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  OPERATION-2024 logbook, Contact: F.Wolff-Fabris, A.Galler, H.Sinn  Not logged in ELOG logo
Message ID: 101     Entry time: 11 May 2024, 07:20
Author: Romain Letrun 
Group: SPB 
Subject: Shift summary 

X-ray delivery

  • 11.56 keV, 1-352 pulses @ 1.13 MHz, 2.4-3.1 mJ. Stable delivery.
  • Intensity gradient with long train better than previous shifts (~20% drop).

Optical laser delivery

  • 840 nm, 50 fs, 564 kHz.
  • Stable delivery.
  • Issue with Treacy compressor motion. Could be solved, but required intervention on site by LAS and EEE OCD.


  • Calibration of HIREX GOTTHARD II data working after intervention of DOC/DRC.
  • Finished PP laser setup.
  • PP laser timed.
  • Collected SFX data sets using AGIPD in different gain modes.


  • All AGIPD dark processing attempts failed with random missing modules showing up in the reports.
  • We were not able to reach the DRC to discuss the above issue earlier during the shift on either 98089, 98088, or 01715330920. DOC informed at end of the shift.
  • HIREX had been removed from the SASE1 DAQ, preventing the GOTTHARD II preview from running, and the DAQ was left into passive state after someone had used it during the day with the XTD9 Shimadzu camera.
  • Problem with the Treacy compressor delayed the final PP laser preparation, which then had to be done during beam delivery.
ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00