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Technical integration and coordination SASE1 Status and SASE3 Readiness
  Joint Operation and Readiness Logbook, Contact: T.Haas, A. Violante, G. Wellenreuther, Page 20 of 30  Not logged in ELOG logo
ID Date Author Location Severity Subject
  217   10 May 2017, 13:03 Jan GrünertXTD2Problemkarabo Beckhoff link not reestablished for SASE1 tunnel VAC loop

Could somebody please re-establish the karabo controls of the SASE1 tunnel VAC loop (connection with Beckhoff server) ?

The karabo devices for XGM vacuum XTD2 and XTD9 are still all in UNKNOWN STATE.

We urgently would like to check the XGM vacuum status and restart the pumps before they are vented.



  216   10 May 2017, 12:34 NEREA JARDONGeneralInformationVacuum Loop

Vacuum is up and running again.

Thank you

  215   10 May 2017, 11:06 NEREA JARDONGeneralInformationVacuum Loop

Sorry for disturbing you, but I will have to wait till WP74 group finish a training in order to be able to put the XGM up again .

  214   10 May 2017, 10:59 NEREA JARDONGeneralInformationVacuum loop

Dear all,

The update of the Vacuum loop will take place in the next few minutes, later on, you would have access again to it.

Thank you.

  213   09 May 2017, 17:04 NEREA JARDONGeneralInformationEPS loop

EPS loop in SASE1 is running again

  212   09 May 2017, 16:43 NEREA JARDONGeneralInformationEPS loop

Dear all,

I will make an update on the EPS loop, it will take only a moment.

Thank you

  211   08 May 2017, 15:18 Adriano ViolanteGeneralInformationStatus after the 9.30 Meeting

 Vacuum (M. Dommach):

  • Systematic tests of ion pumps in XTD9 almost finished - ongoing
  • Interface with MPS has to be tested
  • Problem with the fast valve in XTD2 and 9 - it is possible to close it remotely but not possible to open it again. Checking of the cabling is ongoing by Vacuum group
  • After restart of the vacuum loop many pumps in XTD 9 and 2 show an unknown error and some of them are not readble - CAS working on that.


PLC (P. Gessler, T. Freyermuth):

  • Implementation of shutters in Karabo ongoing -XS3 shutter in the VAC loop now. XTD9 to do.

Karabo (A. Silenzi):

  • GUI stability improved with a temporary solution. This should be enough to guarantee the proper functioning of images acquisition.
  • Update of devices list ongoing
  • Library for motors (base device), elmo and technosoft, being worked out.

Plans for today:

  • XGM work on gas injection
  • Bring back Karabo and clear XGM error codes
  • Perform systematic test of DPS in XTD9

Other topics:

  • No 09:30 meeting tomorrow - next meeting will be on Wednesday
  210   06 May 2017, 14:50 Jan GrünertGeneralInformationWP74 OCD contacts for this weekend

WP74   OCD  for the  weekend 6.5.-7.5.2017:

Saturday: Jan,, 9-5777

Sunday: Theo,, 9-6792


  209   05 May 2017, 14:35 Nicola CoppolaGeneralInformationAE OCD Mai 5 -- Mai 8

AE on call service:

    Contact person:

        Nicola Coppola


        9 - 5627


  208   05 May 2017, 09:44 Tobias FreyermuthGeneralInformationVAC loop up and running again

The vacuum loop is up and running again, with the version 1.11.4.

Denis Finze will connect the shutter signals of the XS3 shutter to the vacuum loop in rack 1.7.


  207   04 May 2017, 19:40 Jan GrünertGeneralProblemSlow loading in karabo GUI

The current slow response times in the karabo GUI are the following (some measured times for reference):

- opening a project from the project manager : 45sec (just loading, not yet touching any device or scene)
- opening a scene and receiving the status for all devices e.g. XGM@XTD2 : between 90 and 120 sec
- beyond that, it's never clear if the displayed gauge values are true/actual and must be separately read.
- reading explicitly a gauge value (with command READ in configurator) gives currently an updated value after about 10 sec (should be almost immediate when requested)
-----> working with this (getting actual work done) is practically almost impossible

- this is using the "new" gui server "sa1-br-sys-con-gui2"
- this is after 19h30 (shouldn't less traffic help the performance ?)


  206   04 May 2017, 12:14 Sandor BrockhauserGeneralInformationCAS support during the afternoon: 9-6776

Dear All,


During the afternoon CAS has a group activity. Any support can be requested via my phone number: 9-6776.


See you,


  205   04 May 2017, 11:36 Tobias HaasGeneralInformationInfo from H. Sinn

 Hallo allerseits

der Beschleuniger wird heute um 13:00 Uhr abgeschaltet und erst wieder Montag 
angeschaltet. Ich hab Winni überredet, dass wir den XTD10 brechen können, damit ihr 
heute und  morgen im XTD10 Zugang habt. 
Allerdings solltet ihr nicht die Magnettür zum XSDU2 öffnen, weil dann auch der komplette XTD4 
aus dem Interlock fällt. 
Ich hab mit Michael Bieler verabredet, dass wir in der zweiten Maihälfte Absuchtraining für XFEL Leute 
machen können (bis ca. 10 Leute auf einmal wäre sinnvoll), damit wir in Zukunft dann XTD10 und XTD9 selber 
absuchen könnnen (Termin kommt noch). 
  204   03 May 2017, 14:38 Raúl Villanueva-GuerreroXTD9FeedbackGas Section Interlock on XTD9 - Shut off valve also operative

 Dear all,

during the test run today by our colleagues of WP74, the interlock condition inside the XGM module was met (small volume pressure burst up to 10-2 mbar range). Now we can see also the expected cut-off event of the gas injection (see attached pictured). It seems that the reason why there was any feedback from the respective shut-off valve was the solenoid actuator on the respective shut-off valve was set in manual mode.

This means that XTD9 Interlock for the whole gas section has been up and running as expected the whole time.

Best Regards.

Attachment 1: 45.png
  203   03 May 2017, 13:38 Tobias HaasGeneralInformationAccelerator Schedule for the next days

 Author: Decking

Run Coordinators: W. Decking (93430), D. Sanzone

Tunnels XTIN, XTL, XTD2-4, XTD10 closed
Temporary access to XTL,XTD2-4, XTD10 possible on Wed, 4.5.
Next open access XTIN, XTL, XTD2-4, XTD10 on Wed, 10.05. 08-16

|01/05 Mo M |  Beam operation  to T4D 11 GeV, 1 bunches, 0.5 nC, 1 Hz
|01/05 Mo A | Beam operation  to T4D 11 GeV, 1 bunches, 0.5 nC, 1 Hz
|01/05 Mo N |  Beam operation  to T4D 11 GeV, 1 bunches, 0.5 nC, 1 Hz
|02/05 Tu M |  Beam operation  to T4D 11 GeV, 1 bunches, 0.5 nC, 1 Hz; establish 6, 8 GeV File
|02/05 Tu A |  Beam operation  to T4D 6 GeV, 1 bunches, 0.5 nC, 1 Hz
|02/05 Tu N |  Beam operation  to T4D 6.4 GeV, 1 bunches, 0.5 nC, 1 Hz
|03/05 We M |  Beam operation  to T4D 6.4 GeV, 1 bunches, 0.5 nC, 1 Hz; study beam optics
|03/05 We A |  Beam operation  to T4D 6.4 GeV, 1 bunches, 0.5 nC, 1 Hz
|03/05 We N |  Beam operation  to T4D 6.4 GeV, 1 bunches, 0.5 nC, 1 Hz 
|04/05 Th M |  Beam operation  to T4D 6.4 GeV, 1 bunches, 0.5 nC, 1 Hz
|04/05 Th A |  No beam operation, tunnels closed
|04/05 Th N |  No beam operation, tunnels closed
|05/05 Fr M |  No beam operation, Acces to TLD for leak search, Temporary access to T2-T4 possible
|05/05 Fr A |  No beam operation, Acces to TLD for leak search, Temporary access to T2-T4 possible
|05/05 Fr N |  No beam operation, tunnels closed
|06/05 Sa M |  No beam operation, tunnels closed
|06/05 Sa A |  No beam operation, tunnels closed
|06/05 Sa N |  No beam operation, tunnels closed
|07/05 Su M |  No beam operation, tunnels closed
|07/05 Su A |  No beam operation, tunnels closed
|07/05 Su N |  No beam operation, tunnels closed
|08/05 Mo M |  Beam operation  to T4D 11 GeV, 1 bunches, 0.5 nC, 10 Hz
|08/05 Mo A |  Beam operation  to T4D 11 GeV, 1 bunches, 0.5 nC, 10 Hz
|08/05 Mo N |  Beam operation  to T4D 11 GeV, 1 bunches, 0.5 nC, 10 Hz

  202   03 May 2017, 13:29 Tobias HaasGeneralInformation*IMPORTANT* Change of plans re Access tomorrow
Due the recent results from XFEL, the urgent maintenance is shiftet from Thursday 4th to Friday 
5th. On Thursday, there will be operation till 14:00, after 14:00 the machine will be 
switched to standby. All the work planned will shift accordingly by one day. No ZZ before 
Thursday 14:00. 
The machine will be shut down Friday moring 7:00. 
Interlock situation: The machine will stay in interlock, only the access to XTL from OSDORF will 
be brocken.  
XTL: Access from Osdorf 
- activation measurement XS1 XTL/rear part by D3 
- Leak search and repair in the TLD beamline by MVS 
- A20 work by MHF-p (Exchange of filament heating, work on phase shifter) 
- CS8 RF measurement on load (MHF-p) 
- Repair of wire scanner relais 
XTL: Access from Bahrenfeld 
- Exchange of filter in the BCM monitors by MKS 
- Repair of DCCT of a B2D quad 
- Change of AMC board in A8 by MSK 
- ZZ for repair of a BPM system 
ZZ for Photon Beamline Work 
All further work has to be agreed by the run or machine coordination. 
  201   03 May 2017, 12:32 Alessandro SilenziGeneralInformationGUI Server redeployment

The GUI server has been redeployed and a second one has been added.

In order to access those:

please log out of the gateway and log in again using the usual command

ssh desyusername@exflgateway -L 44444:sa1-br-sys-con-gui1:44444


ssh desyusername@exflgateway -L 44444:sa1-br-sys-con-gui2:44444
  200   03 May 2017, 11:15 Raúl Villanueva-GuerreroXTD9InformationCorrection to plans for Vacuum (e-log message n3. 199) in XTD9

 Dear all,

it seems that this morning was somehow a misunderstanding. The XTD9 Gas Section Interlock test was succesfully finished the last 26th of April (see e-log message nr. 179).

There´s no further activity planned for this system.





  199   03 May 2017, 11:04 Tobias HaasGeneralInformationStatus after 0930 meeting

Tunnel Status: XTD2/4/10 closed. XTD9 open. Controlled Access to 2/4/10 possible upon request


Vacuum (M. Dommach):

  • Systematic tests of ion pumps in XTD9 concluded
  • Tests of DPS in XTD9 should happen today with R. Villanueva
  • Systematic tests of all interlock conditions in XTD9 should happen tomorrow

PBLMs (H. Sinn, P. Gessler):

  • Debugging session for the ELMO controller was successful. The problem was traced to details in the parameter settings
  • Proper setting of parameters is tricky and requires care and expert knowledge.
  • Proper parameters now need to be programmed into the firmware. Manual setting is also possible but not favored.
  • AE will set this up and deploy next week in order to maximise optimal use of resources (This week only one expert, TF, is here)

Imagers (A. Koch):

  • Imagers in XTD2 and XTD9 are ready for beam
  • It is important that images can be stored. This is not yet the case and will be required latest when PBS commissioning starts
  • AK will be away from tomorrow until next Thursday

XGM (J. Grünert):

  • Late yesterday, Karabo went into error triggering the interlock on the Vatterfly valves on both XGMs. Pressure is still low but slowly rising
  • If the condition cannot be resolved remotely a local intervention is necessary. This can possibly wait until the scheduled interrupt tomorrow
  • Today tests should occur with the DESY experts for gas injection
  • Tests are currently hindered by the Karabo problem. AS suspects that this may have to do with the redeployment of Karabo yesterday. He is now working with high pressure on solving the problem

FXE (A. Galler):

  • Currently commissioning loop 1. There is still a problem reading out encoders. It appears that this is a firmware issue. TF is working on this.

SPB (B Weinhausen):

  • Fixes were deployed in the firmware for the Reinshaw encoder problem (16/32 bit issue). Still one encoder is in error. TF points out that this is a different problem. He will investigate

PLC (P. Gessler, T. Freyermuth):

  • CRL in XTD2 was integrated into the PLC motion loop yesterday during the access.
  • Meeting today with DESY experts to finalise the EPS logic
  • Focus this week on SPB and AGIPD

Karabo (A. Silenzi):

  • Karabo (Components Beckhoff-Device and Beckhoff-Com) were re-deployed yesterday.
  • This maybe the origin of the problems observed in the evening 

Plans for today:

  • XGM work on gas injection
  • Bring back Karabo and clear XGM error codes
  • Perform systematic test of DPS in XTD9

Other topics:

  • No 09:30 meeting tomorrow due to access. 
  • Request should be made to break the interlock in XTD10 on maintenance days in order to allow continuation of installation work


  198   02 May 2017, 22:27 Jan GrünertXTD2ProblemXTD9 vacuum now ok, but not in XTD2: turbos on XGM@XTD2 still in ERROR

Wajid and Leonce from CAS have managed to get us the karabo controls back.
We have now put the XGM@XTD9 back into normal vacuum operation, and opened finally the vatterfly valves, this one is ok, and we checked also the entire XTD9 gas section to be ok.

However, in XGM@XTD2, both XGM turbo pumps are still in ERROR and we cannot get them out - it is an error on the PLC level ? It's something we have not seen before.
The vacuum is at a controlled level of 5E-7mbar thanks to interlock-closed vatterflys.

Request to AE: tomorrow morning, we must remotely get the two turbos out of error (PLC client ?), otherwise we have to request a ZZ access to the tunnel XTD2 for local intervention on the turbo pump controllers.

Request to the AE+CAS group leaders: apparently we need to organize OCD also during nights on weekdays.


ELOG V3.1.4-7c3fd00