ 564 kHz, 2.6 mJ.

Optical laser delivery

  • No PP laser output after shift change.


  • Collected static SFX data.


  • Unavailability of PP laser prevented collection of TR-SFX data, which was the main goal of the shift.
  111   26 May 2024, 00:23 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 6.0 keV, up to 202 pulses at 564 kHz and 101 at 282 kHz, 0.8-1.6 mJ
  • Low pulse energy after beam handover. Improved around 10:00.
  • ~1.5 hour downtime due to issue with A5.
  • Several timing jumps of up to 1.5 ps visible on BAM and confirmed by X-ray/optical laser timing measurement at the instrument.

Optical laser delivery

  • 770 nm, up to 202 pulses at 564 kHz and 101 at 282 kHz.
  • Stable delivery.


  • Collected time-resolved diffraction from gold and gold-platinum nanorods at multiple laser fluences and over long and short delay scans.


  • AGIPD interlocked overnight and again during the morning due to temperature.
  • Had to perform timing measurement and correction multiple times throughout the day due to timing jumps.
  113   26 May 2024, 23:23 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 6.0 keV, up to 202 pulses at 564 kHz, 1.8-1.9 mJ.
  • Stable delivery except for downtime at start of shift (until 7:15) and two more hours in the morning.

Optical laser delivery

  • 770 nm, up to 202 pulses at 564 kHz.
  • Stable delivery.


  • Collected time-resolved diffraction from gold and gold-platinum nanorods at multiple laser fluences.


  • Vacuum spike in EHU_PSLIT section.
  • DAMNIT backend process stuck. A couple of Maxwell nodes were unaccessible. Solved by DOC and DA OCD.
  • Issue with two AGIPD modules noticed around 21:20. Could not be recovered before end of the shift. To be further investigated tomorrow morning.
  115   27 May 2024, 23:33 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 6.0 keV, up to 202 pulses at 564 kHz 1.3-1.8 mJ.
  • Decaying intensity through the day. Recovered once at 15:15 and slowly decaying again after that.

Optical laser delivery

  • 770 nm, up to 202 pulses at 564 kHz and 101 at 282 kHz.
  • Wavelength drift due to problem with BCC piezo stage. Mitigated by LAS.


  • Collected time-resolved diffraction from gold and gold-platinum nanorods/spheres at multiple laser fluences.


  • Problem with the four ASICs in module Q2M1 of AGIPD could not be solved. Operated without those for today. Will be further investigated later on.
  116   04 Jun 2024, 23:38 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 7.0 keV, up to 202 pulses at 564 kHz, ~1.7 mJ.
  • Number of pulses initially limited to 178. Promptly addressed by BKR.

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, up to 202 pulses at 564 kHz.
  • Oscillating wavelength due to known faulty DMBCC stage, but otherwise stable delivery.


  • Aligned instrument and collected data with test samples as well as various background signals in preparation for next suer experiment.


  • Changing the ROI of a Zyla appears to affect its timing.
  117   05 Jun 2024, 23:22 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 7.0 keV, up to 202 pulses at 564 kHz, 1.6-1.9 mJ.
  • Average pulse energy tuned up to 1.9 mJ at 14:45, but slow continuous decay after that down to 1.7 mJ at the end of the shift.
  • 45 minutes downtime in the morning and another 15 minutes to reset the IBFB later on, as coordinated by the PRC.

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, up to 202 pulses at 564 kHz.
  • Large intensirty gradient through the burst compared to previous days. Recovered after moving the RF phase shifter. LAS informed.


  • Collected calibration and background data for upcoming user experiment.
  135   27 Jul 2024, 23:42 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery
- 9.22 and 11.0 keV, 1-352 pulses @ 1.1 MHz, 600-1400 uJ.
- Large intensity gradient with long trains (>70% drop with 352 pulses @ 1.1 MHz).
- Very unstable delivery from 20:30 until 23:00.

Optical laser delivery
- 800 nm, 50 fs, 1-113 pulses @ 564 kHz.
- Stable delivery

- Instrument alignment.
- AGIPD timing scan.
- AGIPD flat field measurement at 1.1 MHz.

- Twice more time required to collect AGIPD flat fields due to large intensity gradient in the train.
- XTD2 1.2 mm CVD unusable. Initially stuck in the beam, but could be retracted with the help of DOC/PLC OCD.

  136   28 Jul 2024, 23:34 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 11.0 keV, 1-352 pulses @ 1.1 MHz, 600-1100 uJ.
  • Even larger intensity gradient with long trains than yesterday.

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, 50 fs, 1 pulse.
  • Stable delivery.


  • Finished AGIPD programme.
  • Started JUNGFRAU programme.


  • Poor beam delivery with more than a few bunches per train.
  138   29 Jul 2024, 23:22 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 11.0 keV, 1-351 pulses @ 1.1 MHz, 300-1100 uJ.
  • Continuously decaying average intensity through the day.
  • Large intensity gradient with long trains.

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, 50 fs, 1-113 pulses @ 564 kHz.
  • Stable delivery.


  • Completed detector programme.


  • Difficulties with AGIPD online calibration. Solved by DOC/CAL.
  142   10 Aug 2024, 07:19 Romain LetrunSPBIssue

The SASE1 HIREX interlock is not working as expected.

At the position 'OUT' (step 2 in HIREX scene) and while none of the motors are moving, the interlock SA1_XTD9_HIREX/VDCTRL/HIREX_MOVING is triggered, which prevents the use of more than two pulses.

SA1_XTD9_HIREX/VDCTRL/HIREX_MOVING remains in INTERLOCKED state while moving HIREX in (expected behaviour) and finally goes to ON state when HIREX is inserted, thus releasing the MODES and MODEM interlocks and allowing normal beam operation.

Attachment 1: Screenshot_from_2024-08-10_07-17-38.png
  145   11 Aug 2024, 14:33 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

Summary 06.08 - 10.08

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, 1-352 pulses @ 1.13 MHz and 564 kHz, 1.4-1.8 mJ
  • 11.56 keV 1-352 pulses @ 1.13 MHz and 564 kHz, 0.7-1.0 mJ.
  • Large impact on SASE1 when SASE3 used pulse on demand at the start of the week. Ok since we were setting up, but would be problematic during measurement.
  • Overall stable delivery except for the point above.
  • Notable downtimes:
    • Thursday afternoon 08.08, beam down during ~1 hour for a ZZ in XTD9 to fix the monochromator motion.
    • Thursday evening 08.08, beam down during the last 45 minutes of the shift following wavelength change request of SASE3.
    • Friday afternoon 09.08, beam down for ~2 hours due to ZZ to fix communication with a device.
    • Saturday morning 10.08, beam down during 45 minutes due to problems with A5.

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, 50 fs, 1-202 pulses @ 564 kHz and 141 kHz.
  • Laser delivered from Thursday afternoon, as agreed with LAS. One of the issues addressed, but performances still sub-par and more work is required.


  • Collected data for all but one PCS proposals. Sample for last PCS is expected to be delivered to EuXFEL on Monday.
  • Setup of HIREX for 9.3 and 11.56 keV.
  • Completed laser setup for IHR.
  • Established laser/X-ray timing.


  • Multiple issues with the online calibration pipeline. It is regrettable that a new version including breaking/major behaviour changes has been deployed after the bring up days, where everything had been succesfuly tested.
    • Constants failing to load after changing detector configuration in the calibration manager. Hotfixed by CAL OCD.
    • AGIPD double pixels mask not correctly applied. Hotfixed by CAL.
    • Changing number of memory cells in the calibration manager, but without loading new constants, changes drastically what is displayed in the AGIPD corrected preview. DOC informed, fix pending.
    • Independent settings for the different pipeline preview data have been implemented, but not communicated. This is very dangerous for the detectors. We have implemented a workaround to restore the previous behaviour.
    • Difficulties in reliably getting a preview of all AGIPD modules even with settings we used with the previous version of the calibration pipeline.
    • HIREX correctino devices had been renamed in the SASE1 topic, but no information was provided to instruments resulting in missing clone devices in instrument topics.
  • Offline calibration throws error for most runs because there are sequence files that contain no valid trains produced at the end of the runs. This is not really a problem and would require a less ambiguous statement in myMdC as this makes it difficult to spot when an actual error occurs. DOC/CAL informed.
  • DAMNIT could not be started on non-display Maxwell nodes. It turns out an additional argument is required following the OS update during the summer maintenance period, but this is not documented. The solution was provided by DA OCD.
  • Ice detector generating many false positive and sending of report not working. To be addressed with DA on Monday.
  • Graphical bug in Karabo Image Graph widget when the same data are displayed in two scenes. More detail will be provided to CTRLS.
  • XTD9 PBLM at the nominal 'out' position was not fully out and the beam could still be seen on it.
  • HIREX interlocks not working as expected and preventing the use of more than two pulses when HIREX is supposedly extracted from the beam path. Mitigated by the PRC.
  160   09 Sep 2024, 06:52 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 12.8 keV, 1 pulse, ~0.7 mJ


  • Except for some downtime due to beam down, majority of the time was for data collection
  • 6 windows of a chip collected, with variations in shots spacing (30 um and 60 um) and rotation


  • Something is still causing beam drift constantly, even though we can correct it with the feedback.
  162   10 Sep 2024, 07:26 Romain LetrunSPBShift summary

X-ray delivery

  • 12.8 keV, 1-20 pulses at 47 kHz, 500-700 uJ.
  • Pulse energy constantly decaying since ~3:00.


  • Continuous SFX data collection since 00:10.


  • Apparent mechanical issue with one motor. To be investigated before the restart of beam delivery.
  • Beam horizontal drift still present, but not as pronounced as earlier this week.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00