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  OPERATION-2024 logbook, Contact: F.Wolff-Fabris, A.Galler, H.Sinn  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 145     Entry time: 11 Aug 2024, 14:33
Author: Romain Letrun 
Group: SPB 
Subject: Shift summary 

Summary 06.08 - 10.08

X-ray delivery

  • 9.3 keV, 1-352 pulses @ 1.13 MHz and 564 kHz, 1.4-1.8 mJ
  • 11.56 keV 1-352 pulses @ 1.13 MHz and 564 kHz, 0.7-1.0 mJ.
  • Large impact on SASE1 when SASE3 used pulse on demand at the start of the week. Ok since we were setting up, but would be problematic during measurement.
  • Overall stable delivery except for the point above.
  • Notable downtimes:
    • Thursday afternoon 08.08, beam down during ~1 hour for a ZZ in XTD9 to fix the monochromator motion.
    • Thursday evening 08.08, beam down during the last 45 minutes of the shift following wavelength change request of SASE3.
    • Friday afternoon 09.08, beam down for ~2 hours due to ZZ to fix communication with a device.
    • Saturday morning 10.08, beam down during 45 minutes due to problems with A5.

Optical laser delivery

  • 800 nm, 50 fs, 1-202 pulses @ 564 kHz and 141 kHz.
  • Laser delivered from Thursday afternoon, as agreed with LAS. One of the issues addressed, but performances still sub-par and more work is required.


  • Collected data for all but one PCS proposals. Sample for last PCS is expected to be delivered to EuXFEL on Monday.
  • Setup of HIREX for 9.3 and 11.56 keV.
  • Completed laser setup for IHR.
  • Established laser/X-ray timing.


  • Multiple issues with the online calibration pipeline. It is regrettable that a new version including breaking/major behaviour changes has been deployed after the bring up days, where everything had been succesfuly tested.
    • Constants failing to load after changing detector configuration in the calibration manager. Hotfixed by CAL OCD.
    • AGIPD double pixels mask not correctly applied. Hotfixed by CAL.
    • Changing number of memory cells in the calibration manager, but without loading new constants, changes drastically what is displayed in the AGIPD corrected preview. DOC informed, fix pending.
    • Independent settings for the different pipeline preview data have been implemented, but not communicated. This is very dangerous for the detectors. We have implemented a workaround to restore the previous behaviour.
    • Difficulties in reliably getting a preview of all AGIPD modules even with settings we used with the previous version of the calibration pipeline.
    • HIREX correctino devices had been renamed in the SASE1 topic, but no information was provided to instruments resulting in missing clone devices in instrument topics.
  • Offline calibration throws error for most runs because there are sequence files that contain no valid trains produced at the end of the runs. This is not really a problem and would require a less ambiguous statement in myMdC as this makes it difficult to spot when an actual error occurs. DOC/CAL informed.
  • DAMNIT could not be started on non-display Maxwell nodes. It turns out an additional argument is required following the OS update during the summer maintenance period, but this is not documented. The solution was provided by DA OCD.
  • Ice detector generating many false positive and sending of report not working. To be addressed with DA on Monday.
  • Graphical bug in Karabo Image Graph widget when the same data are displayed in two scenes. More detail will be provided to CTRLS.
  • XTD9 PBLM at the nominal 'out' position was not fully out and the beam could still be seen on it.
  • HIREX interlocks not working as expected and preventing the use of more than two pulses when HIREX is supposedly extracted from the beam path. Mitigated by the PRC.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00